哲學碩士學位 (教育學)
1. | Demonstrate knowledge and synthesis of key concepts across diverse educational domains. |
2. | Critically evaluate current theories, policies, and practices within various educational domains, fostering an in-depth understanding of socio-economic, cultural, and institutional factors influencing education. |
3. | Plan, conduct, and critically appraise rigorous research within the educational sphere, utilizing diverse methodologies to address educational challenges and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in education. |
4. | Apply theoretical knowledge and research skills to develop innovative and effective strategies supporting optimal learning outcomes, inclusive practices, and community engagement within educational settings. |
5. | Synthesize and communicate complex ideas effectively, showcasing advanced intellectual capacity essential for potential progression toward doctoral studies or high-level professional engagement in the educational field. |
6. | Systematically acquire and apply advanced knowledge in a specialized educational topic of personal interest, demonstrating the capacity to conduct thorough and insightful investigations within that domain. |
- 持有競爭力的大學學士學位
- 持有競爭優勢的本科成績績點(GPA)
- 具備優秀的英語能力
- 具備較強的科研潛力和優異的學術成績