Faculty of Education |
University of Macau |
Accepting applications from PhD/EdD students |
(853) 8822 8720
(853) 8822 2402
Room 1015, Faculty of Education,
University of Macau, E33,
Av. da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China
Alice Si Man LEI 李思敏
Assistant Professor & Convener of Master’s Programme of Physical Education and Sport Studies (PSS) |
Faculty of Education, University of Macau |
Academic Qualifications
- Ph.D., Shanghai University of Sport
- M.Ed., University of Macau (Educational Psychology)
- B.Ed., National Taiwan Normal University (Physical Education)
Teaching Area
- Physical Education and Health
- Early Childhood Education
- Supervised Teaching and School Experience
- Teaching Innovation
- Member of Faculty Learning Community on Blended Learning (2015-2019)
- Staff advisor of Center of Teaching and Learning Enhancement (2016-2019)
- Faculty Representative Members of the Committee on Teaching and Learning Enhancement (AY 2019/2020)Project: Integrating eLearning tools for optimizing learning outcomes in Health and Physical Education
- Teaching Innovation
Current Research
- Physical Education Pedagogy
- Physical Activity and Health
- Early Child Development and Family Environments
- Physical Education and Moral Education
Selected Publications
Selected Academic Journals
- Wang, Y., Lei, S. M., & Fan, J. (2023). Effects of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Promoting Athletic Performance and Related Factors among Athletes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(3), 2038. (SSCI; Q1; IF:4.614[JCR-2021],4.798[5-Year])
- Wu, C., Cheong, M., Wang, Y., Wang, X., Zhang, Q., Li, M., & Lei, S. (2023). Impact of Functional Training on Functional Movement and Athletic Performance in College Dragon Boat Athletes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(5), 3897. (SSCI; Q1; IF:4.614[JCR-2021],4.798[5-Year])
- Wang, Y., Lei, S. M., & Wu, C. C. (2023). The Effect of Mindfulness Intervention on the Psychological Skills and Shooting Performances in Male Collegiate Basketball Athletes in Macau: A Quasi-Experimental Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(3), 2339. (SSCI; Q1; IF:4.614[JCR-2021],4.798[5-Year])
- Le, S., Schumann, M., Lei, S. M., Yao, W., & Cheng, S. (2023). Exercise precision medicine for type 2 diabetics: Targeted benefit or risk?. Sports Medicine and Health Science. (SCI; Q2; IF:3.11 [JCR-2022], 3.11[4-Year])
- Cai, H., Chow, I. H., Lei, S. M., Lok, G. K., Su, Z., Cheung, T., … & Xiang, Y. T. (2023). Inter-relationships of depressive and anxiety symptoms with suicidality among adolescents: A network perspective. Journal of Affective Disorders, 324, 480-488. (SCIE; SSCI; IF: 6.533[JCR-2021], 6.569[5-Year])
- Le S, Wang X, Zhang T, Lei SM, Cheng S, Yao W, Schumann M. Validity of three smartwatches in estimating energy expenditure during outdoor walking and running. Frontiers in Physiology. 2022 Sep 26; 13:995575. (SCIE; Q1; IF: 4.755 [JCR-2021];5.316[5-Year])
- Zhang, B., Lei, S. M., Le, S., Gong, Q., Cheng, S., & Wang, X. (2022). Changes in health behaviors and conditions during COVID-19 pandemic strict campus lockdown among Chinese university students. Frontiers in psychology, 13, 1022966. (SSCI; Q1; IF: 4.232 [JCR-2021]; 4.426 [5-Year])
- Zhao, Y. J., Bai, W., Cai, H., Sha, S., Zhang, Q., Lei, S. M., … & Xiang, Y. T. (2022). The backbone symptoms of depression: a network analysis after the initial wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Macao. PeerJ, 10, e13840. (SCIE; Q2; IF:3.061[JCR-2021],3.537[5-Year])
- Li, Qunfeng, Lei, Siman, Liu, Yanhong, Liu, Qiongzhu, Chen, Ying, Lin, Xin, Zhang, Xinling,(2022).Effectiveness of Yoga on the Interrectus Distance in Early Postpartum Women: A High-Frequency Ultrasound Study. BioMed Research International, 2022. (SCIE; IF: 3.246[JCR-2021], 3.767[5-Year])
- Cao, Jingguo, Lei, Siman, Zhao, Tong, Xie, Yuting, Zhou, Zunqiang, Cheng, Sulin, Wang, Xiuqiang, (2022). Changes in Fat Oxidation and Body Composition after Combined Exercise Intervention in Sedentary Obese Chinese Adults. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11(4). (SCIE; IF: 4.964[JCR-2021], 5.098[5-Year])
- Cai, Hong,Bai, Wei,Sha, Sha,Zhang, Ling,Chow, Ines H.I.,Lei, Si Man,Lok, Grace K.I.,Cheung, Teris,Su, Zhaohui,Hall, Brian J.,Smith, Robert D.,&Xiang, Yu Tao.(2022). Identification of central symptoms in Internet addictions and depression among adolescents in Macau: A network analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 302,415-423. (SCIE; SSCI; IF: 6.533[JCR-2021], 6.569[5-Year])
- Li, Ming Hui,Whitehead, Margaret,Green, Nigel,Ren, Hai,Cheng, Chih Fu,Lin, Linda Li Chuan,Lin, Ching Ping,Liu, Yang,Wen, Xu,Lei, Si Man,Li, Hongjuan,Shy, Deng Yau,Tang, Yan,Choi, Siu Ming,Huang, Yan,Ma, Ruisi,Wang, Fong Jia,Chen, Sitong,&Sum, Raymond Kim Wai.(2022). Operationally defining physical literacy in Chinese culture: Results of a meta-narrative synthesis and the Panel’s recommendations. Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness,20(3),236-248. (SCIE; IF:3.465[JCR-2021],3.462[5-Year])
- Bai, Wei,Zhao, Yan Jie,Cai, Hong,Sha, Sha,Zhang, Qinge,Lei, Si Man,Lok, Grace K.I.,Chow, Ines H.I.,Cheung, Teris,Su, Zhaohui,Jackson, Todd,&Xiang, Yu Tao.(2022).Network analysis of depression, anxiety, insomnia and quality of life among Macau residents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Affective Disorders,311,181-188. (SCIE; SSCI; IF:6.533[JCR-2021],6.569[5-Year])
- Cao, Jingguo, Lei, Siman, Wang, Xiuqiang, & Cheng, Sulin. (2021). The effect of a ketogenic low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet on aerobic capacity and exercise performance in endurance athletes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrients,13(8). (SCIE; IF:6.706[JCR-2021],7.185[5-Year])
- Qi, Han,Liu, Rui,Feng, Yuan,Luo, Jia,Lei, Si Man, Cheung, Teris,Ungvari, Gabor S.,Chen, Xu,&Xiang, Yu Tao.(2021). Prevalence of depression and its associated factors among adolescents in China during the early stage of the COVID-19 outbreak. PeerJ,9. (IF:3.061[JCR-2021],3.537[5-Year])
- Wang,Xiuqiang, Lei,Si Man, Le,Shenglong, Yang, Yanxiang, Zhang,Boyi, Yao, Wu, Gao,Zan, & Cheng,Sulin.(2020). Bidirectional influence of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns on health behaviors and quality of life among chinese adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,17(15),1-17. (SSCI; Q1; IF:4.614[JCR-2021],4.798[5-Year])
- Xu, Dan Dan,Lok,Ka In,Liu,Huan Zhong,Cao,Xiao Lan,An,Feng Rong, Hall,Brian J.,Ungvari,Gabor S.,Lei,Si Man,&Xiang,Yu Tao.(2020).Internet addiction among adolescents in Macau and mainland China: prevalence, demographics and quality of life. Scientific Reports,10(1). (SCIE; SSCI; IF:4.996[JCR-2021],5.516[5-Year])
- Lei, S. M.,Wong, S. P., Lam, S. I.,& Liang, T. L..(2020). Development and initial validation of the Personal and Social Responsibility Scale for Physical Education Settings. Journal of International Education and Practice,27-34. (ESCI; IF:0.73)
- 于朝陽、李思敏. (2016). 高校體育課程中加强德育的探究和實踐. 思想理論教育導刊, (5), 148-151. (CSSCI Journal) Title in English: Research and Practice of Strengthening Moral Education in Physical Education Curriculum in Higher Education
Books and others
- 李思敏主編 (2022)。幼兒動作學習與遊戲指導。福州:福建人民出版社。(ISBN 978-7-211-08899-7) (Book Title: Teaching fundamental movements and plays for young children)
- 李思敏主編 (2022)。體育人的成長印記與德育傳承。澳門:中國澳門體育與運動教育學會。(ISBN:978-99981-753-0-3) (Book Title: The Imprint of Growth and the Inheritance of Moral Education and Sportsmen)
- 李思敏主編 (2017)。澳門家庭環境和幼兒發展調查報告。澳門:澳門婦聯總會屬下托兒所。(ISBN 978-99965-332-0-4) (Book Title: Family Environment and Early Childhood Development Survey Report in Macao)
- 李思敏譯 (2010)。幼兒學習與發展。臺北市: 心理出版社。(ISBN978-986-191-379-7) 。 [Tina Bruce (2004). Developing Learning in Early Childhood (Zero to Eight Series). UK: Paul Chapman Educational Publishing]
- 黃素君、薛寶嫦、李思敏、陳勤勤等編著 (2004) 。與孩子一起成長–三所幼稚園課程發展的足跡。澳門:教育暨青年局。(Book Title: Growing up with the children- the footprint of three kindergartens School-based Curriculum Development in Macau)
- 黃素君、薛寶嫦、李思敏、陳勤勤等主編 (2003)。幼兒教育校本課程發展計劃(光碟)。澳門:教育暨青年局。(CD Title: School-based Curriculum Development in Early Childhood Education in Macau)
Conference Presentations
Oral presentation
- 李思敏 (2008)。澳門幼兒教育研究發展之現狀與趨勢。「全球化趨勢下的教育革新與展望」–兩岸四地學術研討會。國立新竹教育大學教育學院。
- 李思敏 (2008)。澳門大學體育課程現況分析。台灣大專體育課程設計與教學研習會。台灣大專體育總會主辦。
- 周淑惠、黃鏡英、李思敏 (2008)。小嘗試大深意-探究性課程與教學之初探與輔導者省思。2008華人社會的教育發展系列研討會—課程與教學改進。澳門大學教育學院。Collection of Selected Papers on Curriculum and Instruction (p.174-192). Faculty of Education, University of Macau. (ISBN979-99937-1-000-3)
- 張婉媚,李思敏 (2008) 。幼兒對死亡概念的認知。2008華人社會的教育發展系列研討會—課程與教學改進。澳門大學教育學院。Collection of Selected Papers on Curriculum and Instruction. Faculty of Education, University of Macau. (ISBN979-99937-1-001)
- 李思敏 (2011)。澳門全民健康體適能發展分析。2011年運動休閒產業國際學術研討會。台灣真理大學運動知識學院。[2011 Sports, Health and Leisure Industry International Conference]
- 李思敏 (2013) 。境外體育教學中實施德育的實踐研究。2013 「大中小體育與德育一體化」學術研討會。上海市教委體衛藝科。上海交通大學體育系。
- Lei Si Man (2013). Theory of Pilates and Yoga exercises in healthy females- methods and discussion. (Paper presented at the 4th international seminar for PE Teachers at The Sport Oberschule Mals, Italy.)
- 李思敏 (2013) 。澳門高校學校體育發展現狀分析及對策。2014中國華僑華人體育研究會。華僑大學體育學院。中國福建泉州。
- Lei, S. M., Wang, C. S. (07/2015). A Correlation Research of moral behavior in Physical Education learning process of College Students in Shanghai. (oral presentation in 2015 Univerdiade Gwangju International Sport Science Congress: The impact of university sports on the global community. Gwangju, Republic of Korea.)
- Lei, S. M., Kong, Z. W., Lon, C. N. (22/07/2015). Effects of Pilates and Yoga Exercise for fitness and mood in Healthy Females in Macau. (oral presentation in the 14th Annual Conference for the society of Chinese scholars on exercise physiology and fitness: attaining quality of life through physical activity. MACAU.)
- Wong, S. P., Lei, S. M., LAO, P.K, CAI, Y.C (07/2015). A study on Games of Sports Physical Fitness to Enhance Students’ Learning in Secondary School in Macau. (oral presentation The 14th Annual Conference for the society of Chinese scholars on exercise physiology and fitness: attaining quality of life through physical activity. MACAU)
- Lei, S. M., Wan Y X. (8/06/2016). An Action Research of the Integrating TPSR Model into Golf Curriculum (oral presentation in 2016 AIESEP International Conference Blazing New Trails: Future Directions for Sport Pedagogy and Physical Activity. Laramie, Wyoming, USA)
- Lei S. M., Lao S F. (8/06/2016). When a coach is also a researcher: High School Basketball Team Training implemented TGfU in Macau (oral presentation in 2016 AIESEP International Conference Blazing New Trails: Future Directions for Sport Pedagogy and Physical Activity. Laramie, Wyoming, USA)
- Wong S. P., Lei S. M., Lam K. C., (04/2017). The relationship among leisure time physical activity, attitude and satisfaction of sport based leisure ( oral presentation in 2017 World Leisure Conference – Macau Forum)
- Lei S. M., Zhao B.W., Cai Y. X., (06/2017). How Technology Affects the Development of Motor Skills of Young Children under Three years old. (69th OMEP World Assembly and International Conference in Opatija, Craotia)
- Lei S. M., Wong S. P., Ho W. H., (08/2017). A correlation study on the Psychological Skills and Sport Performance of College Basketball Players in Mainland China and Macau. (Oral Presentation in FISU – 2017 Taipei Summer Universiade Conference in Taipei )
- Liu K. C., Lei S. M., Wong U. K., (11/2017). The Relationships among Life Satisfaction and Physical Activity In Older Adults In Macao. (Oral presentation in The 8th Shanghai International Forum on Exercise and Health, and The 2nd Academic Forum on Sports and Health Science of China Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics)
- 李自豪、李思敏(11/2017)。 運用智能電話進行舞蹈教學(獲得大會優秀論文壹等獎)。中國教育科技協會體育專業委員年會。三亞,中國海南。
- Li Z. A., Lei S. M., Wong S. P., (05/2018) Emerging technology to promote physical activity and health for young children in a kindergarten (2018 Peking University International Forum on Physical Activity and Sports in Young Children) Peking University, Beijing, China.
- Lei S. M., Wong S. P., Lam K. H., (07/2018) Implementing Teaching for Personal and Social Responsibilities (TPSR) to build a positive hockey team in secondary school – An action research approach (Edinburgh 2018 AIESEP World Congress) University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, England, U.K..
- Lei S. M., Liang T. J., Choi C. I., Wong U. K., (07/2018) An Action Research of Implementing TPSR in High School Dragon Parade Classes (Edinburgh 2018 AIESEP World Congress) University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, England, U.K.
- Li Z. A., Lei S. M., (07/2018) How parents’ perception in physical play influence the motor development of young children (Edinburgh 2018 AIESEP World Congress) University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, England, U.K.
- 李思敏、岳超、梁梓康(10/2018)。以「健康促進」為目標的大學體育教學改革與發展 — 以澳門大學為例(獲得大會優秀論文一等獎)。第二屆「全民健身,科學運動」學術交流大會。華東交通大學。
- Lei S. M., Li Z. A., Liang T. J., (10/2018) Relationship among physical activity, BMI and sedentary behavior in young children: A systematic review (The First World Congress of International Association of Sport and Play for Young Children [IASAPYC] Springfield College, Springfield, U.S.)
- Lei S. M., Wong S. P., Li Z. H., (11/2018) Enhancing college students’ learning with mobile technology in Health and Physical Education Classes (The 10th Higher Education International Conference on Innovation and Developments in Teaching and Learning Quality Assurance. Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macau.)
- Lei, S. M., Wang, Yi, Fulton, Chris (16/05/2019). Blended learning on self-regulation and motivation in Health and Wellness course. Lilly-Asia: Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning, Hong Kong.
- Chen, W.H., Lei, S. M., LAM, K.L. (09/06/2019). Implement School-Based Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model through Fitness Program in Macau Vocational School: an experimental study.2019 World Congress on Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum in Physical Education. Shanghai, China.
- Lei, S. M., Liang, T.J. (10/2019). Physical play in kindergartens, what teaching styles teachers are using in playground? . International Association of Sport and Play for Young Children (IASAPYC) Second World Congress. Shanghai, China. (Best presentation Award)
- Lei, S. M. (11/2019). Student Center Learning with Mobile Approach in TGfU. The 6th International Game Sense Conference for Teaching and Coaching Conference. Tokyo, Japan
- Lei, S. M., Leong, C. H., Leong, K.W. (11/2019). Coaching young table tennis players with offensive strategies. The 6th International Game Sense Conference for Teaching and Coaching Conference. Tokyo, Japan.
- Lei, S. M., Chan, W.S., Liang, T.J. (11/2019). Game sense in teaching basketball 3×3. The 6th International Game Sense Conference for Teaching and Coaching Conference. Tokyo, Japan.
- 李思敏、梁梓康、王儀(12/2019)。系統回顧體育中的身體素養概念。大中華區身體素養研討會。香港。[Lei, S. M., Leong, C. H., Wang, Yi (12/2019). Physical literacy in physical education: a systematic review. Greater China Region Physical Literacy Symposium. Hong Kong.]
- 李思敏(12/2019)。澳門體育及身體素養發展現況。大中華區身體素養研討會。香港。
- 王儀、李思敏、許嘉亮(11/2019)。澳門手球運動員訓練和比賽態度的調查研究。第十一届全國體育科學大會論文摘要彙編,中國江蘇南京。
- Wu, Chi Chong, Lei, Si Man, & Wong, Soi Po (2021). Health Literacy, Self-Efficacy and Satisfaction with Life: A cross-sectional study of college students in Macao. Mini-Oral presentation at ISPAH 2021.
- Lei, Si Man, Wu, Chi Chong & Wong, Soi Po (2021). The relationship between physical fitness and internet game disorder of emerging adults in Macao. Mini-Oral presentation at ISPAH 2021.
Poster presentation
- Ip, K. I., Lei, S. M., Yu, Z. Y. (22/07/2015). The relationship between Health Literacy and Fitness of college students in Macau. The14th Annual Conference for the society of Chinese scholars on exercise physiology and fitness: attaining quality of life through physical activity. Macau.
- Lei, S. M., Lao, F. I., Wu, H. P. (22/07/2015). The Relational between Physical Fitness and Academic Performance in Adolescent of Macau. The 14th Annual Conference for the society of Chinese scholars on exercise physiology and fitness: attaining quality of life through physical activity. Macau.
- Wong, U. K., Lei, S. M., Teng, M.J., Chao, S.C. (22/07/2015). The relationship between Sports Motivation and Fitness of college students in Macau. The 14th Annual Conference for the society of Chinese scholars on exercise physiology and fitness: attaining quality of life through physical activity. Macau.
- U Kei Wong, Lei S M, Wong S P. (21/07/2016). A Correlational Research on Physical Fitness and Moral Behavior of College Students in Macau. The 15th Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness Hong Kong.
- Hui Heung Chin, Lei S M, Wong S P. (21/07/2016). A Study on Examining the Relationship between Health-related Fitness and Cognition of Sports Knowledge among College Students in Macau. The 15th Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness Hong Kong.
- Wang, Yi, Lei, S. M., Hoi, K.L. (27/06/2019). Development and validation of questionnaires for the training and competition attitude among youth handball players in Macau. The 30th FIEP World, 14th FIEP European and 2nd FIEP Catalan Congress (FIEP 2019).
- Lei, S. M., Wang, Yi, Wong , C.L. (27/06/2019). The relationship between psychological skills and performance of elite college basketball players in China. The 30th FIEP World, 14th FIEP European and 2nd FIEP Catalan Congress (FIEP 2019)
- Lei, S. M., Wong, S. P. (09/06/2019). Effect of the home physical environment on motor development of young children in Macau. 2019 World Congress on Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum in Physical Education. Shanghai, China
- Li, L.S., Liang, T.J., Lei, S. M., Pratt, E. (19/06/2019). Social and Emotional Learning through TPSR in China. AIESEP International Conference 2019. New York, USA
- Lei, S. M. (08/09/2020). Enrich physical play for young children: Strengthen novice preschool teachers’ movement experiences with inquiry approach. The 2020 Yokohama Sport Conference. Japan. (online)
- 李群鳳, 張新玲, 李思敏 (25/03/2021)。超聲評估瑜伽對産後女性早期腹直肌分離間距的效果研究。第十二届全國體育科學大會論文摘要彙編 (運動醫學分會)。[大會主題:科技賦能體育•創新驅動融合。中國體育科學學會主辦 (2022年3月25-27日) ,山東日照。]
- 黃素君、薛寶嫦、李思敏、陳勤勤: 2001-2004受教青局委托 執行幼稚園校本課程發展計劃 。
- 李思敏 2007-2011年期間任職澳門教育青年局,負責學校綜合評鑒 ( School Comprehensive Evaluation) 學校評鑑報告。先後到8間澳門官立和私立幼稚園進行綜合評鑒的現場調查 (包括文件分析、教師訪談及觀課) 、撰寫綜合評鑒報告及與學校溝通報告內容。
- 周淑惠(編寫顧問)、黃鏡英(研究主持人)、田野、李思敏、陳勤勤、劉乃華(研究員)編寫《澳門幼兒教育課程指引》,12/2009。澳門教育青年局。(Macao Early Childhood Education Curriculum Guidelines)
- 李思敏 2016-2021 澳門社工局委托澳門大學 持續進修學院 協辦托兒所教育導師人員培訓課程 (講師與實習指導)。(Program instructor and teaching practice supervisor for Diploma of Nursery trainee training program)
- 李思敏 2019-2023澳門社工局委托澳門大學 教育學院 負責澳門托兒所服務評鑑計畫,被邀擔任評鑑專家,負責駐所進行文件檢視、觀察與訪談等評鑑工作。
- 李思敏:《2011年 澳門體育發展局服務承諾監察之2期調查》。體育發展局。[Lei S. M, (2011). “Research on monitoring of the Service Commitment for Macau Sport Development Board (Phase II)”. Macao Sport Development Board.]
- 李思敏:《2011年 市民對體育發展局承諾服務之滿意度2期調查》。體育發展局. [Lei S. M, (2011). “Research on satisfaction of citizens on the service commitment for Macau Sport Development Board (Phase II)”. Macao Sport Development Board.]
- 孔兆偉、李思敏:《2012「公共體育設施網絡」使用狀況的調查》,12/2009。[Kong, Z. W., Lei S. M. (2012). “Survey on Usage Condition of Public Sports Facilities”.]
- 李思敏:《2012年 澳門體育發展局服務承諾監察之年度調查》。體育發展局。[Lei S. M, (2012). “Annual Research on monitoring of the Service Commitment for Macau Sport Development Board”. Macao Sport Development Board.]
- 李思敏:《2012年 市民對體育發展局承諾服務之滿意度年度調查》。體育發展局。[Lei S. M, (2012). “Annual Research on satisfaction of citizens on the service commitment for Macau Sport Development Board”. Macao Sport Development Board.]
- 孔兆偉、李思敏、梁成安:《2012’ 澳門體育場地之調查》,體育發展局,05/2012。[Kong, Z. W., Lei S. M., Leung, Shing On (2012). “Survey on Sports Venues in Macau”. Macao Sport Development Board.]
- 李思敏:《2013年 「暑期活動」-體育項目滿意度調查 》,10/2013。[Lei, S. M. (10/2013). Research on satisfaction of citizens on Physical Activities of Summer Activities for Macau Sport Development Board in 2013.]
- 李思敏:《2013年 澳門體育發展局服務承諾監察調查報告》,12/2013。[Lei, S. M. (12/2013). Research on monitoring of the Service Commitment for Macau Sport Development Board in 2013.]
- 李思敏:《2013年 市民對體育發展局 服務承諾的滿意度調查 》,12/2013。[Lei, S. M. (12/2013). Research on satisfaction of citizens on the service commitment for Macau Sport Development Board in 2013.]
- 李思敏:《2014年「暑期活動」-體育項目滿意度調查 》,10/2014。[Lei, S. M. (10/2014). Research on satisfaction of citizens on Physical Activities of Summer Activities for Macau Sport Development Board in 2014.]
- 李思敏:《2014年 澳門體育發展局服務承諾監察調查報告》,12/2014。[Lei, S. M. (12/2014). Research on monitoring of the Service Commitment for Macau Sport Development Board in 2014.]
- 李思敏:《2014年 市民對體育發展局 服務承諾的滿意度調查 》,12/2014。[Lei, S. M. (12/2014). Research on satisfaction of citizens on the service commitment for Macau Sport Development Board in 2014.]
- 李思敏:《2015「暑期活動」-體育項目滿意度調查 》,10/2015。[Lei, S. M. (10/2015). Research on satisfaction of citizens on Physical Activities of Summer Activities for Macau Sport Development Board in 2015.]
- 李思敏:《2015年 澳門體育發展局服務承諾監察調查報告》,12/2015。[Lei, S. M. (12/2015). Research on monitoring of the Service Commitment for Macau Sport Development Board in 2015.]
- 李思敏:《2015年 市民對體育發展局 服務承諾的滿意度調查 》,12/2015。[Lei, S. M. (12/2015). Research on satisfaction of citizens on the service commitment for Macau Sport Development Board in 2015.]
Other Community Projects
- 李思敏:2006年至2009年,與澳門大學附屬學校幼稚園部合作,參與「優化學校教育資助計劃」-為校本課程發展進行教師培訓和推廣工作。
- 李思敏:2008年至2010年,與 澳門5 所幼稚園合作,進行澳門幼兒體適能檢測研究計畫。
- 李思敏:2014年11月,應廈門理工學院公共體育部邀請,為體育部教師講授《澳門大學體育課的改革和發展歷程》。
- 李思敏:2015年至2019年連續5年應婦聯托兒所家長會邀請,主講「幼稚園入學準備」專題大型講座 (每年一場,參與聽眾平均每場約650人) 。
- 李思敏:2018年8月,應婦聯會邀請,主講「親職教育一點通」專題講座 。
- 李思敏:2019年3月,由專業女性協會主辦 「專業範疇職涯規劃分享會」專題講座,擔任分場主講。
- 李思敏:2020年8-11月,由永利關愛與澳門專業女性協會、哈囉好工網攜手合作,製作一系列「職涯規劃短片」,誓任專業女性分組負責人,並任發佈會主持。(https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/kG0UVE5Of-d58iwiFUQKWg)
- 李思敏:2016年2月至 2018年11月編著《幼兒園入學準備》小冊子,由澳門婦女聯合總會出版。(累計30,000本)
Thesis Supervision
Bachelor student’s theses (Graduated)
葉詠詩 (2013) 。游戲導向的主題教學之行動研究—一位幼稚園實習老師的專業成長歷程。澳門大學榮譽學院。
Master student theses (Graduated)
Early Childhood Education and Child Development (ECD) :
- 李嘉盈 (2015)。澳門幼兒教師的體能教學方法之調查研究。碩士論文。
- Cai Yanxiu (2016) A Study of the Relationship between Home Environment and Motor Development of Toddlers in Macau (written in English)
- Zhao Bowen (2017). The Relationship between Home Environment and the Development of Children under Four Years Old in Macau. (written in English)
- 夏效蓉 (2021)。澳門家庭環境與幼兒發展的關係研究:以親子互動為中介變項。碩士論文。
Physical Education and Sports Studies (PSS):
- 楊彩蓮 (2011)。澳門女校高中生課外體育活動的參與與身體自我概念、運動動機的關係研究。碩士論文。
- 梁志成 (2011)。澳門籃球員心理技能研究。碩士論文。
- 謝斌 (2011)。澳門與珠海3~6歲幼兒體適能情況調查研究。碩士論文。
- 王景輝 (2013)。澳門道德教育與體育統整教學行動研究—以某中學為例。碩士論文。
- 劉少楓 (2013)。理解式球類訓練法于澳門中學籃球隊訓練之行動研究。碩士論文。
- 牟建鑫 (2013)。中國內地與澳門高中籃球選手知覺領導行爲與團隊凝聚力、選手滿意度之關係研究。碩士論文。
- 黃家豪 (2013)。澳門中學籃球教練領導行爲與訓練滿意度之相關研究。碩士論文。
- 劉柏堅 (2014)。運用競技體適能游戲提高初中體育學習效果之研究。碩士論文。
- 梁潔嫦 ( 2014)。澳門大專生運動參與動機、運動快樂感及健康知能之調查研究。碩士論文。
- 何偉恒 (2015)。中國內地和澳門大專籃球運動員心理技能與運動表現之比較研究。碩士論文。
- 劉富賢 (2015)。澳門初中學生體適能、多元智能與學業成績之相關研究。碩士論文。
- Sou Ka Hou (2015) Research on college student’s moral behavior of integration of physical education and moral education: taking the Shanghai Jiao Tong University as an example. (written in English)
- 葉啟楊 (2015)。澳門大專生體適能與健康知能之關係研究。碩士論文。
- 林倩怡 (2015)。澳門學生體育課德育行爲量表建構——以高中學生爲例。碩士論文。
- 趙志華 (2016)。運動教育模式應用于高中體育教學之行動研究——以三人籃球賽爲例。碩士論文。
- Lo Si U (2016) A Study of Effectiveness on Learning Outcomes after Implementing the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model through University Physical Education—Taking University of Macau as an Example. (written in English)
- 滕梅君 (2016)。德育教育融入體育課程對大學生體育學習效果影響之研究——以上海交通大學爲例。碩士論文。
- 徐展業 (2016)。龍的傳人——道德教育融入舞龍教學之行動研究。碩士論文。
- 林嘉希 (2016)。澳門曲棍球校隊訓練運用個人與社會責任(TPSR)模式的行動研究。碩士論文。
- 黃靜璐 (2016)。心理技能訓練對澳門大學男子籃球員心理技能、運動表現、專項技術、體能影響之研究。碩士論文。
- 李高斌 (2016)。澳門學校體育與德育教師態度調查研究。碩士論文。
- 梁梓康 (2017) 品德教育融入運動教育模式應用于澳門某中學籃球課之行動研究。碩士論文。
- 李金鼎 (2017)。廣東省教師體育與德育態度調查研究。碩士論文。
- Sin Pak Ko (2017). Development and Validation of the Shortened Moral Behavior Scale in PE class—A Case of College Students in Hong Kong. (written in English)
- Wu Chi Chong (2017). The Relationship among Physical Fitness, Physical Literacy and Health Literacy of College Students in Macau. (written in English)
- 萬永嘯 (2017)。TPSR模式與運動教育模式結合的高爾夫教學之行動研究。碩士論文。
- Lam Ka Chon (2017). The relationship between Physical Fitness, Health Literacy & Self-Efficacy of Macau college students. (written in English)
- Liu Kwai Chi (2019). The Relationships among Life Satisfaction, Self-Efficacy and Physical Activity of Older Adults in Macao. (written in English)
- 岳超 (2019)。大學體育課程設置與健康促進實施之個案研究。碩士論文。
- 王知章 (2019)。澳門大學生網絡遊戲成癮與睡眠質素之關係的研究。碩士論文。
- 鍾子石 (2019)。個人與社會責任模式在澳門公立學校的個案研究。碩士論文。
- Kuan Kuong Io (2020). The Interrelationship of Health Literacy, General Self-Efficacy and Health Behavior of College Students in Macau. (written in English)
- 呂曉祥 (2020)。澳門高中生多元智能、體適能、生活質量與生活滿意度的關係研究。碩士論文。
- 許驊 (2020)。體育與文化認同:以澳門地區羽毛球文化為例。碩士論文。
- 林嘉樂 (2020)。 個人與社會責任模式融入大學體育課程之行動研究。碩士論文。
- 陸仲聆 (2020)。應用個人與社會責任模式於大學暑期球類教學之行動研究。碩士論文。
- 盧國希(2021)。澳門大專院校運動員的 功能性動作、體適能、生活質量及滿意度之相關研究。碩士論文。
- Cheong Man Wai (2022). The Effects of 8-week Functional Training on Functional Movement Pattern, Physical Fitness, and Performance of University Dragon Boat Paddlers. MPhil Thesis. (written in English)
- Chan Weng Sam (2022). The Effect of 8-week Functional Training on Functional Movement Pattern, Physical Fitness and Performance of Youth Basketball Players. MPhil Thesis. (written in English)
- 王言 (2022)。正念干預對籃球運動員心理應對及投籃表現的影響——以澳門大專男子籃球隊為例。碩士論文。
Current Courses
Bachelor Program
Bachelor of Education (Pre-primary Education, PPE)
- Teaching for Young Children Fundamental Movement Skills (EDUC2025)
- Movement Program for Young Children (EDUC2032)
- Supervised Teaching and School Experience (EDUC4003)
General Education (GE)
Active Lifestyles, Wellness and Sports Science (GEST2000)
Master program – Physical Education and Sports Studies (PSS)
- Curriculum and Teaching of Physical Education (EDUC7502)
- Physical Activity and Health (EDUC7556)
Previous Courses
- 統整教學 (Integrated learning) ( DPRE304)
- Physical Education – Teaching of Movement Exercises (DPRE201)
- Physical Education II – Skills Development and Physical Activities (DPRE300)
- The Teaching of Physical Play (DPRE301)
- Creative Physical Activities & Equipment for Young Children (EDUC2031 /PPEB253)
- Introduction to Education (DPRE100, DPRI100)
- Teaching of Physical Education (BIKA203)
- Supervised Teaching Practice (BIKY104)
- Teaching of Physical Education (BIPA203)
- Performing Arts: Dance (BPPC108)
- Hygiene Education (DPRI201)
- Sports and Health Development (PREI008)
- GE-Personal Health and Sustainability (GE- FEDG211)
- Educational Practice – Field Work (PREI109)
- Games Teaching and Development of Games Senses (MPES013)
- The Effective Teaching in PE (MPES004)
- Health Education and Health Promotion (MPES106)
- Physical Education – Organization and Administration (MPES003)
- Special Topics in Physical Education and Sport Studies (EDPE 751)
- Workshop / Seminar / Study Tour – Master program of Early Childhood Education – (IMEH007)
- Nutrition and Health Issues in the Early Years (IMEH012)
- 幼兒教育發展趨勢
University community service
- 2021-now Consultant of Sports Affair, Sports Team Development, University of Macau
- 2018-2023 PGH Fellow, University of Macau
- 2016-2021 Non-Resident Fellow of College, University of Macau
- 2014-2015 FED Mentorship program
- 2013-2014 New Campus Site Visit (Sports Complex and Stadium)
- 2013-2016 Elite Basketball Men team advisor, University of Macau
- 2012-2013 Chair of Task Force (A report of Task Force Submitted 09/2012 to Sports Committee, UM; “Establishment of Elite Basketball Team”)
- 2011-2014 Non-Resident Fellow for Pearl Jubilee College, University of Macau
- 2009-2010澳門大學校友會行政人員 (理事)
- 2005-2006及2007-2008年度澳門大學校友會第四屆及第五屆行政人員 (副理事長)
- 2002 教育學院 校友事務委員會 主席
- 2002-2004 Convener of FED Student Counseling Unit
- 2001 Class Tutor (輔導導師) Pre- Service Pre-Primary Education Program
Professional and Local Community service (Volunteer)
- 2022年始 華人身體素養學會 (董事局委員, 澳門區代表)
- 2019-2021 Macau representative of EU-China program, International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA)
- 2018年始 澳門體育與運動教育學會會長 (創會會長)
- 2018年始 國際幼兒運動與遊戲協會 (International Association of Sport and Play for Young Children, IASAPYC) 創會及理事會成員
- 2018-2023年 中國澳門地壺球總會 副理事長
- 2018-2023年 中國澳門專業女性協會 理事 (2018-2022), 副理事長 (2022-2023)
- 2017-2020年 任 中國幼兒教育機構 「未來之星」海外學術顧問
- 2016-2023年 中國澳門婦女體育總會 理事 (2016-2019), 副理事長 (2019-2023)
- 2016-2021年 任 澳門婦女聯合總會 托兒所家長會顧問
- 2002年始 澳門合球總會創會會長
Professional qualification
- Active FIBA Commissioner (2017-2023); FIBA Referee (till 2017)
- ZUMBA Fitness Instructor (Basic-1)
- Certificated Instructor of Aquatic Exercise (Aquatic Exercise Association)
- Certificated Teacher of Chinese Dance (Beijing Dance Academy 北京舞蹈學院)
- Certificated CPR and Water Rescue
Professional Service
26/03/2017 Psychological Skills – Workshop for National Squash Junior representative
13/05/2017 Psychological Skills- Asian Squash Federation (ASF) Level Two Coaching Course
2018 conference organization member of the sixth International Game Sense Conference for Teaching and Coaching Conference in Tokyo
2021, 2022 Review Abstracts for FED Postgraduate Research Symposium, University of Macau
2018 Reviewer of Journal “Asia Pacific Journal of Education’
2021 Reviewer of Journal “Frontiers Public Health”
2022 Reviewer of Journal of “Frontiers in Public Health”, “Frontiers in Psychology”, “JMIR Public Health and Surveillance”, “Annals of General Psychiatry”, & “Innovations in Digital Health, Diagnostics, and Biomarkers”