Programme Director of Master’s Programme |
Associate Professor of English Language Education |
Faculty of Education, University of Macau |
Graduate Courses
EDUC7399 – Academic Thesis (MEd Early Childhood Education and Child Development)
EDUC7199 – Academic Thesis (MEd Curriculum and Instruction – English Language Education)
EDCI778 – Written and Spoken Discourse for English Language Teaching (co-Taught)
EDUC6102 – Curriculum and Pedagogy (Subject Based) (co-Taught)
EDUC6004 – Teaching Practice
EDUC8004 – Research Writing
Undergraduate Courses
EDUC1024 – Introduction to English Language Teaching
EDUC4997 – Supervised Teaching and School Experience (Primary Education)
EDUC3022 – English Language Activities
HONR4000 – Honours Project
EDUC2022 – Teaching Reading and Writing
EDUC4995 – Supervised Teaching and School Experience (Secondary Education – English)
EDUC4002 – Supervised Teaching and School Experience
- Associate Professor of English Language Education (2022/08-Present), Faculty of Education, University of Macau
- Assistant Professor of English Language Education (2016/08-2022/08), Faculty of Education, University of Macau
- Assistant Professor of English Language (2014/08-2016/07), Education Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Yang-Ming University
- Adjunct Assistant Professor (2013/08-2014/07) & Adjunct All English Program Project Lecturer (2014/05-2014/06; 2013/10-2013/11; 2013/04-2013/05), Department of English, Taipei University of Technology
- Adjunct Assistant Professor (2013/08-2015/01), Department of Applied Foreign Languages, Taipei University of Business
- Adjunct Lecturer (2013/07-2013/08; 2012/07-2012/08) & Adjunct Assistant Professor (2014/06-2014/08), CEU Universidad Cardenal Herera
- Adjunct Lecturer (2012/09-2014/07), Department of Applied Foreign Languages, Takming University of Science and Technology
- Adjunct English Teacher (2012/07-2014/07), School of Management, Central University
- Adjunct Project Lecturer (2010/09-2010/10), Innovation and Incubation Center, Central University
- Part-Time Editor (2010/09-2013/03; 2013/12-2014/01), University System of Taiwan
- Adjunct English Teacher (2009/03-2012/01), Graduate Institute of Industrial Management, Central University
- Part-Time Research Assistant (2009/01-2012/07), Central University, Graduate Institute of Learning & Instruction
- Adjunct Lecturer (2008/09-2009/09), Hung Sheng Christian College
- Part-Time Research Assistant (2007/08-2008/01), Central University, Graduate Institute of Network Learning Technology
- Lecturer (2005/02-2007/08), Coordinator for USA Study Abroad Program and Protocol Ambassador Lecturer (2005/02-2007/08), In-Service Teacher Trainer (2005/08-2006/08) & English Self-Learning Center Consultant and Tutor (2006/08-2007/08), Department of Foreign Languages, Chiayi University
- Graduate Assistant Instructor (2004/08-2004/12), Department of English & Philosophy, Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky, USA
- ESL Instructor (2003/01-2003/06; 2004/01-2004/06), English Language Institute, Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky, USA
- Teacher (2002/06-2002/08), Hindman Settlement School, Hindman, Kentucky, USA
- Part-Time Tutor (1999/08-2000/12), Tutoring & Learning Center, Morehead State University, Morehead, Kentucky, USA
Online First Articles
[137] Soyoof, A., Neumann, M.M., Reynolds, B.L.*, Rezai, A., & Gözüm, A.Í.C. (2024, online first). Investigating the relationship between Iranian parents’ demographic factors and their mediation of children’s digital gameplay at home. Education and Information Technologies. doi:10.1007/s10639-024-13194-w (SSCI 2023 IF 4.8 5-Year IF 4.8 Q1 Education & Educational Research 16/760)
[136] Reynolds, B.L., Ren, N., Li, J.Z., & Fang, F. (2024, online first). International students’ investment in learning Cantonese, English, Mandarin, and Portuguese in multilingual Macao. Journal of Language, Identity & Education. doi:10.1080/15348458.2024.2406847 (SSCI 2023 IF 1.5 5-Year IF 2.1 Q2 Linguistics 81/297) (HSS-UMAC-2021-02)
[135] Soyoof, A., Neumann, M.M., & Reynolds, B.L. (2024, online first). Exploring maternal perceptions of critical digital engagement practices in Iranian children. Interactive Learning Environments. doi:10.1080/10494820.2024.2370458 (SSCI 2023 IF 3.7 5-Year IF 4.5 Q1 Education & Educational Research 45/756)
[134] Soyoof, A., Reynolds, B.L.*, Neumann, M.M., & Vazquez-Calvo, B. (2024, online first). Maternal scaffolding of Iranian children’s extramural informal digital learning of English (IDLE): A qualitative study. Early Childhood Education Journal. doi:10.1007/s10643-024-01675-z (SSCI 2023 IF 2.3 5-Year IF 2.5 Q1 Education & Educational Research 156/756) *corresponding author
[133] Rezai, A., Soyoof, A., & Reynolds, B.L. (2024, online first). Effectiveness of informal digital learning of English on EFL learners’ vocabulary knowledge: A mixed-methods investigation. Computer Assisted Language Learning. doi:10.1080/09588221.2024.2350419 (SSCI 2023 IF 6.0 5-Year IF 5.8 Q1 Linguistics 1/297)
[132] Liu, S., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2024, online first) A systematic review of English-as-a-foreign-language vocabulary learning activities for primary school students. IRAL-International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching. doi:10.1515/iral-2023-0193 (SSCI 2023 IF 1.4 5-Year IF 1.3 Q1 Linguistics 55/297) *corresponding author (MYRG-GRG2023-00112-FED)
[131] Ding, C., Reynolds, B.L.*, Szaba, C.Z., & Boone, G. (2023, online first). Assessing English language learners’ collocation knowledge: A systematic review of receptive and productive measurements. IRAL-International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching. doi:10.1515/iral-2022-0163 (SSCI 2023 IF 1.4 5-Year IF 1.3 Q1 Linguistics 55/297) *corresponding author (MYRG-GRG2023-00112-FED)
[130] Nguyen, H.T., Vu, N.-T. T., Ha, X.V., Dinh, H.-V. T., Truong, T. D., & Reynolds, B.L. (2023, online first). Principal instructional leadership and its influence on teachers’ professional development at Vietnamese primary schools. Education 3-13. doi:10.1080/03004279.2023.2195409 (SCOPUS 2023 SJR 0.407 SNIP 0.827 CiteScore 2.5 Q2 Education 648/1543 ESCI 2023 IF 0.9 5-Year IF 1.0 Q3 Education & Educational Research 457/756)
[129] Soyoof, A., Reynolds, B.L.*, Chan, K.K., Tseng, W.-T., & McKay, K. (2023, online first). Massive online multiplayer games as an environment for English learning among Iranian EFL students. Computer Assisted Language Learning. doi:10.1080/09588221.2023.2171065 (SSCI 2023 IF 6.0 5-Year IF 6.8 Q1 Linguistics 1/297) *corresponding author (MYRG2019-00030-FED)
Published Articles
[128] Qi, J., Reynolds, B.L.*, & Bai, X. (2025). Examining the relationship between self-regulated learning strategies and reading comprehension in Chinese and English among primary school students in mainland China: An extension of Tse, Lin, & Ng (2022). Reading in a Foreign Language, 37(1), 1-40. doi:10125/67480 (ESCI 2023 IF 1.3 5-Year IF 1.4 Q2 Linguistics 97/296) *corresponding author
[127] Gao, Y., Wang, X.*, & Reynolds, B.L.* (2025). The mediating roles of resilience and flow in linking basic psychological needs to tertiary EFL learners’ engagement in informal digital learning of English: A mixed-methods study. Behavioral Sciences, 15(1), 1-21. doi:10.3390/bs15010085 (SSCI 2023 IF 2.5 5-Year IF 2.7 Q2 Psychology, Multidisciplinary 58/218) *corresponding author
[126] Ren, N., Reynolds, B.L.*, & Rusk, B.V. (2025). Virtual companionship or flesh and blood: The effects of study-with-me (SWM) videos on learners’ intrinsic motivation, perceived pressure, and performance. Computers & Education, 228, 1-16. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2025.105243 (SSCI 2023 IF 8.9 5-Year IF 11.6 Q1 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications 1/170 Q1 Education & Educational Research 5/760) *corresponding author
[125] Reynolds, B.L.*, Ding, C. (2024). The predictive effects of reading speed and positive affect on first and second language incidental vocabulary acquisition through reading an authentic novel. Applied Linguistics Review, 15(5), 2149-2174. doi:10.1515/applirev-2022-0081 (SSCI 2023 IF 2.1 5-Year IF 2.2 Q1 Linguistics 40/297) *corresponding author (MYRG2019-00030-FED)
[124] Wei, R., Reynolds, B.L., Kong, M., & Liu, Z. (2024). Is bilingualism linked to national identity? Evidence from a big-data survey. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 45(8), 3078-3092. doi:10.1080/01434632.2022.2085282 (SSCI 2023 IF 2.7 5-Year IF 2.7 Q1 Linguistics 27/297)
[123] Rezai, A., Soyoof, A., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2024). Disclosing the correlation between using ChatGPT and well-being in EFL learners: Considering the mediating role of emotion regulation. European Journal of Education, 59(4), 1-12. doi:10.1111/ejed.12752 (SSCI 2023 IF 2.8 5-Year IF 3.1 Q1 Education & Educational Research 99/756) *corresponding author
[122] Reynolds, B.L.*, Ren, N., & Shieh, J.-J. (2024). From teacher beliefs to practices: Unpacking the benefits and barriers of extensive reading programmes in Macau secondary schools. Education as Change, 28, 1-24. doi:10.25159/1947-9417/15840 (SSCI 2023 IF 0.8 5-Year IF 0.9 Q3 Education & Educational Research 490/760) *corresponding author (HSS-UMAC-2021-02)
[121] Reynolds, B.L.*, & Skoufaki, S. (2024). Introduction to the special issue on teaching and learning of academic vocabulary in EMI contexts. International Journal of TESOL Studies, 6(2), 1-3. doi:10.58304/ijts.20240201 *corresponding author (SCOPUS 2023 SJR N/A SNIP N/A CiteScore N/A)
[120] Shadiev, R., Chen, X., Reynolds, B.L., Song, Y., & Altinay, F. (2024). Facilitating cognitive development and addressing stereotypes with a cross-cultural learning activity supported by interactive 360-degree video technology. British Journal of Educational Technology, 55(6), 2668-2695. doi:10.1111/bjet.13461 (SSCI 2023 IF 6.7 5-Year IF 7.2 Q1 Education & Educational Research 7/756)
[119] Kao, C.-W., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2024). Timed second language writing performance: Effects of perceived teacher vs perceived automated feedback. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 11, 1-14. doi:10.1057/s41599-024-03522-3 *corresponding author (SSCI 2023 IF 3.7 5-Year IF 3.7 Q1 Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 13/263)
[118] Ha, X.V., Murray, J.C., Reynolds, B.L. (2024). “Without the video I wouldn’t have known”: An experienced EFL teacher learning to provide oral corrective feedback. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 34(3), 1141-1158. doi:10.1111/ijal.12556 (SSCI 2023 IF 1.5 5-Year IF 1.9 Q2 Linguistics 81/297)
[117] Reynolds, B.L.*, & Skoufaki, S. (2024). Insights and innovations: An interview with Averil Coxhead on teaching and learning academic vocabulary. International Journal of TESOL Studies, 6(2), 109-116. doi:10.58304/ijts.20240208 (SCOPUS 2023 SJR N/A SNIP N/A CiteScore N/A) *corresponding author
[116] Li, Z., Li, J.Z., Zhang, X., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2024). Mastery of listening and reading vocabulary levels in relation to CEFR: Insights into student admissions and English as a medium of instruction. Languages, 9, 1-18. doi:10.3390/languages9070239 (SCOPUS 2023 SJR 0.395 SNIP 0.865 CiteScore 1.4 Q1 Language and Linguistics ESCI 2023 IF 0.9 5-Year IF N/A Q2 Linguistics 141/297) *corresponding author
[115] Shadiev, R.*, Reynolds, B.L.*, & Li, R.* (2024). The use of digital technology for sustainable teaching and learning. Sustainability, 16, 1-4. doi:10.3390/su16135353 (SSCI 2023 IF 3.3 5-Year IF 3.6 Q2 Environmental Studies 66/182)
[114] Milosavljevic, M., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2024). The effectiveness of comprehension-based visual arts instruction and production-based flashcard instruction in young English language learners’ vocabulary acquisition and retention. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 14(2), 311-338. doi:10.14746/ssllt.30183 (SSCI 2023 IF 3.7 5-Year IF 4.7 Q1 Linguistics 10/297) *corresponding author
[113] Rezai, A., Soyoof, A., & Reynolds, B.L. (2024). Ecological factors affecting students’ use of informal digital learning of English: EFL teachers’ perceptions. Teaching and Teacher Education, 145, 1-15. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2024.104629 (SSCI 2023 IF 4.0 5-Year IF 4.5 Q1 Education & Educational Research 33/756)
[112] Wang, X., & Reynolds, B.L. (2024). Beyond the books: Exploring factors shaping Chinese English learners’ engagement with large language models for vocabulary learning. Education Sciences, 14, 1-13. doi:10.3390/educsci14050496 (SCOPUS 2023 SJR 0.669 SNIP 1.323 CiteScore 4.8 Q1 Social Sciences, Education 291/1543 ESCI 2023 IF 2.5 5-Year IF 2.6 Q1 Education & Educational Research 133/756) *corresponding author
[111] Tan, X., Reynolds, B.L.*, & Ha, X.V. (2024). Oral corrective feedback on lexical errors: A systematic review. Applied Linguistics Review, 15(3), 1177-1221. doi:10.1515/applirev-2022-0053 (SSCI 2023 IF 2.1 5-Year IF 2.2 Q1 Linguistics 40/297) *corresponding author (MYRG2019-00030-FED)
[11o] Rezai, A., Soyoof, A., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2024). Informal digital learning of English and EFL teachers’ job engagement: Exploring the mediating role of technological pedagogical content knowledge and digital competence. System: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics, 122, 1-16. doi:10.1016/j.system.2024.103276 (SSCI 2023 IF 4.9 5-Year IF 5.5 Q1 Linguistics 7/297) *corresponding author
[109] Liu, S., Reynolds, B.L.*, Thomas, N., & Soyoof, A. (2024). The use of digital technologies to develop young children’s language and literacy skills: A systematic review. Sage Open, 14(1), 1-18. doi:10.1177/21582440241230850 (SSCI 2023 IF 2.0 5-Year IF 2.3 Q1 Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 58/263) *corresponding author (MYRG2022-00091-FED)
[108] Teng, M.F., Reynolds, B.L.*, Ha, X.V. (2024). Social participation and identity change during study abroad: British sojourners in China. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 34(1), 30-45. doi:10.1111/ijal.12476 (SSCI 2023 IF 1.5 5-Year IF 1.9 Q2 Linguistics 81/297) *corresponding author
[107] Soyoof, A., Reynolds, B.L.*, Shadiev, R., & Vazquez-Calvo, B. (2024). A mixed-methods study of the incidental acquisition of foreign language vocabulary and healthcare knowledge through serious game play. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 37(1-2), 27-60. doi:10.1080/09588221.2021.2021242 (SSCI 2023 IF 6.0 5-Year IF 6.8 Q1 Linguistics 1/297) *corresponding author (MYRG2019-00030-FED)
[106] Ding, C., Reynolds, B.L.*, & Ha, X.V. (2024). Learners’ perceptions of a collocation instruction and practice component in a Chinese EFL context. The Language Learning Journal. doi:10.1080/09571736.2002.2098366 (SCOPUS 2023 SJR 1.097 SNIP 1.936 CiteScore 5.5 Q1 Language and Linguistics 40/1088 ESCI 2023 IF 2.2 5-Year IF 2.2 Q1 Education & Educational Research 169/756) *corresponding author (MYRG2019-00030-FED)
[105] Soyoof, A., Reynolds, B.L.*, Neumann, M., Scull, J., Tour, E., & McLay, K. (2024). The impact of parent mediation on young children’s home digital literacy practices and learning: A narrative review. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 40, 65-88. doi:10.1111/jcal.12866 (SSCI 2023 IF 5.1 5-Year IF 5.4 Q1 Education & Educational Research 13/756)
[104] McDonald, J.A., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2023). Learning semantic and thematic vocabulary clusters through embedded instruction: Effects on very young English learners’ vocabulary acquisition and retention. Applied Linguistics Review, 14(5), 1129-1156. doi:10.1515/applirev-2020-0102 (SSCI 2023 IF 2.1 5-Year IF 2.2 Q1 Linguistics 40/297) *corresponding author (MYRG2018-00008-FED)
[103] Mujtaba, S.M., Reynolds, B.L.*, Gao, Y., Parkash, R., & Ha, X.V. (2023). The effects of recalling and imaging prompts on writing engagement, syntactic and lexical complexity, accuracy, and fluency: A partial replication of Cho (2019). Open Linguistics, 9, 1-16. doi:10.1515/opli-2022-0259 (SCOPUS 2023 SJR 1.7 SNIP 1.322 CiteScore 1.7 Q1 Language and Linguistics 223/1088 ESCI 2023 IF 0.6 5-Year IF 0.8 Q3 Linguistics 191/297)
[1o2] Reynolds, B.L.* (2023). Exploring learner attention and processing in second language writing: The role of eye-tracking and written corrective feedback. Feedback Research in Second Language, 1(1), 226-235. doi:10.32038/frsl.2023.01.12 *corresponding author
[101] Reynolds, B.L.*, & Yu, M.H. (2023). The hiring and management practices of a seven-year extracurricular program to enhance Asian undergraduates’ English as an international language communication skills. Asian Englishes, 25(3), 391-406. doi:10.1080/13488678.2021.1961183 (SCOPUS 2023 SJR 1.215 SNIP 2.097 CiteScore 3.3 Q1 Language and Linguistics 109/1088 ESCI 2023 IF 1.6 5-Year IF 1.5 Q2 Linguistics 97/297) *corresponding author
[100] Li, R., Zou, D., Reynolds, B.L., & Vazquez-Calvo, B. (2023). Editorial: Mobile assisted language learning: Developments, affordances, and solutions. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1-2. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1293483 (SSCI 2023 IF 2.6 5-Year IF 3.3 Q2 Psychology, Multidisciplinary 56/218) (HSS-UMAC-2021-02)
[99] Reynolds, B.L., & Wei, R. (2023). Global English education and EAP research in the new era: An introduction. International Journal of English for Academic Purposes: Research and Practice, 3(2), 69-73. doi:10.3828/ijeap.2023.4
[98] Mo, L., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2023). Academic emotions in giving genre-based peer feedback: An emotional intelligence perspective. Applied Linguistics Review, 14(4), 993-1026. doi:10.1515/applirev-2020-0134 (SSCI 2023 IF 2.1 5-Year IF 2.2 Q1 Linguistics 40/297) *corresponding author (MYRG2018-00008-FED)
[97] Mo, L., Zhang, X., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2023). Exploring lexical bundles in low proficiency level L2 learners’ English writing: An ETS corpus study. Applied Linguistics Review, 14(4), 847-873. doi:10.1515/applirev-2020-0129 (SSCI 2023 IF 2.1 5-Year IF 2.2 Q1 Linguistics 40/297) *corresponding author (MYRG2018-00008-FED)
[96] Shieh, J.-J., Reynolds, B.L.*, Ha, X.V. (2023). Using a design-based approach to develop a checklist for evaluating preservice teacher learning materials. TESOL Journal, 14(3), 1-20. doi:10.1002/tesj.717 (SCOPUS 2023 SJR 0.869 SNIP 1.101 CiteScore 3.3 Q1 Language and Linguistics 107/1088 ESCI 2023 IF 1.3 5-Year IF 1.6 Q2 Education & Educational Research 345/756) *corresponding author
[95] Teng, M.F., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2023). Editorial: Incidental vocabulary learning in practice. Asian Journal of English Language Teaching, 32(1), 1-6. https://cup.cuhk.edu.hk/image/catalog/journal/jpreview/AJELT32(1)_1-6_full.pdf *corresponding author
[94] Ma, X., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2023). The effect of reading purpose on incidental acquisition and retention of vocabulary from reading. Asian Journal of English Language Teaching, 32(1), 63-104. https://cup.cuhk.edu.hk/image/catalog/journal/jpreview/AJELT32(1)_63-104_full.pdf *corresponding author
[93] Ren, N., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2023). Book review: Language learning through captioned videos: Incidental vocabulary acquisition. Asian Journal of English Language Teaching, 32(1), 167-172. https://cup.cuhk.edu.hk/image/catalog/journal/jpreview/AJELT32(1)_167-172_full.pdf *corresponding author
[92] Reynolds, B.L.*, Xie, X., & Pham, Q.H.P. (2023). The potentials for incidental vocabulary acquisition from listening to computer science academic lectures: A higher education corpus-based case study from Macau. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1-13. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1219159 (SSCI 2023 IF 2.6 5-Year IF 3.3 Q2 Psychology, Multidisciplinary 56/218) *corresponding author (HSS-UMAC-2021-02)
[91] Zhang, X., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2023). A mixed-methods investigation of the effectiveness and perceptions of learning English collocations using the keyword method and the rote learning method. Behavioral Sciences, 13, 1-27. doi:10.3390/bs13070591 (SSCI 2023 IF 2.5 5-Year IF 2.7 Q2 Psychology, Multidisciplinary 58/218) *corresponding author (SRG2016-00079-FED)
[90] Tam, I.A., Reynolds, B.L.* (2023). The relationship between extramural English engagement and the vocabulary size of L1 Cantonese speakers in Macau. ITL – International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 174(1), 49-82. doi:10.1075/itl.21003.tam (SCOPUS 2023 SJR 1.184 SNIP 1.593 CiteScore 3.8 Q1 Language and Linguistics 88/1088 ESCI IF 2.1 5-Year IF N/A Q1 Linguistics 40/297) *corresponding author (MYRG2019-00030-FED)
[89] Wei, R.T., & Reynolds, B.L. (2023). TESOL in the new era: Introduction to the special column for the 2022 Global English Education China Assembly. International Journal of TESOL Studies, 5(3), 84-87. doi:10.58304/ijts.20230307
[88] Reynolds, B.L.*, Zhang, X., & Ding, C. (2023). A mixed-methods study of English vocabulary for medical purposes: Medical students’ needs, difficulties, and strategies. Applied Linguistics Review, 14(3), 643-678. doi:10.1515/applirev-2020-0119 (SSCI 2023 IF 2.1 5-Year IF 2.2 Q1 Linguistics 40/297) *corresponding author (MYRG2019-00030-FED)
[87] Soyoof, A., Reynolds, B.L.*, Vazquez-Calvo, B., & McLay, K. (2023). Informal digital learning of English (IDLE): A scoping review of what has been done and a look towards what is to come. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 36(4), 608-640. doi:10.1080/09588221.2021.1936562 (SSCI 2023 IF 6.0 5-Year IF 6.8 Q1 Linguistics 1/297) *corresponding author
[86] Reynolds, B.L.*, Yu, M.H., & Ha, X.V. (2023). Administrative staff learning and using English to communicate with international students. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 17(2), 424-439. doi:10.1080/17501229.2022.2058513 (SSCI 2023 IF 3.1 5-Year IF 2.8 Q1 Linguistics 19/297) *corresponding author
[85] Fan, C.W., Lin, J., & Reynolds, B.L. (2023). A bibliometric analysis of trending mobile teaching and learning research from the social sciences. Sustainability, 15, 1-15. doi:10.3390/su15076143 (SSCI 2023 IF 3.3 5-Year IF 3.6 Q2 Environmental Studies 66/182)
[84] Shadiev, R., Yang, M.K., Reynolds, B.L., & Wang, W.Y. (2022). Improving English as a foreign language learning performance using mobile devices in unfamiliar environments. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 35(9), 2170-2200. doi:10.1080/09588221.2020.1868533 (SSCI 2022 IF 7.0 5-Year IF 7.4 Q1 Linguistics 3/194)
[83] Reynolds, B.L., & Kao, C.-W. (2022). A research synthesis of unfocused feedback studies in the L2 writing classroom: Implications for future research. Journal of Language and Education, 8(4), 5-13. doi:10.17323/jle.2022.16516 (SCOPUS 2022 SJR 0.273 SNIP 0.694 CiteScore 1.5 Q1 Language and Linguistics 219/1001 ESCI 2022 IF 0.7 5-Year IF 0.7 Rank by Journal Impact Factor N/A) (MYRG2022-00091-FED)
[82] Reynolds, B.L.*, &. Zhang, X. (2022). Medical school students’ preferences for and perceptions of teacher written corrective feedback on English as a second language academic writing: An intrinsic case study. Behavioral Sciences, 13, 1-16. doi:10.3390/bs13010013 (SSCI 2022 IF 2.6 5-Year IF 3.2 Q2 Psychology, Multidisciplinary 61/147) *corresponding author (MYRG2022-00091-FED)
[81] Reynolds, B.L.*, Shieh, J.-J., Ding, C., & Ha, X.V. (2022). Sustained content language teaching: Insights from an ESL and an EFL course. International Journal of English Studies, 22(2), 129-154. doi:10.6018/ijes.507161 (SCOPUS 2022 SJR 0.340 SNIP 0.843 CiteScore 1.1 Q1 Literature and Literary Theory 43/982 ESCI IF 0.6 5-Year IF 0.9 Rank by Journal Impact Factor N/A) *corresponding author
[80] Jing, Y., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2022). A duoethnography of a Chinese pre-service teacher’s encounters with young learner spelling errors in the English classroom. Languages, 7, 1-19. Doi:10.3390/languages7040298 (SCOPUS 2022 SJR 0.341 SNIP 0.799 CiteScore 1.1 Q2 Language and Linguistics 278/1001 ESCI 2022 IF 0.9 5-Year IF N/A Rank by Journal Impact Factor N/A) *corresponding author
[79] Reynolds, B.L.* (2022). Situated incidental vocabulary acquisition: The effects of in-class and out-of-class novel reading. Applied Linguistics Review, 13(5), 705-733. doi:10.1515/applirev-2019-0059 (SSCI 2022 IF 2.6 5-Year IF 2.7 Q1 Linguistics 30/194) *corresponding author (MYRG2019-00030-FED)
[78] Wei, R.T., & Reynolds, B.L. (2022). Special issue on TESOL and new technology: Opportunities and challenges. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching, 12(2), 1-4. (SCOPUS 2022 SJR 0.326 SNIP 0.750 CiteScore 2.3 Q1 Linguistics and Language 164/1078 ESCI 2022 IF 1.4 5-Year IF 1.1 Rank by Journal Impact Factor N/A).
[77] Liu, S., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2022). Empirical support for the Involvement Load Hypothesis (ILH): A systematic review. Behavioral Sciences, 12, 1-23. doi:10.3390/bs12100354 (SSCI 2022 IF 2.6 5-Year IF 3.2 Q2 Psychology, Multidisciplinary 61/147) *corresponding author (MYRG2019-00030-FED)
[76] Chan, K.K., & Reynolds, B.L. (2022). Metaphoric beliefs of students engaged in dynamic mathematics lessons. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 18(10), 1-13. doi:10.29333/ejmste/12463 (SCOPUS 2022 SJR 0.506 SNIP 1.130 CiteScore 4.2 Q1 Education 296/1469)
[75] Reynolds, B.L.*, Xie, X., & Pham, Q.H.P. (2022). Incidental vocabulary acquisition from listening to English teacher education lectures: A case study from Macau higher education. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1-18. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.993445 (SSCI 2022 IF 3.8 5-Year IF 4.3 Q1 Psychology, Multidisciplinary 34/147) *corresponding author (HSS-UMAC-2021-02)
[74] Lei, Y., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2022). Learning English vocabulary from word cards: A research synthesis. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1-26. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.984211 (SSCI 2022 IF 3.8 5-Year IF 4.3 Q1 Psychology, Multidisciplinary 34/147) *corresponding author (MYRG2019-0030-FED)
[73] Reynolds, B.L., Cui, Y., Kao, C.-W., & Thomas, N. (2022). Vocabulary acquisition through viewing captioned and subtitled video: A scoping review and meta-analysis. Systems, 10, 1-20. doi:10.3390/systems10050133 (SSCI 2022 IF 1.9 5-Year IF 2.5 Q2 Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 55/110) (HSS-UMAC-2021-02)
[72] Reynolds, B.L.*, & Teng, F. (2022). Involving native speakers in oral corrective focused grammar feedback while conversing: An Activity Theory perspective. The Language Learning Journal, 50(5), 569-585. doi:10.1080/09571736.2020.1845225 (SCOPUS 2022 SJR 0.900 SNIP 1.871 CiteScore 4.7 Q1 Language and Linguistics 38/1001 ESCI 2022 IF 2.0 5-Year IF 2.0 Rank by Journal Impact Factor N/A) *corresponding author (MYRG2018-00008-FED)
[71] Yang, S., & Reynolds, B.L. (2022). “Even I can do it”: Chinese ethnolinguistic minority learners’ investment in creative writing and its impact on them. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, 45(30), 340-359. doi:10.1515/CJAL-2022-0302 (SCOPUS 2022 SJR 0.224 SNIP 0.392 CiteScore 1.0 Q2 Language and Linguistics 304/1001 ESCI 2022 IF 0.7 5-Year IF 1.2 Rank by Journal Impact Factor N/A)
[70] Yang, S., & Reynolds, B.L. (2022). L2 creative writing in Asia: Texts, contexts and identity work. International Journal of TESOL Studies, 4(4), 1-5. doi:10.46451/ijts.2022.04.01
[69] Song, T., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2022). The effect of lexical coverage on L2 learners’ reading comprehension of narrative and expository genres. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 59, 1-16. doi:10.1016/j.jeap.2022.101154 (SSCI 2022 IF 3.0 5-Year IF 3.2 Q1 Linguistics 23/194) *corresponding author (MYRG2018-00008-FED)
[68] Reynolds, B.L.*, Shieh, J.-J., & Ha, X.V. (2022). Pre-primary English teacher education in Macau: Investigating a teacher educator’s beliefs and practices. Education as Change, 26, 1-33. doi:10.25159/1947-9417/10592 (SSCI 2022 IF 0.5 5-Year IF 0.9 Q4 Education & Education Research 255/269) *corresponding author (28/DSESHSS-UM/2019 & HSS-UMAC-2020-07)
[67] Song, T., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2022). The effects of lexical coverage and topic familiarity on the comprehension of L2 expository texts. TESOL Quarterly, 56(2), 763-774. doi:10.1002/tesq.3100 (SSCI 2022 IF 3.2 5-Year IF 4.2 Q1 Linguistics 21/194) *corresponding author (MYRG2018-00008-FED)
[66] Reynolds, B.L.*, Ding, C. (2022). Effects of word-related factors on first and second language English readers’ incidental acquisition of vocabulary through reading of an authentic novel. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 21(2), 171-191. doi:10.1108/ETPC-05-2021-0049 (SSCI 2022 IF 0.9 5-Year IF 0.9 Q3 Linguistics 121/194) *corresponding author (MYRG2019-00030-FED)
[65] Reynolds, B.L.*, Ha, X.V., & Yu, M.H. (2022). English textbook selection in Taiwan: Voices of book sales representatives. Education Research International, 2022, 1-6. doi:10.1155/2022/2559737 (ESCI/SCOPUS 2022 SJR 0.354 SNIP 1.064 CiteScore 1.8 Q3 Education 758/1469) *corresponding author
[64] Reynolds, B.L.*, Yang, S., & Yu, M.H. (2022). Teaching and learning second language creative writing in a Taiwanese university: The issues with language ideology and creativity. MEXTESOL Journal, 46(2), 1-15. (SCOPUS 2022 SJR 0.179 SNIP 0.306 CiteScore 0.5 Q2 Cultural Studies 518/1203) *corresponding author (MYRG2018-00008-FED)
[63] Kao, C.-W, Reynolds, B.L.*, Teng, F.M. (2022). What we need to know about student writers’ grammar learning and correction. Applied Linguistics Review, 13(2), 175-199. doi:10.1515/applirev-2019-0016 (SSCI 2022 IF 2.6 5-Year IF 2.7 Q1 Linguistics 30/194) (MYRG2018-00008-FED) *corresponding author
[62] Ma, Y., Yu, S., Reynolds, B.L.*, & Jiang, L. (2022). A qualitative investigation of Chinese students’ willingness to communicate in English in the graduate school classroom. English Teaching & Learning, 46, 77-98. doi:10.1007/s42321-021-00087-1 (SCOPUS 2022 SJR 0.579 SNIP 1.066 CiteScore 2.6 Q1 Linguistics and Language 145/1078 ESCI 2022 IF 1.6 5-Year IF N/A Rank by Journal Impact Factor N/A) *corresponding author
[61] Mujtaba, S.M., Parkash, R., Reynolds, B.L. (2022). The effects of language proficiency and online translator training on second language writing complexity, accuracy, fluency, and lexical complexity. Computer Assisted Language Learning Electronic Journal, 23(1), 150-167. http://callej.org/journal/23-1/Mujtaba-Parkash-Reynolds2022.pdf (SCOPUS 2022 SJR 0.528 SNIP 1.046 CiteScore 2.9 Q1 Language and Linguistics 114/1001)
[60] Reynolds, B.L.*, Ha, X.V., Ding, C., Zhang, X., Liu, S., & Ma, X. (2022). Pre-service teachers learning to teach English to very young learners in Macau: Do beliefs trump practice? Behavioral Sciences, 12(2), 1-22. doi:10.3390/bs12020019 (SSCI 2022 IF 2.6 5-Year IF 3.2 Q2 Psychology, Multidisciplinary 61/147) *corresponding author (28/DSESHSS-UM/2019 & HSS-UMAC-2020-07)
[59] Reynolds, B.L.*, Yu, M.H., & Li, M. (2022). Pre-service English teachers’ understanding about preparing to teach reading skills in secondary schools. Review of Education, 10(1), 1-30. doi:10.1002/rev3.3321 (SCOPUS 2022 SJR 0.518 SNIP 1.219 CiteScore 2.3 Q2 Education 635/1469 ESCI 2022 IF 2.4 5-Year IF 2.7 Rank by Journal Impact Factor N/A) *corresponding author (MYRG2018-00008-FED)
[58] Reynolds, B.L.*, Yu, M.H. (2022). Using English as an international language for fluency development in the internationalised Asian university context. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 31(1), 11-21. doi:10.1007/s40299-020-00534-w (SSCI 2022 IF 3.3 5-Year IF 3.5 Q2 Education & Educational Research 77/269) *corresponding author
[57] Reynolds, B.L.*, & Teng, M.F. (2021). Incidental and informal vocabulary learning: Introduction to the special issue. TESOL Journal, 12(4), 1-7. doi:10.1002/tesj.642 (ESCI/SCOPUS 2021 SJR 0.522 SNIP 0.998 CiteScore 1.7 Q1 Language and Linguistics 174/968) *corresponding author
[56] Thomas, N., Bowen, N.E.J.A., Reynolds, B.L., Osment, C., Pun, J.K.H., & Mikolajewska, A. (2021). A systematic review of the core components of language learning strategy research in Taiwan. English Teaching & Learning, 45(3), 355-374. doi:10.1007/s42321-021-00095-1 (ESCI/SCOPUS 2021 SJR 0.595 SNIP 0.902 CiteScore 1.5 Q1 Linguistics and Language 228/1032)
[55] Reynolds, B.L.*, Kao, C.-W., & Huang, Y.-y. (2021). Investigating the effects of perceived feedback source on second language writing performance: A quasi-experimental study. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 30(6), 585-595. doi:10.1007/s40299-021-00597-3 (SSCI 2021 IF 2.561 5-Year IF 2.618 Q2 Education & Educational Research 122/267) *corresponding author (MYRG2018-00008-FED)
[54] Mujtaba, S.M., Reynolds, B.L.*, Parkash, R., & Singh, M.K.M. (2021). Individual and collaborative processing of written corrective feedback affects second language writing accuracy and revision. Assessing Writing, 50, 1-13. doi:10.1016/j.asw.2021.100566 (SSCI 2021 IF 3.164 5-Year IF 3.780 Q1 Linguistics 21/194) *corresponding author (MYRG2018-00008-FED)
[53] Reynolds, B.L.*, Liu, S., Milosavljevic, M., Ding, C., & McDonald, J.A. (2021). Exploring pre-service pre-primary EFL teacher beliefs about teaching English to very young learners: A Macau case study. Sage Open, 11(4), 1-15. doi:10.1177/21582440211052932 (SSCI 2021 IF 2.032 5-Year IF 2.100 Q2 Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 53/111) *corresponding author (28/DSESHSS-UM/2019 & HSS-UMAC-2020-07)
[52] Liu, S., Reynolds, B.L.*, Ha, X.V., & Ding, C. (2021). Professionals as collaborative mentors in early childhood family education. Sustainability, 13(10644), 1-13. doi:10.3390/su131910644 (SSCI 2021 IF 3.889 5-Year IF 4.089 Q2 Environmental Studies 57/127) *corresponding author (MYRG2018-0008-FED)
[51] Reynolds, B.L.*, & Teng, M.F. (2021). Innovating teacher feedback with writing activities aimed at raising secondary school students’ awareness of collocation errors. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 11(3), 423-444. doi:10.14746/ssllt.2021.11.3.6 (SSCI 2021 IF 2.352 5-Year IF 3.715 Q1 Linguistics 42/194) *corresponding author (MYRG2018-0008-FED)
[50] Reynolds, B.L.*, & Teng, M.F. (2021). Editorial: Introduction to the special issue on teaching English reading and writing to young learners. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 11(3), 423-444. doi:10.14746/ssllt.2021.11.3.1 (SSCI 2021 IF 2.352 5-Year IF 3.715 Q1 Linguistics 42/194) *corresponding author (MYRG2018-00008-FED)
[49] Reynolds, B.L.*, & Yu, M.H. (2021). A language course to teach administrative staff English for communication in an international university. Education as Change, 25, 1-29. doi:10.25159/1947-9417/8749 (SSCI 2021 IF 0.302 5-Year IF 0.881 Q4 Education & Educational Research 262/267) *corresponding author
[48] Reynolds, B.L.*, Liu, S., Ha, X.V., Zhang, X., & Ding, C. (2021). Pre-service teachers learning to teach English as a foreign language to preschool learners in Macau: A longitudinal study. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1-17. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.720660 (SSCI 2021 IF 4.232 5-Year IF 4.426 Q1 Psychology, Multidisciplinary 35/147) *corresponding author (28/DSESHSS-UM/2019 & HSS-UMAC-2020-07)
[47] Shieh, J.-J., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2021). The origin and impact of an ESL teacher’s beliefs on curriculum design. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 41(3), 574-593. doi:10.1080/02188791.2020.1832043 (SSCI 2021 IF 1.478 5-Year IF 1.520 Q4 Education & Educational Research 220/267) *corresponding author (MYRG2018-00008-FED)
[46] Reynolds, B.L.*, & Kao, C-.W. (2021). The effects of digital game-based instruction, teacher instruction, and direct focused written corrective feedback on the grammatical accuracy of English articles. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 34(4), 462-482. doi:10.1080/09588221.2019.1617747 (SSCI 2021 IF 5.964 5-Year IF 5.937 Q1 Linguistics 4/194) (MYRG2018-00008-FED) *corresponding author
[45] Yu, M.H., Reynolds, B.L.*, & Ding, C. (2021). Listening and speaking for real-world communication: What teachers do and what students learn from classroom assessments. Sage Open, 11(2), 1-8. doi:10.1177/21582440211009163 (SSCI 2021 IF 2.032 5-Year IF 2.100 Q1 Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 53/111) *corresponding author (MYRG2018-00008-FED)
[44] Kao, C-W., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2020). High school teacher feedback on word choice errors. Language Learning & Technology, 24(3), 19-29. http://hdl.handle.net/10125/44732 (SSCI 2020 IF 4.313 5-Year IF 4.094 Q1 Linguistics 6/193) *corresponding author (MYRG2018-00008-FED)
[43] Reynolds, B.L.*, & Song, T. (2020). Identity, Motivation, and Multilingual Education in Asian Contexts, Feng Teng, Lixun Wang. Bloomsbury, London (2020). xiii + 182 pp. [Review of the book Identity, Motivation, and Multilingual Education in Asian Contexts, by F. Teng & L. Wang]. System: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics, 94, 1-3. doi:10.1016/j.system.2020.102322 (SSCI 2020 IF 3.167 5-Year IF 3.34 Q1 Linguistics 15/193) *corresponding author
[42] Reynolds, B.L.,* & Ding, C. (2020). English L2 Reading: Getting to the Bottom, Third Edition: Commentary for an Updated Edition. Literacy, 54(3), 156-157. doi:10.1111/lit.12196 (SSCI 2020 IF 1.783 5-Year IF 1.922 Q2 Linguistics 57/193) (MYRG2018-00008-FED) *corresponding author
[41] Reynolds, B.L.*, & Teng, F. (2020). Vocabulary bridge-building: A book review of Norbert Schmitt (2010), I.S. Paul Nation & Stuart Webb (2011), and Paul Meara & Imma Miralpeix (2016). Applied Linguistics, 41(4), 612-617. doi:10.1093/applin/amy021 (SSCI 2020 IF 5.741 5-Year IF 5.374 Q1 Linguistics 1/193) *corresponding author
[40] Reynolds, B.L.*, Wu, W.-H., & Shih, Y.-C. (2020). Which elements matter?: Constructing word cards for English vocabulary growth. Sage Open, 10(2), 1-12. doi:10.1177/2158244020919512 (SSCI 2020 IF 1.356 5-Year IF 1.577 Q3 Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 72/110) (MYRG2019-00030-FED) *corresponding author
[39] Reynolds, B.L.* (2020). The effects of nonce words, frequency, contextual richness, and L2 vocabulary knowledge on the incidental acquisition of vocabulary through reading: More than a replication of Zahar et al. (2001) & Tekmen and Daloğlu (2006). IRAL-International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 58(1), 75-102. doi:10.1515/iral-2015-0115 (SSCI 2020 IF 0.97 5-Year IF 1.631 Q3 Linguistics 114/193) *corresponding author (SRG2016-00079-FED)
[38] Ding, C., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2019). The effects of L1 congruency, L2 proficiency, and the collocate-node relationship on the processing of L2 English collocations by L1-Chinese EFL learners. Review of Cognitive Linguistics, 17(2), 331-357. doi:10.1075/rcl.00038.din *corresponding author (SSCI 2019 IF 0.686 5-Year IF 0.647 Q3 Linguistics 112/187)
[37] Reynolds, B.L.* (2019). A mixed methods study of “English Corners” funded by the Taiwan Ministry of Education “Program for Promoting Teaching Excellence of Universities”. Applied Linguistics Review, 10(4), 561-590. doi:10.1515/applirev-2017-0046 *corresponding author (SSCI 2019 IF 1.571 5-Year IF 2.139 Q2 Linguistics 50/187)
[36] Hu, B.Y., Li, Y., Wang, C., Reynolds, B.L., & Wang, S. (2019). The relation between school climate and preschool teacher stress: The mediating role of teachers’ self-efficacy. Journal of Educational Administration, 57(6), 748-767. doi:10.1108/JEA-08-2018-0146 (ESCI/SCOPUS 2019 SJR 0.948 SNIP 1.387 CiteScore 2.5 Q1 Education 280/1254)
[35] Hsieh, Y.T., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2019). A corpus study of stance adverbs in modern Mandarin Chinese—yexu, keneng, and haoxiang. The Linguistics Journal, 13(1), 52-72. (SCOPUS SJR N/A SNIP N/A CiteScore N/A Q4 Language and Linguistics 769/830). *corresponding author
[34] Yang, S., & Reynolds, B.L. (2019). Teaching English to young learners: Critical issues in language teaching with 3-12 year olds [Review of the book]. The Asian EFL Journal Quarterly, 23(5), 221-225. (SCOPUS 2019 SJR 0.233 SNIP 0.949 CiteScore 0.5 Q2 Language and Linguistics 331/830)
[33] Reynolds, B.L.*, & Teng, M.F. (2019). Foreword [Editorial]. The Asian EFL Journal Quarterly, 23(5), 1-3. *corresponding author (SCOPUS 2019 SJR 0.233 SNIP 0.949 CiteScore 0.5 Q2 Language and Linguistics 331/830)
[32] Reynolds, B.L.* (2019). The effect of morphological form variation on adult first language incidental vocabulary acquisition through reading. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 18(1), 36-51. doi:10.1108/ETPC-07-2018-0069 *corresponding author (SSCI 2019 IF 0.648 5-Year IF 0.588 Q3 Linguistics 115/187) (MYRG2018-00008-FED)
[31] Teng, F., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2019). Effects of individual and group metacognitive prompts on EFL reading comprehension and incidental vocabulary learning. PLoS ONE, 14(5), e0215902. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0215902 (SCIE 2019 IF 2.740 5-Year IF 3.226 Q2 Multidisciplinary Sciences 27/71) (SRG2016-00079-FED & MYRG2019-00030-FED) *corresponding author
[30] Reynolds, B.L.*, & Shih, Y.-C. (2019). The learning effects of student-constructed word cards as homework for the adolescent English language classroom. System: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics, 81, 146-162. doi:10.1016/j.system.2019.01 (SSCI 2019 IF 1.979 5-Year IF 2.464 Q1 Linguistics 25/187) *corresponding author (SRG2016-00079-FED)
[29] Snoder, P., & Reynolds, B.L. (2019). How dictogloss can facilitate collocation learning in ELT. ELT Journal, 73(1), 41-50. doi:10.1093/elt/ccy024 (SSCI 2019 IF 1.314 5-Year IF 1.750 Q2 Linguistics 63/187)
[28] Yu, S., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2018). Investigating writing tasks in English textbooks for Chinese secondary students. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 15(4), 1114-1121. doi:10.18823/asiatefl.2018. (ESCI/SCOPUS, 2018 SJR 0.274 SNIP 0.657 CiteScore 0.48 Q2 Linguistics and Language 259/738) *corresponding author
[27] Reynolds, B.L.*, Shih, Y.-C., & Wu, W.-H. (2018). Modeling Taiwanese adolescent learners’ English vocabulary acquisition and retention: The washback effect of the College Entrance Examination Center’s Reference Word List. English for Specific Purposes, 52, 47-59. doi:10.1016/j.esp.2018.08.001. (SSCI 2018 IF 1.704 5-Year IF 2.224 Q1 Linguistics 33/184) (SRG2016-00079-FED) *corresponding author
[26] Ding, C., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2018). Making and using word lists for language learning and testing. [Review of the book Making and using word lists for language learning and testing, by I.S.P. Nation]. Applied Linguistics, 39(4), 602-606. doi:10.1093/applin/amx052 (SSCI 2018 IF 3.041 5-Year IF 4.516 Q1 Linguistics 5/181) *corresponding author
[25] Shih, Y.-C., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2018). Exploring strong and weak EFL readers’ strategy use after a reading strategy and extensive reading instructional intervention: A think-aloud analysis. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics, 31(1), 345-377. doi:10.1075/resla.16032.shi (SSCI 2018 IF 0.233 5-Year IF 0.320 Q4 Linguistics 171/184) *corresponding author
[24] Shih, Y.-C., Chern, C.L., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2018). Bringing extensive reading and reading strategies into the Taiwanese junior college classroom. Reading in a Foreign Language, 30(1), 130-151. (ESCI) *corresponding author
[23] Reynolds, B.L.*, & Yu, M.H. (2018). Addressing the language needs of administrative staff in Taiwan’s internationalised higher education: Call for an English as a lingua franca curriculum to increase communicative competence and willingness to communicate. Language and Education, 32(2), 147-166. doi:10.1080/09500782.2017.1405017 (SSCI 2018 IF 1.164 5-Year IF 1.673 Q2 Linguistics 63/184) *corresponding author (SRG2016-00079-FED)
[22] Shih, Y.-C., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2018). The effects of integrating goal setting and reading strategy instruction on English reading proficiency and learning motivation: A quasi-experimental study. Applied Linguistics Review, 9(1), 35-62. doi:10.1515/applirev-2016-1022 (SSCI 2018 IF 1.098 5-Year IF 1.871 Q2 Linguistics 71/184) *corresponding author
[21] Kao, C.-W., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2017). A study on the relationship among Taiwanese college students’ EFL writing strategy use, writing ability and writing difficulty. English Teaching & Learning, 41(4), 31-64. doi:10.6330/ETL.2017.41.4.02 (SCOPUS, 2017 SJR 0.185 SNIP 0.496 CiteScore 0.11 Q2 Language and Linguistics 455/671) *corresponding author
[20] Reynolds, B.L.* (2017). Evidence for the Task-Induced Involvement Construct in incidental vocabulary acquisition through digital gaming. The Language Learning Journal, 45(4), 466-484. doi:10.1080/09571736.2014.938243 *corresponding author (ESCI/SCOPUS, 2017 SJR 0.632 SNIP 0.868 CiteScore 0.80 Q1 Language and Linguistics 130/618)
[19] Reynolds, B.L.*, & Kao, C.-W. (2016). More than a Response to Andrew Sampson’s (2012) “Coded and uncoded error feedback: Effects on error frequencies in adult Colombian EFL learners’ writing”: A Call for Replication. Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education, 1(15), 1-6. doi:10.1186/s40862-016-0020-9 (ESCI) *corresponding author
[18] Reynolds, B.L.* (2016). Investigating the effects of target word properties on the incidental acquisition of vocabulary through reading. TESL-EJ: Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 20(3), 1-31. (SCOPUS) *corresponding author (MOST 103-2410-H-010-015-)
[17] Reynolds, B.L.* (2016). Troublesome English translations of Taiwanese dishes. English Today, 32(2), 15-23. doi:10.1017/S026607841500067X (5-Year IF 0.403 Q4 Linguistics 138/182) *corresponding author (MOST 103-2410-H-010-015-)
[16] Reynolds, B.L.* (2016). Action research: Applying a bilingual parallel corpus collocational concordancer to Taiwanese medical school EFL academic writing. RELC Journal: A Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 47(2), 213-227. doi:10.1177/0033688215619518 *corresponding author (ESCI/SCOPUS, 2016 SJR 0.378 SNIP 0.919 CiteScore 0.58 Q1 Language and Linguistics 144/582)
[15] Reynolds, B.L.* (2015). Helping Taiwanese graduate students help themselves: Applying corpora to industrial management English as a foreign language academic reading and writing. Computers in the Schools, 32(3-4), 300-317. doi:10.1080/07380569.2015.1096643 *corresponding author (ESCI/SCOPUS, 2015 SJR 0.371 SNIP 0.785 CiteScore 0.66 Q2 Education 453/904)
[14] Reynolds, B.L.* (2015). The effects of word form variation and frequency on second language incidental vocabulary acquisition through reading. Applied Linguistics Review, 6(4), 467-497. doi:10.1515/applirev-2015-0021 *corresponding author (SSCI, 2015 IF 0.5 Q1 Language and Linguistics 104/181)
[13] Shih, Y.-C. & Reynolds, B.L.* (2015). Teaching adolescents EFL by integrating Think-Pair-Share and reading strategy instruction: A quasi-experimental study. RELC Journal: A Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 46(3), 221-235. doi:10.1177/0033688215589886 (ESCI/SCOPUS, 2015 SJR 0.533 SNIP 1.001 CiteScore 0.55 Q1 Language and Linguistics 167/568) *corresponding author
[12] Reynolds, B.L.*, Wu, W.-H., Liu, H.-W., Kuo, S.-Y., & Yeh, C.-H. (2015). Towards a model of advanced learners’ vocabulary acquisition: An investigation of L2 vocabulary acquisition and retention by Taiwanese English majors. Applied Linguistics Review, 6(1), 121-144. doi:10.1515/applirev-2015-0006 (SSCI, 2015 IF 0.5 5-Year IF not available Q3 Linguistics 104/181) (MOST 103-2410-H-010-015-) *corresponding author
[11] Reynolds, B.L.* (2015). A mixed-methods approach to investigating first- and second-language incidental vocabulary acquisition through the reading of fiction. Reading Research Quarterly, 50(1), 111-127. doi:10.1002/rrq.88 *corresponding author (SSCI, 2015 IF 2.087 5-Year IF 3.168 Q1 Education & Educational Research 19/231)
[10] Reynolds, B.L.* & Anderson, T.A.F. (2015). Extra-dimensional in-class communications: Action research exploring text chat support of face-to-face writing. Computers and Composition, 35, 52-64. doi:10.1016/j.compcom.2014.12.002 (SCOPUS, 2015 SJR 0.547 SNIP 1.106 CiteScore 0.70 Q1 Language and Linguistics 134/568) *corresponding author
[9] Reynolds, B.L.* & Wible, D. (2014). Frequency in incidental vocabulary acquisition research: An undefined concept and some consequences. TESOL Quarterly, 48(4), 843-861. doi: 10.1002/tesq.197 (SSCI, 2014 IF 0.94 5-Year IF 1.424 Q2 Linguistics 52/172) *corresponding author
[8] Reynolds, B.L.* & Liao, C.-C. (2014). Translating religion in The Dream of the Red Chamber. 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature, 20(2), 101-116. doi:10.17576/3L-2014-2002-09 (ESCI/SCOPUS, 2014 SJR 0.67 SNIP 0.865 CiteScore 0.44 Q1 Language and Linguistics 174/529) *corresponding author
[7] Reynolds, B.L.* & Wang, S.-L. (2014). An investigation of the role of article commendation and criticism in Taiwanese university students’ heavy BBS usage. Computers & Education, 78, 210-226. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2014.04.021 (SSCI, 2014 IF 2.556 5-Year IF 3.227 Q1 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications 16/102) *corresponding author
[6] Reynolds, B.L.* (2014). An applied phenomenological interview approach to the exploration of Taiwanese EFL teachers’ perspectives on language labs. The Asian EFL Journal Quarterly, 16(1), 189-226. *corresponding author (SCOPUS, 2014 SJR 0.27 SNIP 0.394 CiteScore 0.21 Q2 Language and Linguistics 237/529)
[5] Reynolds, B.L.* (2013). Comments on Stuart Webb and John Macalister’s “Is Text Written for Children Useful for L2 Extensive Reading?” TESOL Quarterly, 47(4), 849–852. doi:10.1002/tesq.145 *corresponding author (SSCI, 2013 IF 1.0 5-Year IF 1.179 Q1 Linguistics 41/169)
[4] Reynolds, B.L.* (2013). A web-based EFL writing environment as a bridge between academic advisers and junior researchers: A pilot study. British Journal of Educational Technology, 44(3), E77-E80. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2012.01344.x *corresponding author (SSCI, 2013 IF 1.394 5-Year IF 1.912 Q1 Education & Educational Research 37/219)
[3] Reynolds, B.L.*, & Bai, Y.-L. (2013). Does the freedom of reader choice affect second language incidental vocabulary acquisition? British Journal of Educational Technology, 44(2), E42-E44. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2012.01322.x *corresponding author (SSCI, 2013 IF 1.394 5-Year IF 1.912 Q1 Education & Educational Research 37/219)
[2] Reynolds, B.L.* (2012). Comments on Anthony Bruton, Miguel García López, and Raquel Esquiliche Mesa’s “Incidental L2 Vocabulary Learning: An Impracticable Term?” TESOL Quarterly, 46(4), 812–816. doi:10.1002/tesq.64 *corresponding author (SSCI, 2012 IF 0.969 5-Year IF 1.158 Q2 Linguistics 56/162)
[1] Chiu, Y.-h., Kao, C.-w., & Reynolds, B.L. (2012). The relative effectiveness of digital game-based learning types in English as a foreign language setting: A meta-analysis. British Journal of Educational Technology, 43(4), E104–E107. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2012.01295.x (SSCI, 2012 IF 1.313 5-Year IF 1.888 Q1 Education & Educational Research 37/219)