yb87473 Ricardo Hernany Dos Santos Brito2025-01-22T11:03:39+08:00
Faculty of Education |
University of Macau |
(853) 8822 8728
(853) 8822 2402
Room 1013, Faculty of Education,
University of Macau, E33,
Av. da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China
Jin-Jy SHIEH 謝金枝
Assistant Professor |
Faculty of Education, University of Macau |
Academic Qualifications
- Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction
- MEd, Institute of Education, University of London, London, UK
- MEd, Taipei Municipal Teachers College
- BEd, Taipei Municipal Teachers College
Teaching Area
- Curriculum Design and Development
- Principles of Teaching and Learning
Academic Journals
- 謝金枝(2025)。高教轉型的方向:從理念出發。臺灣教育評論月刊,14(1), 73-78。Shieh, J. J. (2025). The direction of higher education transformation: Starting from the vision. Taiwan Educational Review Monthly, 14(1), 73-78.
- 謝金枝、Cefai, C.、詹寶菁(2025)。小學教師職前教育學程的比較分析:三個地區之案例。台灣教育研究期刊,6(1),175-218。Shieh, J. J., Cefai, C., & Chan, P.-J. (2025). Comparative analysis of pre-service education programs for primary school teachers: Cases from three regions. Journal of Taiwan Education Studies, 6(1), 175-218.
- Reynolds, B., Ren, N., & Shieh, J. J. (2024). From Teacher Beliefs to Practices: Unpacking the Benefits and Barriers of Extensive Reading Programmes in Macau Secondary Schools. Education as Change, 28(1), 1-24. https://doi.org/10.25159/1947-9417/15840
- 謝金枝、宋明娟(2024)。澳門的小學教育:制度與實踐。台灣教育研究期刊,5(3),277-300。Shieh, J. J., & Sung, M.-C. (2024). Primary education in Macao: System and practice. Journal of Taiwan Education Studies, 5(3), 277-300. (ISSN 2664 7842)
- 謝金枝(2024 )。少子化衝擊下大學擴展生源的可行策略:澳門大學的做法與啟示。 臺灣教育評論月刊,13(1), 77-83。Shieh, J. J. (2024). Feasible strategies for universities to expand student sources under the impact of declining birthrate: Practices and inspirations from the University of Macau. Taiwan Educational Review Monthly, 13(1), 77-83. (ISSN 2225 7209)
- 謝金枝、褚彩霞(2024)。大學住宿式書院課程發展之案例分析:以澳門的一所書院為例。台灣教育研究期刊,5(2), 341-379。Shieh, J. J., & Chu, C. (2024). A Case Analysis of Curriculum Development in University Residential Colleges: Taking an RC in Macao as an Example. Journal of Taiwan Education Studies, 5(2), 341-379. (ISSN 2664 7842)
- Wang, C., Hancock, D., Shieh, J.-J., & Hachen, J. (2023). Student perceptions of assessment in Taiwan and the United States. Educational Research and Development Journal, 26 (2), 62-84. (ISSN: 1526-8659)
- Shieh, J-J., Reynolds, B. L. & Ha, X. V. (2023). Using a design-based approach to develop a checklist for evaluating preservice teacher learning materials. TESOL Journal, 14(3), 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1002/tesj.717
- 謝金枝(2023)。高教公共化的理念與做法。臺灣教育評論月刊,12(1),39-46。Shieh, J. J. (2023). The idea and practice of publicizing higher education. Taiwan Educational Review Monthly, 12(1), 39-46. (ISSN 2664 7842)
- 謝金枝、Simões, C., Santos, A. C., & Arriaga, P.(2023)。 大學生的社會情緒能力現況分析:以北臺灣一所公立大學為例。台灣教育研究期刊,4(1), 97-135。Shieh, J. J., Simões, C., Santos, A. C., & Arriaga, P.(2023). Analysis of the current situation of university students’ social and emotional competences: A case study of a public university in northern Taiwan. Journal of Taiwan Education Studies, 4(1), 97-135. (written in Chinese) (ISSN 2664 7842)
- Santos, A. C., Arriaga, P., Daniel, J. R., Cefai, C., Melo, M. H. S., Psyllou, A., Shieh, J. J., Schutte, N., Furtado, C., David, C. H., Azevedo, M. C., Andreou, E., & Simões, C. (2023). Social and emotional competencies as predictors of student engagement in youth: a cross-cultural multilevel study, Studies in Higher Education, 48(1), 1-19, https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2022.2099370
- Reynolds, B. L., Shieh, J. J., Chen, D., & Ha, X.V. (2022). Sustained content language teaching: Insights from an ESL and an EFL course. International Journal of English Studies, 22 (2), pp. 129–154. https://doi.org/10.6018/ijes.507161
- Reynolds, B.L., Shieh, J. J., & Ha, X.V. (2022). Pre-primary English teacher education in Macau: Investigating a teacher educator’s beliefs and practices. Education as Change, 26, 1-33. https://doi.org/10.25159/1947-9417/10592
- Shieh, J. J., Simões, C., & Santos, A. C.(2022). Does class attendance really matter? Perspectives of faculty members and students in two universities。Journal of Taiwan Education Studies, 3(1),145-176. (ISSN 2664 7842)
- Shieh, J. J., & Reynolds, B. L. (2021). The origin and impact of an ESL teacher’s beliefs on curriculum design. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 41(3), 574-593, https://doi.org/10.1080/02188791.2020.1832043
- 謝金枝(2021)。高教變革的本質與方向。臺灣教育評論月刊,10(1),14-20。Shieh, J. J. (2021). The nature and direction of higher education change. Taiwan Educational Review Monthly, 10(1), 14-20.
- 謝金枝(2021)。學習評量知覺的探究:以臺灣的教育學院師生為對象。台灣教育研究期刊,2(1),137-170。Shieh, J. J. (2021). Perception of learning assessment: Focus on education teachers and students in Taiwan. Journal of Taiwan Education Studies, 2(1), 137-170. (ISSN 2664 7842)
- 謝金枝(2020)。一所大學的教師文化:對學習評量的看法與做法。課程與教學季刊,23(1),1-34。Shieh, J. J. (2020). Teachers’ culture of a university: Perspectives and practice on learning assessment. Curriculum & Instruction Quarterly, 23(1), 1-34.
- 謝金枝、江春蓮(2020)。學生評鑑教師教學:兩所大學的師生觀點。台灣教育研究期刊,1(1),73-104。Shieh, J. J., & Jiang, ChunLian (2020). Student evaluations of teaching: Perspectives of teachers and students in two universities. Journal of Taiwan Education Studies, 1(1), 73-104. (ISSN 2664 7842)
- 謝金枝(2019)。翻轉高等教育的學習評量。臺灣教育評論月刊,8(1),157-161。Shieh, J. J. (2019). Flip the learning assessment in higher education. Taiwan Educational Review Monthly, 8(1), 157-161.
- 謝金枝、孫呈祥(2018)。「教師即課程評鑑者」理念的實踐與挑戰:澳門中學地理教師的個案分析。中等教育,69(4), 36-55頁。 Shieh, J. J., & Sun, C. C. (2018, December). Practice and Challenge to the Concept amid “Teachers as Curriculum Evaluators”: A case study of a secondary school geography teacher in Macao. Secondary Education, 69 (4), 36-55.
- Shieh, J. J., & Cefai, C. (2017). Assessment of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: A Case Analysis of a University in the South of Europe. Malta Review of Educational Research, 11(1), 29-47.
- 謝金枝(2017)。大學整併:觀點與案例。臺灣教育評論月刊,6(1),38-44。Shieh, J. J. (2017). University merge: Perspectives and case. Taiwan Educational Review Monthly, 6(1). pp. 38-44.
- Simoes, C., Santos, A., & Shieh, J. (2016). University student’s assessment policies in a Portuguese University. Higher Education Evaluation and Development, 10(2), 19-52.
- Zeng, Q., He, D., & Shieh, J. J. (2016). Matching up to the Swing Pendulum between “Social Orientation” and “Individual Orientation”: The Current Situation and Reflection of Students’ Evaluation in S University in China Mainland. Higher Education Evaluation and Development, 10(2), 53-72.
- Shieh, J. J., Cefai, C., & Wang, W. (2016). Policy and implementation of undergraduate student learning assessment: A case analysis of University M. Higher Education Evaluation and Development, 10(2), 73-92.
- 謝金枝(2016)。教科書研究的整合取徑:混合方法研究。課程與教學季刊,19(3), 55-84 (TSSCI) 。 Shieh, J. J. (2016). The integrated approach of textbook research: Mixed methods research. Curriculum & Instruction Quarterly, 19(3), 55-84.
- 謝金枝 (2015)。澳門小學教師課程發展與評鑑之個案研究。教育論叢,3, 77-94。 Shieh, J. J. (2015). A Case Study of Teacher’s Curriculum Development and Evaluation at a Primary School in Macao. Educational Discourses, 3, pp.77-94.
- Shieh, J. J., Chan, S. J. (2015). The Influence of Commercialization on Academic Work: A Case Analysis of University T in Taiwan. Higher Education Evaluation and Development, 9(1). pp. 41-62.
- Shieh, J. J. (2015). Power, Privilege and Textbooks: A Content Analysis of General Studies Textbooks in Primary Schools in Macao. 台灣教育評論月刊 (Taiwan Educational Review Monthly), 4(5). pp. 209-234.
- 謝金枝(2015)。大學引導學生從事社會參與的可行途徑。臺灣教育評論月刊,4(1),30-35。Shieh, J. J. (2015). How can the university do to guide students to engage in activities of social participation? Taiwan Educational Review Monthly, 4(1). pp. 30-35.
- 周遠棋、謝金枝、陳美燕(2013)。澳門中學生休閒參與、休閒滿意度與主觀幸福感之研究。休閒研究,5(1), 31-41頁。桃園縣: 國立體育大學。Chao, U.K., Shieh, J. J., & Chen, M.Y.(2013, 3). A study of Leisure Participation, Leisure Satisfaction and Subjective Well-being of High School Students in Macao. Leisure Study, 5(1), 31-41. Taoyuan: National Taiwan Sport University.
- 謝金枝(2012)。澳門中學教師之教學關注。澳門研究,66期,161-170頁。Shieh, J. J. (2012). A study on secondary school teachers’ teaching concerns in Macao, Macau Studies, 66, pp.161-170.
- 謝金枝(2005)。英國教師課程評鑑之個案研究,初等教育學刊,21,99-118。Shieh, J. J. (2005). A case study of teacher’s curriculum evaluation in England, Journal of Elementary Education,21, 99-118.
Book Chapters
- 謝金枝(2023)。教育評論議題之分析:以臺灣教育評論月刊 7-11卷的自由評論為例。載於張芬芬、許籘繼主編,教育評論的理論與實踐(頁239-258)。臺北市:五南。 (ISBN: 9786263668614) Shieh, J. J. (2023). Analysis of Issues of Educational Reviews: Taking the Free Reviews of Volumes 7-11 of Taiwan Educational Review Monthly as Examples. In F-F. Chang & T.-J. Sheu (Eds.), The theory and practice of educational review (page 239-258). Taipei City: Wunan. (ISBN: 9786263668614).
- 謝金枝 (2023)。雙語教育的本質:對臺灣推動雙語教育的啟示。載於方志華、葉興華主編,雙語教育的政策省思與國際比較(頁3-26)。臺北市:五南。(ISBN:9786263660090) Shieh, J. J. (2023). The Nature of Bilingual Education: Implications for Taiwan’s Promotion of Bilingual Education. In C.-H. Fun & S.-H. Yeh (Eds.), Policy Reflection and International Comparison of Bilingual Education (page 3-26). Taipei City: Wunan. (ISBN: 9786263660090).
- Shieh, J. J., Reynolds, B.L., Ha, X.V. (2022). Oral feedback on pre-service teachers’ English language lesson plans: A Macau case study. In M. S. Khine & Y. Liu (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Teacher Education (pp 417-439). Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-9785-2_21
- 謝金枝 (2022)。澳門高等教育的國際教育政策與現況—對臺灣高等教育國際教育的啟示。載於黃政傑主編,大學國際教育:趨勢、問題與展望(頁423-454)。臺北市:五南。(ISBN:9786263177277). Shieh, J. J. (2022). International Education Policy and Current Situation of Higher Education in Macao—Revelation to International Education in Taiwan Higher Education. In J-J. Huang (Ed.), International Education in Higher Education: Trends, Issues and Prospects (pp. 423-454). Taipei City: Wunan. (ISBN: 9786263177277)
- 謝金枝(2020)。大學整併的成效評估:案例分析。載於黃政傑、李懿芳主編,大學整併:成效、問題與展望(頁411-443)。臺北市:五南。(ISBN:9789865223564) Shieh, J. J. (2020). Evaluation of university merger’s effectiveness: Cases analysis. In J. J. Hwang & Y.-F. Lee (Eds.), University Integration: Achievements, issues and prospects. Taipei City: Wu-Nan. (ISBN:9789865223564)
- Shieh, E. J.-J., & Chan, S-J. (2020). How Commercialization and Corporatization Affect Academic Freedom in Higher Education: A Case Analysis of a University in Taiwan. In Z. Hao & P. Zabielskis (Eds.), Academic Freedom Under Siege: Higher Education in East Asia, the U.S. and Australia (pp.165-180). Swaziland: Springer Nature. ISBN 978-3-030-49119-2
- 黃素君、謝金枝(2020)。中央-校本雙軌並行的課程發展模式:澳門正規教育課綱的制定、實施與評核。載於黃政傑、謝金枝主編,中小學課綱之國際經驗(頁221-268)。臺北市:五南。(ISBN:9789865221447). Vong, S. K., & Shieh, J. J. (2020). The central-school-based dual-track curriculum development model: The formulation, implementation and evaluation of the curriculum framework of formal education in Macao. In J. J. Hwang & J. J. Shieh (Eds.), Curriculum guidelines for elementary and secondary schools: International experiences. Taipei City: Wu-Nan. (ISBN:9789865221447).
- 謝金枝(2019)。澳門少子女化趨勢以及教育因應策略之分析。載於王如哲、黃月純(主編),少子女化之教育因應策略:各國趨勢分析及對臺灣的啟示 (175-208頁)。臺北市:高教出版社。Shieh, J. J. (2019). The trend of declining birth rate in Macao and the analysis of educational response strategies. In R.–J. Wang & Y. –C. Huang (Eds.), Educational strategy of declining population: Trend analysis of diverse countries and implications for Taiwan (pp. 175-208). Taipei, Taiwan: Higher Education Press.
- 謝金枝(2017)。教育研究倫理審查內容之分析:以兩所大學為例。收錄於臺灣教育評論學會(主編)教育學門的研究倫理:實例、問題與評析,121-134。Shieh, J. J. (2017). Content analysis of research ethics: Two university cases. In Taiwan Educational Association (Ed.) Research ethics in education field: Theory, issue and review, 121-134.
- 謝金枝(2012)。課程與教學。載於黃意舒總校閱,教育職場的專業倫理,第十章(頁10-1-10-56)。台北市:華騰。Shieh, J. J.(2012). Curriculum and instruction. In Y. S. Huang (Ed.),Professional Ethics in Educational Profession(pp. 10-1-10-56). Taipei City: Farterng.
- 謝金枝(2008)。高等教育學習評鑑的角色與實踐。載於黃政傑主編,課程評鑑:理念、研究與應用(中華民國課程與教學學會年刊)(頁309-340)。台北市:五南。Shieh, J. J.(2008). The role and the practice of learning assessment in higher education. In J. J. Hwang (Ed.), Curriculum Evaluation: Theory, Research and Application(pp.309-340). Taipei City: Wu-Nan.
Edited Book
- 黃政傑、謝金枝主編(2020,9月)。中小學課綱之國際經驗。臺北市:五南。Hwang,J. J., & Shieh, J.J.(Eds.). (2020,9). Curriculum Guidelines for elementary and secondary schools: International experiences. Taipei City: Wu-Nan.
- 張芬芬、謝金枝主編(2019,12月)。十二年國教108課綱實施與問題因應。臺北市:五南。Chang, F. F., & Shieh, J. J. (Eds.). (2019, 12). Curriculum Guidelines of 12- Year Basic Education: Implementation and Problem Response. Taipei City: Wu-Nan.
Translation Work
- 何金針、謝金枝譯(2007)。社會團體工作。Charles H. Zastrow著,Social work with groups: A comprehensive workbook, 6th ed.台北市:心理。He, J. J., & Shieh, J. J. (2007).(Tras.) .Social work with groups: A comprehensive workbook(6thed.), by Zastrow, C. H. (2006). Taipei City: Psychological Publishing.
- 魏冰、謝金枝、施達明、陳溢寧、阮邦球、李銘源(2009)。澳門中小學自然科學教育專項評鑑報告,澳門。Wei, B., Shieh, J. J., Sze, T. M.,Chan, I. N., Yuen, P. K., & Lee, M. Y.(2009). Evaluation report of Macau primary and secondary natural science education, Macau.
- 孔兆偉、黃鏡英、謝金枝(2007)。「公共體育設施網絡」使用情況調查報告,澳門。Kong, Z. W., Vong, K. I., & Shieh, J. J. (2007). Survey report of the usage of public sports facilities network, Macau.
Conference Presentations
- 褚彩霞、謝金枝(2023, 7 月 8 日)。書院教育中的多元化模式建構。發表於深圳理工主辦,第八屆海峽兩岸暨港澳地區高校現代書院制教育論壇暨第三期書院教育研修班, 深圳,廣東。(文章收錄於第八屆海峽兩岸暨港澳地區高校現代書院制教育論壇暨第三期書院教育研修班論文集,P075-78)。Chu, C., & Shieh, J. J. (2023. July 8). Construction of Diverse Models in RC Education. Paper presented at the 8th Cross-Straits and Hong Kong and Macao Region Modern RC Education Forum, University RC Alliance in Shenzhen University of Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen, Guangdong.
- Santos, A. C., Arriaga, P., Daniel, J. R., Cefai, C., Melo, M. H. S., Psyllou, A., Shieh, J. J., Schutte, N., Furtado, C., David, C. H., Azevedo, M. C., Andreou, E., & Simões, C. (2022, June 30 – July 2). A cross-cultural multilevel study about the association between socioemotional competences and student engagement in youth. Paper presented at the 8th Conference on Social Emotional Learning and Positive Development, Suceava, Romania.
- 謝金枝(2021, 9月29日)。澳門高教本科生學習評核的模式:標準參照?常模參照?發表於澳門大學澳門研究中心主辦,「澳門高等教育的現狀與未來」研討會,澳門大學。Shieh, J. J. (2021, September 29). Assessment Models for Undergraduate Students in Macao Higher Education: Criterion-referenced test? Norm-referenced test? Paper presented at the conference on Macao Higher Education Development, UM, Macao.
- Shieh, J. J. (2019, November 8-9). Primary school teachers’ beliefs about assessment: What, where and how. Paper presented at the 2019 Taiwan Education Symposium: A New Opportunity for Cross-Domain and Cross-Border Education, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Shieh, J. J., & Reynolds, B. L. (2018, October 6-8). The role of teacher’s beliefs in curriculum design in higher education: A case analysis of an ESL teacher. Paper presented at the conference on Individual Differences in Second Language and Teaching II: The Individual and the Context. State University of Applied Sciences, Konin, Poland.
- Shieh, J. J., & Reynolds, L. (2018, June 18-20). An exploratory study of curriculum decision-making in higher education: A case analysis of an ESL teacher. Paper presented at the conference on ELE: Exploring language education: Local and global perspectives, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Reynolds, B.L., & Shieh, J.-J. (2018, June 18-20). Eating for English: A comparative environment analysis of a gastronomy language course taught in an ESL and EFL context. Paper presented at the conference on ELE: Exploring language education: Local and global perspectives, Stockholm, Sweden.
- 謝金枝(2018, 5月26日)。澳門教育政策發展的趨勢。發表於嘉義大學主辦「2018兩岸教育行政論壇學術研討會暨研究生論文發表會」,嘉義。Shieh, J. J. (2018, May 26). The trend of Macao’s education development. Paper presented at the Symposium on “2018 Cross-Strait Education Administration Forum and Postgraduate Paper Presentation, Chiayi.
- 謝金枝(2017,11月11日)。澳門因應少子化相關教育政策與啟示。發表於臺灣師範大學教育系主辦之『教育新航向:校長領導與學校創新』學術研討會,臺北市。Shieh, J. J. (2017, November 11). Coping with issues of low birth rate in Macao: Educational policies and its inspiration. Paper presented at the Symposium on “New Education Directions: Principal Leadership and School Innovation”, NTNU, Taipei.
- 謝金枝(2015,11月)。大學教師與生對習評量的看法 : 一所澳 門高校的調查研究。發表於比較教育學會主辦之「第二屆兩岸四地比較教育論壇,台中。Shieh, J. J. (2015, Nov.). Views on student learning assessment: A survey of university teachers and students in Macao. Paper presented at the Second Cross -Strait Four -Region Forum on Comparative Education, Taichung.
- Shieh, J. J., & Cefai, C. (2015, October). Assessment of learning and teaching in higher education: A case analysis of the University M in Europe. Paper presented at the International Conference on Educational Evaluation: Accountability, Policy Learning & Capacity Building,Taipei.
- Shieh, J. J. (2015, June).Perspectives on Student Evaluations of Teaching (SET): A Survey of University Teachers and Students in Taiwan. Paper presented at the Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association 2015 Taiwan International Conference, Taichung.
- Shieh, J. J. (2014, Nov.). How do university teachers and students think about student learning assessment (SLA)?A survey of university teachers and students in Taiwan. Paper presented at the Asia Pacific Educational Research Association & The Hong Kong Educational Research Association International Conference 2014, HKIED, Hong Kong.
- Shieh, J. J. (2012, Nov.). Power, privilege and textbooks: a content analysis of General Studies textbooks in primary schools in Macao. Paper presented at the 13th Annual Curriculum and Pedagogy Conference, New Orleans, USA.
- 謝金枝(2011,11月)。澳門教師課程評鑑之個案研究。發表於澳門大學教育學院主辦之「2011 華人社會的教育發展系列研討會-教育對話」,澳門。Shieh, J. J. (2011, Nov.). A case study of teacher’s curriculum evaluation in Macau. Paper presented at the Conference Series on Education Development in Chinese Society- Dialogues on Education, Macau, China.
- 謝金枝(2010, 9月)。大學與小學合作研究的理想與實際。發表於北京師範大學主辦之「第四屆兩岸四地學校改進與夥伴協作學術研討會」,北京。Shieh, J. J. (2010, Sep.).The idea and the practice of university-school partnership: collaborative research.Paper presented at the 2010 Cross-strait Conference On School Improvement and University-School, Beijing, China.
- Shieh, J. J. (2010, May). A Study on secondary school teachers’ teaching concerns in Macao. Paper presented at the 12th Annual International Conference on Education, Athens, Greece.
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