
Chunlian JIANG 江春蓮

Associate Professor
Programme Coordinator of Bachelor of Education Programme (Mathematics)
Faculty of Education, University of Macau
  • Lok, K.I., Chiang, H.M., Lin, Y.H., & Jiang, C. (2024). Trying a board game intervention on children with autism spectrum disorder in Macau: How do they react? International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 70(3), 416-424. https://doi.org/10.1080/20473869.2022.2095861. (SSCI)
  • Jiang, C., Kim, S. Y., Wang, C., & Wang, J. (2023). Examining equivalence of three versions of mathematics tests in China’s national college admission examination using a single group design. Journal of Applied Measurement, 24(1/2), 58–87.
  • Wang, F., Jiang, C., King, R. B., & Leung, S. O. (2023). Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ): Adaptation, validation, and development of a short form in the Chinese context for mathematics. Psychology in the Schools, 60, 2018-2040. https://doi.org/10.1002/pits.22845 [SSCI]
  • Li, Y., Jiang, C., Chen, Z., Fang, J., Wang, C., & He, X. (2023). Peer tutoring models in cooperative learning of mathematical problem-solving in flipped classroom and their influence on group achievement. Education and Information Technologies, 28, 6595-6618. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-022-11429-2. (SSCI)
  • Wang, F., Kong, R.B., Leung, S.O., & Jiang, C. (2023). Expectancy-value beliefs optimize mathematics achievement-related outcomes: A bifactor approach. Journal for the Study of Education and Development, 46(1), 154-189. https://doi.org/10.1080/02103702.2022.2149116. [SSCI].
  • Deng, T., Hu, B.Y., Wang, X. C., Li, Y., Jiang, C., Su, Y. et al. (2023). Chinese preschool teachers’ use of concept development strategies in whole-group math lessons and its effectiveness. Early Education and Development, 34(3), 685-704. https://doi.org/1080/10409289.2022.2067428. (SSCI)
  • Wang, H., Li, Y., Cai, T., & Jiang, C. (2023). The general theory of crime revisited: Comparing the relative effects of parental responsiveness and parental behavioral control on aggressive and nonaggressive antisocial behavior in adolescence. Deviant Behavior, 44(1), 112-125. https://doi.org/1080/01639625.2021.2014766. (SSCI)
  • Jiang, C. & Cai, J. (2022). Book Review: Seeing algebra in arithmetic in cross‑cultural contexts. Meixia Ding (2021) Teaching early algebra through example‑based problem solving: Insights from Chinese and US elementary classrooms. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 111, 177–184. https://doi.org/1007/s10649-021-10132-2. (SSCI) .
  • Jiang, C., Kim, D.-H., & Wang, C. (2021). Analysis of a mathematical problem-solving test on speed and students’ strategies: A mixture item response theory approach. Chinese/English Journal of Educational Measurement and Evaluation, 2(3), 21-34. https://doi.org/10.59863/ZHFP5485
  • 江春莲,金度烘,王闯(2021). 數學問題解決的行程問題測試與學生的解題策略分析: 混合项目反应理論模型. 教育测量与评估双语季刊, 2(3), 35-46. https://doi.org/10.59863/CKOA2517
  • Wang, F., Leung, S.O., Jiang, C. (2021). Psychometric properties of Cognitive and Metacognitive Learning Strategies Scale (CMLSC) among Chinese senior secondary school students. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 39(6) 761–771. https://doi.org/1177/07342829211011806. (SSCI)
  • 江春蓮, 胡玲(2020). 基於APOS理論和RMI原則的二次函數圖像平移教學實驗研究. 數學教育學報, 29(6), 32-39. (CSSCI-Extended)
  • 謝金枝江春蓮(2020). 學生評鑑教師教學:兩所大學的師生觀點. 台灣教育研究期刊, 1(1), 73-104.
  • Jiang, C., Kim, D.H., Wang, C., & Wang, J. (2019). Premises and challenges of high-stakes examinations: National higher education entrance examination mathematics test scores in China. Journal of Applied Educational and Policy Research, 4(1), 1-21.
  • Jiang, C., Kim, D.H., & Wang, C. (2018). Psychometric properties of an instrument to measure word problem solving skills in mathematics. Journal of Applied Measurement, 19(3), 283-302.
  • 鞏子坤,何聲清,殷文娣,江春蓮(2018). 美國數學資優生教育:是非與評述. 數學教育學報,27(2),29-37. (CSSCI-Extended).
  • Cai, J. & Jiang, C. (2017). An analysis of problem-posing tasks in Chinese and US elementary mathematics textbooks. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 15(8), 1521-1540. https://doi.org/1007/s10763-016-9758-2 (SSCI) .
  • 蔡金法,聶必凱,江春蓮(2015). 美國數學課程對變數概念的不同處理. 課程教材·教法, 35(9), 123-127. (CSSCI)
  • Jiang, C., Hwang, S., & Cai, J. (2014). Chinese and Singaporean sixth-grade students’ strategies for solving problems about speed. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 87(1), 27-50. https://doi.org/1007/s10649-014-9559-x. (SSCI) .
  • 蔡金法,江春蓮,聶必凱(2013). 我國小學課程中代數概念的滲透、引入和發展:中美數學教材比較. 課程教材·教法, 33(6), 57-61. (CSSCI) 本篇被收錄《中國基礎教育年鑒2012-2015:重點論文摘要》(楊作東主編,第54頁)。
  • Jiang, C. (2013). Errors in solving word problems about speed: A case in Singapore and Mainland China. New Waves – Educational Research & Development, 16(1), 56-75.
  • 江春蓮 (2012). 取人之長 補己之短 我們能從美國數學教育改革中學到哪些功課——評《美國現代數學教育改革》一書,數學通報,51(1), 15-17. (中文核心期刊) 本篇被收錄《中國基礎教育年鑒2012-2015:課程研究》(馬複、淩曉牧、王智明主編,第422-423頁)。
  • Jiang, C., & Chua, B.L. (2010). Strategies for solving three fraction-related word problems on speed: A comparative study between Chinese and Singapore students. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 8, 73-96. (SSCI) .
  • 張景中,江春蓮, 彭翕成(2008). 基於《超級畫板》開設《動態幾何》課程的實踐與思考. 數學教育學報,17(5), 1-5. (CSSCI-Extended)
  • 張景中,江春蓮,彭翕成. (2007) 《動態幾何》課程的開設在數學教與學中的價值. 數學教育學報,16(3),1-5.《人大複印報刊資料》《中學數學教與學》(高中讀本),2007(11),59-64。(CSSCI-Extended)
  • 李秉彝,江春蓮(2007). 新的O水準數學大綱之新體現在何處. 數學通報,2007(9),7-9. 《人大複印報刊資料》《中學數學教與學》(初中讀本),2008(1). (中文核心期刊)
  • 江春蓮(2007). The answer is 9 or 10? 中學數學教學參考,2007(3), (中文核心期刊)
  • 江春蓮(1996a). 英國中小學數學教育改革述評. 比較教育研究, 1996(4) . 37-40. (CSSCI).

Cai, J., Koichu, B., Rott, B., & Jiang, C. (2024). Research on mathematical problem posing: Focus on task variables. Journal of Mathematical Behavior.

  • Rott, B., Cai, J., Leikin, R., Kontorovich, I., Jiang, C. & Marcatto, F.S.F. (2024, July). Mathematical problem-posing processes. Discussion group in the 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education (Two 90-minutes sessions). Sydney, Australia.
  • Jiang, C. & Zhao, R. (2024, July). Math anxiety of Chinese high school students. Paper presented in the 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education – TSG5.1 (20-minutes presentation). Sydney, Australia.
  • Jiang, C. (2023, May). A review of research in mathematics education in Macao in the past ten years. Paper presented at the First Forum on Mathematics Education in Great Bay Areas, Zhuhai, China.
  • Kim, S. Y., Jiang, C., Wang, C., & Wang, J. (2023, April). Comparability of three mathematics tests for college admission in China. Paper presented at the 2023 Annual Meeting of National Council on Measurement in Education, Chicago, IL.
  • Cai, J., Koichu, B., Rott, B., Zazkis, R., Jiang, C. (2022, July). Mathematical problem posing: task variables, processes, and products. In C. Fernández, S. Llinares, A. Gutiérrez, & N. Planas (Eds.), Proceedings of the 45th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 1, pp. 119-145). Alicante, Spain: PME45.
  • Jiang, C. (2021, July). Examining interchangeability of three mathematics tests in the College Entrance Examinations in China. Paper presented in the 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education. Shanghai, China, 11-18 July, 2021.
  • Jiang, C. (2019, June). Teaching of concepts and problem-solving strategies from the mathematical problem-solving perspective. Cross-straits conference on mathematics education: literacy-oriented mathematics education reforms. The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  • Jiang, C., Wang, C., & Kim, D.H. (2018, July). Validity of national higher education entrance examination mathematics test scores in china. In E. Bergqvist, M. Österholm, C. Granberg, & L. Sumpter (Eds.). Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 5, p. 254). Umeå, Sweden: PME.
  • Jiang, C. & Cai, J. (2017, July). Chinese students’ problem solving and posing abilities in rate, ratio and proportion. In Kaur, B., Ho, W.K., Toh, T.L., & Choy, B.H. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 41st Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 1, p. 214. Singapore: PME.
  • Jiang, C. & Li, Q. (2017, May). A comparison of difficulty levels of problems included in mathematics textbooks and problems used in real classroom. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Mathematics Textbook Research and Development (ICMT-2), Brazil: Rio.
  • Kim, D.H., Wang, C., & Jiang, C. (2017, April). Investigation of the psychometric properties of the National Higher Education Entrance Examination in China. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
  • Kim, D.H., Wang, C., & Jiang, C. (2017, April). Validity evidences of the National Higher Education Entrance Examination Mathematics Test for Hunan Province. Paper presented at the 25th Annual International Conference of Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association (CAERDA). San Antonio, Texas, USA.
  • Jiang, C. & Wu, R. (2016, October). Incorporating problem posing for improving students’ abilities in mathematical problem posing: Using simultaneous linear equations in two variables as an example]. Paper presented at the 2nd Chinese Conference of Mathematics Education, Chongqing, China.
  • Jiang, C., Seah, W.T., Barkatsas, T., & Cheong, I.K. (2016, July). What Macao students value in mathematics learning. Paper presented at the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Germany: Hamburg.
  • Kim, D.H., Wang, C., & Jiang, C. (2016, April). A mixture IRT model of a mathematical problem solving test on speed. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Washington, DC, USA, 8-12 April,
  • Jiang, C., Kim, D.H., & Wang, C. (2016, April). Psychometric properties of word problems about speed: Comparison between Chinese and Singaporean Students. 2016 CAERDA (Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association) Conference. Washington, DC, USA, 7-8 April, 2016.
  • Jiang, C. & Cai, J. (2015, July). An investigation of the impact of sample questions on the sixth grade students’ mathematical problem posing. In K. Beswick, T. Muir, & J. Wells (Eds.), Proceedings of 39th Psychology of Mathematics Education conference, Vol. 3 (pp. 113-120). 13-18 July, Hobart, Australia.
  • Jiang, C., & Hu, L. (2015, June). Teaching translation of function’s graphs based on APOS theory: An experimental study. Paper presented on the Annual International Conference of CAERDA, 24-26 June, Taichung, Taiwan.
  • Wong, I.N., Jiang, C., Cheung, K.C., Sun, X. (2015, June). Primary mathematics education in Macao: Fifteen years of experiences after the 1999 handover from Portugal to Mainland China. In X. Sun, B. Kaur, & J. Novotna (eds), Proceedings of the Twenty-third ICMI study: Primary mathematics study on whole numbers (pp.480-487), June 3-7, 2015, Macao.
  • Zhang, J., Meng, Y., Hu, B., Fan, X., Cheung, S.W., Yang, N., & Jiang, C. (2015, June). The role of early language ability on the math skills of Chinese children. In X. Sun, B. Kaur, & J. Novotna (eds), Proceedings of the Twenty-third ICMI study: Primary mathematics study on whole numbers (pp.597-602), June 3-7, 2015, Macao.
  • Jiang, C., & Cai, J. (2014, July). An analysis of mathematical problem-posing tasks in Chinese and US reform textbooks. Paper to be presented in the Conference of the International and North American Groups for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 15-20 July, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Jiang, C., & Li, Q. (2014, May). Analysis of difficulty levels of problems presented in secondary mathematics textbooks and used in mathematics classrooms. In Proceedings of the First Chinese Conference of Mathematics Education (pp.107-111), 22-23 May, Beijing, China.
  • Hu, D., Cai, J., & Jiang, C. (2013, April). Mathematics education reform and problem posing: Evidence from a curriculum analysis. Paper presented on the 2013 CAERDA (Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association) International Conference.
  • Jiang, C., & Fu, Y. (2012, July). Errors in solving word problems on speed: A case in Singapore and Mainland China. Paper presented on the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education, July 8-15, COEX, Seoul, Korea.
  • Cai, J. & Jiang, C. (2010, August). Gifted Education in the Context of “Mathematics for All”: Premises and Challenges. In Proceedings of the 6th International conference on Creativity in Mathematics Education and the Education of Gifted Students (pp.40-46), August 1-5, Riga, Latvia. (Plenary speech).
  • Jiang, C. (2010, June). A review of the developmental studies about the concept of speed. Paper presented on the 13th International Conference on Mathematics Education in China, June 25-28, Hangzhou, China. This paper has been rewarded the “First-level Prize”.
  • Jiang, C. (2010, August). Hierarchical Levels of Speed Word Problems: A Study Conducted in Singapore and China. Paper presented on the 5th East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education, August 18-22, 2010, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Jiang, C., Zhang, J., Peng, X. (2009, May). A Chinese software SSP for the teaching and learning of mathematics:Theoretical and practical perspectives. Papers presented on the 13th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, May 25-28, 2009, Taipe, Taiwan, China.
  • Jiang, C. (2009, June). Evaluation of mathematics teachers’ teaching competency: A preliminary study. Paper presented on the 4th Symposium on Quality Education, June 11-15 2009, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, China.
  • Jiang, C. (2008, July). Strategies for Solving Word Problems on Speed: A Comparative Study between Chinese and Singapore Students. Paper presented on the 11th International Congress on Mathematical Education, July 6-13, 2008, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Online assessed: http://tsg.icme11.org/document/get/773.
  • Zhang, J., Cao, Y., Huan, Z., Xiong, H., & Jiang, C. (2008, July). Information Technology and Mathematics Education. In Mathematics Education in China: Tradition and Reality – China National Presentation at ICME-11 (pp.129-160), July 6-13, 2008, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
  • 江春蓮,胡豔(2006年11月). 關於“學生對行程問題的兩個公式的理解”的調查研究。全國高等師範院校數學教育研究會第11屆學術年會,2006年11月25-29日,武夷山,安徽.
  • Jiang, Chunlian. (2005, August). Strategies for solving two speed word problems: A part of a comparative study between Chinese and Singapore students. EARCOME3 Symposiums 4. Shanghai×Nanjing×Hangzhou, August 7-12, 2005, China, Online access: http://www.math. ecnu.edu.cn/earcome3/sym4/ Earcome3_Jiang%20Chunlian_Sym4.doc.
  • Jiang, C., & Fong, H.K. (2002, May). Errors in solving speed problems: A comparative study between Chinese and Singapore students. In Douglas, Edge, & Yeap, B. H. (Eds). Mathematics education for a knowledge-based era. Proceedings of EARCOME 2 and SEACME 9 (Vol. 2) (pp.90-96). May 27-31, Singapore.
  • 江春蓮(著)(2016). 數學問題解決:中新兩國學生解決速度文字題的策略和錯誤. 北京:科學出版社。(ISBN978-7-03-049374-3)
  • 江春蓮(編著)(2015). 數學教育初論比較研究和數學教學. 北京:科學出版社。 (ISBN978-7-03-041790-9).
  • Cheung, K.C., Jiang, C., & Fan, L. (2023). Research and research culture in mathematics education: The Case in Macao, China. In B. Atweh, L. Fan, & C.P. Vistro-Yu (eds.), Asian research in mathematics education: Mapping the field (pp.141-162). Springer.
  • Jiang, C., & Hu, L. (2020). Teaching graph translation of quadratic functions based on APOS theory: An experimental study. In C.S. Lim, C.M. Chew, B. Sriraman (eds.), Contemporary Research and Practice in Mathematics Education: An Asian Perspective (pp. 44-66). Penang, Malaysia: Universiti Sains Malaysia Press.
  • Jiang, C., Seah, W.T., Barkatsas, T., Ieong, S.S.L., & Cheong, I.K. (2019). Values in STEM education: Investigating Macau secondary students’ valuing in mathematics learning. In T. Barkatsas, N. Carr, & G. Cooper (eds.), STEM education: An emerging field of inquiry (pp.132-154). The Netherlands: Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden.
  • Jiang, C., & Chua, B.L. (2018). Integrating problem posing into mathematical problem solving: An experimental study. In P. C. Toh & B.L. Chua (eds.), Mathematics Instruction: Goals, Tasks and Activities (pp. 211 – 227). Singapore: World Scientific.
  • Cai, J., Jiang, C., Hwang, S., Nie, B., & Hu, D. (2016). How do textbooks incorporate mathematical problem posing? An international comparative study. In P. Felmer, E. Pehkonen, & J. Kilpatrick (Eds), Posing and solving mathematical problems: Advances and new perspectives (pp. 3-22). Switzerland: Springer.
  • Cai, J., Hwang, S., Jiang, C., & Silber, S. (2015). Problem posing research in mathematics: Some answered and unanswered questions. In F.M. Singer, N. Ellerton, & J. Cai (Eds.), Mathematical problem posing: From research to effective practice (pp. 3-34). Springer. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus)
  • Jiang, C., Zhang, J., & Peng, X. (2015). SSP – A Chinese software application for the teaching and learning of mathematics: Theoretical and practical perspectives. In Sriraman, J. Cai, K.H. Lee, L. Fan, Y. Shimuzu, C. S. Lim, K. Subramanium (Eds), The first sourcebook on Asian research in mathematics education: China, Korea, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia and India (pp.787-806). Information Age Publishing.
  • 江春蓮 (2013). 美國數學課程改革.鮑建生,徐斌豔(主編), 數學教育研究導引()(pp.39-48),江蘇教育出版社.
  • 江春蓮,胡玲. (2013b). 數學教育和技術:對該領域的再思考.鮑建生,徐斌豔(主編), 數學教育研究導引()(pp.167-173),江蘇教育出版社.
  • 江春蓮,胡玲. (2013a). 課堂內外的挑戰性數學.鮑建生,徐斌豔(主編), 數學教育研究導引()(pp.160-166),江蘇教育出版社.
  • 江春蓮,鞏子坤.(2013). 學校統計教學: 教學和教師教育面臨的挑戰.鮑建生,徐斌豔(主編), 數學教育研究導引()(pp.174-178),江蘇教育出版社.
  • Jiang, C. (2009a). Word problems on speed: Students’ strategies and errors. In K.Y. Wong, P.Y. Lee, B. Kaur, P.Y. Foong, & S.F. NG (Eds.), Mathematics Education: The Singapore Journey (pp.244-262). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
  • 江春蓮,韓蕭楠,周超(2024). 新加坡“O”水準考試試卷分析及啓示. 數學教學,2024(3)(总第439期), 4-13.
  • 葉睿琳,張春燕,江春蓮(2023). 變式問題串課堂 尋規說理話數思. 澳門數學教育. 21 4-8.
  • 何漢秋,梁翠瓊, 江春蓮(2023). 看似簡單卻十分不簡單的數學課:因式分解. 澳門數學教育. 21 43-46.
  • 張芳銘,鞏子坤,江春蓮(2023). 職前數學教師對“負負得正”模型理解水平的調查研究. 中學數學雜志,2023(08), 34-38.
  • 盧有仔,吳少潔,江春蓮(2023). 充分利用幾何圖形的特點,發展學生的觀察能力和交流能力 ¾ 以《圓與圓的位置關係》為例. 教師雜誌. 72, 50-54.
  • 江春蓮,柳芳(2022). 概率如何教?以《用列舉法求概率》一節為例. 教師雜誌, 71, 48-52.
  • Jiang, C. & Joung, E. (2022). GPS: Who Will Win, Lightning or Jackson? Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12, 115(6), 436-440.
  • 劉溢庭、陳穎枝、金鑫、江春蓮(2022). 傳統幾何教學和實驗教學:“直角三角形全等的判定方法HL”同課異構的反思. 教师杂志. 69, 60-67.
  • 洪鴻源,鄒洪麗,江春蓮(2021). 從數的計算到代數運算:“完全平方公式”的教學設計與反思. 教師雜誌68,43-48.
  • 江春蓮(2021). 運用DGS軟體設計函數圖像變換的教學課件:以一元二次函數為例. 中小學數位化教學. 2021(7), 53-57. [JIANG, C. (2021). Using DGS to design teaching of graph transformation of functions: Use quadratic functions as an example. Digital Teaching in Primary and Secondary Schools, 43, 53-57. ]
  • Sun, L. & Jiang, C. (2021). GPS: From combination to probability. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12, 114(3), 250-252.
  • 江春蓮,蔡金法(2021). 改善教學,提升研究:《數學教育研究手冊》簡介(一). 中學數學月刊,2021(1),1-2,
  • 江春蓮,田果萍(2020). 為大規模提升教學品質而進行的設計與研發. 數學教學,390,25-31. (2020年第2期)
  • 江春蓮,吳毅文,高凱,張靜(2019). 橢圓的教學設計. 教師雜誌, 63, 41-46.
  • 江春蓮,鐘啟華,鄭綺文,黃誠昌(2019). 數學演算法教學探討—以二次根式的除法為例. 教師雜誌, 62, 55-59.
  • 江春蓮,柳芳(2019). 如何測試學生的創新能力:從一道中考題談起. 湖北教育(教育教學). 2019(05), 64-65.
  • 江春蓮,劉付茵,鞏子坤(2019). 美國數學教材的編寫、評審、特點和啟示. 澳門數學教育, 17, 40-51.
  • 陳穎枝,金鑫,江春蓮(2018). 函數的圖像變換應該如何教?以《函數》的圖像為例. 教師雜誌, 60, 48-51.
  • 張耀強,李穎輝,江春蓮(2018). 如何設計函數教學?¾ 《反比例函數的圖像和性質》同課異構的反思. 教師雜誌. 58, 49-54.
  • 江春蓮,劉付茵(2018b). 數學教育中的銜接 – ICME-13的第二個小組報告及啟示. 中學數學研究. 437(下),封二,1-5.
  • 鞏子坤,江春蓮,張奠宙(2018). 把握線、角的本質,溝通線、角的聯繫,教育視界,111,4-7.
  • 江春蓮,劉付茵(2018a). 什麼是數學?ICME-13中Gunter Ziegler教授的報告及其對我國中小學數學教學的啟示. 中學數學研究,436(下),封二,1-2.
  • 江春蓮,劉明藝(2017). 數學競賽中的數論問題. 澳門數學教育,15,17-22.
  • 江春蓮,劉付茵(2017b). 揭示數學教學工作的特殊性: ICME-13中Deborah Löwenberg Ball教授的報告及其對我國中小學數學教學的啟示. 小學教學(數學版). 2017(6), 9-11.
  • 張耀強,江春蓮,佘偉忠(2017). 數學學習中背誦什麼最重要?教師雜誌. 57, 61-63.
  • 江春蓮,佘偉忠,張耀強(2017). 一題多解重要嗎?教師雜誌. 56, 69-74.
  • 陳建泰,江春蓮(2017). 我的成長心路歷程 – 年輕教師的專業發展. 教師雜誌, 55, 41-47.
  • 江春蓮,鞏子坤,劉付茵(2017). 2013-2015年新加坡小學畢業離校考試數學試卷分析. 小學教學(數學版)2017(5), 14-18. 《人大複印報刊資料》《小學數學教與學》,2017(8),59-63.
  • 劉付茵,江春蓮(2017). 數學課堂研究的多重視角——ICME-13中卡爾教授的報告及其對我國小學數學教學的啟示. 小學教學(數學版)2017(4), 10-14.
  • 江春蓮,劉付茵(2017a). 數學、數學教育和文化: ICME-13上巴頓教授的報告及其啟示. 小學教學(數學版),2017(3), 24-26.
  • 江春蓮,劉付茵(2016). 數學教育的國際比較研究: ICME-13 的第一個大會報告及其對我國小學數學教學的啟示. 小學教學(數學版),2016(12), 13-15.
  • 李琦玲,江春蓮(2016). 用函數方法處理幾何問題:以畢氏定理的探究性教學為例. 教師雜誌, 52, 60-62.
  • 劉淑榮,江春蓮(2015). 什麼樣的表徵有利於學生的數學學習?以點和圓,直線和圓的位置關係為例。教師雜誌, 49, 62-65.
  • 江春蓮,黎詩林,施凱怡,袁樹浩,馮家毅(2015). 以問題幫助建立情境到一般數學公式之間的聯繫 ¾ 以等差數列的前n項和為例。教師雜誌, 49, 66-70.
  • 李琦玲,江春蓮(2014). 從圓冪定理談教育數學和資訊技術與數學課程的整合,中學數學研究,2014(5),5-6.
  • 陳建榮,江春蓮,吳偉濠,蔡瀟瀟(2014). 數學中如何進行推廣?¾ 以整數指數冪的運算為例. 教師雜誌, 44, 86-88.
  • 鄭綺文,江春蓮(2013). 根式究竟應該如何教?教師雜誌, 43, 67-69.
  • 江春蓮(2013). 三角形全等條件的進一步探究(二). 澳門數學教育, 11, 13-20.
  • 江春蓮,蘇洪雨(2013). 美國CMP課程及其對我國中小學綜合實踐活動的啟示. 中學數學研究,383,封二,1-2.
  • 江春蓮,桂鵬,蘇洪雨(2013).解決數學問題的思路從何而來?– 以高中《兩角差的余弦公式》為例. 教師雜誌, 41, 45-48.
  • 江春蓮(2013). 學生的起點在哪?— 以《因數和倍數》一節為例. 教師雜誌, 40, 89-90.
  • 楊寶珠,江春蓮(2013). 反思教學,提高數學教學品質 — 以小學三年級《口算乘法》為例. 教師雜誌, 40, 91-92.
  • 江春蓮(2012). 三角形全等條件的進一步探究. 澳門數學教育, 10, 94-98.
  • 汪甄南,李俊,江春蓮(2012). 傳統與現代相結合 創適合中國國情的數學課堂 — 全國小學數學四大教學流派課堂教學展示課觀課有感.澳門數學教育,10, 117-122.
  • 江春蓮, 王菁(2011). 從一年級的一道奧數題說開去. 澳門數學教育,931-33.
  • 江春莲,汪甄南(2011). 一线串通的数学:从三角形全等到解三角形. 澳门数学教育,9, 29-30.
  • 卓雅,白馨蔚,江春蓮(2012). 從向量減法談教學設疑和數學定義,教師雜誌, 36, 59-60.
  • 江春蓮, 汪甄南(2011a). 高一直線的傾斜角和斜率一節的教學設計. 中學數學,38317. (2011年第1期)
  • 江春蓮, 汪甄南(2011b). 小學統計教學—以“遊戲公平嗎?”為例. 澳門數學教育8,54-59.
  • 江春蓮(2011a). 到兩直線距離的和與差為定值的點的軌跡. 數學教學,28411-12.
  • 江春蓮, 汪甄南(2011c). 在常規教學中培養學生數學思維能力¾以“可以被3整除的數”為例,教師雜誌,3355-57.
  • 江春蓮,劉芸. (2011).《數系的擴充和複數的概念》教學設計. 中學數學,38618-19. (2011年第4期)
  • 宋祖祥,江春蓮(2011). “演繹式”與“歸納式”的教學 ¾ 以複數的開方為例,中學數學,38720-21. (2011年第5期)
  • 江春蓮(2011b). 代數教學之我思,教師雜誌,3439-40.
  • 江春蓮(2010a). 澳門大學近五年入學考試數學試題分析. 中學數學363(3),50-52.
  • 江春蓮(2010c). 三角函數誘導公式教學的“省時”設計. 中學數學. 2010(5),14-15.
  • 江春蓮,汪甄南(2010a). 一線串通的數學:從擺放物體活動到組合數學,澳門數學教育7,73-74.
  • 江春蓮, 汪甄南(2010b). 第二十一屆“希望杯”全國數學邀請賽初一複試壓軸題. 數學教學, 278, 40, 封底. (2010年第10期)
  • 江春蓮(2009b).貫徹數學思想方法 提高數學課堂教學效率. 教師雜誌, 25(6), 31.
  • 江春蓮(2008a). 2007年全國高中數學聯合競賽一試第14題解法集錦. 數學通訊,538[2008(5)],45-46.
  • 江春蓮(2008b). TIMSS系列研究簡介:數學課堂教學. 中學數學,2008(8)(初中版),1-6.
  • 彭翕成,江春蓮 (2008a). 再談用《超級畫板》探索梯子模型. 數學通訊,540[2008(7)],11-13.
  • 彭翕成,江春蓮 (2008b). 基於《超級畫板》的探究性教學案例(1). 數學通訊,2008(1),9-11.
  • 彭翕成,江春蓮 (2008c). 基於《超級畫板》的探究性教學案例(2)–從三角形三高交于一點談起. 數學通訊,2008(3),9-10.
  • 江春蓮,彭翕成 (2008). 基於《超級畫板》的探究性教學案例(3)–當點被分裂開來. 數學通訊,2008(5),17-18.
  • 彭翕成,江春蓮,李萬菊(2008). 基於《超級畫板》的探究性教學案例:因式分解. 中學數學,2008(5),43-45.
  • 彭翕成,江春蓮 (2008d). 動態性是資訊技術輔助教學的靈魂. 數學通訊, 2008(19), 10-12.
  • 江春蓮,彭翕成,楊世軍 (2008). 促進現代資訊技術在農村中學數學教學中的應用——現代資訊技術在湖北省農村中學數學教學中實施現狀的調查與思考. 湖北教育,2008(11), 15-19.
  • 江春蓮,劉芸,胡豔. 關於“學生對行程問題的兩個公式的理解”的調查與研究. 中學數學,2007(4),36-39.
  • 江春蓮(2007a). TIMSS系列研究簡介(3):數學課程. 數學通訊,510[2007(1)],1-3.
  • 江春蓮(2007b). TIMSS系列研究簡介(4):數學教師. 數學通訊,520[2007(11)],1-4.
  • 江春蓮(2007c). TIMSS關於學校教學環境的國際比較. 湖北教育,2007(12),48-51.
  • 江春蓮(2007d). 2007年全國初中數學聯賽壓軸題的解法集錦. 中學數學,2007(6),46-47.
  • 江春蓮,徐惠,柯志清,湯克勤(2007). 數學試卷三種常見題型的質性分析,數學通訊,522[2007(13)],45-47.
  • 江春蓮,彭翕成(2007a). 用《超級畫板》探索梯子模型. 高等函授學報(自然科學版),2007(6),4-7.
  • 江春蓮,彭翕成(2007b). 相似圓錐曲線的一個重要性質. 數學通訊,530[2007(21)],33-34.
  • 彭翕成,江春蓮(2007). 從一道高考極限問題談起. 中學數學,2007(10),32-34.
  • 江春蓮(2006a). 中美數學教育比較研究摘錄. 數學通訊,490[2006(3)], 1-3. 《人大複印報刊資料》《中學數學教與學》(高中讀本),2006(7),51-53。《人大複印報刊資料》《中學數學教與學》(初中讀本),2006(7),61-63.
  • 江春蓮(2006b). 從一篇博士論文談數學教育研究方法. 數學通訊,492[2006(5)], 1-5.
  • 江春蓮(2006c). TIMSS系列研究簡介(1). 數學通訊,496[2006(9)], 1-5.
  • 江春蓮(2006d). 技術在數學教學中的應用:新加坡的實踐. 數學通訊,502[2006(17)],1-5.
  • 江春蓮(2006e). TIMSS系列研究簡介(2):家庭背景、對數學的態度比較. 數學通訊,504[2006(19)], 1-4.
  • 江春蓮(2005). 外國中小學生多種多樣的解題方法一窺. 湖北教育. 2005(6), 15-17.
  • 梁肇軍,郭真華,江春蓮(2000). CAI中數學課件的製作(III). 高等函授學報(自然科學版),13(3),1-3.
  • 江春蓮(1996b). 英國SMP高中(16—19歲)的數學教材(95)簡介. 數學通訊, 297[1996(4)], 48,封三,封四. (2004年前为中文核心期刊)
  • 江春蓮(1995a). 英格蘭推出新的高中數學大綱,數學通訊,289[1995(8)], 38-40. 2004年前为中文核心期刊)
  • 江春蓮(1995b).關係映射反演原則在數學解題中的應用.數學通訊,291[1995(10)], 11-16. (2004年前为中文核心期刊)
  • 江春蓮(1993). 關於用N色染(N+1)×M棋盤的問題. 數學通訊,263[1993(6)], 34-(2004年前为中文核心期刊)
  • 江春蓮(1992). 關於用三色染M×N棋盤的問題. 數學通訊, 253[1992(8)], 36-  (2004年前为中文核心期刊).
  • Stewart, I. (In press). 最偉大的數學問題(江春蓮,李輕舟,趙芮立譯). 上海:上海科技教育出版社[原书名:The great mathematical problems: Marvels and mysteries of mathematics,2013年出版).
  • 蔡金法(主編),江春蓮,謝聖英,李旭輝,黎文娟,金海月,魯小莉,李小保,朱雁,徐斌豔(譯)(2020). 數學教育研究手冊(第一冊):數學教育研究的理論基礎和方法. 北京:人民教育出版社(原書:Compendium for Research in Mathematics Education, NCTM, 2017).
  • 肖恩康諾利(著)(2016). 驚險至極的12個數學挑戰. (江春蓮,馮琳,魯磊譯). 上海:上海科技教育出版社(原書The book of perfectly perilous math 2012年出版)。
  • 肖恩康諾利(著)(2016). 危機四伏的12個數學困境. (江春蓮,馮琳,魯磊譯). 上海:上海科技教育出版社(原書The book of perfectly perilous math 2012年出版)。
  • 全美州長協會和首席州立學校官員理事會(著)(2016). 美國州際核心數學課程標準:歷史、內容和實施(蔡金法,孫偉,江春蓮,聶必凱,胡典順,謝聖英,吳穎康,韓繼偉,李小保,楊澤忠翻譯編寫). 北京:人民教育出版社(原書Common core state standards for mathematics 2010年出版).

江春蓮,池加蜜(2022, Jan. 18). 數學漫畫1:反比例關係. 澳日學生報(Macao Daily)第D04版. http://www.macaodaily.com/html/2022-01/18/content_1571243.htm.

江春蓮,池加蜜(2022, Mar. 8). 數學漫畫2:具體運算階段. 澳日學生報(Macao Daily). 第D04版. http://www.macaodaily.com/html/2022-03/08/content_1581992.htm.

江春蓮,池加蜜(2022, Apr. 26). 數學漫畫3:多項式乘以多項式. 澳日學生報(Macao Daily). 第D03版. http://macaodaily.com/html/2022-04/26/content_1592866.htm

  • Subject-Based Teaching Methods (Secondary Mathematics) I/II (EDUC2049, EDUC3050)
  • Learning Technology for Secondary Mathematics Teaching (EDUC3051)
  • Supervised Teaching and School Experience (EDUC4005 & EDUC4999)
  • Elementary Mathematics Teaching and Research I/II (EDUC256/257/ MAEB421)
  • Theory of Curriculum and Instruction (Mathematics) (EDUC223)
  • Subject-Based Teaching Methods (Mathematics) I/II (EDUC336, PGEE103)
  • Fundamental Principles for Teaching Elementary Mathematics (DPRI210)
  • Mathematics (DPRE105, DPRI106)
  • Supervised Teaching and School Experience (BIPY104, EDUC408 & PGEE203)