Sou Kuan VONG 黃素君
Associate Professor |
Faculty of Education, University of Macau |
Refereed Journals:
- 叶芮杏、李盛兵、黃素君*(出刊中)。國際教師教育研究:前沿與啟示——基於2000-2024年教師教育SSCI期刊的計量與視覺化分析。《教師教育研究》。[*通訊作者]
- 陳芳庭、黃素君*(2024)。粵港澳大灣區高校形象建構與未來發展趨向——基於M大學新聞主頁之主題分析。《教育學報》,第52卷第2期,頁35-54。[*通訊作者]
- Vong, S. K., Lo, W.Y.W. (2023). On the (Re)move: Exploring Governmentality in Post-colonial Macao’s Higher Education, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 44(3), 389-406. https://doi.org/10.1080/01596306.2023.2200076
- Vong, S. K. (2022). The only constant in curriculum reform is reconceptualization: A voice from Macao, International Journal for the Historigraphy of Education, 12, H1, 70-77
- 黃素君、張偉權(2022)。探析澳門學校歷史教育的治理術。《教育學報》,第50卷第1期,頁217-236。
- Kaloyirou, & Vong, S. K. (2022). Re-conceptualisation of school bullying from a children’s rights’ perspective: The illustrative case of the Cypriot educational context, Children and Society, 36(5), 899-915
- Keang Ieng Vong, Sou Kuan Vong, Qian-Min Liu & Doris Pui-Wah Cheng (2021): An exploratory study on normative cohesiveness of high-quality preschool teacher education in urban north-western China, International Journal of Early Years Education, DOI:10.1080/09669760.2021.1977613
- 黄素君、陳芳庭、張偉權、劉錦屏(2020)。檢視澳門小班化教學政策的論述與挑戰。《教育學術月刊》,12,頁 94-102。
- Qianming Liu, Sujun Huang (2019). Impoverished Students’ Ways of Overcoming Difficulties – the Influencing Factors and Enlightenment of Resilient Students in Hong Kong, BCEC Newsletter, 1(2), pp.62-3
- 劉乾銘、黃素君(2018)。寒門學子如何突破困境——香港抗逆學生的影響因素及啓示, 《教育學術月刊》, 11, 頁 80-86。 DOI: 16477/j.cnki.issn1674-2311.2018.11.009
- 黃素君、黃樂源、謝君才(2018)。公民身份與意識初探:澳門小學《品德與公民》教科書分析, 《教育學報》40(2),頁 67-86。
- 黃素君(2018)。教師教育視域下澳門教育社會學的發展, 《湖南師範大學教育科學學報》,17(3),40-44Vong, S. K. (2018). [The Development of Sociology of Education in Macao from the Perspective of Teacher Education, Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University, 17(3), 40-47, DOI: 10.19503 /j.cnki.1671-6124.2018.03.006]
- Huang, H. & Vong, S. K. (2018). Resistance, Resilience and Re-marginalization: A Case Study of a Visual Art Teacher in Macao, British Journal of Sociology of Education, https://doi.org/10.1080/01425692.2018.1454298
- Vong, S. K. & Yu, W. M. (2017). Is teacher education at risk? A tale of two cities – Hong Kong and Macau, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, DOI: 10.1080/03057925.2017.1353904
- Huang, H. & Vong, S. K. (2016). Confucian educational philosophy and experienced teachers’ resistance, Frontier in Education, 2016, 11(1): 1-22, DOI 10. 3868/s110-005-016-0001-7
- Jinting Wu & Sou-Kuan Vong (2016): Macau higher education expansion in flux: a critical spatial perspective, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, DOI: 10.1080/01596306.2016.1149152
- Vong, S. K. (2016). “Harmonizing a melody?! – A critical study of moral and civic education policy of the non-tertiary education system in Macao”, Asian Education and Development Studies, Vol. 5 Iss 1 pp. 71 – 93 Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/AEDS-06-2015-0021
- Huang, H. & Vong, S. K. (2015). The rhetoric of conscience and teachers’ resistance in an era of accountability: a Macao study. Journal of Asian Education and Development Studies, Vol. 4(3), pp. 357-370.
- 黃素君(2015)。人生如旅:一位教育學者自我身份認同的再尋覓。《教育學術月刊》,第一期,100-104頁。[Vong, S. K. (2015). Life as journey: Research my identities. Education Research Monthly, Vol. 1, pp.100-104.]
- 黃素君(2014)。澳門教師教育政策之考古及系譜研究。《華南師大大學學報(社會科學版)》,第六期,50-55頁。[Vong, S. K. (2014). An archaeological and genealogical study of Macao teacher education policy. Journal of South China Normal University (Social Science Edition), Vol. 6, pp.50-56.]
- Vong, S. K. (2014). From a traveller’s perspective. International Journal of Historiography of Education. 2014(2), pp.246-253.
- Vong, S. K. & Wong, M. (2014) Lost in translation? – A case study of Macao in fabricating a European education space in Asia. European Educational Research Journal pages, 13(3), 350-360. http://dx.doi.org/10.2304/eerj.2014.13.3.350
- 韓娟、黃素君(2013)。澳門高中畢業生的升學流向現狀調查。《比較教育研究》,第十二期,100-104頁。[Han, J. & Vong, S.K. (2013). A survey study on the graduate study choices of senior high school graduates in Macao. Comparative Education Review, Vol. 12, pp. 100-104]
- 黃華、黃素君(2013)。 教師專業發展與倫理實踐:一項敘事研究。《教育學術月刊》,第四期,42-45頁。[Huang, H. & Vong, S. K. (2013). Professional development and ethical practice: a narrative research. Education Research Monthly, 4, pp.42-45] Core journal.
- 黃華、黃素君(2012)。 教師的情緒:福柯式的視角。《河北師範大學學報》,第十四卷,第十二期,75-79頁。 [Huang, H. & Vong, S. K. (2012). On the emotion of teachers: a Foucauldian perspective. Journal of Hebei Normal University (Educational Science Edition), Vol. 14(12), pp. 75-79.] CSSCI
- 黃華、黃素君(2011)。〈教師的專業自我認同:如何成為可能——基於Bakhtin對話理論的個案研究〉,《教育導刊》,9(1), 頁30-33。[Huang, H. & Vong, S. K. (2011). Journal of Educational Development, 9(1), pp.30-33.]
- 黃素君(2011)。澳門學校教育的價值論述。《澳門研究》,第六十期,第一卷,131-139頁。[Vong, S. K. (2011). Discourses on the values of school education in Macau. Journal of Macau Studies, 60(1), pp.131-139.]
- 黃素君、吳娟(2010)。〈甚麼樣的規矩,成就甚麼樣的方圓?--對澳門中小學校規德性價值的審視〉,《青年研究學報》第十三卷,第二期(總第二十六號),頁131-140。[Vong, S. K., & Wu, J. (2010). Rules and outcomes — An examination of moral education in primary and secondary school regulations in Macao. Journal of Youth Studies, 13(2), 131-140.]
- 黃素君、吳娟、孫旭花(2010)。澳門校本課程改革的「雙城故事」:「遙控」「浸入」式的U-S夥伴協作兩種校本支援路徑。《課程研究》(香港特刊),1-28頁。[Vong, S. K., Wu, J. & Sun, X. H. (2010). A Tale of Two Cities on the School-Based Curriculum Development in Macao – “Long distance” vs. “Immersion”Approaches”. Journal of curriculum studies, Hong Kong Special Issue, pp. 1-28.]
- 黃素君、吳娟(2010)。澳門教育革新之路——淺析澳門校本課程的發展。《西南大學學報(社會科學版)》,36(2), 80-83頁。[Vong, S. K. & Wu, J. (2010). The Way Out for the Education Reform in Macao——An Analysis of the School-Based Curriculum Development in Macao. Southwest University (social sciences), 36 (2), pp. 80-83.] CSSCI
- Wang, H. Y., Kong, M, Shan, W. J. & Vong, S. K. (2010). The effects of doing part-time jobs on college student academic performance and social life in a Chinese society. Journal of Education and Work, 23, 79-94.
- Vong, S. K. & Wong, M. W. (2010). Made in Macao: How history, politics and teachers frame curriculum practice. Curriculum & Instruction Quarterly, 13(4), 61-109.
- Vong S. K. & Wong, M. (2009). Towards a formalised teacher induction system: The Macau experience. Research in Comparative and International Education Volume 4 (Number 1). pp.34-41.
- 單文經、黃素君、宋明娟(2009)。三十年來澳門地區課程政策的理論反思。《西南大學學報(社會科學版)》,35(4),75-84頁。[Shan, W. J., Vong, S. K. & Sung, M. J. (2009). Reflection on curriculum development and policy for the last three decades in Macao. Journal of Southwest University (social sciences), Vol. 35 (4), pp. 75-84.] CSSCI
- 黃素君(2008)。回歸後澳門公民教育發展路向的檢視。載於《基礎教育學報》,第十七卷(第二期),97-123。香港中文大學。[Vong, S. K. (2008). An examination of the development of civic education in Macao in the Post-1999 Era. In Journal of Basic Education, Vol. 17 No. 2, 2008 (pp. 97-123). The Chinese University of Hong Kong.]
- Vong, S. K. (2006). An excursion into the time tunnel of curriculum development in Macau: a story of discourses and practices. US-China Education Review, 3(No.5). pp. 11-18.
- 黃素君(2024)。教育發展與展望。載於陳庭鋒、許江雄主編《澳門教育的人心·仁心——澳門回歸二十五年教師的教育觀點與經驗論文集》(頁272-281)。澳門:文化公所出版社。
- 黃素君(2023)。中國澳門教育社會學的發展:基於教師教育脈絡的探究。載於程天君著《中國教育社會學百年:學科、學術與學問》(頁474-494)。北京:人民出版社。
- Vong, S. K. & Cheong, W. K. (2022). History of the Present: Practices, Development and Challenges of Teacher Education in Macao (37-54), In M. S. Khine & Y. Liu (Eds). Handbook of research on teacher education (pp. 37-54). Springer.
- Vong, S. K. et al. (2020). Desenvolvimentos e tendéncias do ensino de história no sistema educacional de Macau. In Andre Bueno et al (Eds). Ensino de História e Diálogo Transversais 1ª Ed (pp. 14-24). Rio de Janeiro: Sobre Ontens/UERJ. ISBN: 978-65-00-02126-4
- Vong, S. K. (2020). What has a global high performing education system to do with local social studies education? The case of Macao Special Administrative Region. In Kerry J. Kennedy (Ed.) Social Studies Education in East Asian Contexts (pp. 89-112). London and New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-367-14771-6
- Vong, K. I., & S. K. Vong (2017). Early childhood education in Macao: Ways forward. In N. Rao, J. Zhou and J. Sun (Eds.) Early childhood development in Chinese societies (171-183). UK: Springer.
- Sze, T. M., Wong, M. W. M., Vong, S. K. (2017). Special Education in Macau Special Administrative Region China. The Praeger International Handbook of Special Education Volume 3 (1-20). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
- Vong, S. K. & Wong, M. M. W. (2015). Is the silent mode on? Researching teachers’ voices in Macao through narrative research. Trahar, S. and Yu, W. M. (Eds.) Using Narrative Inquiry for Educational Research in Asia Pacific (100-119). UK: Taylor and Francis.
- Vong, S. K. (2014). Life as journey: In search/re-search of my identities. Xiao-lei Wang & Ronan Bernas, Citizens without Borders (99-118). New York: Untested Ideas Research Center. ISBN:978-1-62520-016-7
- 黃素君 (2014)。澳門小班教學的發展與狀況。載於陳錦榮主編《小班教學:香港、上海與澳門面對的考驗》(33-56)。香港:小班教學中心,香港教育學院。[Vong, S. K. (2014). Development and practice of small class teaching in Macao. In K. W. Chan (Ed.). Challenge to the Implementation of Small Class Teaching in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Macau (pp.33-56). Hong Kong: Small Class Teaching Centre, Hong Kong Institute of Education]. ISBN:978-988-16269-7-4
- 黃素君(2014)。 澳門幼兒教育的現況和發展。載於陳惠玲、黃國茜主編《香港、澳門、台灣:幼兒教育的發展與現況》(頁52-86)。香港:教育出版社有限公司。[Vong, S. K. (2014). Status quo and development of Macao early childhood education. In W. L. Chan & K. S. Wong (Eds.). Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan: Development and Status Quo of Early Childhood Education(52-86). Hong Kong: Educational Publishing House, Limited.]. ISBN:978-988-230-721-6
- 黃素君(2013)。回歸後澳門公民教育發展路向的檢視。載於澳門人文社會科學文選編委會主編《澳門人文社會科學文選2008-2011》(頁937-956)。澳門/北京:澳門基金會、社會科學文獻出版社。原載於《基礎教育學報》,第十七卷(第二期),97-123。香港中文大學。[Vong, S. K. (2014). An examination of the development of civic education in Macao in the Post-1999 Era. In Macao Social Sciences and Humanities Committee (Ed.). Selected Works of Social Sciences and Humanities of Macao (2008-2011) (pp. 937-956). Macao/Beijing: Macao Foundation and Social Sciences Academic Press (China). Article original published Journal of Basic Education, Vol. 17 No. 2, 2008 (pp. 97-123). The Chinese University of Hong Kong.]
- Vong, S. K. (2013). Govern-mentality and education development in post-1999 era in Macao. In P. T. J. Hsieh (Ed.). Education in East Asia(pp.79-102). UK: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Vong, K. I., & S. K. Vong (contract signed, submitted in March 2011). Early childhood education in Macao: Ways forward. In N. Rao, J. Zhou and J. Sun (Eds.) Early childhood development in Chinese societies. UK: Springer.
- Vong, S. K. (2013). Govern-mentality and education development in post-1999 era in Macao. In P. T. J. Hsieh (Ed.). Education in East Asia(pp.79-102). UK: Bloomsbury Academic.
- 黃素君 (2013)。持續進修發展計劃:運行情況及其展望。載於 吴志良主编《澳門經濟社會發展報告(2012-2013)》(頁167-178)。北京:社會科學文獻出版社。[Vong, S. K. (2013). Continuing education development plan: implementation and prospect. In L. Wu (Eds.). Annual report on economy and society of Macau (2012-2013) (pp. 167-178). Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (China)]
- 黃素君、王志宏 (2013). 從傳播學觀點分析歷史教科書圖片的政治論述- 以人民教育出版社《世界近代現代史》為例。載於 黃素君主編《2011年華人社會的教育發展系列研討會「教育對話」論文集》(頁56-66)。澳門: 澳門大學。
- Vong, S. K. (2012). Governance and self-governance in Macau – Is there a pathway to socially responsible citizens? In D. L. Grossman & J. Cogan (Eds.). Creating socially responsible citizens: Cases from the Asia-Pacific Region (Research in Social Education Series)(pp.57-81). US: Information Age Publishing.
- 黃素君 (2012)。澳門持續教育的現狀、發展和挑戰。載於郝雨凡、吳志良 (主編)、林廣志(執行主編),《澳門經濟社會發展報告(2011-2012)》(頁228-241) 。北京:社會科學文獻出版社。[Vong, S. K. (2012). The status, challenges and development of continuing education in Macao. In Y. F. Hao and Z. L. Wu (Eds.). Annual report on economy and society of Macau (2011-2012) (pp. 228-241). Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (China)]
- 黃素君 (2011)。從教育公平的視域檢視澳門免費教育的現狀和發展。載於郝雨凡、吳志良 (主編)、林廣志(執行主編),《澳門經濟社會發展報告(2010-2011)》 (頁224-238)。北京:社會科學文獻出版社。[Vong, S. K. (2011). An examination of the implementation and development of free education in the context of education equity. In Y. F. Hao and Z. L. Wu (Eds.). Annual report on economy and society of Macau (2010-2011) (pp. 224-238). Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (China)]
- Vong, S. K. (2010). Towards and beyond teacher qualification and competence: Challenges and issues on the initiative of teacher lifelong learning via teacher development in Macao. In H. Y. Bao (Ed.). The policy making and theoretical construction of qualification systems for teachers(pp.132-158). Beijing: Beijing Normal University Publishing Group.
- 黃素君 (2009)。敘事探究與論事明道──東西方的制式對話。載於單文經、林發欽(主編),《澳門人文社會科學研究文選‧教育卷》(頁207-220)。北京:社會科學文獻出版社。 [Vong, S. K. (2009). Narrative inquiry – A dialogue between east and west. In W. J. Shan & F. Y. Lam (Eds.). The selection of studies in humanities and social sciences of Macao(Education). Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (China)]
- 黃素君(2008,1月)。從教育政策分析的視域自看課程變革中的教師定位。載於羅耀珍、容萬城(主編),《學校課程改革與教師專業發展:中國內地、香港與澳門的經驗分享》(頁123-141)。香港:港澳兒童教育國際協會。[Vong, S. K. (2008). The role of teacher in Macao from a policy analysis perspective. In Lo, Y. C. & Yung, M. S. (Eds.) School Reforms and Teacher Development: Experience of Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao (pp. 123-141). Hong Kong: ACEI.]
- Vong, S. K. (2007). Discourses and practices of moral and civic education curriculum in secondary schools in the context of Macau (book chapter). In Grossman, L & T. Y. Lo (Eds.), Social Education in the Asia-Pacific: Critical Issues and Multiple Perspectives (pp.137 – 163), US: Information Age Publishing.
- 黃素君(2007) 。紫陌紅塵正迷津─澳門教師探尋的「道德及公民教育」津渡,論文發表於香港教育工作者聯會舉辦之《「兩岸四地中小學德育改革與創新」學術研討會論文集》 (頁71-88),香港。[Vong, S. K. (2007) Searching and Researching the Ways of Moral and Civic Education – Macau Experience. In Hong
Kong Teachers Association (Ed.), Two Straits and Four Regions on Moral Education and Civic Education Reform and Innovations Collections (pp.71-88). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Teachers’ Association. ] - 黃素君、單文經、黃逸恒 (2007)。澳門地區課程改革經驗的論述分析。載於中華民國教材研究發展學會 (主編) ,《課程理論與課程改革(上)》 (頁246-273) 。台北:中華民國教材研究發展學會。 [Vong, S. K., Shan, W. J. & Vong, I. H. (2007). A Discourse Analysis on the Curriculum Reform Experience in Macau. In Republic of China Association of Teaching Material Research and Development (Ed.), Curriculum Theory and Curriculum Reform (pp. 246-273). Taipei: Republic of China Association of Teaching Material Research and Development.]
- 單文經、 黃素君、伍美蓮 (2006)。評介「科學為本的教育研究」,載於澳門社會科學學會(主編),《社會科學與澳門》 (頁11-26) 。澳門:澳門社會科學學會。[Shan, W. J. & Vong, K. & Ng, M. L. (2006). A Critical Introduction of “Scientific Based Education Research” Movement. In Macao Society of Social Science (Ed.) Social Sciences and Macao(pp. 11-26). Macao: Macao Society of Social Science.]
- 黃素君 (2002)。建構一個立體的「創思教育」觀。載於楊子秋(主編),《創思教學的理論與實踐論文專集》 (頁一至十一)。澳門:教育暨青年局。[Vong, S. K. (2002). Constructing a 3-dimensional concept of creative education. In Ieong,C. C. (Ed.), Theory and Practice of Creative Teaching(pp1-11). Macao: DSEJ.]
- 黃素君、劉淑珍修女、盧蝶絲、江月婷、李潔萍、阮佩賢(2024年)。《〈梵蒂岡第二屆大公會議對澳門天主教學校教育的影響〉研究報告》。澳門:天主教澳門教區。[Vong, S. K. et al (2024), Research Report on the Impact of the Second Vatican Council on Catholic School Education in Macau. Macao: Diocese de Macau.]
- 黃素君(編著)(2022)。《回憶有覓處:澳門氹仔聖善學校口述史》。澳門:文化公所。
- 黃素君、劉錦屏(2021)。《往事在細聽:澳門聖若瑟教區中學口述歷史》。澳門:文化公所。
- 教育出版社(2008)。 (黃素君、伍美蓮 顧問) 《品德及公民教育 –做個好公民(全新版)》。香港:教育出版社。(primary school textbooks) [Hong Kong Education Press (2008). (Vong, S. K. & Ng, M. L. consultants). Character and Civic Education – Be a Good Citizen (New version). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Education Press]
- 黃素君(2007)。《《苔痕上階綠》海星幼小銜接印記》。澳門:海星中學。[Vong, S. K. et al (2007) (Eds.), School Transition – From Kindergarten to Primary. Macao: Escola Estrela do Mar.]
- 黃素君等(主編)(2004)。《幼兒教育校本課程發展計劃》。澳門:教育暨青年局。[Vong, S. K. et al (2004) (Eds.), School-based Curriculum Development in Kindergartens. Macao: DSEJ.]
- 陳煒業、黃素君(2024年9月21日)。澳門小學語文教科書中的社會性別角色分析——以《我愛學語文》(澳門版)為例。發表於「第十五屆海峽兩岸暨港澳地區教育史論壇」。東北師範大學教育學部主辦。
- 莊瑩、黃素君(2024年9月21日)。科特迪瓦(Côte d’Ivoire)小學人權與公民教育教科書中的性別教育之研究。發表於「第十五屆海峽兩岸暨港澳地區教育史論壇」。東北師範大學教育學部主辦。
- 溫鈺婷、陳煒業、黃素君(2023年9月22日)。澳門氹仔天主教教育史的發展演變——基於氹仔聖善學校校史的口述研究。主題演講發表於「第十四屆海峽兩岸暨港澳地區教育史論壇」。華東師範大學教育高等研究院主辦。
- 黃素君、宋明娟 (2012年10月26-28日)。檢視澳門回歸後非高等教育系統中的德育政策發展與挑戰。論文發表於“第十六屆海峽兩岸暨港澳地區教育學術研討會”(頁58-66),中華教育會主辦。[Vong, S. K. & Sung, M. J. (2012, October 26-28). Examination of the Moral Education Policy in the Non-Tertiary Education System in Macao in the Post-1999 Era. Paper will be presented in “The 16th Two Straits, Hong Kong and Macao Educational Conference”, organized by the Chinese Educators’ Association, (pp. 32-42), Macao.] ISBN: 978-99965-999-0-3.
- 黃素君、吳娟(2010年9月)。澳門學校改進歷程中校際伙伴協作的發展、類型與困境淺析。主題演講發表於首都師範大學「第四屆兩岸四地 “學校改進與伙伴協作”學術研討會 – U-S協作: 文化融合及其效應」(頁58-66),北京。 [Vong, S. K. & Wu, J. (2010). School improvement models and difficulties in the process of university-school partnership. Keynote presentation in the Fourth Conference of University-School Partnership Collaboration of the Two Straits and Four Regions, organized by the Capital Normal University (pp. 58-66), Beijing.]
- 吳世華、吳娟、梁麗珍、黃素君(2010年9月)。是牽手還是攜手? 院校伙伴協作課程發展的回顧與對話。論文發表於發表於首都師範大學「第四屆兩岸四地 “學校改進與伙伴協作”學術研討會 – U-S協作: 文化融合及其效應」(頁254-266),北京。[Ng, S. W., Wu, J, Leong, L. C. & Vong, S. K. (2010). Assistance or walk together? Reflection and dialogue on university-school collaboration. Paper presented in the Fourth Conference of University-School Partnership Collaboration of the Two Straits and Four Regions, organized by the Capital Normal University (pp. 254-266), Beijing.]
- 黃素君、吳娟(2009)。院校夥伴協作:教師教育和教師專業成長的機遇與挑戰—澳門實作經驗的反思。載於四川師範大學舉辦之「泛珠三角區域教師教育聯盟學校第6次聯席會議」論文集(頁90-98),四川。[Vong, S. K. & Wu, J. (2009). University-school partnership collaboration: Challenges and opportunities of teacher education and teacher professional development – a case study of Macao. Paper presented in the 6th Pan Delta Pearl River Area teacher alliance conference (pp. 90-98), organized by Sichuan Normal University.]
- 黃素君、曾琦、黃鏡英、單文經(2007)。<教師教育終身化–大會總結報告>,«華人社會的教育發展系列─教師教育研討會» (頁4-14),澳門。[Vong Sou-kuan, Zeng Qi, Vong Keang Ieng, Shan Wen Jing. (2007, March-April). The life long model of teacher education-The concluding report. Paper presented in the conference of “The Development of Teacher Education in Chinese Society” organized by University of Macau. March 31-April 1, Macau.]
- 黃素君(2007)。澳門特別行政區教師教育發展的狀況與前瞻,載於香港教育學院舉辦之「泛珠三角區域教師教育聯盟首屆學術研討會-師資培育課程新發展」會議論文集(頁134-139),香港。[Vong, S. K. (2007). The current development and prospectus of Macao teacher education. In Hong Kong Institute of Education (Ed.), The first Pan Delta Pearl River Area teacher alliance conference – New Development of Teacher Education Collection (pp. 134-139). Hong Kong: HKIED]
- 黃素君(2000)。眾裡尋他之故事研究法:澳門教師掠影。載於梁成安 主編「澳門教育如何邁進新紀元」教育研討會論文集(頁213-229)。澳門:澳門大學。[Vong, S. K. (2000). Story-telling as a research methodology: Snapshot of Macao. In Leung, S. O. (Ed.) How Macao Education Advance in the New Era (pp.213-229). Macau: UM.]
- 黃素君(2000)。「行動研究」促進教師專業成長方法之一 – 兩個在職進修教師的故事。教師在職進修與終身教育(華人地區)國際教育研討會論文集。香港:香港教師中心教育研究小組。[Vong, S. K. (2000). Action research as a means of enhancing teacher development – Two in-service teachers’ stories. In Hong Kong Teacher Centre (Ed.) Teacher In-Service Learning and Lifelong Education (Chinese Society) International Conference Articles Collection (pp. 195-204). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Teacher Centre Research Group.]
- Vong, S. K. (1999). Teacher education as a possible condition to facilitate Macau youth development – Building a pastoral care system for teachers. In C. M. Chang, & K. W. Chao K. (Eds) Quarto simposio internacional sobre juventude asiatica (p223-233). Macau: DSEJ.
- 黃素君(1997)。淺談優化澳門課程的路向。載於澳門大學教育學院、澳門教育暨青年司、澳門大學澳門研究中心舉辦之「優質教育:傳統與創新國際教育研討會」論文集(頁59-68),澳門。[Vong, S. K. (1997). A preliminary study of curriculum development. In Faculty of Education, Macao Education and Youth Bureau & Educational Research Centre (Eds.). Quality Education: Tradition and Innovation International Conference Articles Collection (pp. 59-68). Macao: UM.]
- 黃素君(2023年9月22日)。澳門氹仔天主教教育史的發展演變——基於氹仔聖善學校校史的口述研究。主題演講發表於「第十四屆海峽兩岸暨港澳地區教育史論壇」。華東師範大學教育高等研究院主辦。
- Vong, S.K. (2023, 23rd June). Discussant on Generative AI Panel, in 2023 MAELT English Language Teaching Conference, Macao. (100 participants)
- 黃素君(2023年5月12日)。突破與超越:小班化教學可如何回應新時代學生的需要——以澳門經驗為分享。主題演講發表於「首屆新時代全國小班化教育研討會」。杭州市富陽區教育區、北京時代鳳凰教育科技研究院、杭州市富陽區新時代小班化教育研究院主辦。(250-300 與會者)
- 黃素君(2022年9月9日)。大灣區教師教育聯動發展的可能性與澳門教師專業的機遇。專題演講發表於「蘇港澳高校聯盟教師教育專業聯盟成立儀式暨首届學術論壇–新時代教師教育高質量發展:全球視野與本土實踐」。(線上及線下同步)南京師範大學主辦。
- 黃素君(2022年5月7日)。時代的呼喚:學校誠信教育的再探索(廉政公署主辦),出席人數約為 200-300人,地點:澳門科學館。
- Vong, Sou Kuan (2018, 12th June). Teachers (educators), you are not alone?! – An illustrative case of a visual arts teacher in Macao, invited talk delivered at Hong Kong Education University.
- 黃素君(2018年6月9日)。澳門幼兒照顧現況與家長托育期望對幼兒成長之啟示。主題演講發表於“幼兒健康成長專題探索研討會”,澳門社會工作局、澳門教育暨青年局、澳門衛生局聯合主辦,澳門。[Vong, Sou Kuan (2018, 9th June). The current situation of child care in Macao and the enlightenment of parents’ expectation for children’s growth, keynote speech delivered at the conference of “Thematic Exploration of Children’s Healthy Growth”, organised by Macao Social Welfare Bureau, Macao Education and Youth Bureau and Macao Health Bureau, Macao.]
- Vong, Sou Kuan (2017, 13th December). New regimes of truth?! – The impact of university rankings on teacher education in two SARS, invited talk delivered at Hong Kong Education University.
- Vong, Sou Kuan (2017, 11th March). New regimes of truth?! – The impact of university rankings on teacher education in two SARS, keynote speech delivered at Doctoral Conference of Bristol University (Hong Kong Campus), Hong Kong City University.
- Vong, Sou Kuan (2016, 4th June). Higher Education Development in Macao, at Postgraduate Seminar of Bristol University (Hong Kong Campus), Hong Kong City University.
- 黃素君(2016年5月7日)。跑進來,走出去:流動年代下澳門的教育發展,發表於教育學院研究生講座,南京師範大學教育系。[Vong, Sou Kuan (2016, 7th May). Macao Education Development in a Mobile Era, Postgraduate seminar, Nanjing Normal University.
- Vong, Sou Kuan (2015, 4th December). Survey on the Status Quo, Social Cognition and Needs on Personal Data Protection in Macau, invited speech delivered in the 44th APPA (Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities) Forum in Macao, hosted by Personal Data Protection Commission, Macao.
- 黃素君(2015年10月22日)。《私框》如何成為優化澳門小班化教學的可能。主題報告,發表於「第十一屆長三角地區小班化 教育研討會」暨「第五屆大中華地區小班化教學會議」,江蘇省南京市教育局主辦。[Vong, Sou Kuan (2015,22nd October). Keynote speech delivered in “The 11th Yangtze River Delta Region on Small Class Teaching” & “The Fifth Conference of Greater China Region on Small Class Teaching”, organized by Nanjing Education Bureau.
- 黃素君(2015年5月9日)。澳門中學及大專學生對個人資料保護的認知狀況及需求調查研究」(2014)主題報告,發表於「青少年網上安全」研發,澳門特別行政區個人資料保護辦公室主辦。[Vong, Sou Kuan (2015, 9th May). Thematic Report on “Survey on the Status Quo, Social Cognition and Needs on Personal Data Protection in Macau”, “Teen Internet Safety” Conference, organized by the MSAR Office for Personal Data Protection.
- 黃素君(2015年5月6日)。“進取”的澳門、“淡定”的澳門人?!中文大學教育學院午餐講座,教育行政系主辦。[Vong, Sou Kuan (2015, 6 May). “Aggressive Macao”, “Calm” Macanese?! Lunch Talk of Faculty of Education, CUHK, organized by Educational Policy Department.
- Vong, Sou Kuan (2014, 17-20 October). An Archaeological and Genealogical Study of Macao Teacher Education Policy. Special invited speech delivered in “The Second Global Teacher Education Summit”, organized by Beijing Normal University.
- 黃素君(2014年9月21-22日)。向左轉?向右轉?U-S夥伙協作在高等教育改革中的兩難。主題演講發表於2014年「第八屆兩岸四地大學與學校協作研討會」,華東師範大學基礎教育改革與發展研究所主辦。[Vong, S.K. (2014, September 21-22). Turn Right? Turn Left? – A Dilemma of U-S School Partnership in the Arena of Higher Education Reform. Keynote speech presented in the “Eighth Conference of Two Straits Four Regions on University-School Partnership”, organised by East Normal University, The Institute of School Reform and Development.]
- 黃素君(2014年7月12日)。關機,遨遊書海。──與孩子一起成長。專題演講發表於「第十七屆澳門書市嘉年華」, 澳門理工學院、澳門閱讀寫作促進協會主辦。[Vong, S. K. (2014, July, 12). Unplug and enjoy reading – grow with children. Special talk at the “17th Macao Book Fair”, organised by Macao Polytechnic and Macao Reading and Writing Promotion Association]
- 黃素君(2014年7月11日)。新一代消費者食品安全教育如何部署?-從媒體識讀的角度思考。主題演講發表於「2014粵講澳三地食品安全專家講座」,澳門民政總署主辦。[Vong, S. K. (2014, July 11). How to educate food safety for a new generation of consumers – from a perspective of critical media literacy. Keynote speech presented in “Tripartite Conference of Guangdong – Hong Kong- Macao Experts on Food Safety”, organised by the Official Provisional Municipal Council of Macau.
- 黃素君(2014年5月13-16日)。真的小班了嗎?──從教師角度看澳門的小班教學。主題演講發表於2014年「第四屆大中華地區小班化教學會議」,荔灣區教育局主辦。[Vong, S. K. (2014, May 13-14). Is it a real small class teaching – from a perspective of teachers in Macao. Keynote speech presented in the “Fourth Conference on Small Class Teaching in Greater China Regions”, organised by Liwan Education Bureau, Canton.
- 黃素君(2014年5月13-16日)。澳門小班教學的發展與狀況。澳門地區報告發表於「第四屆大中華地區小班化教學會議小班教學高層論壇」,荔灣區教育局主辦。[Vong, S. K. (2014, May 13-14) The practice and development of small class teaching in Macao. Regional report presented in the “Summit Forum of the Fourth Conference on Small Class Teaching in Greater China Regions”, organised by Liwan Education Bureau, Canton.
- 黃素君(2014年4月7-9日)。新一代消費者教育如何步署?- 從媒體識讀的角度思。主題演講發表於「第一屆兩岸四地推動消保權益論壇 -保護消費權益-機遇與挑戰」,主辦澳門消費者委員會。[Vong, S. K. (2014, April 7-9). How to prepare a new generation of consumers – from a critical media literary perspective. Keynote speech presented in the “First Consumer Forum of Two Straits and Four Regions”, organised by Macao Consumer Committee.
- 黃素君(2013年9月22-23日)。探討澳門學校夥伴協作的可持續發展的議題“U-S”。主題演講發表於2013年「第七屆兩岸四地學校改進與夥伴協作學術研討會」,東北師範大學主辦。[Vong, S. K. (2013, September 22-23). Inquiry of the Sustainable Development of Macao U-S Partnerships. Keynote speech presented in the 2013 “The Seventh Conference of Two Straits Four Regions on University-School Partnership”, organized by the Northeast Normal University.]
- 黃素君(2012年11月23-24日)。學校協作如何成為澳門私立學校教師發展的一種可能──從《非高等教育私立學校教學人員制度框架》談起。主題演講2012發表於「2012年第六屆兩岸四地學校改進與夥伴協作學術研討會」(頁42-56),國家教育研究院主辦。[Vong, S. K. (2012, November 23-24). How School Partnership is a Possibility of Private Teachers’ Development in Macao – System Framework for Private School Teaching Staff of Non-tertiary Education. Keynote speech presented in the 2012 “The Sixth Conference of Two Straits Four Regions on University-School Partnership” (pp.42-56), organised by National Institute for Educational Research]
- 黃素君(2012年9月)。澳門小班教學制度的建設。圓桌地區代表發言於大連西崗「第二屆大中華小班化教育會議」,9月20日-22日,大連,中國。
- 黃素君(2012年2月)。澳門十五年免費教育實施歷程的分享和思考。主題演講發表於香港教育學院「十五年免費教育 ─ 優質幼兒教育的落實與前瞻」,2月21日,香港,中國。[Vong, S. K. (2012). Sharing and reflection on the implementation of 15 years free education in Macao. Keynote speech in Conference on 15 Years Free Education – Implementation and Prospectus of Quality Early Childhood Education, 21st February, Hong Kong, China].
- 黃素君(2011年12月)。澳門生命教育發展的概況和反思。主題演講發表於香港中文大學「2011 兩岸四地生命教育論壇 ― 後現代及全球化下的生命教育」,12月19-20日,香港,中國。[Vong, S. K. (2011). Reflection on development of life education in Macao. Keynote speech in the 2011 Two Straits and Four Regions Life Education Forum – Life Education in Postmodern Era and Globalisation, 19th -20th December, Hong Kong, China. ]
- 黃素君(2011年5月)。澳門小班化與小班教學的發展與實踐。 主題演講發表於香港教育學院主辦「大中華地區小班教學會議」,香港,中國。[Vong, S. (2011). The development and practice of small class teaching in Macao. Keynote speech in the Conference of Small Class Teaching in Greater China, Hong Kong, China. ]
- 黃素君、吳娟(2010年9月)。澳門學校改望歷程中校際伙伴協作的發展、類型與困境淺析。主題演講發表於首都師範大學「第四屆兩岸四地 “學校改進與伙伴協作”學術研討會 – U-S協作: 文化融合及其效應」,北京,中國。 Vong, S. K. & Wu, J. (2010). School improvement models and difficulties in the process of university-school partnership. Keynote presentation in the Fourth Conference of University-School Partnership Collaboration of the Two Straits and Four Regions, organized by the Capital Normal University, Beijing.]
- Vong, S. K. (2008). The Development of Moral and Civic Education in Macao. Public Seminar in Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, Chinese University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong, 2nd June, 2008.
- Vong Sou Kuan (2008, May). Inclusion or exclusion? Re-thinking education values in Macao schools. Invited speech in the “International Conference on Values Education 2008 – After Values: Practising Values Education in changing Societies” organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, May 30-31, Hong Kong, China.
- Vong Sou Kuan (2008, April). Towards and Beyond Teacher Qualification and Competence: Challenges and Issues on the Initiative of Teacher Lifelong Learning via Teacher Development in Macao. Plenary speech in the “The 2nd International Symposium on Qualification Systems for Teachers (ISQST)” organized by Beijing Normal University, April 16-18, Beijing, China.
- Vong, S. K. (2008). Imagine Being a Teacher in Macau: Moral Challenges and Issues. Public Seminar in Institute of Education, University of London. UK, 30th January, 2008.
- 黃素君(2003)。藝術課程的再思:生活中的藝術‧藝術中的生活。「探尋學校藝術教育的魅力 – 打開藝術課程的思路」演講會。澳門。2003年10月11日。[Vong, S. K. (2003). Rethinking arts education. Speeched delivered in the Forum of Arts Education in Schools. 11th October, 2003, Macao]
- 鄭桂卿、黃素君(2013年9月9-12日)。澳門的教師生命史研究 ── 一種教育歷史的再現。論文發表於 “天人古今:華人社會歷史教育的使命與挑戰” 學術研討會,澳門理工學院主辦。[Cheng, K. H. & Vong, S. K. (2013, September 9-12). Teachers’ Life History in Macao – Re-presentation of Education History. Paper presented in the “Conference on Historical Mission and Challenges in Chinese Societies”, organised by Macao Polytechnic.]
- 王志宏、黃素君(2013年9月9-12日)。歷史教科書政治論述分析的新嘗試──以人民教育出版社《世界近代現代史》為例。論文發表於 “天人古今:華人社會歷史教育的使命與挑戰” 學術研討會,澳門理工學院主辦。[Wang, C. W. & Vong, S. K. (2013, September 9-12). A new attempt to analyse political discourses in history textbook. Paper presented in the “Conference on Historical Mission and Challenges in Chinese Societies”, organised by Macao Polytechnic.]
- 黃素君(2012年10月15-18日)。從口述歷史視角思考教育研究的可能性。論文發表於“眾聲平等:華人社會口述歷史的理論與實務”學術研討會,澳門理工學院主辦。[Vong, S. K. (2012, October 15-18). Exploring the Possibilities of Educational Research through the Lens of Oral History. Paper presented in “Stories by the Ordinary People — Academic Conference on Theories and Practice of Oral History in the Chinese Communities”, organized by the Macao Polytechnic.]
- 黃素君 (2012年9月20-22日)。澳門小班教學制度的建設。論文發表於第二屆「大中華地區小班 教學會議」,大連市西崗區教育局主辦。[Vong, S. K. (2012, September 20-22). The construction of small class teaching system in Macao. Paper presented in the Second Greater China Region Small Class Teaching Conference, organized by Dalian Education Bureau.]
- 羅梅、李傑、黃素君 (2012年9月20-22日)。小班化教學教師的專業發展——以大學與小學合作下的常識科為例。論文發表於第二屆「大中華地區小班 教學會議」,大連市西崗區教育局主辦。[Luo, M., Li, Z. & Vong, S. K. (2012, Septemeber 20-22). Teacherprofessional development in small class teaching setting – A case study of University-School partnership project. Paper presented in the Second Greater China Region Small Class Teaching Conference, organized by Dalian Education Bureau.]
- 李傑、羅梅、黃素君 (2012年9月20-22日)。小班教學課程試驗—以開發本土教材為例。論文發表於第二屆「大中華地區小班教學會議」,大連市西崗區教育局主辦。[Li, Z., Luo, M. & Vong, S. K. (2012, Septemeber 20-22). The experiment of small class teaching – An example of exploring localized teaching material. Paper presented in the Second Greater China Region Small Class Teaching Conference, organized by Dalian Education Bureau.]
- Wong, Matilda & Vong, Sou Kuan (2012). Curriculum Inquiry: Reforming or deforming the English Language Curriculum in Macao? “The International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies (IAACS)”, July 2-6, 2012, Rio de Janeiro, 2012.
- Vong, Sou Kuan & Wong, Matilda (2012). Disciplining curriculum: A mode of governmentality in Macao education policy. Paper presented in “The International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies (IAACS)”, July 2-6, 2012, Rio de Janeiro, 2012.
- Vong, Sou Kuan (2011). Legitimate Knowledge, Legitimising Citizens: An Examination of Primary Character Education Textbooks in Macao. Paper presented in the “9th IACSEE International on “Values and Purposes in Citizenship, Social and Economics Education”. June 28 – July 1, 2011, Bath, UK.
- Vong, S. K. (2010, July). Governance and self-governance – A way leading to Macau socially responsible citizens? Paper presented in the EWC/EWCA 50th Anniversary International Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 2-5, 2010.
- Vong, S. K. (2009, December). Educating for a harmonious society: Moral and civic education as a governmental technology in Macao. Paper presented in The 38th Annual Conference of Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia (PESA), East-West Centre, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 2-6, 2009.
- Vong, S. K. (2009, November). Teacher stories and its implications for teacher education. Paper presented in the International Conference on Primary Education 2009, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, November 25-27, 2009.
- Vong, S. K. & Wu, J. (2009, September). Teacher Empowerment or Disempowerment – Rethinking Teachers as Curriculum Developers in a School-University Partnership Project. Paper presented in The 3rd Triennial Conference of International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies (IAACS), Cape Town, South Africa, September 6-10, 2009.
- 吳世華、吳娟、黃素君(2009年5月)。夥伴協作 – 混齡教學實施歷程及經驗反思。論文發表於澳門大學「第三屆兩岸四地學校改進與夥伴協作學術研討會」,澳門。[Ng, S. W., Wu, J. & Vong, S. K. (2009). Reflection on mixed age teaching – from a University and School Collaborative Project. Paper presented in 2009 Cross-strait Conference on “School Improvement and University-school Partnership”, organised by University of Macau, May 22-24, 2009.]
- 黃素君、吳娟(2009年6月)。象牙塔外的春天–澳門某大學研究者與小學教師合作經驗的反思。論文發表於首都師範大學「課程與教學研究的實踐取向:對話施瓦布及芝加哥學派的傳人」國際研討會,北京。[Vong, S. K. & Wu, J. (2009). Spring outside the ivory tower – Reflection on the working experiences of a university-school collaborative project. Paper presented in the International Conference on the Practice of Curriculum and Instruction: A Dialogue on Schwab’s Theory, organized by the Capital Normal University, June, 2009]
- 黃素君、吳娟(2009年6月)。當「漢堡包」遇見「廣東點心」:全球化背景下澳門公民身份問題的探討。論文發表於香港教育學院「公民教育全球化–亞洲視野:理想與現實」,香港。[Vong, S. K. & Wu, J. (2009). Where “hamburger” meets “Cantonese dim-sum”- In search of citizen identity in the backdrop of globalization. Paper presented in the Conference of Gobalised Citizenship Education – Asian Perspective – Goal and Reality, organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Education, June, 2009]
- Vong, S. K. (2009, May). Govern-mentality and Education Policy in Post-1999 Era in Macao. Paper presented in the Conference of “2009 Asian-Pacific Forum on Sociology of Education”, organised by National University of Tainan, May 5-8, 2009.
- 黃素君、吳娟(2009年1月)。失落的童年?從後殖民視角看幼兒教育。論文發表於澳門大學「香港比較教育學會2009年會-後殖民教育發展」,澳門。 [Vong, S. K. & Wu, J. (2009). Lost of childhood? Looking at early childhood education from a post-colonial perspective. Paper presented in the Annual Conference of Comparative Education 2009, organized by the University of Macau, January, 2009).
- 黃素君(2008年11月)。敘事採究到教育發展—澳門教育的大歷史與小故事。論文發表於澳門大學「華人社會的教育發展系列研討會—課程與教學改進」,澳門。[Vong, S. K. (2008). From narrative to education development – Macao’s big history and small stories. Paper presented in the ‘Conference Series on Education Development in Chinese Society – Curriculum and Instruction’, organised by the University of Macau, November, 22-24, 2008.]
- 吳娟、黃素君、單文經(2008年11 月)。中國大陸教育目的表述評析。論文發表於臺灣師範大學「2008 教育發展與革新的沈思─哲學與歷史的觀察」,台北。[Wu, J., Vong, S. K. & Shan, W. J. (2008). Critical analysis of mainland Chinese educational goals. Paper presented in 2008 Reflection on Education Development – Philosophical and Historical Perspectives, organized by the Taiwan Normal University, November, 2008]
- 黃素君、王志宏(2008年4月)。從批判媒體學的觀點分析澳門學校採用的世界近代現代史教材。論文發表於華東師範大學舉辦之「第二屆兩岸四地教育史研究論壇“教育史學科的新進展——研究與教學”」,上海。[Vong, S. K. & Wong, C. W. (2008). Analysis the History Teaching Material in Macau: Adopting a Critical Media Perspective. Paper presented in the conference of “Two Straits and 4 Regions History of Education Forum”, organized by the East Normal University, Shanghai, April 5-6, 2008.]
- 吳娟、單文經、王紅宇、葛贇、黃素君(2008年10月)。澳門大學三年級學生的人生目標與其生活狀況的關聯。論文發表於山東師範大學「海峽兩岸大學生人格之建構」學術研討會,山東。[Wu, J., Shan, W. J., Wang, H. Y., Ge, W. & Vong, S. K. (2008). Relationship between life goals and their living attitude – study on year three students of UM. Paper presented in the Two Straits Conference on Personal Development of University Students, organized by Shangdong Normal University, October, 2008).
- Vong Sou Kuan (2007, Nov.). Discourses of Moral and Civic Education in Macau. Paper presented in the “14th Annual Meeting of the International Assembly for Social Educators” and “87th Conference of the National Council for the Social Studies.” November 30, 2007, San Diego, CA, USA.
- Shan Wen Jing, & Vong Sou Kuan. (2007). The life long model teacher education in Macau. Paper presented in the conference of “The future development of teacher education in Chinese society” organized by Tsin-hua University Teacher Education Center. May 2, Hsin-chu, Taiwan.
- Vong, Sou Kuan (2007). School effectiveness and improvement movement in Macau: A discursive approach. Paper presented in International Conference on School Effectiveness Initiatives, in Slovenia, January 3-7, 2007.
- 黃素君(2007)。受教與教人:我的生命敘事。論文發表於兩岸四地教育史研究論壇,2007年1月26至28日,澳門大學。[Vong, S. K. (2007). My own narrative: learning and teaching. Paper presented in the conference of the “Two Straits and 4 Regions History of Education Forum”, organized by University of Macau, Macau, January 26-28, 2007.]
- 單文經、黃素君(2007)。澳門教育學研究的回顧與思考。載於「首屆澳門人文社會科學大會」會議論文集,澳門。[Shan, W. J. & Vong, S. K. (2007). The Review and Thoughts on Education Research in Macao. Paper presented at the meeting of the Social Science in Macao: Status Quo ante and Prospects, Macao. ]
- 黃素君(2007)。敘事探究與論事明道──東西方的制式對話。論文發表於華人社會的教育發展系列研討會 – 教師教育。澳門大學,2007年3月31日至4月1日。[Vong, S. K. (2007). Narrative as a Means of Research- A Dialogue between the East and the West. Paper presented in the conference of “The Development of Teacher Education in Chinese Society” organized by University of Macau. March 31-April 1, Macau.]
- Vong Sou Kuan, & Shan Wen Jing. (2006, November). An analysis of the policy and regulations for non-tertiary education in Macau. Paper presented in the “Social Change and Curriculum Reform” organized by the National Taiwan Normal University Department of Education, Taiwan Association of Sociology of Education, China Education Society, November 17-18. Taipei, National Taiwan Normal University.
- Shan Wen Jing, & Vong Sou Kuan. (2006, November). The review and thoughts on education research in Macau. Paper presented in the “Social Science in Macau: Status Quo Ante and prospects ” organized by Macau Foundation. December 7-8. Macau: Macau International Trade Center Lotus Hall.
- Shan Wen Jing, & Vong Sou Kuan. (2006, November). The current state and the characteristics of education in Macau. Paper presented in the “Weekly Forum on Education” in broadcasting show organized by Taiwan Education Radio Station. November, 19. Taipei: Taiwan Education Radio Station.
- Vong, S. K. (2006). An excursion into the time tunnel of curriculum development in Macau: A story of discourses and practices, Paper presented in The Second World Curriculum Studies of Conference, Tampere, Finland May 21-24, 2006.
- 黃素君(2006)。讀顧泠沅教授《教師專業發展的範式革新》論文有感。論文發表於 「教育名家講座」,2006年3月4日,澳門。 [Vong, S. K. (2006). Reflection on prof. Gu’s paradigm on teacher professional development. Paper presented in Education Scholar Seminar, 4th March, 2006]
- 黃素君、施達明(2011)。 澳門地區販運人口問題研究。 澳門特別行 阻嚇販賣人口措施關注委員會委託專案報告。 澳門大學教育學院。[Vong, S. K. & Sze, T. M. (2010). Report on the Study of Human Trafficking in Macao. Funded by the Human Trafficking Deterrent Measures Concern Committee. Macao: Faculty of Education, UM.]
- 單文經、黃素君、施達明、曾琦(2009)。澳門中小學品德與公民教育的專項評鑑。澳門特別行政區政教育暨青年局委託專案報告。澳門大學教育學院品德與公民教育專題評鑑研究小組。[Shan, W. J., Vong, S. K., Sze, T. M. & Tsang, K. (2009). Evaluation on the Development of Moral and Civic Education in Macao. Funded by the Education and Youth Bureau. Macao: Faculty of Education, UM.]
- 黃素君、施達明(2008)。澳門在學青少年與藥物之跟進調查報告2006。澳門特別行政區政府社會工作局委託專案報告。澳門:澳門大學教育學院。[Vong, S. K. & Sze, T. m. (2008). Fellow-up Research on Young People on Perception and Attitudes towards Drugs. Macao: Faculty of Education, UM.]
- 黃素君、吳娟(2007)。「健康生活教育課程」成效評估研究報告。澳門特別行政區政府社會工作局委託專案報告。澳門:澳門大學教育研究中心。(Vong, S. K. & Wu, J. (2007). Evaluation on the Health Life Education Programme. Macau: IAS and UM.)
- 單文經、楊秀玲、張國祥、張春莉、田野、王秉正、黃素君、謝建成、梁成安、施達明(2007)。澳門非高等教育課程的檢視與改革路向。澳門特別行政區政府教育暨青年局委託專案報告。澳門:澳門大學教育學院。Shan, W. J., Ieong, S. L., Cheung, K. C., Zhang, C. L., Tian, Y., Wang. P. C., Vong, S.K., Tse, K. S., Leung, S. O., & Tse, T. M. (2007). [Shan, W. J. (2006).(principal investigator). An Investigatory Study of the Non-High Education Curriculum and its Direction for Reform in Macao: Final Report. DSEJ.]
- 黃素君(主編)(2013)。《2011年華人社會的教育發展系列研討會「教育對話」論文集》。澳門: 澳門大學。ISBN :9996510433, 9789996510434
- 黃素君(主編)(2010)。《2009年華人社會的教育發展系列研討會「教師說故事 - 說教師的故事」》。澳門:澳門大學。ISBN 978-99965-1-015-1 [Vong, S. K. (2010) (Ed.). 2009 Conference Series on Education Development in Chinese Society selected papers on Stories from Teachers-Stories about Teachers. Macao: University of Macau.]
- 黃素君(主編)(2009)。《2008年華人社會的教育發展系列研討會「課程與教學改進」論文集》。澳門:澳門大學。ISBN 979-99937-1-001-3 [Vong, S. K. (2009) (Ed.). 2008 Conference Series on Education Development in Chinese Society Collection of Selected Papers on Curriculum and Instruction. Macao: University of Macau.]
- 黃素君(主編)(2009)。《2008年華人社會的教育發展系列研討會「課程與教學改進」專題演講集》。澳門:澳門大學。ISBN 979-99937-1-001-0 [Vong, S. K. (2009) (Ed.). 2008 Conference Series on Education Development in Chinese Society Collection of Keynote Papers and Invited Presentations on Curriculum and Instruction. Macao: University of Macau.]
- 黃素君(主編)(2008)。《2007年華人社會的教育發展學術研討會論文集》。澳門:澳門大學。ISBN 978-99937-943-9-4 [Vong, S. K. (2008) (Ed.). 2007 Conference Series on Education Development in Chinese Society Collection of Selected Papers in Teacher Education. Macao: University of Macau.]
- 黃素君等(主編)(2007)。《2006年華人社會的教育發展學術研討會論文集(系列二)》。澳門:澳門大學。ISBN 99937-26-96-6 [Vong, S. K. & others (2007) (Eds.). 2006 Conference Series on Education Development in Chinese Society Collection of Selected Papers 2. Macao: University of Macau]
- 黃素君等(主編)(2007)。《2006年華人社會的教育發展學術研討會論文集(系列一)》。澳門:澳門大學。ISBN 99937-26-95-8 [Vong, S. K. & others (2007) (Eds.). 2006 Conference Series on Education Development in Chinese Society Collection of Selected Papers 1. Macao: University of Macau]
- 黃素君等(主編)(2007)。《2006年華人社會的教育發展學術研討會專題演講集》。澳門:澳門大學。ISBN 99937-26-94-X [Vong, S. K. & others (2007) (Eds.). 2006 Conference Series on Education Development in Chinese Society Collection of Keynote Papers and Invited Presentations. Macao: University of Macau]
- Elkington, J. & Hailes, J. (1997) 黃素君 (翻譯) 《青年環保消費者指南》。澳門:環境技術事務室。 [Elkington, J. & Hailes, J. (1997) Vong, S. K. translated. Youth Environment Consumer Guidebook. Macao: Environment Cabinet.] from Portuguese to Chinese
- 黃素君(2002)。從質性研究的視域探討初中學生對生命的看法。《教師雜誌》(第三期)。澳門:教育暨青年局。頁十二至十六。[Vong, S. K. (2002). Exploring the views of junior secondary school students on life education from a qualitative research perspective. Macau Teachers Journal, Vol. 3. pp.12-16]
- 黃素君(2003)。“讀書會”灌溉了教師專業成長的土壤 – 明愛幼稚園教師的經驗。《教師雜誌》(第六期)。澳門:教育暨青年局。頁五十四至五十八。[Vong, S. K. (2003). Reading group is a means of teacher development: An example from a kindergarten. Macau Teachers Journal, Vol. 6. pp.54-58]
- 黃素君(2005)。「多元教育」是對孩子包容、接納和愛的承諾 – 淺談多元教育對孩子的意義。《百份百家長》 (第13期)。澳門:教育暨青年局。頁二至三。[Vong, S. K. (2005). Pluralistic education is a promise to accept, respect and love: A discussion on plural education. Hundred Percent Parents, Vol. 13, pp2-3]
- 黃素君(2010)。兒嬉?不兒嬉! ─ 我的童年故事。載於 蔣保華 (主編)《小學學什麼 - 英才是這樣煉成的》(頁203-208)。北京:教育科學出版社。
- A series of journal articles concerning “Private School Teachers Statute” published in Macao Daily:.
- 邱莎麗、黃素君(2012/05/30)。〈私框立法有助建穩定專業教師隊伍 〉。澳門日報: http://www.macaodaily.com/html/2012-05/30/content_702645.htm
- 鄭桂卿、黃素君(2012/06/27)。〈私框職業保障的思考〉。澳門日報:http://www.macaodaily.com/html/2012-06/27/content_710502.htm
- 魏倩、黃素君(2012/07/25)。〈<<私框>> 與學校教育效能的思考〉。澳門日報:http://www.macaodaily.com/html/2012-07/25/content_718396.htm
- 黃華、黃素君(2012/08/29)。〈私框隱藏的專業議題〉。澳門日報:http://www.macaodaily.com/html/2012-08/29/content_728548.htm
- 黃耀峰、黃素君(2012/10/03)。〈被私框遺忘的0.018〉。澳門日報:http://www.macaodaily.com/html/2012-10/03/content_738363.htm
- 黃素君(2013)。〈小城的「煎釀三寶」〉。載於澳門特別行政區廉政公署主編《贏在公平線上》。澳門:澳門特別行政區廉政公署。
- Bi-weekly column writing on Macao Educational Issues, Macao Daily, from February 2010 to present. Accumulated words count around 150000 words.