Master of Philosophy in Education (Physical Education and Sport Studies)

Master of Philosophy in Education (Physical Education and Sport Studies)

Study plan for Intakes in and after Academic Year of 2025/2026

Course Code 科目名稱 Course Title Credit Flag
EDCU7050 當前教育議題探討 Current Issues in Education 3 Compulsory
EDUC7051 教育研究的質性方法、資料管理與分析 Qualitative Methods, Data Management, and Analysis in Educational Research 3 Compulsory
EDUC7052 教育研究的定量方法、資料管理與分析 Quantitative Methods, Data Management, and Analysis in Educational Research 3 Compulsory
EDUC7190 論文 Thesis 12 Compulsory
Students are required to take 3 of the following required elective courses to obtain 9 credits:
EDUC7501 高級運動與訓練心理學 Advanced Sport and Exercise Psychology 3 Required Elective
EDUC7502 體育課程及教學 Physical Education Curriculum and Pedagogy 3 Required Elective
EDUC7503 高級運動生理學 Advanced Exercise Physiology 3 Required Elective
EDUC7551 比較體育及運動 Comparative Physical Education and Sport 3 Required Elective
學分Credits 30

畢業要求: 完成課程所需的學分為30學分。獲得碩士學位還取決於撰寫及提交一篇專為該目的且屬科研性質的原創書面論文,以進行公開答辯且獲通過。

Graduation Requirement: Students must complete 30 credits including the passing of Thesis oral defence.

Course Description

Master of Philosophy in Education (Physical Education and Sport Studies)

EDCU7050 Current Issues in Education

This course provides students with insights into the nature of education as a profession and the links between theoretical developments and educational practice. It covers key ideas and contemporary research in foundational themes in education, including educational psychology, early childhood education and child development, curriculum and instruction, educational technology, physical education and sport studies, educational administration, and related fields. Students will have the opportunity to interact with leading experts across subfields of education, and demonstrate an awareness of current issues in these areas. Through thorough and conscientious participation, students will be able to articulate trends in current issues in education, identify the significance of educational research, engage in debate for controversial issues in an empirically grounded and theoretically sophisticated manner, and express informed opinions in writing.
Pre-requisite: None


EDUC7051 Qualitative Methods, Data Management, and Analysis in Educational Research

This course is designed to provide students with comprehensive training in qualitative research methods as applied to educational contexts. Through a combination of lectures and hands-on activities, students will develop practical skills in research design, data management, and analytic techniques specific to qualitative research in education. Emphasis will be placed on the use of specialized software for data management and analysis.
Pre-requisite: None


EDUC7052 Quantitative Methods, Data Management, and Analysis in Educational Research

This course is designed to provide students with comprehensive training in quantitative research methods as applied to educational contexts. Through a combination of lectures and hands-on activities, students will develop practical skills in research design, data management, and analytic techniques specific to quantitative research in education. Emphasis will be placed on the use of specialized software for data management and analysis.
Pre-requisite: None


EDUC7190 Thesis

This course provides an opportunity for students to do research work in relevant fields with the aim of strengthening their abilities of conducting empirical research under supervision. Academic norms should be abided by and creative scholarship and originally are required.


EDUC7501 Advanced Sport and Exercise Psychology Measurement

This course is designed to be beneficial for educators in physical education, coaches, and health educators. It equips students with a theoretical foundation in athletic performance and exercise behavior, establishing a knowledge base crucial for sport participation. This course is structured around three fundamental perspectives. The initial segment emphasizes the core concepts of sport and exercise psychology, encompassing its scope and significance in human development. The subsequent segment delves into topics concerning the relationship to mental well-being and the development of life quality. The final segment engages with research endeavors in sport and exercise psychology. It incorporates ideas derived from behavioral science and psychological interventions that facilitate optimal performance and increase engagement in leisure-time physical activity.
Pre-requisite: None


EDUC7502 Physical Education Curriculum and Pedagogy

This course offers students an opportunity to delve into the socially constructed nature of schooling, curriculum, teaching, and learning within the realm of physical education and sport studies. It examines contemporary issues related to educators’ roles, critically evaluating recent research and theories that illuminate the pivotal role of teachers in fostering students’ learning. The course provides an in-depth examination of key topics related to curriculum models and pedagogical approaches in physical education and sports. Additionally, it explores practical instructional strategies to adopt effective teaching, learning, and assessment within educational settings.
Pre-requisite: None


EDUC7503 Advanced Exercise Physiology

This course empowers students to critically analyze and apply the latest insights in exercise physiology to enhance their contributions to the field. This course delves into cutting-edge theories and recent advancements in the field of exercise physiology. The lectures encompass topics such as the intricate interplay of muscular and neurological mechanisms in movement control, cardiorespiratory dynamics in response to exercise, and the physiological adaptations induced by exercise training. Additionally, the course covers the methods and key parameters for assessing physiology during exercise, as well as the challenges posed by extreme environments. By engaging with this course, students will refine their skills in both instructing and conducting rigorous scientific research pertaining to physical activity and athletic training.
Pre-requisite: None


EDUC7551 Comparative Physical Education and Sport

This course delves into the existing programmes of physical education and sports development across diverse countries worldwide. It scrutinizes the underlying motives driving their establishment, as well as the commonalities and distinctions among them. Students will become involved in discussions on the political, economic, and philosophical implications influencing the evolution of physical education and sports initiatives. Notable topics to be covered include amateurism, apartheid, issues of violence, and the dynamics of the Olympic movement.
Pre-requisite: None