
Bing WEI 魏冰

Programme Coordinator of Bachelor of Education Programme (Integrated Science)
Faculty of Education, University of Macau
Internal projects

  • Understanding the development of epistemological beliefs in pre-service science teachers: A longitudinal mixed-method research. 2025-2026.
  • Exploring the science identity development of pre-service science teachers: A mixed-method study (funded by UM, principal investigator). 2024-2025.
  • A study of primary teachers’ perceptions about science curriculum in China: from the lens of curriculum ideology (funded by UM, principal investigator). 2023-2024.
  • Developing a science identity survey instrument and applying it in measuring the effect of a STEM program (funded by UM, principal investigator). 2019-2021.
  • How do science teachers deal with practical work? An explorative study through the lens of identity (funded by UM, principal investigator). 2018-2020.
  • A study of science teachers’ practical knowledge in laboratory teaching (funded by UM, principal investigator). 2015-2018.
  • Curriculum materials in class: A study of the implementation of the new science curriculum (funded by UM, principal investigator). 2013-2014.
  • A study of school science curricula in Macau: In the view of scientific literacy (funded by UM, principal investigator). 2010-2011.
  • The evaluation project of primary and secondary school sciences in Macau (funded by Macau Bureau of Education & Youth, principal investigator, coordinator). 2008-2009.
  • An examination of the science curriculum change in the P. R. China within the recent three decades: A socio-cultural perspective (funded by UM, principal investigator). 2007-2008.

External projects

  • The model construction of scientific literacy for primary and secondary school students within Confucian Culture and its empirical study (funded the National Social Science Foundation of China, BHA180145, A key researcher). 2018-2021.
  • The effects of the integrated science curriculum in comparison with those of separated science curricula (funded by the Ministry of Education of China, principal investigator). 2006-2008.
  • Evaluative studies on science teaching materials developed in the new school curriculum system: In the view of scientific literacy (funded by Guangzhou Educational Bureau, Guangdong, China, principal investigator). 2005-2007.

Journal papers

  • Wei, B., Zhan, Z. Jiang, Z., & Yu, L. (2024). Representation of learning outcomes stipulated by the intended curriculum in four series of chemistry textbooks: Based on legitimation code theory. Research in Science Education. (SSCI) (online first 23/09/2024)
  • Tan, L. & Wei, B. (2024). How science teachers deal with STEM education: An explorative study from the lens of curriculum ideology. Science Education. (SSCI) (online first 20/08/2024)
  • Han, Z. & Wei, B. (2024). When nature of science meets quantum physics: Insights from NOS representation in Chinese physics textbooks. Science & Education. (SSCI) (online first 07/08/2024)
  • Su, R. & Wei, B. (2024). Representation of the views of nature and human-nature relationships in chemistry textbooks: A comparative analysis. International Journal of Science Education. (SSCI) (online first 15/06/2024)
  • Tan, L., Chen, F., & Wei, B. (2024). Examining key capitals contributing to students’ science-related career expectations and their relationship patterns: A machine learning approach. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. (SSCI) (online first 31/03/2024)
  • Yan, R., Zhu, L., Sun, D. & Wei, B. (2024). Developing a stop-motion animation in improving junior secondary students’ learning in chemistry lab: An exploratory study. Journal of Chemical Education. 101 (4), 1583-1591. (ESCI)
  • Wang, C. & Wei, B. (2024). Analysis of visual-based physics questions of the senior high school entrance examination in China. Physical Review Physics Education Research. 20 (1), 010112. (SSCI)
  • Tang, X., Shu, G., Wei, B., & Levin, D. (2024). Emergent learning about measurement and uncertainty in an inquiry context: A case from an elementary classroom. Science Education. 108 (1), 308-331. (SSCI)
  • Jiang, Z., Wei, B., Chen, S., & Tan, L. (2024). Examining the formation of high school students’ science identity: The role of STEM-PBL experiences. Science & Education. 33 (1), 135-157. (SSCI)
  • Vong, K. I. P. & Wei, B. (2023). Constructing an ethnic minority culture-enriched kindergarten curriculum in southwest China: The role of teacher agency. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. (online first 18/12/2023)(SSCI)
  • Jiang, Z. & Wei, B. (2023). Understanding science identity development among college students: A systematic literature review. Science & Education. (SSCI) (online first 13/10/2023)
  • Su, R., Jiang, Z., & Wei, B. (2023). Representations of nature of science in science textbooks: A systematic review. Science & Education. (SSCI) (online first 13/10/2023)
  • Tan, L., Wei, B., Cui, T. (2023). Relationships among perception of teacher autonomy support, achievement motivations, intellectual risk-taking, and science academic performance: A serial mediation model. International Journal of Science Education. 45 (1), 43-64. (SSCI)
  • Gong, X., Wei, B., Bergey, W. B., & Shockley, T. E. (2023). Unpacking chemistry teachers’ pedagogical reasoning and decisions for a PhET simulation: A TPACK perspective. Journal of Chemical Education. 100 (1), 33-44. (ESCI)
  • Chen, S., Wei, B., & Zhang, H. (2023). Exploring high school students’ disciplinary science identities and their differences. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 21(2) 377-394. (SSCI)
  • Wei, B., Wang, C., & Tan, L. (2022). Visual representation of optical content in China’s and Singapore’s junior secondary physics textbooks. Physical Review Physics Education Research. 18 (2), 120138. (SSCI)
  • Gai, L., Li, Y., Zheng, C., Wei, B., Jiang, Z., & Lederman, S. J. (2022). The progression of students’ views about nature of scientific inquiry. International Journal of Science Education. 44 (17), 2508-2540. (SSCI)
  • Wei, B., Jiang, Z., & Gai, L. (2022). Examining the nature of practical work in school science textbooks: Coverage of the diversity of scientific methods. Science & Education. 31 (4), 943-960. (SSCI)
  • Wei, B. & Lin, J. (2022). Manifestation of three visions of scientific literacy in a senior high school chemistry curriculum: A content analysis study. Journal of Chemical Education. 99 (5), 1906-1912. (ESCI)
  • Wei, B., Lin, J., Chen, S., & Chen, Y. (2022). Integrating 21st century competencies into a K-12 curriculum reform in Macau. Asia Pacific Journal of Education. 42 (2), 290-304. (SSCI)
  • Chen, S. & Wei, B. (2022). Development and validation of an instrument to measure high school students’ science identity in science learning. Research in Science Education, 52 (1), 111-126. (SSCI)
  • Wei, B., Avraamidou, L., Chen, N. (2021). How a beginning science teacher deals with practical work: An explorative study through the lens of identity. Research in Science Education, 51 (Suppl 1), S1-S19. (SSCI)
  • Wei, B. & Long, F. (2021). Teaching chemistry in context: What we know from teachers’ lesson plans. International Journal of Science Education. 43 (8), 1208-1227. (SSCI)
  • Wei, B. & Chen, X. (2021). Examining teaching emphases of history of science in award-winning science lesson plans in Macao. Science & Education. 30 (3), 639-657. (SSCI)
  • Wei, B. & Wang, Y. (2021). The presentation of science practice in 20 historical cases: A content analysis of a popular science book. Science & Education, 30(2), 365-380. (SSCI)
  • Chen, B., Wei, B., & Wang, X. (2020). Examining the factors that influence high school chemistry teachers’ use of curriculum materials: From the teachers’ perspective. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 19 (6), 893-907. (SSCI)
  • Wei, B., Chen, N., & Chen, B. (2020). Teaching with laboratory work: The presentations of beginning science teachers’ identity in school settings. Research Papers in Education, 35 (6), 681-705. (SSCI)
  • Wei, B (2020). An exploratory study of teacher development in the implementation of integrated science curriculum. Research in Science Education, 50 (6), 2189-2206. (SSCI)
  • Luo, X., Wei, B., Shi, M., & Xiao, X. (2020). Exploring the impact of reasoning flow scaffold (RFS) on students’ scientific argumentation: based on the structure of observed learning outcomes (SOLO) taxonomy. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 21, 1083-1094. (SSCI)
  • Wei, B. & Chen, Y. (2020). The Meaning of ‘experiment’ in the intended chemistry curriculum in China: the changes over the period from 1952 to 2018. International Journal of Science Education, 42, 656-674 (SSCI)
  • Wei, B. (2020). The change of the intended senior high school chemistry curriculum in China: Focus on intellectual demands. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 21, 14-23. (SSCI)
  • Wei, B. (2019). Science teacher education in Macau: A critical review. Asia-Pacific Science Education, 5:10.
  • Wei, B. (2019). Reconstructing school chemistry curriculum in the era of core competencies: A case from China. Journal of Chemical Education, 96, 1359-1366. (ESCI)
  • Wei, B., & Ou, Y. (2019). A comparative analysis of junior high school science curricula in Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau: Based on revised Bloom’s taxonomy. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 17, 1459-1474. (SSCI)
  • Wei, B., Chen, S., & Chen, B. (2019). An investigation of sources of science teachers’ practical knowledge of teaching with practical work. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 17, 723-738. (SSCI)
  • Wei, B., & Chen, N. (2019). Agency in action: Two beginning science teachers’ stories in a context of curriculum reform in China. International Journal of Science Education, 41(10), 1287-1302. (SSCI)
  • Chen, B., Wei, B., & Mai, Y. (2019). Examining chemistry teachers’ perceptions of their interaction with curriculum materials: a quantitative approach. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 18 (2), 197-208. (SSCI)
  • Oon, P.T., Hu, B.Y., & Wei, B. (2019). Early childhood educators’ attitudes towards science teaching in Chinese schools. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 44, 423-435. (SSCI)
  • Wan, D., Zhang, H., & Wei, B. (2018). Impact of Chinese culture on pre-service science teachers’ views of the nature of science. Science & Education. 27 (3), 321-355. (SSCI)
  • Lu, Q., Zhang, H., & Wei, B. (2018). Exploration of the variety of teachers’ VNOS in China: Is the “step-over development” approach effective? Asia-Pacific Science Education, 4 (5), 1-23.
  • Wei, B. & Liu, H. (2018). An experienced chemistry teacher’s practical knowledge of teaching with practical work: The PCK perspective. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 19, 452-462. (SSCI)
  • Wei, B. & Li, X. (2017). Science teachers’ perceptions of experimentation: Implications for restructuring school practical work. International Journal of Science Education, 39, 1775-1794. (SSCI)
  • Chen, B & Wei, B. (2015). Investigating the factors that influence chemistry teachers’ use of curriculum materials: The case of China. Science Education International, 26 (2), 195-216.
  • Chen, B & Wei, B. (2015). Examining chemistry teachers’ use of curriculum materials: In the view of teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 16, 260-272. (SSCI)
  • Wan, Z.H., Wong, S.L., Wei, B., & Zhan, Y. (2013). Focusing on the classical or contemporary? Chinese science teacher educators’ conceptions of Nature of Science content to be taught to pre-service science teachers. Research in Science Education, 43, 2541-2566. (SSCI)
  • Wei, B., Li, Y. & Chen, B. (2013). Representations of nature of science in selected histories of science in the integrated science textbooks in China. School Science and Mathematics, 113 (4), 170 -179.
  • Wei, B. (2012). In pursuit of professionalism in the field of chemistry education in China: The story of Zhixin Liu. International Journal of Science Education, 34, 1971-1989. (SSCI)
  • Wei, B. (2009). In search of meaningful integration: The experiences of developing integrated science curriculum in junior secondary schools in China. International Journal of Science Education, 31, 259-277. (SSCI)
  • Wei, B. & Thomas, G. P. (2006). An examination of the change of the junior secondary school chemistry curriculum in the People’ Republic of China: In the view of scientific literacy. Research in Science Education, 36, 403-418. (SSCI)
  • Wei, B. (2005). Science curriculum reform in post-compulsory education in the People’s Republic of China: The case of senior secondary school chemistry curriculum. Science Education International, 16, 291-303.
  • Wei, B. & Thomas, G. P. (2005). Rationale and approaches for embedding scientific literacy into the new junior secondary school chemistry curriculum in the People’s Republic of China. International Journal of Science Education, 27, 1477-1493. (SSCI)
  • Wei, B. & Thomas, G. P. (2005). Explanations for the transition of the junior secondary school chemistry curriculum in the People’s Republic of China during the period from 1978 to 2001. Science Education, 89, 451-469. (SSCI)
  • Fensham, P. J., Law, N., Li, S., & Wei, B. (2000). Public understanding of science as basic literacy. Melbourne Studies in Education, 41, 145-155.
  • 魏冰 (2024). 澳門中小學科學教育 《中國科技教育》, 2, 20-23. Science education in Macao.
  • 王蘊盈 魏冰 (2023). 基于OECD教育2030理念檢視澳門初中自然科學課程. 《澳門研究》, 108, 61-75. Examining the natural science curriculum of junior secondary Schools in Macau: based on OECD Education 2030.
  • 蘇日平 魏冰 (2022). 初中化學“酸、碱、鹽化學性質系統複習”的微項目式教學: 以“皮蛋的製作和食用”爲例. 《化學教育》, 44(17),31-36. A micro chemistry teaching project of “systematic review of chemical properties of acid, alkali and salt” in junior high school: manufacture and consumption of preserved eggs.
  • 王成然 魏冰 (2022). 中國與新加坡初中物理教科書圖像表徵的比較研究: 以光學內容爲例. 《物理教師》, 43 (10), 71-76. A comparative study of visual representation in China’s and Singapore’s junior secondary physics textbooks: Based on optical content.
  • 韩澤宇 王較過 魏冰 (2022). “物理觀念”及其教學芻議:基于國際科學教育的視角. 《物理教學》,44(3),9-12. The notion of “physics conception” and its implications for physics teaching: Based on the international literature of science education.
  • 魏冰 (2021). 化學教育研究:範式的轉變. 《化學教育》, 42 (23), 1-7. Chemistry education research: a paradigm shift.
  • 魏冰 (2021). 科學實踐的含義及其對我國學校科學的啟示.《兒童大世界 小學科學》,1,7-11. The meanings of science practice and its implication for school science of China.
  • 魏冰 林佳佳 (2020). 澳門非高等教育“基本學力要求”中的21世紀核心素養. 《澳門研究》, 95, 23-33. The 21st century skills in the RBAAs of the non-higher education in Macau.
  • 魏冰 (2018). 科學素養教育在澳門: 中學自然科學基本學力要求研制過程追述. 《澳門研究》, 90, 99-106. Scientific literacy oriented education in Macau: A retrospect of designing the RBAAs of natural sciences for secondary schools.
  • 萬東升 魏冰 (2017). 我國科學教師教育: 問題、挑戰與路徑選擇.《高等理科教育》,1,28-33.Science teacher education: Problems, challenges, and possible solutions
  • 萬東升 魏冰 (2016). 以當代科學實踐爲情境的科學教學模式初探. 《課程 教材 教法》, 12, 85-90. An investigation of teaching models of taking contemporary science practices as contexts.
  • 陳博 魏冰 (2016). 理科教师使用课程材料的影响因素及启示.《外國中小學教育》, 4, 42-48. Factors Influencing science teachers’ use of curriculum materials and its implications.
  • 萬東升 魏冰 (2015). 科學本質教學內容的國際比較與啓示. 《教育科學》, 12, 83-87. An international comparison of the content of the nature of science in science teaching.
  • 陈博 魏冰 (2013). 理科课程实施忠实度的分析模型. 《全球教育展望》, 11, 110-117. The analytic models for fidelity of implementation in science curriculum.
  • 陳博 魏冰 (2012). 理科教師信念研究綜述. 《全球教育展望》, 7, 33-38. Review of the research on science teacher beliefs.
  • 陳博 魏冰 (2012). 以科學素養為視角的正式課程分析模型. 《全球教育展望》, 3, 79-82. The models of analyzing the formal curriculum: In the view of scientific literacy.
  • 陳博 魏冰 (2012). 科學素養概念三種取向的界定. 《上海教育科研》, 2, 48-52. Defining three orientations of scientific literacy.
  • 魏冰(2010). 澳門中學科學教學:問題與挑戰. 《澳門研究 》, 58, 161-168. School science teaching in Macau: Problems and challenges.
  • 魏冰 (2010). 中學理科課程中實驗教學的若干問題探析. 《全球教育展望》, 7, 78-82. An analysis of the problems of practical work in the school science curriculum.
  • 胡維政 魏冰 (2010). 澳門中學理科教師的教學觀念與教學實踐的調查研究. 《化學教育》, 4, 77-80. A survey on school science teachers’ conceptions and practices in Macau.
  • 魏冰 (2008).中學理科課程發展: 三十年的回顧與反思. 《中國教育學刊》, 11, 5-8. School science curriculum development in China: Retrospection and reflection over thirty years.
  • 魏冰 (2008). 略論劉知新教授對中國化學教育學科建設的貢獻. 《化學教育》, 5, 52-55. Zhixin Liu’s contribution to the academic field of chemistry education in China.
  • 魏冰 羅星凱 (2005).科學大眾化的困境——社會學的分析. 《外國教育研究》, 6, 14-17. Dilemmas of the move of science for all: A sociological analysis.
  • 魏冰 (2005).如何進行教育研究¬——一個化學教育工作者的反思. 《化學教學》, 1-2, 4-7. How to conduct educational research: personal reflection as a chemistry educator.
  • 魏冰 (2004).化學教材中的伴隨含義.《化學教學》,12,4-7. Companion meanings in chemistry textbooks.
  • 魏冰 (2004).科學素養教育在中國初中化學課程的歷史演進. 《化學教育》, 10, 14-17. A historical evolution of the junior secondary school chemistry curriculum in China: In the view of scientific literacy.
  • 魏冰 (2004). 國際背景下的我國初中化學課程的發展. 《教育理論與實踐》,6, 34-36. Chemistry curriculum development in China: An international perspective.
  • 魏冰 (2004).關於化學課程中能力培養問題的思考.《化學教育》,7,14-17. Critical reflection on the notion of ‘training students’ abilities’ in the secondary school chemistry curriculum in China.
  • 魏冰 (2003).由精英教育到大眾教育——中國初中化學課程的演變(1978-2001). 《教育科學研究》,2,36-40. Science for All: The case of the junior secondary school chemistry curriculum in China.
  • 魏冰 (2003). 西方科學素養理論的形成與發展.《外國中小學教育》,6,16-18.The evolution of the theories of scientific literacy in the West.
  • 魏冰 (2001). 美國國家科學教育標準中的科學素養探微. 《化學教育》,7-8,17-20. An examination of the meanings of scientific literacy in the National Science Education Standards of the United States.
  • 魏冰 賈玉江 潘海鴻 錢玲 (2001). 關於中學生的原子、分子心智模型的研究.《化學教育》,3,6-9. A study on the mental models of atoms and molecules of secondary school students.
  • 魏冰 (2001). 關於西方4國的國家科學教育標準的比較研究.《上海師大學報(社科版)》,3,95-98. A comparative study on national standards of science education released in four western countries.
  • 魏冰 (2001). 科學素養: 從理念到實踐. 《學科教育》,1,46-49. Scientific literacy: From purposes to practices.
  • 魏冰 (2000). 從科學教育標準看當代科學教育內容——關於美國幾個科學教育改革方案的內容分析. 《教育研究與實驗》,4, 26-30. The contents of contemporary science education: Results of content analysis of the selected science education reform documents released in the United States.
  • 魏冰 (2000). 讓科學史走進課堂——介紹一種科學史教學模式. 《化學教育》, 2, 38-40. Teaching history of science in classroom: An introduction to a teaching model.
  • 魏冰 (2000). 美國“國家科學教育標準”──一項富有挑戰性的科學教育改革方案. 外國教育研究》,3,20-23.National Science Education Standards of the US: A challenging project of science education reform.
  • 魏冰 (2000). 科學素養探析.《比較教育研究》,增刊,105-108.An analysis of the concept scientific literacy.
  • 魏冰 (1999). 科學史、科學哲學和科學教學. 《比較教育研究》, 3,52-54. The history of science, philosophy of science, and science teaching.
  • 魏冰 (1999). STS與理科課程改革. 《比較教育研究》, 2,33-35. STS and science curriculum reform.
  • 魏冰 (1998). 科學素養——美國科學教育改革的中心概念. 《外國中小學教育》, 5, 1-3. Scientific literacy: A central concept of science education reforms in USA.
  • 魏冰 (1998). 美國中學化學教材關於摩爾概念的處理及對我們的啟示. 《化學教育》, 11, 7-9. The treatment of the concept mole in chemistry textbooks of the US and its implications.
  • 魏冰 (1996). 世界中學化學課程改革的新動向. 《外國中小學教育》,1,39-42. New tendencies of school chemistry curriculum reforms across the world.
  • 魏冰 (1996). 試論制約化學課程設計的內外因素. 《中學化學教學參考》, 1, 6-8. On the internal and external factors that influence chemistry curriculum design.
  • 魏冰 (1993). 化學課程內容的組織模式初探. 《化學教育》, 1, 26-28. A study on the models of chemistry curriculum content organization.
  • 魏冰 (1993). 從一份調查報告看美國中學化學教師的教學觀念和教學實踐. 《化學教育》, 6, 52-54. Chemical teachers’ conceptions and practices in USA: Based on a survey study.
  • 魏冰 (1992), 科學方法與化學實驗, 《化學教學》, 4, 34-35. Scientific methods and chemical experiments.

Book chapters

  • Wei, B. & Chen, Y. (2020). Integrated STEM education in K-12: Theory development, status, and prospects. In Theorizing STEM Education in the 21st Century. IntechOpen.
  • Wei, B. & Chen, B. (2017). Examining the senior secondary school chemistry curriculum in China: In the view of scientific literacy. In: L. Liang, X. F. Liu, & G. W. Fulmer (eds.), Science education in China: Policy, research and practice (pp. 133-148). Berlin: Springer.
  • Wei, B. (2016). School science teaching and learning in Macau: Problems and challenges. In: M-H. Chiu (ed.), Science education research and practice in Asia – challenges and opportunities (pp. 55-70). New York: Springer.
  • Chen, B., & Wei, B. (2015). Implementation of standards-based curriculum by chemistry teachers: From curriculum materials to teaching practice. In M. S. Khine (Ed.), Science education in East Asia: Pedagogical innovations and research-informed practices (pp. 523-547). Switzerland: Springer.
  • Wei, B. (2015). Integrated science. In: R. Gunstone (ed.), Encyclopedia of Science Education (pp. 527-529). New York: Springer.
  • Wei, B. (2012). Chemistry curriculum reform in China: Policy and practice. In: H. Yin & Lee, C. J. (eds.), Curriculum reform in China: Changes and challenges (pp. 95-109). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
  • Wei, B. (2010). The changes in science curricula in China after 1976: A reflective review. In: J. Lee (ed.), Science Education Research in Asia (pp.89-102). Boston: Sense Publishers.
  • Wei, B. & Thomas, G. P. (2007). The post-Mao junior secondary school chemistry curriculum in the People’s Republic of China: A case study in the internationalization of science education. In: B. Atweh et al (eds.), Internationalisation and Globalisation in Mathematics and Science Education (pp.487-507). London: Springer.
  • 魏冰 (2013). 构建小学科学教学法课程:澳门职前小学科学教师教育的探索.刊于: 漆国生(主编), 《教师教育发展的趋势与对策》(21-31 页). 北京: 北京师范大学出版社. Reconstructing the science pedagogy course: An exploration of pre-service primary science teacher education in Macau.
  • 魏冰 (2010). 由科學素養的教育理念看澳門中小學科學課程, 刊於: 聯合國教科文組織國際教育局(編), 《教育展望 國際比較教育—課程開發者所面臨的教育改革方面的挑戰 》(135-142頁). 上海: 上海教育出版社. Examining school science curriculum in Macau: In the view of scientific literacy.
  • 魏冰 (2007). 科學課程實施中的教師發展.刊於: 趙成美(主編),《路是走出來的:來自深圳荔香中學的科學課程實踐者的心聲》(243-251頁).桂林:廣西師範大學出版社.

Edited books

  • Wei, B. (2017). Section editor. In L. Liang, X. F. Liu, & G. W. Fulmer (eds.), Science education in China: Policy, research and practice. Berlin: Springer.
  • Zhang, B. H., Fulmer, G., Liu, X., Wei, B., & Hu, W. (eds.). (2014). Proceeding of the 2012 international conference on science education (Nanjing, China). New York: Springer.


  • 魏冰 (2006). 《科學素養教育的理念與實踐: 理科課程發展研究》.廣州: 廣東高等教育出版社. Purposes and practice of scientific literacy: Studies on science curriculum development.