Pou Seong SIT 薛寶嫦
Associate Professor |
Associate Officer: University of Macau – Beijing Normal University Joint Research Centre |
Faculty of Education, University of Macau |
Refereed Journal Articles
38. | Cheung, K. C., Sit, P. S., Zheng, J. Q., Lam, C. C., Mak, S.K. & Ieong, M.K. (2024). A machine learning model of academic resilience in the times of the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence drawn from 79 countries/economies in the PISA 2022 mathematics study. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 94, 1224–124400, 1–21. [DOI: 10.1111/bjep.12715] [SSCI] |
37. | Zheng, J. Q., Cheung, K. C., & Sit, P. S. (2024). The effects of perceptions toward Interpersonal relationships on collaborative problem-solving competence: comparing four ethnic Chinese communities assessed in PISA 2015. The AsiaPacific Education Researcher, 33(2), 481–493. [DOI: 10.1007/s40299- 023-00744-y] [SSCI] |
36. | Zheng, J. Q., Cheung, K. C., Sit, P. S., & Lam, C. C. (2024). Unraveling the relationship between ESCS and digital reading performance: A multilevel mediation analysis of ICT-related psychological needs. Education and Information Technologies, 1–19. [DOI: 10.1007/s10639-024-12458-9] [SSCI] |
35. | Zheng, J.Q., Cheung, K. C., & Sit, P. S. (2024). Insights from two decades of PISA-related studies in the new century: A systematic review. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 68(3), 371–388. [SSCI] [DOI: 10.1080/00313831.2022. 2148273] |
34. | Zheng, J.Q., Cheung, K. C., & Sit, P. S. (2023). A systematic review of academic resilience in East Asia: Evidence from the large‐scale assessment research. Psychology in the Schools, 61, 1238–1254. [DOI: 10.1002/pits.23109] [SSCI] |
33. | Zheng, J.Q., Cheung, K. C., & Sit, P. S. (2023). Identifying key features of resilient students in digital reading: Insights from a machine learning approach. Education and Information Technologies. [DOI: 10.1007/s10639-023-11908-0] [SSCI] |
32. | Zheng, J.Q., Cheung, K. C., & Sit, P. S. (2023). The effects of perceptions toward interpersonal relationships on collaborative problem‑solving competence: Comparing four ethnic chinese communities assessed in PISA 2015. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. [DOI:10.1007/s40299-023-00744-y] [SSCI] |
31. | Jin, S.L., Fang, G.B., Cheung, K. C., & Sit, P. S. (2023). Factors associated with academic resilience in disadvantaged students: An analysis based on the PISA 2015 B-S-J-G (China) sample. Frontiers in Psychology. [DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.846466] [SSCI](Available at: https://www.frontiersin.org/ articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.846466/full) |
30. | 蔡登瑩、張國祥 、薛寶嫦 、楊文佳 (2022) 。中國四省市學生之信息通信技術熟悉度對教育公平的影響。教育測量與評估雙語季刊,3(3),58-72。[DOI:10.59863/GEDL8244] (Available at: https://www.ce-jeme.org/journal/vol3/iss3/4) [Cai, D.Y., Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., & Ieong, M.K. (2022). Examining the impact of students’ familiarity with information and communications technology on education equity using data from students in four provinces and cities in china. Chinese/English Journal of Educational Measurement and Evaluation, 3(3), 40-57. [DOI:10.59863/KOWF1981](Available at:https://www.ce-jeme.org/cgi/ viewcontent.cgi?article=1039&context=journal)] |
29. | Jin, S.L., Cheung, K. C., & Sit, P. S. (2022). Important Factors Discriminating Between Problem-Solving Experts and Novices: A Data Mining Approach, Chinese/English Journal of Educational Measurement and Evaluation, 3(2), 24-46. (Available at: https://www.ce-jeme.org/journal/vol3/iss2/3) [金松麗、張國祥、薛寶嫦 (2022)。區分問題解決專家與新手的關鍵因素: 數據挖掘方法。教育測量與評估雙語季刊, 3(2),47-66。(Available at: https://www.ce-jeme.org/cgi/ viewcontent.cgi?article=1037&context=journal)] |
28. | Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K. & Ieong, M.K., (2022). Learner Characteristics Enhancing Academic Resilience: Analysis of Five High-Performing Chinese Economies in PISA 2012. International Journal of Education and Psychology in the Community, 12(1&2), 89-111. |
27. | 麥瑞琪、張國祥、薛寶嫦、楊文佳 (2022) 。從學校氛圍視角分析華人地區學生PISA 2018閱讀素養的表現。課程與教學季刊, 25(4), 191-224。[Mak, S.K., Cheung, K.C. Sit, P.S., & Ieong, M.K. (2022). Analysis of PISA 2018 reading literacy performance of ethnic Chinese students from the school climate perspective. Curriculum and Instruction Quarterly, 25(4), 191-224.] [DOI: 10.6384/CIQ.202210_25(4).0007] [TSSCI] |
26. | Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Ieong, M.K., & Mak, S.K. (2021). Secondary analysis of PISA data for grade level effect due to grade repetition on improvement in reading performance. International Journal of Education and Psychology in the Community, 11(1 & 2), 180-194. |
25. | Sit, P.S., Cheung, K.C., Ieong, M.K., & Mak, S.K. (2021). Students’ frequent exposure to bullying: Comparing between low-achieving students of Macao and Taiwan in PISA 2015 Well-being Study. Educational Psychology, 41(3), 302-319. [DOI: 10.1080/01443410.2021.1876214] [SSCI] |
24. | Marôco, J. Assunção, H., Harju-Luukkainen, H., Lin, S.W., Sit. P.S., Cheung, K.C., Maloa, B., Ilic, I.S., Smith, T., Campos, J. (2020). Predictors of academic efficacy and dropout intention in university students: Can engagement suppress burnout? PLoS ONE, 15(10): e0239816. [DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0239816] [SSCI] |
23. | 麥瑞琪、張國祥、楊文佳、薛寶嫦 (2020)。從澳門某所中學的科學教育實踐案例探討學校多元評量實施的過程。科學教育學刊,28(S), 457-482。[Mak, S.K., Cheung, K.C. Ieong, M.K., & Sit, P.S. (2020). Through a case study of science education of a Macao school examining processes of implementation of multiple assessment. Chinese Journal of Science Education, 28(S), 457-482.] [DOI:10.6173/CJSE.202012/SP_28.0003] [TSSCI, 2019 Knowledge Impact Award Journal] |
22. | Assunção, H., Lin, S.W., Sit. P.S., Cheung, K.C., Harju-Luukkainen, H., Smith, T., Maloa, B., Campos, J., Ilic, I.S., Esposito, G., Francesca, F.M., Marôco, J. (2020). University student engagement inventory (USEI): Transcultural validity evidence across four continents. Frontiers in Psychology – Quantitative Psychology and Measurement, 10, 1-12. [DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02796] [SSCI] |
21. | 麥瑞琪、張國祥、楊文佳、薛寶嫦 (2019)。PISA2015澳門學生科學素養性別差異分析。測驗學刋,66(3), 249-284。[Mak, S.K., Cheung, K.C. Ieong, M.K., & Sit, P.S. (2019). An examination of gender differences in scientific literacy performance of Macao students in PISA 2015. Psychological Testing, 66(3), 249-284.] [TSSCI] |
20. | Cheung, K.C., Mak, S.K., & Sit, P.S. (2018). Resolving the attitude–achievement paradox based on anchoring vignettes: Evidences from the PISA 2012 mathematics study. Asia Pacific Education Review. [DOI: 10.1007/s12564- 018-9526-9] [SSCI] |
19. | Sit, P.S., Cheong, W.C., & Cheung, K.C. (2017). Prediction of digital problem-solving performance of the low-achievers of a high-performing economy in PISA 2012: Perseverance, Openness and ICT use as quality education indicators. Journal of Psychological and Educational Research, 25(2), 18-38. [SCOPUS] |
18. | Mak, S.K., Cheung, K.C., Soh, K.C., Sit, P.S., & Ieong, M.K. (2017). An examination of student- and across-level mechanisms accounting for gender differences in reading performance: A multilevel analysis of reading engagement. Educational Psychology, 37, 1206-1221. [DOI: 10.1080/01443410.2016. 1242712] [SSCI] |
17. | Jin, S.L., Cheung, K.C., & Sit, P.S. (2017). Task- and non-task-specific factors classifying problem-solving experts and novices: Comparing between students of the top ten high-performing Eastern and Western economies in PISA 2012. Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly, 25(3), 71-103. [DOI: 10.6151/CERQ. 2017.2503.00] [TSSCI, SCOPUS] |
16. | Ieong, M.K., Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Soh, K.C., & Mak, S.K. (2016). Effects of economic, social and cultural status on mathematics performance: A multilevel mediation analysis of self-regulated learning processes. Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly, 24(4), 109-143. [DOI: 10.6151/CERQ.2016.2404.05] [TSSCI, SCOPUS] |
15. | 金松麗、張國祥、薛寶嫦 (2016)。利用log文檔探析PISA 2012學生解難模式及相關認知和心理因素。測驗學刋,63(4),227-252。[Jin, S.L., Cheung, K.C., & Sit, P.S. (2016). Using log file analyses to examine PISA 2012 student problem-solving patterns and the associated cognitive and psychological factors. Psychological Testing, 63(4), 227-252.] [TSSCI] |
14. | 楊文佳、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪、張國祥 (2016)。透過log數據探析澳門學生問題解決行為﹕以PISA 2012的公開題為例。測驗學刋,63(3),201-226。[Ieong, M.K., Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K., & Cheung, K.C. (2016). Analysis of log file data to understand Macao students’ problem-solving behavior: An example of a released item from PISA 2012 study. Psychological Testing, 63(3), 201-226.] [TSSCI] |
13. | Cheung, K.C., Mak, S.K., Sit, P.S., & Soh, K.C. (2016). A typology of student reading engagement: Preparing for response to intervention in the school curriculum. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 48, 32-42. [DOI: 10.1016/j.stueduc.2015.12.001] [SSCI] |
12. | Sit, P.S., Cheung, K.C., Soh, K.C. Mak, S.K., Cheong, W.C., & Ieong, M.K. (2015). What studying problems are faced by the adolescent grade repeaters in Macao: Uncovering underlying mechanisms based on evidences from the PISA 2012 Study. Asia Pacific Education Review, 16(3), 367-377.[DOI: 10.1007/s12564-015-9388-3] [SSCI] |
11. | Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Soh, K.C., Ieong, M.K., & Mak, S.K. (2014). Predicting academic resilience with reading engagement and demographic variables: Comparing Shanghai, Hong Kong, Korea and Singapore from the PISA perspective. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 23(4), 895-909. [DOI: 10.1007/s40299-013-0143-4] [SSCI] |
10. | 楊文佳、張國祥、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪 (2014)。閱讀參與、家庭和學業背景對閱讀素養表現之影響:探討學業抗逆生及優勢低表現生的學習特徵。課程與教學季刊,17(3),207-229。[Ieong, M.K., Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., & Mak, S.K. (2014). The effects of reading engagement, family and academic background on reading literacy performance: A study of learning characteristics of the academic resilient and advantaged low-achievers. Curriculum and Instruction Quarterly, 17(3), 207-229.] [TSSCI] |
9. | Sit, P.S., Cheung, K.C., Cheong, W.C., & Mak, S.K. (2014). The effects of webpage navigation on digital reading performance. The International Journal of Assessment and Evaluation, 20(3), 22-36. [SCOPUS] |
8. | Cheung, K.C., Mak, S.K., & Sit, P.S. (2013). Online reading activities and ICT use as mediating variables in explaining the gender difference in digital reading literacy: Comparing Hong Kong and Korea. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 22(4), 709-720. [DOI: 10.1007/ s40299-013-0077-x] [SSCI] |
7. | Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., & Mak, S.K. (2011). Parental engagement and home support for the betterment of adolescents’ reading literacy in Macao, Curriculum and Instruction Quarterly, 14(4), 93-116. [TSSCI] |
6. | 薛寶嫦 (2010)。利用項目功能差異檢視澳門電子閱讀素養表現的優勢和弱勢。課程與教學季刊,13(2),215-235。[Sit, P.S. (2010). Differential item functioning as a means to examine the strengths and weaknesses of electronic reading literacy of Macao students. Curriculum and Instruction Quarterly, 13(2), 215-235.] [TSSCI] |
5. | Sit, P.S., & Cheung, K.C. (2009). Key findings of the Macao-China PISA 2006 Scientific Literacy Study. RicercAzione (Journal of Research in Education, Evaluation Studies, and Youth Policies), 1, 29-37. |
4. | Cheung, K.C., & Sit, P.S. (2008). Electronic reading assessment: The PISA approach for the international comparison of reading comprehension. Journal of Educational Research and Development, 4(4), 19-40. |
3. | 薛寶嫦 (2007)。閱讀理解綜合評核系統的建構。教育研究學報,22(2),229-246。[Sit, P. S. (2007). The development of an integrated assessment system for reading comprehension. Educational Research Journal, 22(2), 229-246.] |
2. | Sit, P.S. (2007). Lesson study as a means to help kindergarten teachers develop children’s reading comprehension ability. Journal of Research on Elementary and Secondary Education, 18, 145-164. |
1. | 薛寶嫦 (2006)。幼兒萌發式閱讀環境的創設。幼兒教育(教育科學版),9(343),20-23。[Sit, P. S. (2006). Construction of children’s emergent reading environment. Early Childhood Education (Educational Sciences), 9(343), 20-23.] [Core Journal] |
Books and book chapters
18. | Mak, S.K., Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Ieong, M.K. Zheng, J.Q. (Accepted). Fostering student subjective well-being for the third decade of the 21st century using PISA: The Macao perspective. In Student and Teacher Mental and Well-being in Schools: Asian Perspectives. Springer Nature. |
17. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪、楊文佳 (2023)。澳門 PISA 2022 研究計劃報告:從國際比較的觀點評核15歲學生的數學、科學和閱讀素養表現。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。[ISBN 978-99965-1-193-6] |
16. | Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K., & Ieong, M.K. (2023). Macao-PISA 2022 Report: Assessment of mathematical, scientific and reading literacy performance of 15-year-old students from an international comparative perspective. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. [ISBN 978-99965-1-194-3] |
15. | 方燕芬、張國祥、薛寶嫦 (主編) (2021)。澳門PISA 2018問卷資料彙編。澳門:澳門大學教育與測驗評核研究中心。[Fong, I.F., Cheung, K.C., & Sit, P.S. (Eds) (2021). A compilation of Macao PISA 2018 questionnaire data and information. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau.] [ISBN 978-99965-1-169-1] |
14. | Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K., & Ieong, M.K. (2020). Macao-PISA 2018 Report: Assessment of reading, mathematical and scientific literacy performance of 15-year-old students from an international comparative perspective. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. [ISBN 978-99965-1-141-7] |
13. | 方燕芬、張國祥、薛寶嫦 (主編) (2020)。澳門PISA 2015問卷資料彙編。澳門:澳門大學教育與測驗評核研究中心。[Fong, I.F., Cheung, K.C., & Sit, P.S. (Eds) (2020). A Compilation of Macao PISA 2015 questionnaire data and information. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau.] [ISBN 978-99965-1-134-9] |
12. | 張國祥、高錦輝、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪、楊文佳 (2019)。知心安學:澳門培正中學的科學教育。澳門:澳門培正中學。[ISBN 978-99965-671-7-9] |
11. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪、楊文佳 (2019)。澳門PISA 2018研究計劃報告:從國際比較的觀點評核15歲學生的科學、閱讀和數學素養表現。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。[ISBN 978-99965-1-124-0] |
10. | Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K., & Ieong, M.K. (2018). Macao-PISA 2015 Report: Assessment of collaborative problem solving competency of 15-year-old students from an international comparison perspective. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. [ISBN 978-99965 -1-107-3] |
9. | Cheung, K.C., Mak, S.K., Sit, P.S., Ieong, M.K. (2018). Why Macao is commended as an economy of high-performance and high-equity amongst PISA 2015 participating economies? An explanation from an insider perspective. In C. Magno, & A. David (Eds.) Philippine and Global Perspectives on Educational Assessment, Philippines: Philippine Educational Measurement and Evaluation Association. [ISBN 978-621-95994-0-5] |
8. | 張國祥、麥瑞琪、楊文佳、薛寶嫦 (2018)。從PISA 2015幸福感視角探討粵港澳大灣區ICT課程的調整和優化。載於廣東省教育研究院 (主編),南方教育評論:2018中國南方教育高峰年會思維盛宴,頁132-142 。廣州:廣東高等教育出版社。[ISBN 978-7-5361-6366-9] |
7. | 方燕芬、張國祥、薛寶嫦 (主編) (2017)。澳門PISA 2012問卷資料彙編。澳門:澳門大學教育與測驗評核研究中心。[Fong, I.F., Cheung, K.C., & Sit, P.S. (Eds) (2017). A Compilation of Macao PISA 2012 questionnaire data and information. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau.] [ISBN 978-99965-1-103-5] |
6. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪、楊文佳 (2017)。澳門PISA 2015研究計劃報告:從國際比較的觀點評核15歲學生的協作式問題解決能力。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。[ISBN 978-99965-1-089-2] |
5. | Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K., & Ieong, M.K. (2017). Macao-PISA 2015 Report: Assessment of scientific, reading and mathematical literacy performance of 15-year-old students from an international comparison perspective. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. [ISBN 978-99965-1-086-1] |
4. | 張國祥、方燕芬、薛寶嫦 (主編) (2013)。澳門PISA 2009問卷資料彙編。澳門:澳門大學教育與測驗評核研究中心。[Cheung, K.C., Fong, I.F., & Sit, P.S. (Eds) (2013). A Compilation of Macao PISA 2009 questionnaire data and information. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau.] [ISBN 978-99965-1-042-7] |
3. | Sit, P.S. (Eds) (2012). A child’s creation: Stories and poems. IN: Authorhouse. [ISBN 978-1-4678-7811-1] |
2. | 薛寶嫦 (2011)。促進幼兒的閱讀素養:環境、評核和教師專業發展。澳門:澳門大學出版社。[Sit, P.S. (2011). Fostering reading literacy in young children: Environments, assessment and teacher professional development. Macao: University of Macau Publication Centre.] [ISBN 978-99965-1-019-9] |
1. | 黃素君、薛寶嫦、李思敏、陳勤勤編著 (2004)。與孩子一起成長—三所幼稚園課程發展的足跡。澳門:教育暨青年局。[Vong, S.K., Sit, P.S., Lei, S.M. & Chan, K. K. (2004). Growing up with the children together: Curriculum development trajectory of three kindergartens in Macao. Macao: DSEJ.] [ISBN 99937-34-47-0] |
Research Monographs and Reports
66. | Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Jiang, C.L., Oon, P.T., Mak, S.K., & Ieong, M.K. (2024). TIMSS 2023: Macao SAR Report. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. |
65. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦、江春蓮、溫佩娣、麥瑞琪、楊文佳 (2024)。國際數學與科學趨勢研究。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。 |
64. | Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau (2024). Macao-PISA 2022 Creative Thinking Study Report. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. (Authors: Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K., & Ieong, M.K.) |
63. | 澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心 (2023)。澳門46所參與PISA2022研究計劃學校報告。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。(報告撰寫人:張國祥、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪、楊文佳、何錫標) Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau (2020). School report for the 46 schools participating in the Macao PISA 2022 study. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. (Authors: Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K., Ieong, M.K., & Ho, S. P.) |
62. | 澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心 (2022)。PISA 2018教師幸福感報告。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。(報告撰寫人:張國祥、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪、楊文佳、何錫標) Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau (2020). Macao PISA 2018 Study Report: Teacher well-being. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. (Authors: Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K., Ieong, M.K., & Ho, S. P.) |
61. | 澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心 (2020)。PISA 2018學生主觀幸福感報告。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。(報告撰寫人:張國祥、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪、楊文佳、何錫標) Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau (2020). Macao PISA 2018 Study Report: Student well-being. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. (Authors: Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K., Ieong, M.K., & Ho, S. P.) |
60. | 澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心 (2020)。PISA 2018學生對學校歸屬感報告。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。(報告撰寫人:張國祥、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪、楊文佳、何錫標) Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau (2020). Macao PISA 2018 Study Report: Sense of school belonging. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. (Authors: Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K., Ieong, M.K., & Ho, S. P.) |
59. | 澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心 (2020)。澳門45所參與PISA 2018 研究計劃學生對學校歸屬感學校報告。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。(報告撰寫人:張國祥、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪、楊文佳、何錫標) Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau (2020). School report for the 45 schools participating in the Macao PISA 2018 Study: Sense of school belonging. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. (Authors: Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K., Ieong, M.K., & Ho, S. P.) |
58. | 澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心 (2019)。澳門45所參與PISA2018研究計劃學校報告。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。(報告撰寫人:張國祥、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪、楊文佳、何錫標) |
57. | Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau (2019). School Report for the 45 schools participating in the Macao PISA 2018 Study. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. (Authors: Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K., Ieong, M.K., & Ho, S. P.) |
56. | 澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心 (2017)。澳門45所參與PISA2015 協作式問題解決能力研究計劃學校報告。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。(報告撰寫人:張國祥、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪、楊文佳、何錫標、陳偉庭) |
55. | Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau (2017). School Report for the 45 schools participating in the Macao PISA 2015 collaborative problem solving competency study. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. (Authors: Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K., & Ieong, M.K., Ho, S. P., & Chan, W. T.) |
54. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪、楊文佳 (2016)。澳門PISA 2015研究計劃報告:從國際比較的觀點評核15歲學生的科學、閱讀和數學素養表現。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。 |
53. | 澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心 (2016)。澳門45所參與PISA2015研究計劃學校報告。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。(報告撰寫人:張國祥、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪、楊文佳) |
52. | Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau (2016). School Report for the 45 schools participating in the Macao PISA 2015 Study. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. (Authors: Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K., & Ieong, M.K.) |
51. | 麥瑞琪、張國祥、薛寶嫦、楊文佳 (2016)。澳門PISA 2012 研究報告:學生的學校歸屬感。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。[Mak, S.K., Cheung, K. C., Sit, P. S., & Ieong, M. K. (2016). Macao PISA 2012 Report: Sense of belonging to school. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau.] |
50. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦、楊文佳、麥瑞琪 (2015)。從澳門PISA 2015教師調查研究檢視澳門中學教師專業發展、教學實務與工作滿意度。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。 |
49. | Cheung, K. C., Sit, P. S., Ieong, M. K., & Mak, S.K. (2015). Macao secondary teachers’ professional development, teaching practice and job satisfaction: Evidences from the PISA 2015 Teacher Survey. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. |
48. | 澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心 (2015)。澳門45所參與PISA2015教師調查研究學校報告。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。(報告撰寫人:張國祥、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪、楊文佳) |
47. | Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau (2015). School Report for the 45 schools participating in the teacher survey of the Macao PISA 2015 Study. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. (Authors: Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K., & Ieong, M.K.) |
46. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦、楊文佳、麥瑞琪 (2015)。PISA 2009及PISA 2012 數碼化閱讀及數學素養公佈試題之答題表現。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。 |
45. | Cheung, K. C., Sit, P. S., Ieong, M. K., & Mak, S.K. (2015). Comparison of performance of released items of digital reading and mathematics literacy in PISA 2009 and PISA 2012. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. |
44. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪、楊文佳 (2014)。澳門 PISA 2012 研究計劃報告:從國際比較的觀點評核15歲學生的數碼問題解決、數碼數學和數碼閱讀素養表現。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。 |
43. | Cheung, K. C., Sit, P. S., Mak, S. K., & Ieong, M. K. (2014). Macao PISA 2012 Report: Digital Assessment of problem solving, mathematics and reading literacy performance of 15-year-old students from an international comparison perspective. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. |
42. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦、楊文佳、麥瑞琪 (2014)。PISA數碼化科學素養及協作式問題解決能力樣本試題。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。 |
41. | Cheung, K. C., Sit, P. S., Ieong, M. K., & Mak, S.K. (2014). Sample items of digital scientific literacy and collaborative problem solving in PISA 2015. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. |
40. | 澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心 (2014)。澳門45所參與PISA2012數碼評核學校報告。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。(報告撰寫人:張國祥、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪、楊文佳) |
39. | Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau (2014). School Report for the 45 schools participating in the digital component of the Macao PISA 2012 Study. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. (Authors: Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K., & Ieong, M.K.) |
38. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦、楊文佳 (2014)。澳門與高數學素養表現經濟體在PISA 2012公佈題目之答題表現。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。 |
37. | Cheung, K. C., Sit, P. S., & Ieong, M. K. (2014). Comparison of mathematical literacy performance in PISA 2012 released items amongst top-performing economies and Macao. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. |
36. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪、楊文佳 (2013)。澳門PISA 2012研究計劃報告:從國際比較的觀點評核15歲學生的數學、科學和閱讀素養表現。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。 |
35. | Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K., & Ieong, M.K. (2013). Macao-PISA 2012 Report: Assessment of mathematical, scientific and reading literacy performance of 15-year-old students from an international comparison perspective. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. |
34. | 澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心 (2013)。澳門45所參與PISA2012研究計劃學校紙筆測試報告。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。(報告撰寫人:張國祥、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪、楊文佳、方燕芬、蔣偉昌、杜浩芝) |
33. | Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau (2013). School Report for the 45 schools participating in the print component of the Macao PISA 2012 Study. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. (Authors: Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K., Ieong, M.K., Fong, I. F., Cheong, W.C. & Tou, H.C.) |
32. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦、楊文佳、麥瑞琪 (2013)。澳門學業抗逆生在PISA2009的辨識和檢驗。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。 |
31. | Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Ieong, M.K., & Mak, S.K. (2013). Identification and examination of Macao’s academic resilient students in PISA 2009. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. |
30. | 薛寶嫦、張國祥、蔣偉昌、麥瑞琪 (2013)。網頁導航對數碼閱讀表現的影響。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。 |
29. | Sit, P. S., Cheung, K. C., Cheong, W. C., & Mak, S. K. (2013). The effects of webpage navigation on digital reading performance. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. |
28. | 鄭振偉、張國祥、薛寶嫦 (2013)。從PISA視角剖析2003-2009年澳門15歲學生的書面閱讀素養表現的趨勢。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。 |
27. | Cheng, C. W., Cheung, K. C., & Sit, P. S. (2013). Trends of print reading literacy performance for Macao 15-year-old students through the lens of PISA (2003-2009). Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. |
26. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦、楊文佳 (2013)。澳門與高科學素養表現經濟體在PISA 2006公佈題目之答題表現。澳門:澳門大學教育與測驗評核研究中心。 |
25. | Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., & Ieong, M.K. (2013). Comparison of scientific literacy performance in PISA 2006 released items amongst top-performing economies and Macao. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. |
24. | 薛寶嫦、張國祥 (2011)。中國澳門PISA 2009數碼閱讀素養評核:調查結果和政策影響。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。 |
23. | Sit, P.S., & Cheung, K.C. (2011). Digital reading assessment in Macao-China PISA 2009: Findings and policy implications. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. |
22. | 澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心 (2011)。澳門45所參與PISA2009研究計劃數碼閱讀素養結果—學校報告。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。(報告撰寫人:張國祥、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪、楊文佳、方燕芬、林麗芳、杜浩芝) |
21. | Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau (2011). School report for the 45 schools participating in the digital component of the Macao PISA 2009 Study. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. (Responsible Authors: Cheung, K. C., Sit, P. S., Mak, S.K., Ieong M.K, Fong, I.F., Lam, L.F, & Tou H.C.) |
20. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪、楊文佳、方燕芬、林麗芳 (2011)。澳門、台灣、香港、上海和OECD在PISA 2009閱讀素養公佈題目答題表現之比較。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。 |
19. | Cheung, K. C., Sit, P. S., Mak, S.K., Ieong, M.K., Fong, I.F., & Lam, L.F. (2011). Comparison of performance in PISA 2009 released reading literacy items amongst Macao, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Shanghai and OECD. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. |
18. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪、楊文佳、方燕芬、林麗芳 (2011)。PISA 2009 取樣學校閱讀素養公佈題目答題表現。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。 |
17. | Cheung, K. C., Sit, P. S., Mak, S.K., Ieong, M.K., Fong, I.F., & Lam, L.F. (2011). Performance of sampled school in PISA 2009 released reading literacy items. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. |
16. | 澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心 (2010)。澳門45所參與PISA2009研究計劃學校報告。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。(報告撰寫人:張國祥、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪、楊文佳) |
15. | Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau (2010). School report for the 45 schools participating in the print component of Macao PISA 2009 Study. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau. (Responsible Authors: Cheung, K. C., Sit, P. S., Mak, S.K., & Ieong, M.K.) |
14. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦 (2010)。澳門 PISA 2009 研究計劃報告書:從國際比較的觀點評核15歲學生的閱讀、數學和科學素養表現。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。 |
13. | Cheung, K. C., & Sit, P. S. (2010). Macao PISA 2009 Report: Assessment of reading, mathematical and scientific literacy performance of 15-year-old students from an international comparison perspective. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Center, University of Macau. |
12. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦 (2009)。為澳門 PISA 2009 作準備:電子閱讀測試的測驗傳送系統和公佈的題目。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。 |
11. | Cheung, K. C., & Sit, P. S. (2009). Preparing for Macao PISA 2009: Electronic reading assessment test delivery system and released items. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Center, University of Macau. |
10. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦 (2008)。為澳門 PISA 2009 作準備:數學評核框架、公佈的題目和評分指引。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。 |
9. | Cheung, K. C., & Sit, P. S. (2008). Preparing for Macao PISA 2009: Mathematics assessment framework, released items and coding guides. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Center, University of Macau. |
8. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦 (2008)。為澳門 PISA 2009 作準備:閱讀評核框架、公佈的題目和評分指引。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。 |
7. | Cheung, K. C., & Sit, P. S. (2008). Preparing for Macao PISA 2009: Reading assessment framework, released items and coding guides. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Center, University of Macau. |
6. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦 (2008) 。2006學生能力國際評估計劃公佈的科學題目── Released science items of the PISA 2006 Study。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。 |
5. | Cheung, K. C., & Sit, P. S. (2007). Macao PISA 2006 Study report number one: Assessment of scientific, mathematical and reading literacy performance of 15-year-old students from an international comparison perspective. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Center, University of Macau. |
4. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦 (2007)。澳門 PISA 2006 研究計劃第一號報告書:從國際比較的觀點評核15歲學生的科學、數學和閱讀素養表現。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。 |
3. | Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau (2007). School report for the 43 schools participating in Macau-PISA 2006 Study. Macao: Educational Testing and Assessment Research Center, University of Macau. (Responsible Authors: Cheung, K. C., Sit, P. S., Chan, K.L., & Chong, K.) |
2. | 澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心 (2007)。澳門43所參與PISA2006研究計劃學校報告。澳門:澳門大學教育測驗與評核研究中心。(報告撰寫人:張國祥、薛寶嫦、陳敬濂、鍾健) |
1. | 趙鈞鴻、張國祥、田野、薛寶嫦 (2006)。澳門受政府輔助托兒所嬰幼兒多元智能發展顧問研究計劃報告。澳門特別行政區政府社會工作局委託專案報告。澳門:陸趙鈞鴻兒童發展研究中心、澳門大學教育學院。[Chiu, K. H., Cheung, K. C., Tian, Y., & Sit, P. S. (2006). Report of IAS-sponsored project “Development of multiple intelligences for babies in subsidized child care centers in Macao”. Macao: Luk Chiu Kwan Hung child development research center, Faculty of Education of University of Macau.] |
Invited Address
13. | 薛寶嫦 (2023,11月19日)。構建科學科校本學業質量監察系統:以澳門一所中學為例。特邀報告發表於第六屆中國教育創新成果公益博覽會,珠海。[ Sit, P.S. (2023, November). Constructing a school-based academic quality monitoring system for science subjects: Using a secondary school in Macao as an example. Paper presented at the 6th China Education Innovation Expo, Zhuhai.] |
12. | 薛寶嫦 (2020,12月6日)。創造性思維在中小學各學科中的培育。特邀報告發表於中國基礎教育品質監測協同創新中心主辦之「21世紀如何建構素養與幸福感並重的教育體系」系列講座,北京(線上)。 |
11. | 薛寶嫦 (2017,6月8日)。透過Log數據探析學生問題解決行為。特邀論文發表於台灣2015 PISA測試中心主辦之「PISA數據之分析:議題、方法和結果」研究分享會,新竹,中國台灣。 [Sit, P.S. (2017, June). Analysis of log file data to understand Macao students’ problem-solving behavior. Paper presented at the Analysis of PISA Data: Issues, Methodologies and Findings Forum, Taiwan 2015 PISA National Research Center, Hsin Chu, Taiwan, China.] |
10. | Sit, P.S. (2017, June, 7). Studying problems of Macao’s grade repeaters from the PISA perspective. Paper presented at the Analysis of PISA Data: Issues, Methodologies and Findings Forum, Taiwan 2015 PISA National Research Center, Hsin Chu, Taiwan, China. |
9. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦、楊文佳、麥瑞琪。 (2017年5月17日)。學生經常地受到欺凌: 澳門低表現生情况分析。報告發表於PISA2015 學生幸福感報告—簡介會,澳門。[Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Ieong, M.K., & Mak, S.K. (17 May 2017) Students’ frequent exposure to bullying: The case of Macao’s low-achievers. Paper presented at the Briefing of PISA 2015 Well-being Study, Macao, China. |
8. | 薛寶嫦 (2014,7月)。如何促進幼兒閱讀素養。特邀論文發表於「2014年學前華文教師國際研討會」,新加坡。 [Sit, P. S. (2014, July). Fostering reading literacy in young children. Paper presented at the 2014 International Conference for Pre-primary Chinese Language Teachers, Singapore.] |
7. | 薛寶嫦 (2013,3月)。澳門學前教育發展情況與幼兒教師培養。特邀論文發表於「第五屆全國幼師院校(系)就業工作研討會」,中國:福州。 [Sit, P. S. (2013, March). The development of pre-primary education and teacher training in Macao. Paper presented at the 5th National Conference on Career Prospects for Graduates and Practitioners of Institutes on Preprimary Education, FuZhou, China.] |
6. | Cheung, K.C. & Sit, P.S. (2009, January). The use of quality indicators for curricular reform: Macao’s insights from PISA 2006 Study. Invited paper presented at the International Conference entitled Global Issues and Trends in Educational Research, Measurement, Evaluation, Statistics, and Psychology, Nakornayok, Thailand. |
5. | 薛寶嫦、陳敬濂 (2008,11月)。從PISA國際視角闡釋閱讀素養的評核。特邀論文發表於「華人社會的課程與教學改進學術研討會」,澳門。 [Sit, P. S., & Chan, K. L. (2008). An explication of the PISA approach in the assessment of reading literacy from an international perspective. Proceedings of the Conference Series on Education Development in Chinese Society – Curriculum and Instruction, Macao, China.] |
4. | 張國祥、陳敬濂、薛寶嫦 (2008,7月)。澳門學校課程決定透析。特邀論文載於朱嘉穎等編《第十屆兩岸三地課程理論研討會論文集》,香港:香港中文大學。205-215。[Cheung, K. C., Chan, K. L., & Sit, P. S. (2008). An examination of curriculum decision making in Macao schools. Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Curriculum Theories across the Taiwan Strait, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 205-215, Hong Kong, China.] |
3. | 薛寶嫦 (2008,6月)。提升幼兒故事閱讀理解的發展:運用綜合評核系統進行行動研究。特邀主題報告載於大同技術學院編《幼教的應為與展望國際學術研討會論文集》,台灣:嘉義。12-30。[Sit, P. S. (2008). Enhancement of children’s reading comprehension: Action research using integrated assessment system. Proceedings of the 2008 Early Childhood Educare International Conference, 12-30, Taiwan, China.] |
2. | 薛寶嫦 (2006,6月)。幼兒萌發式閱讀環境創設。特邀論文發表於「第五屆國際學前教育研討會」,香港。54-59。[Sit, P. S. (2006). Construction of children’s emergent reading environment. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Early Childhood Education, 54-59, Hong Kong.] |
1. | 薛寶嫦 (2005,11月)。萌發式閱讀指導計劃。特邀論文發表於「國際幼兒教育學術研討會」,中國台灣。 [Sit, P. S. (2005). Instruction of emergent reading. Paper presented at the International Conference of Early Childhood Education, Taiwan, China.] |
International Conference Papers
45. | Sit, P.S., Cheung, K.C., Mak, S.K., & Ieong, M. K. (2021, Jul). Developing Teachers’ Pedagogical Competence in Reading Literacy for 21st Century Teaching. Paper presented at the 28th International Conference on Learning, Kraków, Poland. |
44. | Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K., & Ieong, M. K. (2021, Jul). Why Macao is commended as a fast-improving economy in PISA 2018 study: An insider perspective. Paper presented at the 28th International Conference on Learning, Kraków, Poland. |
43. | Mak, S.K., Cheung, K.C., Ieong, M. K., & Sit, P.S. (2019, Aug). Cultivation of STEM professionals: Evidences from top-15 participating economies in PISA 2015 Study. Paper presented at the 18th Biennial EARLI Conference, Aachen, Germany. |
42. | Ieong, M. K., Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., & Mak, S.K. (2019, Aug). Comparing performance of collaborative problem-solving in Chinese-speaking economies in PISA 2015. Paper presented at the 18th Biennial EARLI Conference, Aachen, Germany. |
41. | Sit, P.S., Cheung, K.C., Mak, S.K., & Ieong, M. K. (2018, Aug). Students’ frequent exposure to bullying: Comparing between low-achieving students of Macao and Taiwan in PISA 2015 Well-being Study. Paper presented at the 9th Biennial Conference of EARLI SIG1, Helsinki, Finland. |
40. | Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K., & Ieong, M. K. (2018, Aug). Important factors classifying high- and low-performing students of scientific literacy: The case of Macao in PISA 2015. Paper presented at the 9th Biennial Conference of EARLI SIG1, Helsinki, Finland. |
39. | Mak, S.K., Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S. & Ieong, M. K. (2018, Aug). Macao is OECD-rated as an economy of high-performance and high-equity amongst PISA 2015 participating economies: An explanation from an insider perspective. Paper presented at the 9th Biennial Conference of EARLI SIG1, Helsinki, Finland. |
38. | Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K., Cheung, K.C., & Ieong, M. K. (2018, July). Self-responsibility in mathematics learning of Macao students in PISA 2012 mathematics study. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Umeå, Sweden. |
37. | Mak, S.K., Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., & Ieong, M. K. (2018, July). An examination of study motivation classifying high- and low-performing students in PISA 2012 mathematical literacy study. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Umeå, Sweden. |
36. | Cheung, K.C., Ieong, M. K., Mak, S.K., & Sit, P.S. (2018, July). Important factors classifying Macao’s resilient and non-resilient students in PISA 2012 mathematical study for informed policy making. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Umeå, Sweden. |
35. | Sit, P.S., Cheung, K.C., Mak, S.K., & Cheong, W. C. (2017, July). How Macao schools can help low-achieving students’ progress in digital problem-solving ability? Evidences from PISA 2012 study. Paper presented at the Twenty-fourth International Conference on Learning, Honolulu, US. |
34. | Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K., & Cheong, W. C. (2017, July). Why Macao needs to abolish the grade repetition policy for its primary students? Evidences from a decade of PISA assessment in Macao schools. Paper presented at the Twenty-fourth International Conference on Learning, Honolulu, US. |
33. | Mak, S.K., Cheung, K.C., & Sit, P.S. (2017, July). How Macao schools can help junior secondary students’ progress in reading performance? Evidences from PISA 2009 reading literacy study. Paper presented at the Twenty-fourth International Conference on Learning, Honolulu, US. |
32. | Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K., Ieong, M.K., & Cheung, K.C. (2017, May). Macao Secondary Teachers’ Professional Development and Job Satisfaction: Evidences from the PISA 2015 Teacher Survey. Paper presented at the Global Conference on Education and Research (GLOCER), Florida, US. |
31. | Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., & Chan, W.T. (2017, May). Global Competency for an Inclusive World: The Design of a Global Literacy Test Unit on Issues of Socio-economic Development. Paper presented at the Global Conference on Education and Research (GLOCER), Florida, US. |
30. | Ieong, M.K., Ho S. P., & Sit, P.S. (2017, May). Global Competency for an Inclusive World: The Design of a Global Literacy Test Unit on Issues of Intercultural Encounters. Paper presented at the Global Conference on Education and Research (GLOCER), Florida, US. |
29. | Sit, P.S., Cheung, K.C., & Mak, S.K. (2016, August). Perceived responsibility for failure in mathematics: A comparison of Macao’s grade repeaters and non-repeaters in PISA 2012. Paper presented at the 40th Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Szeged, Hungary. |
28. | Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., & Mak, S.K. (2016, August). Subjective norms in mathematics: A comparison of Macao’s academic resilient and non-resilient students in PISA 2012. Paper presented at the 40th Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Szeged, Hungary. |
27. | Mak, S.K., Cheung, K.C., & Sit, P.S. (2016, August). Cognitive activation in the mathematics lessons: A comparison of the four Chinese-speaking economies in PISA 2012. Paper presented at the 40th Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Szeged, Hungary. |
26. | Sit, P.S., Cheung, K.C., Mak, S.K., & Cheong, W.C. (2015, August). Improving digital problem solving ability of Macao’s grade repeaters: A multiple correspondence analysis. Paper presented at the 16th Biennial EARLI conference, Limassol, Cyprus. |
25. | Cheung, K.C., Ieong, M.K., & Sit, P.S. (2015, August). Prediction of academic resilience of a high-performing high-equity economy in PISA 2012. Paper presented at the 16th Biennial EARLI conference, Limassol, Cyprus. |
24. | Mak, S.K., Cheung, K.C., & Sit, P.S. (2015, August). Mediation mechanisms explaining gender differences in reading performance: A multilevel analysis. Paper presented at the 16th Biennial EARLI conference, Limassol, Cyprus. |
23. | Ieong, M.K., Cheung, K.C., & Sit, P.S. (2015, August). Effects of home background on mathematics performance: A multilevel analysis of SRL processes. Paper presented at the 16th Biennial EARLI conference, Limassol, Cyprus. |
22. | Sit, P.S., Cheung, K.C., & Mak, S.K. (2015, July). The effects of work ethics and attributions to failure on Mathematical literacy performance: A study of learning characteristics of ESCS-advantaged low-achievers in Shanghai, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea. Paper presented at the 39th Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Hobart, Australia. |
21. | Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., & Mak, S.K. (2015, July). The effects of work ethics and attributions to failure on Mathematical literacy performance: A study of learning characteristics of academic resilient students in Shanghai, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea. Paper presented at the 39th Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Hobart, Australia. |
20. | Mak, S.K., Cheung, K.C., & Sit, P.S. (2015, July). Can school system attain highly both cognitively and affectively: A study of Mathematics literacy performance and interests of the high-performing economics in PISA 2012. Paper presented at the 39th Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Hobart, Australia. |
19. | Sit, P.S., Cheung, K.C., Cheong, W.C. & Mak, S.K. (2014, September). Mediating Effects of Grade Repetition in the Explanation of Mathematical Literacy Performance from PISA 2012 Perspective. Paper presented at the 2014 European Conference on Educational Research, Porto, Portugal. |
18. | Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Ieong, M.K. & Mak, S.K. (2014, September). Predicting Academic Resilience with Mathematics Learning and Problem Solving Variables: Comparing Macao, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, Canada, Estonia and Finland. Paper presented at the 2014 European Conference on Educational Research, Porto, Portugal. |
17. | Sit, P.S., Cheung, K.C., & Mak, S.K. (2013, August). Home resources as a mediator of effects of parental support and motivation on reading performance. Paper presented at the 15th Biennial EARLI conference, Munich, Germany. |
16. | Sit, P.S., Cheung, K.C., Cheong, W.C., & Mak, S.K. (2013, July). The effects of webpage navigation on digital reading performance. Paper presented at the 20th International Conference on Learning, Rhodes, Greece. |
15. | Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., & Mak, S.K. (2013, July). Metacognitive strategies as mediators in the explanation of gender difference in digital reading performance – The case of Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 20th International Conference on Learning, Rhodes, Greece. |
14. | Mak, S.K. Cheung, K.C., & Sit, P.S. (2013, July). Reading engagement variables as mediators in the explanation of gender difference in print reading performance: The case of Macao. Paper presented at the 20th International Conference on Learning, Rhodes, Greece. |
13. | Cheung, K.C., Mak, S.K., & Sit, P.S. (2012, September). Mediating variables in the explanation of gender difference in digital reading literacy: The case of Macao, Hong Kong and Korea. Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research 2012, Cádiz, Spain. |
12. | Sit, P.S., Cheung, K.C., & Mak, S.K. (2011, August). Parental engagement and home support for reading literacy in 14 educational systems in PISA 2009. Paper presented at the 14th Biennial EARLI conference, Exeter, UK. |
11. | Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., & Mak, S.K. (2011, August). Parental engagement and home support on betterment of adolescents’ reading literacy in Macao. Paper presented at the 14th Biennial EARLI conference, Exeter, UK. |
10. | Cheung, K.C., & Sit, P.S. (2011, July). Familiarity of computer use and its relationships with scientific literacy for Macao’s 15-year-olds in PISA 2006 Study. Paper presented at the 18th International Conference on Learning, Mauritius. |
9. | Sit, P.S. & Cheung, K.C. (2010, August). Redesigning lesson study for emergent reading instruction and teacher professional development. Paper presented at the EARLI-SIG-5 Meeting – Learning and Development in Early Childhood, Lucerne, Switzerland. |
8. | Sit, P.S. & Cheung, K.C. (2009, September). An examination of the design and implementation logistics of electronic reading assessment in PISA 2009 Study: The Macao experience. Paper presented at the PISA Research Conference, Kiel, Germany. |
7. | Sit, P.S. (2009, August). Using three-stage lesson study to enhance Macao teachers’ self-efficacy of emergent reading instruction. Paper presented at the 13th Biennial EARLI conference on Fostering Communities of Learners, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. |
6. | Cheung, K.C., & Sit, P.S. (2009, August). Improving Macao basic science education based on the ten science education quality indicators identified in the PISA 2006 Study. Paper presented at the 13th Biennial EARLI conference on Fostering Communities of Learners, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. |
5. | Sit, P.S. & Cheung, K.C. (2009, April). International comparison of electronic reading literacy: Uncovering Macao’s 15-year-olds’ unexpected strengths and weaknesses using country differential item functioning. Paper presented at the 2009 CAERDA International Conference, San Diego, California, US. |
4. | Sit, P.S., & Cheung, K.C. (2008, August). Learning to read: Modeling and assessment of early reading comprehension of the 4-year-olds in Macao kindergartens. Paper presented at the Fourth European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction EARLI/Northumbria Assessment Conference, Potsdam, Germany. |
3. | Cheung, K.C., & Sit, P.S. (2008, August). Electronic reading assessment: The PISA approach for the international comparison of reading comprehension. Paper presented at the Fourth European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction EARLI/Northumbria Assessment Conference, Potsdam, Germany. |
2. | Sit, P.S., & Cheung, K.C. (2008, April). Key findings of the Macao-China PISA 2006 Scientific Literacy Study. Paper presented at the international conference on PISA 2006: The Performance of Education Systems in Countries and Regions jointly convened by the Autonomous Province of Trento and the OECD on 3-4 April 2008 at Trento, Italy. |
1. | Sit, P.S. (2006, July). Using lesson study to educate kindergarten teachers to help early readers use reading strategies for reading comprehension. Paper presented at the 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Athens, Greece. |
Other Publications
43. | Cheung, K.C., Mak, S.K. & Sit, P. S. (8 July 2024). Learn from international assessment experience and move towards excellent reading ability: From assessment reflection to teaching practice. Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau, Macau. |
42. | 張國祥、麥瑞琪、薛寶嫦 (2024年7月4-5日)。借鑑國際測試經驗,邁向卓越閱讀能力:從測評反思到教學實踐。報告發表於澳門大學教育學院教育測驗與評核研究中心講座,澳門。 |
41. | 薛寶嫦 (2023年12月18日)。中學科學科學業質量監察:澳門經驗。報告發表於第四屆北京師範大學與澳門大學教育評估監測人才交流專案,珠海。 |
40. | 薛寶嫦、鄭嘉琪。(2023年5月20日)。在數碼世界中學習:考什麼? 怎麼考? “大規模教育測評技術及應用”研討會, 珠海。[Sit, P.S., & Zheng, J.Q. (20 May 2023). Learning in the digital world: What to assess? How to assess? Paper presented at the Technology and Applications of Large-scale Assessment in Education Symposium, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China.] |
39. | 張秋怡、李俊穎、薛寶嫦、向天屏 (2023年5月13日)。FED STEAM Team: STEAM X 繪本 X 說故事之下水道歷險記。澳門:澳門科學館。 [Courseware] |
38. | 吳姍珊、林曉欣、吳子勝、許雪雯、陳可殷、吳璐、繆學琳、楊斯雅、魏迎旭、黃煒欣、王晴、薛寶嫦、向天屏 (2023年4月8日)。FED STEAM Team: STEAM X 繪本 X 說故事之浮力。澳門:澳門科學館。[Courseware] |
37. | 薛寶嫦、張國祥 (2022年12月20日)。PISA 2025科學素養研究之概念化。報告發表於第三屆北京師範大學與澳門大學教育評估監測人才交流專案,珠海。[Sit, P.S. & Cheung, K.C. (20 December 2023). Conceptualizion of the PISA 2025 Science Literacy Study. Paper presented at the 3rd BNU-UM Exchange Program for Evaluation and Monitoring Professionals, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China.] |
36. | 薛寶嫦 (2022年9月4日)。大型國際測評對幼兒教育的一些啟示:以PISA為例。報告發表於百廿校慶暨學前教育專業成立70周年中國特色學前教育發展公益論壇,北京 (線上)。 |
35. | 薛寶嫦、張國祥 (2022年5月12日)。從學校氛圍視角分析華人學生PISA 2018閱讀素養的表現。報告發表於人文社科高等研究院第二屆週年研討會,澳門。[Sit, P.S., & Cheung, K.C. (12 May 2022). Analysis of PISA 2018 reading literacy performance of ethnic Chinese students from the school climate perspective. Paper presented at The 2nd IAS Annual Conference, Macao, China.] |
34. | Cheung, K.C., & Sit, P. S. (17 March 2022). Does abolishment of grade repetition improve student academic performance in Macao? The 6th IAS Lecture on Frontiers in Humanities, Macao, China. |
33. | 薛寶嫦 (2021年5月20日)。PISA 2018中有哪些資料和測度可用於統計資料分析?。報告發表於第二屆北京師範大學與澳門大學教育評估監測人才交流專案,珠海。 |
32. | 薛寶嫦、張國祥 (2021年5月7日)。從 PISA 幸福感視角探討中國澳門低表現生之校園欺凌問題。報告發表於人文社科高等研究院第一屆週年研討會,澳門。[Sit, P.S., & Cheung, K.C. (7 May 2021) Students’ frequent exposure to bullying: Comparing between low-achieving students of Macao and Taiwan in PISA Well-being Study. Paper presented at the The First IAS Annual Conference, Macao, China.] |
31. | 何錫標、薛寶嫦 (2020年10月12日)。心態決定境界。澳門日報:C08。 |
30. | 方燕芬、薛寶嫦 (2019)。從PISA視角看澳門的學校評鑑發展。教師雜誌,62,5-10。[Fong, I. F., & Sit, P. S. (2019). An examination of the development of school evaluation in Macao from PISA perspective. Teachers’ Magazine, 62, 5-10.] |
29. | 張國祥、麥瑞琪、楊文佳、薛寶嫦 (2018年7月)。從PISA 2015幸福感視角探討粵港澳大灣區ICT課程的調整和優化。報告發表於2018中國南方教育高峰年會,廣州。 |
28. | 何錫標、薛寶嫦、楊文佳 (2017年12月)。協作式問題解決能力之初探:以PISA 2015協作式問題解決能力測試為例。報告發表於2017全球華人教育資訊與評估學術研討會暨中國測驗學會年會,台中,中國台灣。[Ho, S. P., Sit, P. S., & Ieong, M.K. (2017, December). An exploratory study of assessment of collaborative problem solving competence: Using PISA 2105 as an example. Paper presented at the 2017 Global Chinese Conference on Educational Information and Assessment & Chinese Association of Psychological Testing Annual Conference, Taichung, Taiwan, China.] |
27. | Jin, S. L., Cheung, K.C., & Sit, P. S. (2017, December). The last can be the first: Important factors discriminating between academic resilient and non-resilient students of China in PISA 2015. Paper presented at the 2017 Global Chinese Conference on Educational Information and Assessment & Chinese Association of Psychological Testing Annual Conference, Taichung, Taiwan, China. |
26. | 薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪 (2017, 9月)。PISA 2018數碼閱讀測試重點講解會。報告發表於澳門教業中學主辦之「PISA 2018 閱讀素養研究計劃教師分享會」,澳門。[Sit, P. S., & Mak, S. K. (February, 2017). Introduction of the main points of PISA2018 digital reading literacy assessment. Paper presented at the Briefing of PISA 2018 Digital Reading Literacy Study to Kao Yap Middle School, Macao, China.] |
25. | 薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪 (2017, 2月)。PISA 2018數碼閱讀測試重點講解會。報告發表於澳門濠江中學主辦之「PISA 2018 閱讀素養研究計劃教師分享會」,澳門。[Sit, P. S., & Mak, S. K. (February, 2017). Introduction of the main points of PISA2018 digital reading literacy assessment. Paper presented at the Briefing of PISA 2018 Digital Reading Literacy Study to Hou Kong Middle School, Macao, China.] |
24. | 薛寶嫦、張國祥 (2016,12月)。PISA 2018數碼閱讀測試重點講解會。報告發表於澳門PISA測試中心主辦之「PISA 2018 閱讀素養研究計劃教師分享會」,澳門。 |
23. | Cheung, K. C., & Sit, P. S. (December, 2016). Introduction of the main points of PISA2018 digital reading literacy assessment. Paper presented at the Briefing of PISA 2018 Digital Reading Literacy Study to Macao Teachers, Macao, China. |
22. | Sit, P.S., Chan, K.L., Mak, S.K., Cheung, K.C., Ieong, M.K., & Fong, I. F. (2016, October). Practicing digital science assessment in CloudClassroom: A trial study in a Macao school. Paper presented at the 2016 Science Education Summit on Innovative Assessment (SESIA2016), Yilan, Taiwan, China. |
21. | 楊文佳、薛寶嫦、張國祥、何錫標、陳偉庭 (2016年10月)。互動式科學試題的設計:以「布朗運動」為例。報告發表於2016科學教育創新測評高峰論壇,宜蘭。[Ieong, M.K., Sit, P.S., Cheung, K.C., Chan, W. T. & Ho, S. P., (2016, October). The design of interactive science item: An example of “Brownian motion”. Paper presented at the 2016 Science Education Summit on Innovative Assessment (SESIA2016), Yilan, Taiwan, China.] |
20. | 楊文佳、麥瑞琪、薛寶嫦、張國祥 (2016年7月)。澳門學業質量監測工具的研發與校本應用。報告發表於兩岸及香港、澳門地區教育質量綜合評價會議,上海。[Ieong, M.K., Mak, S. K., Sit, P. S., & Cheung, K. C. (2016, July). Development of Tools for the Monitoring of Macao’s Academic Quality and their school-based applications. Paper presented at the Cross-Strait Conference on Integrated Assessment of Education Quality, Shanghai, China. |
19. | Ieong, M.K., Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K., & Cheung, K.C. (2015, December). Analysis of log file data to understand problem-solving behavior: An example of a released item from PISA 2012 study. Paper presented at the 2015 Global Chinese Conference on Educational Information and Assessment & Chinese Association of Psychological Testing Annual Conference, Taichung, Taiwan, China. |
18. | 金松麗、張國祥、薛寶嫦、方燕芬 (2015年12月)。利用log文檔探究學生解決問題歷程:表現指標和解難模式。報告發表於2015全球華人教育資訊與評估學術研討會暨中國測驗學會年會,台中,中國台灣。[Jin, S. L., Cheung, K.C., Sit, P. S., & Fong, I.F. (2015, December). Using log files to investigate students’ problem-solving processes: Performance indicators and problem-solving models. Paper presented at the 2015 Global Chinese Conference on Educational Information and Assessment & Chinese Association of Psychological Testing Annual Conference, Taichung, Taiwan, China.] |
17. | 何錫標、蔣偉昌、方燕芬、薛寶嫦 (2015年12月)。全球素養概念及其電腦化測試模式之探討。報告發表於2015全球華人教育資訊與評估學術研討會暨中國測驗學會年會,台中,中國台灣。[Ho, S. P., Cheong, W.C., Fong, I.F., & Sit, P. S. (2015, December). A study of conceptualization of global literacy and the related models of computer-based assessment. Paper presented at the 2015 Global Chinese Conference on Educational Information and Assessment & Chinese Association of Psychological Testing Annual Conference, Taichung, Taiwan, China.] |
16. | Cheung, K. C., Sit, P. S., Ieong, M.K., & Mak, S. K. (January, 2015). Introduction to PISA 2015 Science and Collaborative Problem Solving. Paper presented at PISA Digital Assessment Demonstration Meeting, Macao, China. |
15. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦、楊文佳、麥瑞琪 (2014年8月)。教育心理統計方法與應用:以PISA學業抗逆學生之辨識為例。報告發表於第11屆海峽兩岸心理與教育測驗學術國際研討會,台中,中國台灣。[Cheung, K. C., Sit, P. S., Ieong, M.K., & Mak, S. K. (August, 2014). Statistical methods and applications of educational psychology: Using identification of PISA academic resilient students as an example. Paper presented at the 11th Cross-Straits Conference on Educational and Psychological Testing, Taichung, Taiwan, China.] |
14. | 薛寶嫦、張國祥、麥瑞琪、楊文佳、何錫標 (2014年8月)。信息科技在測驗發展上的應用:以PISA電腦化問題解決評核為例。報告發表於第11屆海峽兩岸心理與教育測驗學術國際研討會,台中,中國台灣。[Sit, P. S., Cheung, K. C., Mak, S. K., Ieong, M.K., & Ho, S. P. (August, 2014). Application of test development in Information technology: Using PISA computer-based problem-solving as an example. Paper presented at the 11th Cross-Straits Conference on Educational and Psychological Testing, Taichung, Taiwan, China.] |
13. | Ieong M.K., Sit, P.S., & Cheung, K.C. (2011, December). An investigation of the effects of affective factors on grade repetition of Macao’s 15-year-old students in the PISA 2003 Study. Paper presented at the 2011 TERA International Conference on Education, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, China. |
12. | Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., & Mak, S.K. (2011, December). Identification of a typology of ICT familiarity of 15-year-old students in PISA 2006: A latent profile analysis. Paper presented at the 2011 TERA International Conference on Education, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, China. |
11. | Cheng, C.W., Wong, M.W., Sit, P.S., Cheung, K.C., Mak, S.K., & Ieong, M.K. (2011, December). Key findings of the Macao-China PISA 2009 Reading Literacy Study: Some curricular implications for language instruction. Paper presented at the 2011 TERA International Conference on Education, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, China. |
10. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪、方燕芬 (2011,1月)。澳門十五歲學生閱讀素養表現透析。報告發表於澳門PISA測試中心主辦之「PISA 2009 閱讀素養研究計劃教師分享會」,澳門。[Cheung, K. C., Sit, P. S., Mak, S.K., & Fong, I.F. (Janurary, 2011). Analyses of reading literacy performance of Macao’s 15-year-old students. Paper presented at the Briefing of PISA 2009 Reading Literacy Study Results to Macao Teachers, Macao, China.] |
9. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪 (2010,12月)。PISA 2009 亞洲各經濟體系閱讀素養表現之差異初探。研究報告發表於上海市教育科學研究院主辦之「PISA 2009 閱讀素養評估:兩岸四地經驗分享研討會」,中國上海。[Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K. (December, 2010). Differences in reading literacy performance among Asian economies in PISA 2009: An exploratory study. Paper presented at the Cross-Strait Four Regions PISA 2009 Reading Literary Assessment Conference, Shanghai, China.] |
8. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪 (2010,12月)。澳門PISA 2009 閱讀素養研究計劃結果概要。研究報告發表於上海市教育科學研究院主辦之「PISA 2009 閱讀素養評估:兩岸四地經驗分享研討會」,中國上海。[Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K. (December, 2010). Macao’s findings in the PISA 2009 Reading Literary Study: An Overview. Paper presented at the Cross-Strait Four Regions PISA 2009 Reading Literary Assessment Conference, Shanghai, China.] |
7. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦、麥瑞琪、楊文佳、林麗芳 (2010,12月)。PISA 2009 各參照國閱讀表現之探討。報告發表於台灣PISA中心主辦之「澳門-台灣PISA中心:PISA 2012交流座談會」,台南,中國台灣。 [Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., Mak, S.K., Ieong, M.K., Lam, L.F. (December, 2010). Analyses of reading literacy performance with reference to selected participating countries in PISA 2009. Paper presented at the Macao and Taiwan PISA Center Seminar, Tainan, Taiwan, China.] |
6. | Cheung, K.C., Sit, P.S., & Chan, K.L. (2009, April). PISA electronic reading assessment: A promising research and development program of online reading literacy development for 15-year-olds in Macao. Paper presented at the International Conference on Rising Macao: Review and Prospects on the Tenth Anniversary of Macao SAR, Macao, China. |
5. | 張國祥、薛寶嫦 (2008)。PISA 2006計劃的測試結果。教師雜誌,21,10-11。[Cheung, K. C., & Sit, P. S. (2008). Findings of PISA 2006 Assessment. Teachers’ Magazine, 21, 10-11.] |
4. | 陳敬濂、薛寶嫦、張國祥(2008,2月) 。澳門學校的願景與使命:從澳門不同性別學生就讀不同學校的素養表現說起。報告發表於香港比較教育學會週年研討會2008——遠景的比較、使命的比較,香港。 [Chan, K.L., Sit, P.S., & Cheung, K.C. (2008, February). Missions and visions in Macao schools: Insights emerged from a study of literacy performance of students studying in single-sex or co-educational schools. Paper presented at The Comparative Education Society in Hong Kong (CESHK) Annual Conference on Comparative Visions, Comparative Missions at the Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, China.] |
3. | Cheung, K. C., Chan, K. K., Sit, P. S., & Chan, K. L. (2007, November) Preparation of electronic assessment of reading literacy for PISA 2009 Study in Macao. Paper presented at the 2007 Quality Education Symposium, Macao, China. |
2. | 薛寶嫦 (2003) 。澳門中式與基督教之葬禮習俗及禁忌。載於中華民族大全澳門卷編輯委員會(編),中華民族大全-澳門卷 (頁397-410)。澳門:中華民族大全澳門卷編輯委員會。[Sit, P. S. (2003), Chinese and Christian funeral customs and taboos in Macau. In Editorial Committee of an Encyclopedia of the Folk Customs in Macau (Ed.). An encyclopedia of the folk customs in Macau, (pp.397-410). Macau: Editorial Committee of an Encyclopedia of the Folk Customs in Macau.] [ISBN 99937-710-5-8] |
1. | 黃素君、李思敏、陳勤勤、薛寶嫦編著 (2003)。幼兒教育校本課程發展計劃 (光碟) 。澳門:教育暨青年局。[Vong, S.K., Lei, S.M., Chan, K. K. & Sit, P. S. (2003). Early Childhood School-based Curriculum Development Project (CD-Rom). Macao: DSEJ.] |
- 邱世友 (2007)。讀薛寶嫦的《陽春集研究》。載於邱世友,《水明樓續集》(頁107-110)。廣州:中山大學出版社。[ISBN 978-7-306-02902-7]
Membership of professional organizations
- Life member, Clare Hall, University of Cambridge, UK (2012 – present)
- Member of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP, 2006 – 2021)
- Member of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI, 2007 – 2020)
- Member of the Association of North America Higher Education International (ANAHEI, 2017)
- Member of the American Educational Research Association (AERA, 2012-2015)
Academic Journal Editorial Services
- Consulting Editor for Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology [SSCI] (2017-2022)
- Editorial Review Board Member for International Journal of Social and Educational Rankings (2014 – 2019)
- Editorial Review Board Member for Journal of Educational Issues (2015 – 2017)
- Advisory Board Member for July Press (2015 – 2017)
Review of articles for academic journals / international conferences
- Reviewer for Universal Journal of Educational Research (2020-2028)
- Reviewer for Journal for the Study of Education and Development [SSCI] (2023)
- Reviewer for BMC Psychology [SCOPUS] (2023)
- Reviewer for Studies in Educational Evaluation [SSCI] (2023)
- Reviewer for Educational Psychology [SSCI] (2015, 2022, 2023)
- Reviewer for Journal of Macau Studies (2022)
- Reviewer for Frontiers in Psychology – Quantitative Psychology and Measurement [SSCI] (2020)
- Reviewer for 2020 Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association (CAERDA) International Conference (2019)
- Reviewer for EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education [SSCI] (2018)
- Member of Scientific & Paper Review Committee for Global Conference on Education and Research (GLOCER.org) (2017 – 2019)
- Reviewer for South African Journal of Education [SSCI] (2014, 2017)
- Reviewer for Learning and Individual Differences [SSCI] (2016)
- Reviewer for Perceptual & Motor Skills (2015)
- Reviewer for Journal of Quality School Education (2010, 2015)
- Reviewer for Journal of Languages and Culture (2012)
- Reviewer for New Horizon in Education (2009 – 2011)
- Reviewer for Global Chinese Journal for Computers in Education (2007 – 2011)
- Translator (from English into Chinese) of abstracts of articles published in Journal of Applied Measurement [SSCI] (2014)
University Services
- College Senior Fellow, Moon Chun Memorial College (2022 – present) (College Full-Blues Award, 2023)
- Member of the FED STEAM Service Team (2023-2024)
- Member of the ECE Programme Management Committee, Faculty of Education, University of Macau, Macao (2022 – 2024)
- Adjudicator for FED Teaching Plan Competition (2020 – 2024)
- Adjudicator for FED Children Literature Competition (2017 – 2024)
- Adjudicator for FED Teaching Plan Competition (2020 – 2023)
- Adjudicator for FED Children Literature Competition (2017 – 2023)
- Member of the FED STEAM Service Team (2023)
- Member of the ECE Programme Management Committee (2022)
- Member of academic recruitment interview panel, Faculty of Education (2022)
- Reviewer for FED Postgraduate Research Symposium (2022)
- Advisor of the Residential College 2.0 Assessment Work Group (2021)
- Reasearch fellow of Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (IAS, 2021-2022)
- College Fellow/Non-Resident Fellow, Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College, (2010 – 2022)
- Member of the Ad Hoc Committee for Academic Promotion 2021/2022 of FED (2 panels) (2021)
- Member of the Investigation Panel on Suspected Falsification of Attendance Record in the Course EDUC 1013 (June-July, 2021)
- Member of Academic Council, Faculty of Education (2007 – present)
- Member of Staff-Student Consultative Committee (SSCC (2016/2017 and 2017/2018)
- Member of academic recruitment interview panel, English Language Center (2008)
- Member of academic recruitment interview panel, Faculty of Education (2008)
- Coordinator of the FED Summer Programme, Faculty of Education (2001, sponsored by DSEJ)
Professional Services
- Consultative Expert of Monitoring Basic Education Quality Project (Primary/Secondary Chinese Reading), Basic Education Quality Monitoring Centre, Ministry of Education, China [中國國家教育部基礎教育質量監測中心] (Jun, 2018 – May 2022; 2023-2024)
- Adjudicator for the DSEJ Award Scheme on Instructional Design (2003 – present)
- Consultative Expert of Mainland China-PISA 2018, Basic Education Quality Monitoring Centre, Ministry of Education, China [中國國家教育部基礎教育質量監測中心] (Nov, 2017 – Dec 2019)
- Shared research experiences with teachers and researchers in Beijing (invited by Center for the Monitoring of Basic Education Quality, Ministry of Education, China. [中國國家教育部基礎教育質量監測中心] (with Prof Cheung Kwok Cheung, and Dr Mak Soi Kei, 20-23 June, 2016)
- Conduct PISA coding workshops in Beijing for National Education Examination Authority (NEEA), Ministry of Education, China. [中國國家教育部考試中心] (with Prof Cheung Kwok Cheung, Prof Cheng Chun Wai, Mr Chan Keng Lim, and Ms Mak Soi Kei, 8-13 January, 2010)
- Set up a system of monitoring of academic standard at Sheng Kung Hui Choi Kou Secondary School (2016)
- Reviewer, Current Affairs Items, Delta-Asia Cup, Secondary School General Knowledge Quiz Competition (2014)
- Member of the expert team for the Macao Norm Development Project of the Fourth Edition of Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) (2007)
- Adjudicator for the DSEJ Award Scheme on Instructional Design (2003 – present)
- 王茵茵 (2024)。探討澳門男女生與 PISA 閱讀素養表現相關的資訊及通訊技術因素 (Exploring the Information and Communication Technology factors related to PISA reading literacy performance of Macao male and female students) 。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。
- 黃娟 (2022)。家庭親子閱讀及其對澳門小學三年級學童閱讀動機、正向情緒與語文學習成效之影響分析 (Parent-Child Reading in Family and the Effect of on Reading Motivation,Positive Emotion and Chinese Learning Outcomes of Primary School Third Grade Students in Macau) 。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。
- 史春陽 (2021)。幼兒閱讀興趣培養的行動研究–以“恐龍會生活在我們的城市嗎?”主題為例 (Action research on the cultivation of children’s reading interest – An example of “ Will dinosaur live in our city?”) 。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。
- 鄒益 (2019)。從PISA視角探討澳門中學生閱讀表現及其相關因素 (Exploring reading literacy and its correlation factors to Macaoʼs secondary students from PISA perspective)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。
- Jin Song Li (2018). Factors discriminating between problem-solving experts and novices: Analysis of PISA 2012 student digital problem-solving responses from the big data perspective. PhD thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau. (Co-supervised)
- Cheong Wai Cheong (2018). Mediation mechanisms and learner characteristics of Macao’s grade repeaters: A study of reading engagement and metacognitive reading strategies. PhD thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau. (Co-supervised)
- Ieong Man Kai (2015). In search of resilience in learning variables mediating the effects of ESCS on mathematical literacy performance of adolescents in Macao: Through the lens of PISA 2012. PhD thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau. (Co-supervised)
- 邱莎麗 (2013)。從PISA 2009閱讀評核框架及課程改革角度探討上海學生閱讀素養表現 (An exploration of students’ reading literacy performance in Shanghai from the perspective of the PISA 2009 reading assessment framework and curriculum reform)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。
- 梁碧梅 (2013)。分析PISA 2009閱讀素養表現落後學生的背景和學校教育特點 (Explanation of at risk students in PISA 2009 study: Analysis of their background and schooling characteristics)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。
- 潘詠妍 (2013)。澳門幼稚園教師對幼兒學習表現評量方式之現況調查研究 (An investigation of children’s learning assessment methods used by Macao kindergarten teachers)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。
- 庄小芳 (2012)。透過分析PISA2009數據探討澳門抗逆學生學業特徵及指導策略 (An examination of schooling characteristics and instructional strategies of Macao’s resilient students through analyses of PISA2009 data)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。
- 楊文佳 (2011)。從PISA視角透析澳門留級生特徵 (Characteristics of grade repetition students in Macao from the PISA prospective)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。
- PhD advisory committee member of Mak Soi Kei (澳門十五歲學生閱讀素養的性別差異解釋 : 閱讀參與的中介效應,Explanation of gender differences in reading literacy for 15-year-old students in Macao: Mediationg effects of reading engagement), Faculty of Education, University of Macau (2010-2013)
- Curriculum and Instruction in Early Childhood Education (EDUC3024)
- Educational Evaluation (EDUC3031)
- Integrated Creative Activity (EDUC2028)
- Intelligence and Creativity (EDCI753)
- Introduction to Education (EDUC1000)
- Language and Literature for Children (EDUC3029)
- Teaching of Chinese in Kindergarten (EDUC2026)
- Chinese and Teaching of Chinese
- Children’s Literature and Story Telling (BIKA209, BPKA209)
- Chinese Languages Activities (DPRE200)
- Foundation of Chinese I (PREI100)
- Foundation of Chinese II (PREI101)
- Language and Literature for Children (DPRE202, PPEB323, EDUC3029)
- Teaching of Chinese Language (BIKA204, BPKA204)
- Teaching of Chinese in Kindergarten (PPEB221, EDUC2026)
- Educational and Learning Technology
- Computer Application (PREI106)
- Computer Literacy (BPKB105)
- Educational Technology (BIKA103, BIPA103, BPKA103, BPPA103, EDUC301, EDUE301, PGED205)
- Educational Technology in Early Childhood Settings (PPEB315)
- Information Technology in Education (BIPA120)
- Learning Technology for Early Childhood Education I: Introduction (DPRE103)
- Learning Technology for Early Childhood Education II: Application and Issues (DPRE211)
- Other Courses on Curriculum and Instruction
- Assessment of Kindergartens and Nurseries (IMEH008)
- Curriculum Design and Development of Early Childhood (DPRE307)
- Educational Evaluation (BPKA113, BIPA113, DPRE207, PPEB350)
- Experimental Teaching (BIKA210, BPKA210)
- Integrated Learning (PPEB354, EDPC624)
- Intelligence and Creativity (IMCN125, EDCI753)
- Introduction to Education (PREB110, PYEB110, EDUC180)
- Research Project (BIPY201)
- Supervised Teaching Practice (BIPY102, BPKY102, BPKY103, BPPY102, BPPY103, EDPC620, PPEB420, PREI400)
- Thematic Approach in Education (BIKA116)