
Nai-Hua LIU 劉乃華

Assistant Professor

Faculty of Education, University of Macau

Internal Grants

2014-2016 A Study on Challenging the Current Status of Early Childhood Education in Macau through Child Life Education PI MOP200,000 University of Macau
2009-2011 A Study on the Core Competencies of Macau Preschoolers-Macau’s Preschool Learning Indicators and Curriculum Development PI MOP98,600 University of Macau

External Grants

Aug 2025-Jul 2028 School-based Development Project in Preschool and Primary Education for Ha Van Baptist School PI MOP600,00 Education and Youth Development Bureau, Macau
Aug 2024-Jul 2025 A Study on the Core Competencies of Macau Preschoolers-Macau’s Preschool Learning Indicators and Curriculum Development PI MOP98,600 Education and Youth Development Bureau, Macau
Jan-Jul 2024
School-based Development Project in Early Childhood Education for Escola Oficial de Seac Pai VanAcademic Year 2023/2024 PI
MOP160,00 Education and Youth Development Bureau, Macau
2021-Present The Automatic Assessment
System for Learning Process of Child in Learning Area
MOP300,000 Huaguan Preschool Education Consulting Co., Ltd, Taiwan
Aug 2020-Jul 2023 School-based Development Project in Early Childhood Education for Escola Oficial de Seac Pai Van PI
MOP560,000 Education and Youth Development Bureau, Macau
2015-2018 Study on the Automatic Assessment System of Early Childhood Learning Area PI
MOP160,000 Education and Youth Development Bureau, Macau
Sep 2015-Aug 2016 A Study on the Operation and Management of Community Education and Childcare OrganizationsThe Positioning and Development of Community Nannies in Macau CO
MOP100,000 Macau Foundation
2010-2011 Curriculum design and application of Life Education and Reading Education for Subsidiary and Application School of University of Macau PI
MOP10,000 Education and Youth Development Bureau, Macau
2009-2010 University of Macau Development of Macau Preschool Curriculum Guidelines
Education and Youth Development Bureau, Macau

Refereed Journals

  • Liu, N. H., Chen, L. C., & Florbela, Chang. (under review). Prospective kindergarten teachers’ professional growth in early childhood science teaching: A case study at the University of Macau. Manuscript submitted to Teaching and Teacher Education.[SSCI, Q1; 5Y-IF(2023)=4.8]
  • Liu,N.H., Chen.L.C., & Florbela, Chang. (under review). 基於核心素養的學前兒童 STEAM 教育課程體系建構 [Construction of STEAM education curriculum system for preschool children based on key competency]. Manucript submitted to Journal of Studies in Early Childhood Education. (CSSCI)
  • Zheng, Q., Zheng, X., Liu, N., Wang, F., & Zhao, Y. (2023). A meta-analysis ofteacher-child interaction and early child outcomes from the perspective of CLASS. Early Child Development and Care, 193(15-16), 1620-1651. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03004430.2023.2273788. [SSCI,Q4; 5Y-IF(2023)=1.4] 
  • Liu, N. H., & Shen. C. F. (2023). 論生命教育與儒家成德之教的關係 [On the relationship between Life education and the Confucian teaching of virtue]. Art Vison Journal, 26, 77-90. (TSSCI)
  • Liu, N. H., & Shen, C. F. (2023). 荀子道德思想及其現代意義 [Xunzi’s moral thought and its modern significance]. Art Vision Journal, 25, 1-14. DOI:10.6207/ART-VISION.202404_ (25).001-014. (TSSCI)
  • Liu, N. H. (2023). 嬰幼兒的閱讀啟蒙 [Reading enlightenment for infants and toddlers]. City and Book-Flip Through the City, 33, Cultural Affairs Bureau: Macau.
  • Chen, W.D., Shen,C. F., & Liu, N. H. (2019). 傳統儒家思想對現代企業管理之 運 用 —— 以 北 京 同 仁 堂 粵 華 藥 店 為 例 [The application of traditional confucianism to the management of modern enterprises-Taking Beijing tongrentang yuehua pharmacy as an example]. Art Vision Journal, 18, 55-58. (TSSCI)
  • Liu, N. H., Shen, J, F., & Zhu, J, W. (2017). 澳門社區保姆的定位與發展 [The study on the positioning and development of the community nanny in Macau]. Macau Research, 3(86), 57-67.
  • Shen, C, F., Liu, N. H., & Yeung, S,K. (2017). 孟子內聖外王思想研究 [The research of Mencius internal-sage with external-sage]. Jinan Historiography, 13, 1-20. (CSSCI)
  • Liu, N. H. (2007). 台灣生命教育的現狀和發展 [The situation and development of life education in Taiwan]. Early Childhood Education(Education Science), 388(12), 46-48. (CSSCI)
  • Liu, N. H. (2007). 兒童哲學與倫理教育 [Philosophy for children and ethics education]. Studies in Preschool Education, 156, 92-99. (CSSCI)
  • Liu, N. H. (2007). 美麗的心靈工程——淺談幼兒生命 [The construction of beautiful mind-Discussion of life education in early years]. East China Normal University, China.
  • Liu, N. H. (2004). 21 世紀的精緻幼兒教育(上) [Exquisite early childhood education in 21st Century-part one]. Preschool Education, 152, 88-94. (CSSCI)
  • Liu, N. H. (2004). 21 世紀的精緻幼兒教育(下) [Exquisite early childhood education in 21st Century-part two]. Preschool Education, 153, 88-91. (CSSCI)
  • Liu, N. H. (2004). 打破三歲定終身的學習迷思 [Break the learning myth of “the child is father to the man”]. Baishi Education, 156, 94-97.
  • Liu, N. H. (2004). 良好飲食習慣是成功的社會經驗基石 [A good dietary habit is the foundation stone of success]. Baishi Education, 155, 82-85.
  • Liu, N. H. (2004). 打造幼兒成功的入學經驗 [To create a successful experience of entering school]. Baishi Education, 154, 82-86. The paper also published on the conference of early childhood teachers’ training course in Malaysia in July, 2005.
  • Liu, N. H. (2004). 親近自然的魅力——幼兒的遊戲童年 [The charm of getting close to the nature-Children’s games in early childhood]. Baishi Education, 151, 92-97.
  • Liu, N. H. (2004). 尋回孩子失歡的童顏 [Looking for the happy face of children]. Baishi Education, 150, 92-97.
  • Liu, N. H. (2004). 讓父親的角色活化起來 [Stimulate father’s role]. Baishi Education, 149, 85-91.
  • Liu, N. H. (2003). 良好的性格從小塑造 [Establish a good personality from early childhood]. Baishi Education, 147, 20-26
  • Liu, N. H. (2003). 幼稚園的美語風颳得適當嗎?[It is appropriate to introduce English course in Kindergarten?]. Baishi Education, 146, 42-46.
  • Liu, N. H. (2003). 儒家人格教育在當今教育中的意義(上) [The meaning of the confucianist personality education in today’s education-part one]. Baishi Education, 145, 82-86.
  • Liu, N. H. (2003). 儒家人格教育在當今教育中的意義(下) [The meaning of the confucianist personality education in today’s education-part two]. Baish Education, 146, 80-83.

Non-refereed Journal

  • Liu, N. H. (2021). 幼兒 STEAM 教育的核心素養與應用 [The key competency and utilization of STEAM education in early years]. Guangdong Education, 4, 39- 40.
  • Liu, N. H. (2019). STEAM 教育對於幼兒科學能力培養的新契機 [The new opportunity of STEAM education to cultivate early childhood scientific ability]. The Journal of Worker’s Children Kindergarten, 25, 5.
  • He, P. Liu, N. H. Yeung, S. K. (2015). 澳門聖公會學校幼小學部中文讀、寫教學法簡述 [The description of Chinese literacy teaching method in Macau anglican kindergarten and primary school]. Jilin Education, 2, 38.
  • Liu, N. H. Huang, L. (2013). 學習區角教學對於幼兒學習成效之探討 [The exploration of classroom learning center teaching for the effectiveness of young children’s learning]. Teacher Magazine, 42, 59-64.
  • Liu, N. H. (2013). 全人教育與生命教育 [Whole person education and life education]. Teacher Magazine, 33, 53-54.
  • Liu, N. H. (2013). “變色龍”的本領 [The capability of the “chameleon”]. Perfec Parent Magazine, 36, 5-11.


  • Lui, N. H. (2019). 看見幼兒的學習力——澳門培正幼稚園學習區創新教學模 式(實踐篇) [To see children’s learning ability-The innovation model of learning aera in pui ching kindergaten of Macau(Practice)]. Macau: Macau Foundation.
  • Liu, N. H. (2017). 成功的家校合作策略 [The successful strategues of homeschool cooperation]. Macau: The Chinese educators association of Macau & Macau Foundation
  • Liu, N. H. (2016). 幼兒生命教育教程編制和實施的行動研究 [Action research on the development and implementation of Life Education Curriculum for young children]. Beijing: Jinlang Academic Press.
  • Liu, N. H. (2014). 生命教育活動資源手冊 [Resource manual for Life Education activities: k1]. Hong Kong: Educational publishing house.
  • Liu, N. H. (2014). 生命教育活動資源手冊 [Resource manual for Life Education activities: k2]. Hong Kong: Educational publishing house.
  • Liu, N. H. (2014). 生命教育活動資源手冊 [Resource manual for Life Education activities: k3]. Hong Kong: Educational publishing house.
  • Liu, N. H. (2007). 繪本中的生命花園 [Life garden in picture books]. Jiangxi, China: 21st century press.
  • Liu, N. H. (2005). 幼兒中國經典主題課程[Classical children themes course in China]. Taiwan: Baishi cultural press.

Patent Application

  • Liu,N.H. (2019). Automatic assessment system for learning ability of child in learning area-The teaching model of integrated learning area in pui ching kindergarten. Field: Pui Ching Middle School Kindergarten of Macau. “學習區幼 兒學習力自動評量系統” ——培正幼稚園主題統整學習區教學模式。
  • Liu, N. H. (2023). Automatic system for authentic assessment of child. Patent has been authorized Huaguan Preschool Education Consulting Co., Ltd.

Research Reports

  • Liu, N. H. (2017). 幼兒生命教育實驗課程實施成效之研究 [A study on the implementation effects of the Experimental Curriculum of Life Education in eary years]. Macau: University of Macau.
  • Jian, M. Y., Liu, N. H., Cai, J. Y. (2008). 多元文化的幼兒生命教育課程實施成果報告 [Report of implementation achievement on the project named Life Education Course in Early Childhood under the trend of Multiculturalism]. Project of National Kindergarten counseling scheme. Taiwan: National Chiayi University.

Conference Papers

  • Liu, N. H. (under review). 支持性環境創設增進學前融合生情緒調整及自我學 習能力之探究 [A study on the creation of supportive environment to improve the emotional adjustment and self-learning ability of preschool integrated students].Manucript submitted to The 4th Annual Conference of Macao Studies 2024. Macau, China.
  • Liu, N. H., Chen, L. C., & Gao, J. S. (2023, December 8-11). Research on the application of intelligent makers education in the project-based curriculum of preschool [Paper Presentation]. HKERA-APERA International Conference 2023, Hong Kong, China.
  • Liu, N. H., Li, Y., & Chen, L. C. (2023, December 8-11). Challenges and impacts faced by kindergartens in Macau due to declining birth rates: An examination of the operational struggles and implications [Paper Presentation]. HKERA-APERA International Conference 2023, Hong Kong, China.
  • Shen, C.F.,Liu,N.H. (2019, July 30-August 2). 儒家管理哲學對現代企業管理運用之研究——以北京同仁堂粵華藥店及美國金士頓(Kingston)公司為例 [The study on the application of Confucian management philosophy to modern enterprise management-Taking Beijing tongrentang yuehua pharmacy and Kingston company as examples] [Paper Presentation]. Building a community of human destiny and the development of an ecological civil society, the City University of Macau and the Bahá’í Church of Macau, Macau, China.
  • Liu, N. H., Chen, L. C., & Shen, J. F. (2018, November 8-11). A study on the professional development of trainee teachers in science teaching at early childhood-Take the early childhood education students of the University of Macau as an example [Paper Presentation]. 2018 TERA and GACC International Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. [Note: Best Paper Award]
  • Liu, N. H. (2018). 澳門幼兒教育翻轉與創新——培正幼稚園的慢學美感 [A study of the innovation flip on early childhood education in Macau-Slow learning aesthetic feeling of pui ching kindergarten] [Paper Presentation].The 1st CrossStrait Conference on Early Childhood Education, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Liu, N. H. (2018). The innovation flip on early childhood education in Macau. [Paper Presentation].The Second International Education Summit of “Teaching Students in Accordance with Their Aptitude”, Macau.
  • Liu,N.H. (2018). The research on the application of STEAM education in Macau kindergartens [Paper Presentation].The International Forum of STEAM Education, Shanghai, China.
  • Liu,N.H. (2018). To see children’s learning ability-The innovation flip on early childhood education in Macau [Paper Presentation]. The International Innovation Forum of Early Childhood Education, Shanghai, China.
  • Liu, N. H. (2017). 健康活力的家庭教育課程在幼兒園的實施成效 [The implementation effects of a healthy and vigorous family education curriculum in kindergarten] [Paper Presentation]. Education in Time-Future in Hand, Shanghai, China.
  • Liu, N. H. (2017). 幼兒教師在科學教學的創新與挑戰 [The challenges and breakthroughs of preschool teachers in early childhood science teaching ] [Paper Presentation]. Early Childhood Education in the Era of Scientific and Technological Innovation: STEM in Early Childhood Education, Shanghai, China.
  • Liu, N. H. (2017). The application of Confucianism and Guoxue classics in early childhood education [Paper Presentation]. Preschool Education in the Background of Confucian Culture and the “Children’s Personality Teaching Method” Education Forum, Zoucheng, Shandong, China.
  • Liu, N. H. (2017). High-performance parents with active children [Paper Presentation]. The International Education Summit Forum, Macau, China.
  • Liu, N. H. (2015). The Life Stories of warm career [Paper Presentation]. The 2015 The Chinese culture in the Early Childhood Teachers to Develop Training in the Past, Now and the Future, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Liu, N. H. (2014). The action research of child life education curriculum [Paper Presentation]. The 2014 Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association Conference, Philadelphia, USA.
  • Liu, N. H. (2012). A research on how the key competences of Macau affect the Macau childhood education curriculum [Paper Presentation]. The 2011 TERA International Conference of Education, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  • Liu, N. H. (2012). A study of shaping children’s moral behaviors by cooperative learning skills [Paper Presentation]. The Asia-Pacific Network for moral education (APNME)-The seventh conference, Chung Cheng, Taiwan.
  • Liu, N. H. (2009). 從儒家人格教育思想談幼兒生命教育 [Discuss life education in early years through the educational thoughts of the confucianist school] [Paper Presentation]. The Thirteenth Cross-Strait Seminar and Hong Kong and Macau Regions Seminar, Shanghai, China.
  • Liu, N. H. (2008). The action research on early childhood life education from the perspective of curriculum and instruction [Paper Presentation]. The 2008 Early Childhood Life Education International Seminar, Zhiyuan, Taiwan.

Public Lectures

  • Liu, N. H. (2023.04.27). “Big Lessons from Little Picture Books-Life Wisdom in Children’s Literature.” University of Macau Library-Bo Ya Lecture. Special Presentation.
  • Liu, N. H. (2023. 06.17 & 26; 2024.02.21;05.08). Life education training. Macau: Education and Youth Affairs Bureau. Middle & Senior-level School Staff Training.
  • Liu, N. H. (2020.01.11). 成功的家校合作策略 [The successful strategues of homeschool cooperation]. Education and Youth Development Bureau, Macau.
  • Liu, N. H. (2019.09.15-11.24). 生命教育繪本探索之旅 [Life education picture book exploration tour]. Love Neighbourhood Social Workers Association, Macau.
  • Liu, N. H. (2019.05.18;06.06;06.20). 學習區創新教學工作坊 [The workshop of innovative teaching in learning area]. Ha Wan Baptish Kindergarten, Macau.
  • Liu, N. H. (2019.06.11). 生活的意義與生命的價值 [The meaning of life and the value of life]. Hong Kong General Studies Association: The Third Achievement of A Good Teacher-Teaching Internship Program, FED of University of Macau, Macau
  • Liu, N. H. (2019.06.15). 文 化 交 融 的 協 奏 曲 [A concerto for cultural convergence]. Taipei Economic and Cultural Office and Macau Business Association, Macau National Father Memorial Hall, Macau.
  • Liu, N. H. (2019.06.14). 生命教育教學之設計 [The teaching design of life education]. The Training of Professionals in Leisure Activities of Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Escola Secundária Luso-Chinesa de Luís Gonzaga Gomes of Macau, Macau.
  • Liu, N. H. (2018-2019).The application of STEAM education in early childhood education of Macau. Early Childhood Education Group of China Education Association of Macau, Macau.
  • Liu, N. H. (2018.07.10). The plan and design of child learning area. Ha Wan Baptish Kindergarten, Macau.
  • Liu, N. H. (2018.05.07;07.17;07.19). The professional training of teachers. Saint Paul Kindergarten, Macau.
  • Liu, N. H. (2017.12.16-2018.07.12). 幼兒學習評量方法 [The assement method of child learning]. Pui Ching Kingdergarten Early Childhood Education Seminar and Teaching Training, Macau.
  • Liu, N. H. (2017.07.18). 學習區的創設與遊戲教學 [The creation of child learning area and game teaching]. The worker’s children kindergarten, Macau.
  • Liu, N. H. (2017.06.17). 成 功 前 的 蛻 變 — — 幼 兒 學 習 區 的 創 設 [The metamorphosis before the success-The creation of child learning area]. Escola dos Moradores do Bairro do Patane Kindergarten, Macau.
  • Liu, N. H. (2017.05.17). Life education. St.Rose of Lima’s Kindergarten, Macau.
  • Liu, N. H. (2016.07.14). 幼兒學習面面觀——探討幼兒學習的奧秘 [Explore the mystery of child learning]. Kwong Tai kindergarten Early Childhood Education Seminar and Teacher Professional Development Training, Macau
  • Liu, N. H. (2015.12.12). 幼兒學習評量方法 [The assement method of child learning]. Pui Ching Kingdergarten Early Childhood Education Seminar and teaching training, Macau.
  • Liu, N. H. (2015.10.10.). 幼兒學習區角規劃與設計 [The plan and design of child learning area]. Saint Paul Kindergarten, Macau.
  • Liu, N. H. (2015.08.19). 幼兒學習區角規劃與設計 [The plan and design of child learning area]. Ha Wan Baptish Kindergarten, Macau
  • Liu, N. H. (2015.08.29). 幼兒教育去小學化 [De-primarisation of early childhood education]. Escola Primaria Oficial Luso-Chinesa “Sir Robert Ho Tung”-DSEJ Early Childhood Education Seminar, Macau.
  • Liu, N. H. (2015.06.10). 生 命 教 育專業 培訓 [Professional training of life education]. Faculty of Education, University of Macau, Macau.
  • Liu, N. H. (2015.05.18). 你很特別——生命真精彩 [You are very special-Life is wonderful]. Colegio de Santa Rosa de Lima English Secondary School, Macau.
  • Liu, N. H. (2015.03.17). 淺談澳門幼兒教育現況與未來發展方向 [Discuss the current status and future developmental direction of Macau early childhood education]. Faculty of Education, University of Macau, Macau.
  • Liu, N. H. (2015.03.14). 澳門社區保母的發展之面面觀 [The development of Macau community housemaid]. Online News Feature Stories (Special Interview), Macau.
  • Liu, N. H. (2015.01.20). 生命教育如何在中小學餘暇活動開展 [How to launch life education in the leisure activities of secondary and primary school]. Faculty of Education, University of Macau, Macau.
  • Liu, N. H. (2014.10.16). 幼兒教育的「慢」與「美」的對話 [The dialog of early childhood education’s “slow” and “beauty”]. China Soong Ching Ling Foundation, Macau.
  • Liu, N. H. (2014.07.19). 澳 門 社 區 保 母 政 策 的 評 析 與 建 議 [Analysis and suggestion of the policy of Macau community housemaid]. Macau Daily, (TV Interview and Special Report), Macau.
  • Liu, N. H. (2009.03.28). 美 麗 的 心 靈 工 程——淺 談 生 命 教 育 的 意 義 [The construction of beautiful mind-Discussion of life education in early childhood]. Pui Va Middle School, Macau.
  • Liu, N. H. (2009.04.06-07). 創思教學的新趨勢 [The new trend of creative teaching]. The Worker’s Children Kindergarten in Macau, Macau.
  • Liu, N. H. (2009.05.09&16). 走進親子閱讀的世界 [Entering the world of parentchild reading]. The Worker’s Children Kindergarten in Macau, Macau.
  • Liu, N. H. (2008.11.15&17). 幼兒主題課程設計與學習區的規劃 [Design of child theme course and learning area]. Curriculum and Instruction in Kindergarten Seminar, Early Childhood Teacher Association, Malaysia.
  • Liu, N. H. (2008.11.01). 幼兒性別平等教育之童書運用 [The utilization of picture books on children gender equality education]. Children Gender Equality Education Seminar, Penghu Education Bureau, Taiwan.
  • Liu, N. H. (2008.10.22-11.19). 走進繪本的世界——賞析與創作 [Entering the world of picture books-Appreciation and creation]. Story Mother Training Activities, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan.
  • Liu, N. H. (2008.08.19-21). 多元文化下的幼兒生命教育課程設計與教學 [Curriculum design and instruction of life education in early years under the trend of Multiculturalism]. Life Education in Early Childhood Seminar, Jiayi Education Bureau, Taiwan.
  • Liu, N. H. (2007). 主題課程與分科課程之比較 [Comparison on theme course and subject-based course]. Kindergarten Principal Training Course in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China.
  • Liu, N. H. (2007.07.17-08.05). 美麗的心靈工程——幼兒的生命教育 [The construction of beautiful mind-Discussion of life education in early childhood]. Tour Lecturers on Parent-Child Relationship Held by Educational Departments in Henan Province in Different Cities, such as Zhenzhou, Xinxiang, Zhumadian, Shangqiu, Puyang, Nanyang, and Jiyuan, China.

University and Faculty/Unit Service

  • Committees
    • Liu, N. H. (2017-2021). Programme Committee Member for the PGCE and Bachelor in Early Childhood Education.
    • Liu, N. H. (2009-2018). Programme Committee Member for the Master in Early Childhood Education.
  • University Student Life and Development Service
    • Liu, N. H. (2024.04.13). Spring Excursion to Hengqin Mangzhou Wetland Park, Guia House of Moon Chun Memorial College.
    • Liu, N. H. (2024.04.17). As a Judge in Dimension Door talent show, Moon Chun Memorial College.
    • Liu, N. H. (2024.01.20)“Experience Nature‧Savour Life”. Life Education Excursion workshop, MCM College.
    • Liu, N. H. (2014-now). Offer counselling for university students who have problems in learning, with family or with peers.
    • Liu, N. H. (2022-now). As a Non-Resident College Fellow, I participated in activities by MCM College, including student activities, social service, and conferences, and I examined and appraised related work.
    • Liu, N. H. (2014-2022). As a Non-Resident College Fellow, I participated in activities by Shiu Pong College, including student activities, social service, andconference and I examined and appraised related work.
    • Liu, N. H. (2023. 4.28). Moon Chun Memorial College High Table Dinner and Full Blues Award.
    • Liu, N. H. (2022-2023). Hosted a parent-child picture book activity and experiencing program named “Join us, Dad”, MCM College and Pou Tai Youth and Family Integrated Service Center.
    • Liu, N. H. (2022). Provided training for college students in the “Evergreen” Service-Learning Project, MCM College and Pou Tai Youth and Family Integrated Service Center.Liu, N. H. (2020). Cheer for University Association candidates, UM media,
      University of Macau.
    • Liu, N. H. (2020). Teachers attending ZOOM classes during the epidemic, UM media, University of Macau.
    • Liu, N. H. (2017-2019). The Panel of Judge in FED Day by UMAC of FED.
    • Liu, N.H. (2017). As a Leader, I participated in the Taiwan Volunteer Trip by the FEDSA.
    • Liu, N. H. (2017). “Discovering preschool children’s learning ability-The innovation of learning indexes in learning area”[Speech], Lunch Seminar, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.
    • Liu, N. H. (2015-2016). Assisted the visit activities with foreign guests and introduced the development status of Early Childhood Education in Macau, University of Macau.
    • Liu, N. H. (2014 & 2019-2020). As an Advisor in the Dream Building Team(DBT) of Shiu Pong College, University of Macau.
    • Liu, N. H. (2014-2016). Assisted and planned workshops for volunteer professional knowledge training, University of Macau.
    • Liu, N. H. (2014-2016). Engaged in student activities by FED, including welcome activity for freshman, graduate activity, etc.
    • Liu, N. H. (2014-2015). Engaged in Mentorship program, student counselling and other student activities, University of Macau.
    • Liu, N. H. (2014-2015). Accomplished Affairs entrust by Principal of FED.
    • Liu, N. H. (2014). Held activities for university students who are majoring in Early Childhood Education, University of Macau.


External Services

  • Committes
    • Liu, N. H. (2023-2025). Professional Consultant, Ha Wan Baptish Kindergarten, Macau.
    • Liu, N. H. (2020-now). Professional Consultant for School-based Curriculum,Shek Pai Wan Public School Kindergarten, Macau.
    • Liu, N. H. (2021-now). Professional consultant, Huaguan Preschool Education Consulting Co., Ltd, Macau.
    • Liu, N. H. (2015-now). Judge, Macau Mandarin speech contest, Chinese Educatiours Association of Macau.
    • Liu, N. H. (2014-2020). Professional Consultant, Committee of ECE, China Soong Ching Ling Foundation (CSCLF).
    • Liu, N. H. (2014-2020). Judge, Parent-Children Creative Fashion Show, Saint Paul kindergarten, Macau.
    • Liu, N. H. (2014-now). Project Training Instructor, Life Education, DSEJ.
    • Liu, N. H. (2012-now). Professional Consultant, Committee of ECE, Chinese Educators Association of Macau.
    • Liu, N. H. (2011-now). Judge, Teaching Award Plan, DSEJ.
    • Liu, N. H. (2009-now). Professional Judge, Instructional Design Award Scheme, Education and Youth Development Bureau, Macau.
    • Liu, N. H. (2015-2019). Professional Consultant, Pui Ching Kindergarten, Macau
    • Liu, N. H. (2018-2019). Reviewer, International Conference on E-Society, EEducation and E-Technology (ICSET ).
    • Liu, N. H. (2012-2019). Member, Committee of ECE, Chinese Society of Education.
    • Liu, N. H. (2017). Judge, Recitation Contest, High Group, Hou Kong Middle School, Macau.
    • Liu, N. H. (2017). Consultant, Learning Area Design, Ha Wan Baptish Kindergarten, Macau.
    • Liu, N. H. (2016-2019). Training Instructor, The Professional Development Training, Kwong Tai kindergarten, Macau.
    • Liu, N. H. (2015-2016). Examine Teacher, Civil Education in General Knowledge Quiz of Delta Asia Cup, Macau.
    • Liu, N. H. (2015). Judge, Kindergarten Teacher’s Teaching Plan Contest, Committee of ECE, Chinese Educatours Association of Macau, Macau.
    • Liu, N. H. (2014). Judge, Teaching Demonstration and Discussion, DSEJ, Macau.
    • Liu, N. H. (2014). Course director, The Experiment of the Early Child and Family Education Course, Worker’s Children Kindergarten, Macau.
    • Liu, N. H. (2012-2014). Director, Family-School Cooperation Project, Early Childhood Group of Chinese Educators Association of Macau, Macau.
    • Liu, N. H. (2012-2014). Project Mentor Director, Life Education Course and the Experiment of Learning Area, Pui Ching Kindergarten.
    • Liu, N. H. (2013-2014). Project Mentor Director, The Experiment of the Life Education Course, Kao Yip Kindergarten.
    • Liu, N. H. (2012-2013). Judge, Open Class and Teaching Plan, DSEJ’s Instructional Design Award Scheme.
    • Liu, N. H. (2012). Director, China Association of Preschool Education, Macau.
    • Liu, N. H. (2011-2019). Editor & Assistance, DSEJ Parent Education Center.


  • Social Service
    • Liu, N. H. (2023.10.30). Parent School-Buttoning the First Button of Life. Macau: Jiao Ye International Kindergarten.
    • Liu, N. H. (2023.08.17). Macao’s Extraordinary Decade-Foreign Land is Homeland. Macau: Tianyi Media. Special Report.
      Macau Radio and Television (2023.12.19/21-TVpremiere) & YouTube (2023.12.26-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkHQBH20uak).
    • Liu, N. H. (2023.08.01). The Art Exhibition in Shek Pai Wan Public SchoolThe Significace of Children’s Aesthetic Education. Macau Radio and Television. Special Report(2983).
    • Liu, N. H. (2023.06.30). Three-Year Achievement Exhibition of Aesthetic Education Program for Preschoolers. Macau: Shek Pai Wan Public School Kindergarten. Special Presentation.
    • Liu, N.H. (2022.11.19). Curriculum Design and Teaching of Early Childhood Life Education. Macau: Chinese Educators Association of Macau.
    • Liu, N.H. (2022.03-05). Social Service. Macau: Bodhi Elder Center.
    • Liu, N.H. (2020.08.29). Physical and Mental Development of Three-year-old and the Effects of Wearing Masks for Long Periods on Preschoolers. Macau: Overview Teledifusão de Macau. Report.
    • Liu, N.H. (2019.11.05-08). China Soong Ching Ling Foundation Senior Kindergarten Teachers and Macau Teacher Directors Exchange Visits and Exchanges.
    • Liu, N.H. (2019.09.15-11.24). The Discovery Journey of Life Education Picture Book. Macau: Neighbour Care Fellowship of Macau.
    • Liu, N.H. (2019.01.23). The Significance of Childcare. Macau: Macau Radio and Television. Special Report.
    • Liu, N. H. (2018.12.12). The Issues of Early Childhood Education. Macau: Communication Department of the UM.
    • Liu, N. H. (2017). Academic Exchange and Visited Shanghai. Macau: Early Childhood Group of Chinese Educators Association of Macau and China Soong Ching Ling Foundation
    • Liu, N. H. (2016). Received the Kindergarten Directors of HongKong and Held the Early Childhood Education of Macau Seminar.
    • Liu, N. H. (2016). The Issues of Policy of Macau Community Housemaid and Childcare. Macau: Macau Monthly. Special Report.
    • Liu, N. H. (2016). Academic Exchange and Visited Guangxi Normal University. Macau: Early Childhood Group of Chinese educators association of Macau.
    • Liu, N. H. (2015). Organized Field Trip to Taiwan, Beijing and Japan for Teachers and Directors from China Association of Preschool Education.
    • Liu, N. H. (2015). Academic Exchange and Visited Guizhou. Macau: Early Childhood Group of Chinese Educators Association of Macau.
    • Liu, N. H. (2015). Received and Arranged the Visit to China soong ching ling foundation.
    • Liu, N. H. (2014). The Program of Macau Community Housemaid. Macau Monthly. Special report.
    • Liu, N. H. (2014). Early Childhood Education Related Topics. Macau Lotus TV. Special report.
    • Liu, N. H. (2014). Academic Exchange and visited Taiwan. Macau: Early Childhood Group of Chinese Educators Association of Macau.
    • Liu, N. H. (2012-2019). Assisted in Designing the Learning Environment for Kindergarten Students. Macau: Pui Ching Middle School.
    • Liu, N. H. (2012). Organized Field Trip to Taiwan for Teachers from the China Association of Preschool Education and Introduced Teaching Assessment Method to Them.
    • Liu, N. H. (2012.03-05). Assist Macau Escola Dom Joao Paulino School to Conduct Life Education Course.
    • Liu, N. H. (2012.06-07). Assisted Macau Escola Luso-Chinesa School and Conduct Drama Course in Cantonese
    • Liu, N. H. (2011.04-06). As a Volunteer in Parent-Children Activities by Taipa Educational Center


  • Professional Service
    • Liu, N. H. (2024.04.12). Multiple Assessments-Authentic Assessment of Young Children. Macau: Shek Pai Wan Public School Kindergarten. Teacher Professional Training.
    • Liu, N. H. (2023.10.30). The Significance of Three Years Old-Start a Critical Period in Child’s Development. Macau: Jiao Ye Middle School International Kindergarten Department. Parent-child Lecture.
    • Liu, N. H. (2023.08.28). Multiple Assessment Method of Preschoolers Based on Core Competence. Macau: Colégio Diocesano de São José N.4 Kindergarten. Teacher Professional Training.
    • Liu, N. H. (2023.06.29). Creation of Learning Areas and Activity Design for Preschoolers. Macau: Jiao Ye Middle School Sanva Kindergarten. Teacher Professional Training.
    • Liu, N. H. (2023.04.01). Authentic Assessment of Young Children-The Significance of Multiple Assessment. Macau: Huaguan Preschool Education Consulting Co., Ltd. Special Presentation.
    • Liu, N. H. (2023.02.13). The Application of Multiple Assessment and Competencce Indicators. Chinese Educators Association of Macau. Teacher Professional Training.
    • Liu, N. H. (2022.12.05&15). The Construction of Preschool Inclusive Education. Macau: Shek Pai Wan Public School Kindergarten. Teacher Professional Training.
    • Liu, N. H. (2022.12.02). The Application of Key Competence and Multiple Assessment for Preschoolers. Macau: Escola Choi Nong Chi Tai. Teacher Professional Training.
    • Liu, N. H. (2022.11.19). Cirruculum Design and Teaching of Early Childhood Life Education. Macau: Chinese Educators Association of Macau. Teacher Professional Training (All Preschool Teachers).
    • Liu, N. H. (2022.11.14). Aesthetic Education for Preschoolers-Design and Implementation of Aesthetic Education Program. Macau: Colégio Diocesano de São José, Cinta Escola. Teacher Professional Training.
    • Liu, N. H. (2022.11.05). Aesthetic Education in Life-Aesthetic Education for Preschoolers. Macau: Colégio Diocesano de São José, Cinta Escola. Teacher Professional Training.
    • Liu, N. H. (2022.10.26). Multiple Assessment of Young Children-The Process of Real Assessment. Macau: Escola Oficial de Seac Pai Van. Teacher Professional Training.
    • Liu, N. H. (2019.7.1). The Successful Way to Develop Child Learning Area. Macau: Bayview Park Kindergarten of Choi Nong Chi Tai School. Teacher Professional Training.
    • Liu, N. H. (2016.6.25). The Workshop of Parent-Teacher CommunicationSkills. Macau: Early Childhood Group of Chinese Educators Assiciation of Macau. Teacher Professional Training.
    • Liu, N. H. (2015-now). Professional Training. Macau: DSEJ. Teacher Professional Training.
    • Liu, N. H. (2015-2019). Professional Direction and Learning Area Coaching. Macau: Pui Ching kindergarten. Teacher Professional Training.
    • Liu, N. H. (2015-2019). Traing Teachers and Directors. Macau: Chinese Educators Association of Macau. Teacher Professional Training (All Macau Kindergartens).
    • Liu, N. H. (2014.07-2015.07). Inclusive Education Research Project. Macau: Macau Special Education Association. Principal Investigator.
    • Liu, N. H. (2014.12.6). Early Childhood Healthy Family Education Instruction and Learning Area Teaching. Macau: Kao Yip Kindergarten, Macau. Teacher Professional Training.
    • Liu, N. H. (2014-2015). Assisted Colleagues to Accomplish Life Education Professional Training for Teacher Entrust by DSEJ.
    • Liu, N. H. (2014). Inclusive Education Conference (Special education). Macau: DSEJ. Teacher Professional Training.
    • Liu, N. H. (2013.10-2014.07). Professional Direction and Irregular Coaching for Teachers. Macau: Pui Ching kindergarten.
    • Liu, N. H. (2013). Creation of Learning Areas, The Learning Area Teaching of Life Education Picture Book. Macau: Pui Ching Kindergarten.
    • Liu, N. H. (2009.06.23,30;07.07,14,21). Design and Implementation of SchoolBased Curriculum on Life Education in Pleasant Reading. Macau: Subsidiary and Application School of University of Macau. Teacher Professional Training.
    • Liu, N. H. (2009.06.23,30; Parenting Training for Parent Volunteers and Story Mothers on Life Education Through Pleasant Reading. Macau: Subsidiary and Application School of University of Macau. Teacher Professional Training.
  • Playing and Learning (EDUC2029)
  • Integrated general studies and scientific activities (EDUC3028)
  • Education Planning and Creation of Learning Environment (EDUC3033)
  • Guidance in early childhood (EDUC3026)
  • Integrated learning (EDUC6303)
  • Teaching Practice (EDUC400)
  • Integrated Activity Teaching and Design for Children (DPRE302)
  • Teaching of Integrated and Creative Thinking (BIKA115)
  • Teaching Practice (PREI400)
  • Parent Education (BIKA114)
  • The Design of Teaching Plan and Learning Environment (DPRE212)
  • Moral and Civil Education (PREI202)
  • Supervised Teaching Practice (BIKY104)
  • Workshop/Seminar/Study Tour (IMEH007)
  • Home and School Partnership (IMEH021)
  • Child and family education (EDEC754)
  • Life Education (EDEB150)
  • Parental education and involvement (EDUC2030)