Master of Philosophy in Education

*The programme will come into operation upon publication in the Official Gazette of the Macao SAR and will be applicable to students who are admitted from academic year 2025/2026 onwards.

1.  Demonstrate knowledge and synthesis of key concepts across diverse educational domains.
2.  Critically evaluate current theories, policies, and practices within various educational domains, fostering an in-depth understanding of socio-economic, cultural, and institutional factors influencing education.
3.  Plan, conduct, and critically appraise rigorous research within the educational sphere, utilizing diverse methodologies to address educational challenges and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in education.
4.  Apply theoretical knowledge and research skills to develop innovative and effective strategies supporting optimal learning outcomes, inclusive practices, and community engagement within educational settings.
5.  Synthesize and communicate complex ideas effectively, showcasing advanced intellectual capacity essential for potential progression toward doctoral studies or high-level professional engagement in the educational field.
6.  Systematically acquire and apply advanced knowledge in a specialized educational topic of personal interest, demonstrating the capacity to conduct thorough and insightful investigations within that domain.

Applicants must follow the general admission rules and requirements of the University. Other admission requirements include:

  1. A bachelor’s degree from a competitively ranked university.
  2. A competitive undergraduate GPA.
  3. Exceptional proficiency in English.
  4. A strong potential for advanced research and academic achievement.  

Chinese and English

Tuition Fee Scheme of Postgraduate Programmes