yb87473 Ricardo Hernany Dos Santos Brito2024-12-10T15:24:29+08:00

Faculty of Education |
University of Macau |
Accepting applications from EdD students |
(853) 8822 8735
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Room 3019, Faculty of Education,
University of Macau, E33,
Av. da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China
Audrey Min-Chuan SUNG 宋明娟
Assistant Professor |
Faculty of Education, University of Macau |
Academic Qualifications
- Ph.D. in Education, Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan, China, 2008
- Researcher, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA, 2007-2008
- M.A. in Education, Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan, China,2003
- B.A. in Social Studies Education, Hsing-Chu Teachers College, Taiwan, China, 2000
Teaching/Research Interests
- Curriculum Studies (Curriculum Theory, Curriculum History, Curriculum Reform, Curriculum Leadership, Textbooks)
- Teaching and Learning of Social Studies
- Philosophy and History of Education
Professional Positions
- Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Macau, Macao, China (February 2009-Present)
- Post-doctoral Researcher, Center for Research on Educational Evaluation and Development, Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan, China (September 2008-January 2009)
- Lecturer, Department of Education, Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan, China (August 2004-June 2007)
- Lecturer, Department of Social Studies Education, Taipei Municipal University of Education, Taiwan, China (August 2004-July 2006)
- Lecturer, Department of Primary Education, Hsing-Chu University of Education, Taiwan, China(August 2003-January 2004)
Refereed Journal Articles
- 梁植森、宋明娟(2024)。教材中的兒童哲學問題類型──以圖畫書《哲學思考·遊戲》為例。教科書研究,17(3),47-89。【TSSCI】[Liang, Z., Sung, M.-C. (2024). Question types in materials for teaching philosophy to children: An examination of the Philozenfants Series. Journal of Textbook Research,17(3), 47-89. doi: 10.6481/JTR.202412_17(3).03]
- 宋明娟(2024)。質性研究倫理的基礎:「樹與根」或「地下莖」隱喻。臺灣教育研究期刊,13(10),36-39。Sung, M.-C. (2024). Foundations of qualitative research ethics: Metaphor of “The tree and roots” or “Rhizome”. Taiwan Educational Review Monthly, 13(10), 36-39.
- 謝金枝、宋明娟(2024)。澳門的小學教育:制度與實踐。臺灣教育研究期刊,5(3),277-300。[Shieh, J.-J., & Sung, M.-C. (2024). Primary Education in Macao: System and practice. Journal of Taiwan Education Studies, 5(3), 277-300.]
- Sung, M.-C., Wang, Y., & Vong, K. -I. P. (2024). Multiple voices and multiple interests: students’ lived experiences and understanding of university internationalization. Asia Pacific Education Review, doi:1007/s12564-024-09947-4【SSCI】
- 宋明娟(2023)。再思概念為本的課程與教學:來自社會領域「探究教學法」的啟示。臺灣教育評論月刊,12(10),99-105。[Sung, M.-C. (2023). An examination of concept-based curriculum and instruction in light of “Inquiry-based teaching” in social studies. Taiwan Educational Review Monthly, 12 (10), 99-105.]
- 詹雨欣、宋明娟(2022)。傾聽學生的聲音:中國南方某小學五年級學生的課程詮釋。教育研究集刊,68(4),41-77。【TSSCI】。Zhan, Y., & Sung, M.-C. (2022). Listening to students’ voices: Curriculum interpretations of fifth-grade students in an elementary school in South China. Bulletin of Educational Research, 68(4), 41-77.
- 宋明娟、梁植森(2022)。兒童哲學提問架構:淺釋「和緩的蘇格拉底式探究」的思考工具。臺灣教育評論月刊,11(10),59-64。[ Sung, M.-C., Liang, Z. (2022). Questioning frameworks for Philosophy for Children: Tools for thinking in the Gently Socratic Inquiry. Taiwan Educational Review Monthly, 11 (10), 59-64.]
- 宋明娟(2021)。教學反思:師資培育實習課程中的靈魂。臺灣教育評論月刊,10(10),58-63。[Sung, M.-C. (2021). Reflection on teaching: The soul of teaching practice curriculum in teacher education. Taiwan Educational Review Monthly, 10(10), 58-63.
- Wang, Y., Sung, M. C., & Vong, K. I. P. (2021). The global v. the local: Knowledge construction and building Western university with Chinese/local characteristics. International Journal of Educational Research, 109,101835 doi: 10.1016/j.ijer.2021.101835 【SSCI】
- 宋明娟(2020)。雙語教育的議題:國際化、語言與價值、教育的起點。臺灣教育評論月刊,9(10),14-18。 [Sung, M.-C. (2020). Issues in bilingual education: Internationalization, language and values, and the starting point of education. Taiwan Educational Review Monthly, 9(10), 14-18.
- Wang, Y., Sung, M.-C., & Vong, K.-I. P. (2020). The foreign moon is fuller: Chinese academics’ perception of internationalisation. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. 50(6), 827-843. doi: 10.1080/03057925.2019.1572494【SSCI】
- 宋明娟(2019)。杜威實驗學校的課程理念與實踐。教育研究集刊,65(1),1-41。【TSSCI】[Sung, M.-C. (2019). Theory and practice of curriculum in John Dewey’s Laboratory School, Bulletin of Educational Research, 65(1), 1-41.]
- 宋明娟(2018)。議題融入課程:啟發多元觀點的設計。臺灣教育評論月刊,7(10),31-39。[Sung, M.-C. (2018). Issues integrated in curriculum: The design of opening multiple perspectives for students. Taiwan Educational Review Monthly, 7 (10), 31-39.
- 宋明娟、林郡雯(2014)。從和平教育的觀點檢視西班牙教科書中的台灣意象。教科書研究,7(3)67-99。【TSSCI】[Sung, M.-C., & Lin, C.-W. (2014). An investigation of Taiwan image in Spanish textbooks from perspective of peace education, Journal of Textbook Research, 7(3), 67-99.]
- 宋明娟(2014)。APA格式使用於教育研究之述評。台灣教育評論月刊,3(3),20-22。[Sung, M.-C. (2014). A review of APA style used in educational research. Taiwan Educational Review Monthly, 3(3), 20-22.]
- 宋明娟、甄曉蘭(2013)。從八年研究實驗課程經驗反思高中課程改革的挑戰。教育研究集刊,59(4),47-79。【TSSCI】[Sung, M.-C., & Chen, H.-L. (2013). Challenges of the high school curriculum reform: Reflections from the experimental curriculum experience of the Eight-Year Study. Bulletin of Education Research, 59(4), 47-79.]
- 宋明娟、甄曉蘭(2011)。重建大學課程的意義與策略初探:來自建構大學系所學生專業能力的經驗反思。當代教育研究,19(1),55-100。【TSSCI】[Sung, M.-C., & Chen, H.-L. (2011). Reconstructing a college curriculum: Reflections from an experience constructing college students’ professional competencies. Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly, 19 (1), 55-100. ]
- 陳淑敏、宋明娟、甄曉蘭(2010)。大學生專業能力指標之發展—以台灣師範大學為例。高等教育,5(2),61-100。 [Chen, S.-M., Sung, M.-C., & Chen, H.-L. (2010). Development of college students’ professional competences: A case of the Taiwan Normal University. Higher Education, 5(2), 61-100. ]
- 單文經、黃素君、宋明娟(2009)。三十年來澳門地區課程政策的理論反思。西南大學學報(社會科學版),35(4),75-84。【CSSCI】 [Shan, W.-J., Vong, S.-K., & Sung, M.-C. (2009). A theoretical reflection on the curriculum policy in Macau in the last 30 years. Southwest University Bulletin-Social Sciences, 35(4), 75-84.]
- 趙美聲、宋明娟(2008)。教師知識管理能力之界定與評量—以數位知識管理環境WIDE為例。課程與教學季刊,11(3),191-201。【TSSCI】 [Chao, M.-S., & Sung, M.-C. (2008). The examination of teachers’ knowledge sharing and management—WIDE as an example. Journal of Curriculum and Instruction Quarterly, 11(3), 181-201.]
- 宋明娟(2007)。D. Tanner、L. Tanner與H. Kliebard的課程史研究觀點解析。教育研究集刊,53(4),1-32。【TSSCI】 [Sung, M.-C. (2007). An analysis of theoretical perspectives on curriculum history: D. Tanner, L. Tanner and H. Kliebard. Bulletin of Education Research, 53(4), 1-32.]
- 宋明娟(2007)。重看Ralph Tyler的課程思想。教育研究與發展期刊,3(2),83-112。【TSSCI】 [Sung, M.-C. (2007). Ralph Tyler’s curriculum ideas revisited. Journal of Educational Research and Development, 3(2), 83-112.]
- 宋明娟(2008)。美國推動「小型學校」之概況及其實例。教育研究月刊,165,113-122。 [Sung, M.-C. (2008). A profile of the small schools movement in USA. Journal of Education Research, 165, 113-122.]
Book Chapters
- Sung, M. -C. (2021). “Learning from experience” in social studies curriculum in Macao: Examples of actual classroom practice in geography teaching. In K. J. Kennedy (Eds.), Social studies education in East Asian contexts (pp.163-174). New York, NY: Routledge.
- 宋明娟(2017)。澳門非高等教育的現狀及其特點。載於澳門人文社會科學研究文選編委會(主編),澳門人文社會科學研究文選2012-2014(頁934-946)。北京市:社會科學文獻出版社。[Sung, M.-C. (2017). On non-tertiary education in Macao. In The Committee of selected works of social sciences and humanities of Macau(Ed.), Selected works of social sciences and humanities of Macau (2012-2014) (pp. 934-946). Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press.]
- 林郡雯、宋明娟(2016)。歷史教科書與和平教育。載於甄曉蘭、楊國揚(主編),歷史教育與和平—歷史教材教法的反思與突破(頁15-36)。台北市:教育研究院。[Lin, C.-W., Sung, M.-C.(2016). History textbooks and peace education. In Chen, H.-L. & Yang, K.-Y. (Eds.), History education and peace: Reflections and the breakthrough on history teaching methods and materials (pp.15-36). Taipei: Academy for Educational Research.]
- 宋明娟(2013)。檢視課程文本中的和平教育圖像:從一項埃及教科書研究談起。載於甄曉蘭(主編),和平教育:理念與實踐(頁207-220)。台北市:教育研究院。[Sung, M.-C. (2013). Pictures in peace education reviewed in the text of curriculum: From an analysis of a study on Egyptian textbook. In Chen, H.-L. (Ed.). Peace education: Perspectives into practice (pp.207-220). Taipei: Academy for Educational Research.]
- 宋明娟(2012)。澳門非高等教育的現狀及其特點。載於郝雨凡、吳志良、林廣志(主編),澳門經濟社會發展報告(澳門籃皮書):2011~2012(頁214-227)。北京市:社會科學文獻出版社。 [Sung, M.-C. (2012). On non-tertiary education in Macao. In Hao, Y., Wu, Z., & Lin, G. (Eds.), Annual report on economy and society of Macau (Blue book of Macau) (2011-2012) (pp.214-227). Beijing: Social Science Academic Press.]
- He, M. F., Lee, J. C.-K., Wang, J. Y., Canh, L. V, Chew, P., So, K., Eng, B. C., & Sung, M.-C. (2010). Learners and learning in sinic societies. In Y. Zhao et al. (Eds.), Handbook of Asian education: A cultural perspective (pp.78-104). New York, NY: Routledge.
- 吳俊憲、宋明娟、吳錦惠(2007)。社會領域教科書編輯的現況與問題:從一位國小社會領域編輯者的經驗談起。載於課程與教學學會(主編),教科書制度與影響(191-214頁)。台北市:課程與教學學會。 [Wu, C.-H., Sung, M.-C., & Wu, C.-H. (2007). On current situation and problems of social studies textbook compilation in Taiwan: The experience of an editorial member for primary level. In Association for Curriculum and Instruction (Ed.), Textbook Policy and Influence (pp.191-214). Taipei: Association for Curriculum and Instruction.]
- 宋明娟(2005)。創造思考教學的設計模式。載於李咏吟(主編),多元教學設計:課程改革的實踐(頁161-183)。台北市:高等教育。 [Sung, M.-C. (2005). Model of instructional design for enhancing students’ creativity. In Y-Y Lee (Ed.), Multi-instructional design: The practice of curriculum design (pp.161-183). Taipei: Higher Education.]
- 李彥儀、郭盈君、蔡韶珊、宋明娟(2003)。現象學研究。載於潘慧玲(主編),教育研究的取徑:概念與應用(頁237-258)。台北市:高等教育。 [Lee, Y.-Y., Guo, Y.-C., Tsai, S.-S., & Sung, M.-C. (2003). Phenomenological research design. In H. L. Pan (Ed.), Multiple approaches for educational research (pp.137-158). Taipei: Higher Education.]
- 宋明娟、于霞、曾春蓮(譯)(2007)。J. Passmore著。教學哲學(The philosophy of teaching)。台北市:心理。 [Sung, M.-C., Yu, X., & Ceng, C.- L. (trans.) (2007). J. Passmore. The philosophy of teaching. Taipei: Psychology Press. ]
Conference Papers
- 宋明娟(2018,11月)。試論高中教育階段生涯規劃課程設計:以黃天中教授「體驗式全程生涯教育理論體系」為指導之應用。論文發表於北京大學教育學院舉辦之「2018北京大學生涯教育論壇:高中階段生涯規劃理論與實踐」研討會,北京,北京大學,中國。[Sung, M.-C. (2018, November). On the curriculum design of high school career management: the application guided by professor Michael T.-C. Hwang’s “Theory of Experiential Whole Process Career Education”. Paper presented at 2018 Peking University Life and Career Education Forum “High School Stage Life and Career Planning Theory and Practice”, held by College of Education, Peking University. Beijing, China.]
- Wang, Y., Sung, M.-C., &Vong, K.-I. (2017, Mar.). Diversity and multiculturalism in the internationalization of global higher education. Paper presented at 2017 Annual Conference of the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK). Hong Kong, China.
- Wang, Y, Wu, J., Sung, M.-C., &Vong, K.-I. (December 2015). Internationalizing or internationalized? Rethinking knowledge production in higher Education in Post-Neo-Colonial Macau. PESA (Philosophy of Education Society of Australia) Conference. Melbourne, Australia.
- Lin, C.-W., Sung, M.-C. (2015, Aug). Taiwan in the Span history textbooks and vice versa. Paper presented in the 18th International Academic Conference, Strand, London.
- Lin, C.-W., & Sung, M.-C. (2014, November). Taiwan images: Through the eyes of international students from Spanish-speaking countries. Paper presented at The Sixth Asian Conference on Education. Osaka, Japan.
- Sung, M.-C. (2013, May). Light in the darkness or shadow under sun— A teacher educator’s early experience of hope and frustration (On the way of mapping professional identity: A teacher educator’s early experience of “currere”). Paper presented at International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US.
- Wang, Y., Chia, Y.-T., Sung, M.-C., & Vong, K.-I. (2012, December). Academic profession under university internationalization: A case study in Macau. Paper presented in AARE-APERA 2012 Conference. Sydney, Australia.
- 黃素君、宋明娟(2012,10月)。檢視澳門回歸後非高等教育系統中的德育政策發展與挑戰。澳門中華教育會、澳門天主教學校聯會、澳門大學教育學院主辦之「第十六屆海峽兩岸暨港澳地區教育學術研討會」,澳門,中國。[Vong, S.-K., & Sung, M.-C. (2012, October). An examination of moral and civic education policy in Macau. Paper presented in the “the 16th Mainland-Taiwan-Hong Kong-Macao Conference on Education” organized by The Chinese Educators Association of Macau, Union of Catholic Schools of Macau, and university of Macau, Macao, China.
- 宋明娟(2010,10月)。進步教育史實的多維詮釋:擁護、質疑、批判與反思。發表於台灣師範大學舉辦之「第四屆兩岸四地教育史論壇」論文集(頁48-55),台北,台灣,中國。 [Sung, M.-C. (2010, October). On interpretations of a progressive education movement. Paper presented in the “Forth Forum on History of Education in One Strait Four Regions” organized by Taiwan Normal University. Taipei, Taiwan, China, Taiwan Normal University.]
- Sung, M.-C. (2008, March). An Analysis of Curriculum Development in the Eight-Year Study: The Examples of Schools’ Experiences. Paper presented in 2008CAERDA (Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association) International Conference, New York.
- 宋明娟(2006,4月)。進步教育運動與八年研究的啟動。論文發表於澳門大學教育學院舉辦之「華人社會的教育發展學術研討會」,澳門,中國。 [Sun, M.-C. (2006, April). On the progressive education movement and the initiation of the Eight-Year Study. Paper presented in Faculty of Education of University of Macau. Macau: Faculty of Education of University of Macau, China.]
- Sung, M.-C. (2005, December). On forging partnership among educational community—A case of the Eight-Year Study. Paper presented at Faculty of Education of CUHK, 40th Anniversary International Conference: Developing Teacher Leadership and Education Partnership in the Face of Education Reform, Hong Kong, China.
- 宋明娟(2004,8月)。資深社會領域教師教學理念與實況之個案研究。載於台北師範學院舉辦之「2004年社會領域課程與教學」研討會論文集(上)(頁23-40),台北市,台灣,中國。 [Sung, M.-C. (2004, August). A case study of experienced social studies teacher’s teaching ideas and practices. In Proceedings of 2004 Social Studies Curriculum and Instruction (pp. 23-40). Paper presented in Conference of 2004 Social Studies Curriculum and Instruction, organized by Municipal Taipei University of Education Graduate Institute of Curriculum and Instruction, Taipei City, Taipei, Taiwan, China.]
- 吳建華、陳金粧、宋明娟(2005,5月)。跨文化學校管理:東莞台校管理大陸教職工的經驗。論文發表於澳門大學教育學院舉辦之「兩岸三地學術研討會」,澳門,中國。 [Wu, C.-H., Chen, C.-C., & Sung, M.-C. (2005, May). Cross-cultural school management: The experience of teaching and academic staff management in Dong-Guan Schools for Taiwanese as an example. Paper presented in the conference on the education reform in Two Sides, Three Regions of Taiwan Strait organized by Faculty of Education of University of Macau. Macau, China: Faculty of Education of University of Macau.]
- 吳建華、陳金粧、宋明娟(2004,4月)。兩岸小學教師互動之研究:以東莞台商子弟學校為例。論文發表於中華民國兩岸文教學會、淡江大學中國大陸研究所聯合舉辦之「第一屆兩岸文教學術研討會」,台北市,台灣,中國。 [Wu, C.-H., Chen, C.-C., & Sung, M.-C. (2004, May). A study on the interpersonal interaction of the teacher in two sides of Taiwan Straits: Dong-Guan Schools for Taiwanese as an example. Paper presented in the first conference on Culture and Education in two sides of Taiwan Strait, organized by Two Sides of Taiwan Strait Culture and Education Society, Tam-Suei, Taipei, Taiwan, China.]
- 宋明娟(2009)。大學教學資源的線上寶庫—芝加哥大學教學與學習中心。發表於台灣師範大學教學發展中心電子報,第13期,教學步道—各國大學教學中心系列報導(六),2009年4月25日出刊。[Sung, M.-C. (2009, April). Online resources of college teaching: The teaching and learning center in the University of Chicago. E-Newsletter of Taiwan Normal University, 13]
- 宋明娟(2008)。批判識讀的理念及其教學應用。北縣教育,64,52-55。 [Sung, M.-C. (2008). Critical literacy and its implication on teaching. Taipei County Education Quarterly, 64, 52-55.]
- 宋明娟(2006)。課程發展的先導學者—Hollis Caswell。北縣教育,56,41-44。 [Sung, M.-C. (2006). A pioneer of curriculum development: Hollis Caswell. Taipei County Education Quarterly, 56, 41-44. ]
- May 2009, Award of Professor Chia Fu-Ming’s Scholarship on Dissertation(財團法人台北市賈馥茗教授教育基金會優良博碩士論文獎)
- November 2008, Award of Professor Tien Pei-Lin’s Scholarship on Dissertation(田培林教授獎學金—優良博士學位論文獎)
Professional Affiliations
- American Educational Research Association (AERA), 2006-
- National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), 2013-
Current Courses
- Teaching of Social Studies in Primary Schools (Undergraduate Course) (DPRI104)
- Principles of Curriculum & Instruction (Master Course) (EDCI701/ EDUC7101)
- Philosophy of Education(Undergraduate Course) (EDUC181/ EDUC1001)
- Action Research (Master Course)(EDUC753)
- Curriculum and Pedagogy (PGCE Course)
Previous Courses
- Curriculum History (Master Course)(IMCN135)
- Special Topics in Macao Society (Undergraduate Course) (DPRI105)
- Supervised Teaching Practice (PGCE Course)(BIPY104)
- Educational Research I (Undergraduate Course)(PREI300)
- Educational Research II (Undergraduate Course) (PREI401,405)
- Issues in Education (PGCE Course)(BIPA118)
- Introduction to Education (Undergraduate Course/ PGCE Course)
- Educational Issues (Undergraduate Course) (PREI 302)
- Curriculum and Instructional Leadership (Master Course) (IMCN134)