Dennis Ping-Cheng WANG 王秉正
Associate Professor in Music Education |
Assistant Dean (Student Affairs) |
Teacher Professional Development Advisor |
Honours College Program Coordinator |
Faculty of Education, University of Macau |
- WHO’S WHO Historical Society – International WHO’S WHO of Professional Educators
- PI KAPPA LAMBDA – National Music Honor Society
- International Kodaly Society
- American Orff-Schulwerk Association
- International Orff-Schulwerk Music Association (Macau) – Consultant
- International Society for Music Education (ISME)
- National Association for Music Education (USA)
Music Scores and Books (樂譜和書籍)
- Wang, P.C. (2024). Orchestral Reinterpretations of Chinese Folk Music: Bridging Traditions through Western Instrumentation. USA.
- Wang, P.C. (2023). Perceiving Rhythms and Pitches Analysis of the Asian Folk Songs with Inspiring Music Activities and Arranged Piano Accompaniment. USA.
- Wang, P. C. (2022) Asian Folk Songs with Arranged Piano accompaniment. USA.
- Wang, P.C. (2021). Rhyme of China – Anthology of Traditional Chinese Music Orchestrated for Western Musical Instruments.
- Wang, P.C. (2020). Perceiving Rhythms and Pitches Analysis of the Pentatonic Folk Songs with Inspiring Music Activities. USA.
- Wang, P.C. (2019). Music from the Southern China – Interpreting Traditional Chinese Music with Western Orchestration.
- Wang, P.C. (2018). Enhancing Perception of Rhythm and Pitch with Chinese Folk Songs. USA.
Creative Works:
Music Compositions: Music and Lyrics (作曲/作詞)
- Wang, P.C. (2023). Fruitful Education (滿園桃李). The 25th Annual Theme Song for the Affiliated School of the University of Macau.
- Wang, P.C. (2022). Music Composition: “Graduation Song” for the Affiliated School of the University of Macau.
- Wang, P.C. (2021). Ode of Math (算術頌).
- Wang, P.C. (2019). The Faculty of Education Anthem, University of Macau. (澳門大學教育學院院歌 — 博雅同心).
Patents – Innovative Invention of New Teaching Tools
- Wang, Ping-Cheng, Pai-Shan Pa and De-An Yin (2023). Rhythmic Wheels – Using the rhythmic rotating plate on the bike to motivate children’s rhythm learning. (granted a license of patent – New Model Patent in China-Taiwan. (It is currently under the review of license of patent in the USA.)
Book Chapters
- Wang, P.C. (2020). An Examination of the Relationship between Music Teaching and Success on the Music Competence and Graded Exams in the Greater China Regions. Advancing music education through assessment: Honoring culture, diversity, and practice. In T.S. Brophy & M. Haning (Eds.) (pp. 185-204). Chicago: GIA Publications. ISBN: 978-1-62277-446-3.
- Wang, P.C. (2019). Assessment in Music Classes in China. In T. S. Brophy (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of assessment policy and practice in music education. Volume 1. (pp.339-358). New York, New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978–0–19–024809–3.
- Wang, P.C. (2018). The Forgotten Children — Assessing Students’ Music Achievement under the Difference between Urban and Rurality. In T.S. Brophy, J. Marlatt, & G. K. Ritcher (Eds.) (pp.265-279). Chicago, IL: GIA.
- Wang, P.C. (2016). Assessing the influence of music courses on pre-service teachers’ teaching competency. Connecting practice, measurement, and evaluation. In T.S. Brophy, J. Marlatt, & G. K. Ritcher (Eds.) (pp.217-230). Chicago, IL: GIA. (ISBN 978-622777-178-3)
- Wang, P.C. (2014). Rhetoric or reality? Assessing the reliability of the assessments to the elementary school general music classes and the graduates’ music achievements. Music Assessment and Global Diversity: Practice, Measurement and Policy. In T. S. Brophy, M. L. Lai and H. F. Chen (Eds.). (pp.169-182). Chicago: GIA Publication, Inc. (ISBN 978-1622-77-1226)
- Wang, P.C. (2013). The Use of Portfolio Assessment in the Undergraduate Seniors’ Group Piano Class in Macao. In T. S. Brophy and A. Lehmann (Eds.), Music Assessments Across Cultures and Continents: The Culture of Shared Practice. (pp. 381-392). Chicago: GIA Publication, Inc. (ISBN 978-57999-936-0)
- Wang, P. C. (2010). An Analytical Study of the Compatibility between Enhancing Children Metrical Potential and Sporty Physical Movements. International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport. Global Perception: Sport Education, Teaching of PE and Curriculum Studies. Vol 2, pp.196-203. Oxford: Meyer & Meyer Sport (UK) Ltd.
Conference Papers
- Jiang, L. & Wang P.C. (2022). A Comparative Study of Deconstructing the Historical and Cultural Inheritance of Cantonese Opera — A Review of English References (2001-2021). the 22nd Biennial Conference of the Association of Traditional Music in China, Beijing, China. July 7.
- Wang, Ping Cheng (2021). “Assessing the Pre-Service Music Teachers’ Competences of Multicultural Music Education in the Greater China regions” paper presented in the 8th International Symposium on Assessment in Music Education, Hannover, Germany March 16-19, 2021. (Virtual Conference)
- Wang, Ping Cheng (2021). “Assessing the Feasibility of Using Eurhythmics Approach to Facilitate Children’s Rhythmic Learning” paper presented in the 2021 Early Childhood Australia National Conference. Brisbane, Australia, April 21-24, 2021.
- Wang, Ping Cheng (2019, March). “Assessing the Reliability and Correlation of the Music Graded Examinations and the Students’ Music Competencies in the greater China regions” paper presented in The 7th International Symposium on Assessment in Music Education, Gainesville, Florida, USA. March 19-22, 2019.
- Wang, Ping Cheng (2018, March). “A Comparison of Students’ Music Achievement Between Rural and Urban Districts in Taiwan” paper presented in the 62nd Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), Mexico City, Mexico, March, 25-29, 2018.
- Wang, Ping Cheng (2017, August). “The Feasibility of Using Selected Asian Folk Songs to Enhance Students’ Awareness of Pitch” presented in the 23rd International Kodály Symposium & Music Festival, Camrose, Canada. August 8-13, 2017.
- Wang, Ping Cheng (2017, April). “The Forgotten Children – Assessing Students’ Music Achievement under the Difference between Urban and Rurality” paper presented in The 6th International Symposium on Assessment in Music Education, Birmingham, UK. April 18-21, 2017.
- Wang, Ping Cheng (2016, July). “An Analytical Study of Relationship between Sense of Efficacy, Professional Training and Teaching Experiences of the in-service Music Teachers” paper presented in the 32nd ISME World Conference on Music Education, Glasgow, UK, July, 24-29 2016
- Wang, Ping Cheng (2016, March). “A Cross-National Comparative Study of Music Curriculum Standards on the Students’ Learning Achievements at Elementary school between Taiwan and Japan” paper presented in the 60th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), Vancouver, Canada, March, 6- 10, 2016.
- Wang, Ping Cheng (2015, March). “Does Gender Matter? An Experimental Study of Gender Differences in Music Learning” paper presented in the 59th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), Washington D.C., USA. March, 8- 13, 2015.
- Wang, Ping Cheng (2014). “The Feasibility of Using Portfolio Assessments to Assess the Influence of Music Method Courses on Pre-Service Teachers Teaching Competency” paper presented in the 31st ISME World Conference on Music Education, Porte Alegre, Brazil, July, 20-25 2014
- Wang, Ping Cheng (2014). “Building Bridges for Students’ Success: Assessing the Impacts of National Curriculum Standards on the Students’ Learning Achievements” paper presented in the 58th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), Toronto, Canada, March 10- 15, 2014.
- Cheng, Fung-Ching, Cho, Hong-Ky, Chen, Shiao-Shien, Wang, Ping-Cheng, and Wu, Sung-Mei (2013, July). “Friend or Foe? Movable do System to Asian Countries Music Education” paper presented in ISME the 9th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research (APSMER), Singapore.
- Wang, Ping Cheng (2013, June). “A Comparative Study of the Influences of the National Curriculum Guidelines on Students’ Music Learning Achievements among the Chinese Regions” paper presented in 15th World Congress of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES), Buenos Ares, Argentina.
- Wang, Ping Cheng (2012, July). “Music Preferences in the Early Years: Infants’ Emotional Responses to Various Auditory Stimulations” paper presented in 12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC) and 8th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM) The joint conference ICMPC – ESCOM 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Wang, Ping Cheng (2012, July). “Assessing Elementary School Music Teachers’ Music Competences and Teaching Effectiveness by Using Portfolio Assessments” paper presented in the 30th ISME World Conference on Music Education, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Wang, Ping Cheng (2012, March). “Exploring the Use of Locomotion Activities to Enhance Kindergarten Children’s Rhythmic Learning” paper presented in Childhood Education International Annual Conference (ACEI), Washington DC, USA.
- Wang, Ping Cheng (2010, August). Using Word Syllables to Enhance Children Music Rhythmic Learning. Paper presented in the 11th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Seattle, USA. (Conference Proceeding) ISBN#1876346620
- Wang, Ping Cheng (2008, September). Do you SEE what I am saying? —The application of eurhythmics approach to facilitate music learning. Paper presented in Musical Development and Learning Second European Conference on Development Psychology of Music, London. (Conference Proceeding) ISSN# 978-0-9553329-1-3
- Wang, Ping Cheng (2008, January). “Learning from the Experiences of Elementary Music Teacher Education in Macau and Taiwan: A Comparative Analysis” paper presented in The 6th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Hawaii, USA. (Conference Proceeding) ISSN#1541-5880
- Tian Ye, Wang, Ping Cheng.(2006, May) “The Comparative Study of the Curriculum Reform in the Four regions: China, Taiwan, Hong Kang and Macao” paper presented in The Second World Curriculum Studies of Conference, Tampere, Finland.
Keynote Panelist Speech at Confernece
- Brophy, Timothy; Borne, Léonardo; Fautley, Martin; McCaffrey, Marcia; Morgane, Karabo Lucy; Nierman, Glenn; Parkes, Kelly; and Wang, Ping Cheng (2017, April). Keynote Panel: “Establishing International Principles for Assessment in Music Education”. The 6th International Symposium on Assessment in Music Education, Birmingham, UK. April 18-21, 2017.
Invited Speech
- 王秉正(2010)。「澳港倡導音樂藝術教育之省思與展望」。澳門大學,2010年9月27日。
- 王秉正 (2011)。「見賢思齊」– 從同儕與自我省思對話,論音樂賞析的普及和教師專業發展的成效。論文發表於華人社會的教育發展學術研討會─教育對話。澳門大學,2011年11月11日至11月13日。
- 王秉正(2010)。「澳港倡導音樂藝術教育之省思與展望」。論文發表於「第一屆澳港論壇–文藝康體與創新工業研討會」。澳門大學,2010年9月27日。研討會論文集:P17-18。
- 王秉正(2008)。「現代與傳統的融合 — 中國民謠應用於二十一世紀之高大宜音樂教學法」。論文發表於華人社會的課程與教學改進學術研討會。澳門大學,2008年11月23日至11月24日。
- 王秉正(2007)「如何啟發兒童對音樂的潛能 — 澳門音樂教師專業化之目的與使命」。論文發表於華人社會的教育發展系列研討會─教師教育。澳門大學,2007年3月30日至3月31日。
- 王秉正(2006)。「華人社會幼兒音樂教育應用奧福音樂教學法之探究」。論文發表於「華人社會的教育發展」研討會。 澳門大學,2006年4月29日至4月30日。
Book Editing
- Mok, K. M., Wang, P. C., Lei, L. C., Mac, V. I., Tong, I. C., Wu, M. S. and Wong, S. F. (2015) Book of Abstracts – the Fourth Undergraduate Honours Project Symposium, Honours College, University of Macau, Macau, 52pages.
- Mok, K. M., Mok, D., Chen, D. D., Noronha, C., Tong, I. C., Wang, P. C., and Wong, S. F. (2013) Book of Abstracts – the Second Undergraduate Honours Project Symposium, Honours College, University of Macau, Macau, 57pages.
- Mok, K. M., Mok, D., Chen, D. D., Chu, T., Tong, I. C., Wang, P. C., and Wong, S. F. (2012) Book of Abstracts – the First Undergraduate Honours Project Symposium, Honours College, University of Macau, Macau, 51pages.
Research Grants:
Internal Research Project Grant
- Wang, P.C. (2019-2021) Assessing Students’ Msuic Achivement under the Difference between Urban and Rurality in Chinese regions. (MYRG2019-00004-FED). (PI: Wang, P.C.) Univeristy of Macau
- Wang, P.C. (2015-2018) Development of a Competency- based Curriculum for Pre-service Music Teachers in Macau (MYRG2015-0011). (PI: Wang, PC; Co-PI: Teo, T and Thompson, P) Univeristy of Macau
- Wang, P. C.(2006-2007) The Descriptive Study of Music Education Promoted at the Primary Schools in Macau Principal Investigator, University Research Committee Funded Project, (Cativo No: 3688) Univeristy of Macau
External Research Project Grant
- 張佳琪、王秉正 (2008) 國家科學發展委員會專題研究獎助:「機構失智老人進食問題改善之介入措施 – 以音樂治療方案為例」。
- Teaching of Music
- Musicianship I, II, and III
- Western Classical Music History
- World Music
- Supervision of Doctoral Dissertation and Master Thesis
- World Music
- Advanced Piano Accompaniment for General Music Classroom
- Music and Movement
- Visual and Performing Arts – Music (General Education)