
Xiaowei TANG, 唐小為

Assistant Professor

Faculty of Education, University of Macau


Tang, X., Elby, A., Daniel, L. (2022). Argue about Argument: In-class epistemological disagreement between two biology teachers. In press with Science Education.

Tang, X., Elby, A., & Hammer, D. (2020). The tension between pattern‐seeking and mechanistic reasoning in explanation construction: A case from Chinese elementary science classroom. Science Education, 104(6), 1071-1099.

Tang, X., Yang, L., & Levin, D. M. (2020). When Linguistic Elements Contribute to Conceptual Dynamics: The Case of Chinese Students Pre-instructional Ideas About the Earth. Cognition and Instruction, 38(2), 224-263.

Tang, X., Wang, Y., & Wong, D. (2020). Learning to be silent: examining Chinese elementary students stories about why they do not speak in class. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 33(1) 1-18.

Tang, X., Coffey, J.E., Levin, D. M.  (2015). Reconsidering the use of scoring rubrics in biology instruction. American Biology Teacher: 77(9), 669-675.

Tang, X., Shao, F. (2014). On the evolution of a lesson: Group preparation for teaching contest as teacher professional development activity for Chinese elementary science teachers. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 23(2), 252-266.

Tang, X., Coffey, J.E., Elby, A., Levin, D.M. (2010). Scientific method and scientific inquiry: Tension in teaching and learning. Science Education, 94(1), 29-47.


王婷,李健,唐小为.   师生个人认识论对科学学业成绩的影响效应研究[J]. 中国考试,2021(12), 75-84.

唐小为.基于读者语境的幼儿绘本阅读乐趣创设策略[J].出版科学, 2020,28(02): 39-44. [人大复印资料全文转载]

陈坤,唐小为.国外迷思概念研究进展的探析及启示[J].教育学术月刊,2019(06): 17-24.

唐小为,唐韧. 绘本“文×图”实现路径的语用学阐释[J].出版科学,2019,27(03):39-44.

唐小为. 从互动走向互动[M]. 西南师范大学出版社,2017.

唐小为,邵发仙.小学生科学学科能力研究 测评、城乡比较与提升路径[M]. 西南师范大学出版社,2017.






Tang,X. (2020). The tension between pattern‐seeking and mechanistic reasoning in explanation construction. Presented on ICLS, Nashville, TN (Held online).

Tang, X. (2019). What drive Chinese primary students into classroom silence: A phenomenological study. Presented on AERA, Toronto, Canada.

Tang, X., Yang, L. (2018). Linguistic relativity and ideas in science: The case of Chinese students pre-instructional ideas about the earth. Presented on WERA World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa.

Tang X., Levin, D. (2016). Language as resource in science learning: A comparative case study between US and China. Presented on AERA annual meeting in Washington D.C.

Tang, X. (2013). On the evolution of a lesson. Presented on AERA annual meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Tang, X., Faxian, Shao. (2012). Teaching contest as teacher professional development activity. Presented on International Conference of Science Education, Nanjing, China.

Tang, X., Coffey, J. (2011). Understanding classroom affordance of scientific argumentation practices: Through the perspective of classroom interactive history. Presented on Jean Piaget Society annual meeting, Berkeley, CA.

Tang, X., Coffey, J. (2010). Culturing meaningful scientific argumentation practices through ongoing classroom interactions. Presented on ICLS annual meeting, Chicago, IL, in Proceedings of the 9th international conference on International conference for the learning sciences.

Tang, X., Coffey, J., Elby, A., Levin, D. (2010). Scientific method and scientific inquiry: Tension in teaching and learning. Science Education, 94(1), 29-47.

Coffey J., Tang, X. (2009) Learning to the test: Use of scoring rubrics as instructional tools in high school science classrooms. Presented at AERA 2009 annual meeting, San Diego, CA.

Tang, X., Coffey, J., Elby, A., Levin, D. (2008). Scientific method and scientific inquiry: Tension as in teaching and learning. Presented at ICLS, Utretch, Netherlands, in Proceedings of the 8th international conference on International conference for the learning sciences, 374-381.

Tang, X. (2008). Terminology centered classroom assessment conversation. Presented at AERA annual meeting, New York City, NY.

Tang, X. (2008). Context, attention and assessment. Presented at 29th Ethnography in Educational Research Conference, Philadelphia, PN.

Tang, X. (2007). The influence of scientific method on inquiry learning. Presented at Baltimore Ecosystem Annual meeting, Baltimore, MD.

Tang, X., Coffey, J., Levin, D. (2007). WDI: Well designed investigation or wry and decomposed inquiry? Presented at AERA 2007 annual meeting.

  • The paper “唐小为,丁邦平.“科学探究”缘何变身“科学实践”?——解读美国科学教育框架理念的首位关键词之变[J].教育研究,2012,33(11):141-145.” won the 1st prize (research paper) in Chongqing Educational Science Research,2019.
  • Doctorate-level course “Educational Research: Theory and practice” won the title“Excellent course for International students”from MOE.
  • American Educational Research Association
  • International Society of Learning Sciences