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Faculty of Education |
University of Macau |
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Room 2023, Faculty of Education,
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Rui (Eric) YUAN 袁睿
Associate Professor |
Faculty of Education, University of Macau |
Academic Qualifications
- PhD in Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
- MA in Applied Linguistics, Beijing Normal University, China
- BA in English, Tianjin Foreign Studies University, China
Research Area
- Teacher identity, cognition and emotion
- Teacher educators in higher education
- English as a medium of instruction (EMI) in higher education
Professional Positions
- Associate Professor (September 2020 to present), Faculty of Education, University of Macau
- Assistant Professor (July 2017 to August 2020), Department of English Language Education, Education University of Hong Kong
- Lecturer (September 2015 to June 2017), Department of English Language Education, Education University of Hong Kong
Book edited
- Yuan, R. & Lee, I. (2022). Becoming and being a TESOL teacher educator: Research and practice. London: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003004677
Book chapters
- Yuan, R., & Qiu, X. (Forthcoming). Understanding university EMI teachers’ language beliefs and use in content classrooms. In P. Sah & F. Fang (Eds), English-Medium Instruction in Multilingual Universities: Politics, Policies, and Pedagogies in Asia. Singapore: Routledge.
- Yuan, R. & Yang, M. (Forthcoming) “I come up with a new way of seeing life”: Pre-service language teachers’ reflective practice during overseas immersion. In Z. Tajeddin and A. Watanabe (Eds), Enabling Teacher Reflection: Policies, Practices, and Impacts: In Honor of Thomas S. C. Farrell. Multilingual Matters.
- Yuan R. (2021). TESOL Teacher Educators’ Professional Competence. In Peters M.A. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Teacher Education. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1179-6_477-1
Journal articles
- Yuan, R. (Forthcoming). Taking up EMI in higher education: The complexities of teacher emotions. Journal of Language, Identity and Education.
- Yuan, R. (Forthcoming). Promoting English-as-a-medium-of-instruction (EMI) teacher development in higher education: What can language specialists do and become? RELC Journal.
- Yuan, R., Bai, B & Hou, S. (Forthcoming). Unpacking vulnerability in academic writing and publishing: A tale of two non-native English speaker scholars in China. Higher Education Research and Development.
- Yuan, R., Lee, I., Xu, H., & Zhang, H. (Forthcoming). The alchemy of teacher mindfulness: Voices from veteran language teachers in China. Professional Development in Education.
- Yuan, R., Li, M., & Peng, J., Qiu. X. (Forthcoming). English-medium instruction (EMI) teachers as “curriculum makers” in Chinese higher education: A textual analysis. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.
- Yuan, R., & Liu, S. (Forthcoming). “Same lesson and different design”: Promoting student teachers’ professional learning through lesson study. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies.
- R., Liu, W, & Yung, K. (Forthcoming). Understanding novice teachers’ identities through metaphors: A multi-perspective study. Research Papers in Education.
- Yuan, R., Tsang, A., & Li, S. (Forthcoming). Collaborative learning between Chinese and international students in an English as a medium of instruction environment: Friend or foe? Language Teaching Research.
- Yuan, R., & Yang, M. (Forthcoming). Unpacking language teacher educators’ expertise: A complexity theory perspective. TESOL Quarterly.
- Yuan, R. & Yang, M. (Forthcoming). Towards an understanding of translanguaging in EMI teacher education classrooms. Language Teaching Research.
- Yuan, R., & Yang, M., & Mak, P. (Forthcoming). Undergraduates’ motivations to engage in extracurricular research: Evidence from Hong Kong. Innovation in Education and Teaching International.
- Gao, Z., & Yuan, R. (Forthcoming). Understanding professional vulnerability in an era of performativity: Experiences of university EFL teachers in China. Teaching in Higher Education.
- Li, M., & Yuan, R., (Forthcoming). Promoting university students’ metacognitive development through a collaborative translation activity. International Journal of Educational Research.
- Liu, S., Yuan, R., & Wang, C. (Forthcoming). ‘Let emotion ring’: An autoethnographic self-study of an EFL instructor in Wuhan during COVID-19. Language Teaching Research.
- Ma, Q., Yuan, R., Cheung, L., & Yang, J. (Forthcoming). Teacher paths for developing corpus-based language pedagogy: a case study. Computer Assisted Language Learning.
- Sun, P., & Yuan, R. (Forthcoming). Exploring Chinese-as-a-foreign-language teaching assistants’ commitment change in higher education: A qualitative perspective. Journal of Education for Teaching.
- Tsang, A., Min, Y., & Yuan, R. (Forthcoming). The relationships between participation in intercultural activities on campus, whole-person development, and academic achievement: A mixed-methods study. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.
- Tsang, A, & Yuan, R (Forthcoming). Examining home and international students’ awareness of, attitude towards and participation in intercultural activities on campus. Journal of Studies in International Education.
- Yang, M., Mak, P. & Yuan, R. (Forthcoming). Feedback experience of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: Voices from pre-service English language teachers. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher.
- Yang, M., & Yuan, R. (Forthcoming). Early-stage Doctoral Students’ Developing Conceptions of Research in Higher Education: Cases from Hong Kong. Teaching in Higher Education.
- Xiang, X., Yuan, R., & Yu, B. (Forthcoming). Implementing Assessment as Learning in the L2 writing classroom: A Chinese case. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education.
- Zhang, H., & Yuan, R. (Forthcoming). Rethinking the infusion approach to teaching critical thinking in Reading in Chinese Tertiary English Classes. RELC Journal.
- Yuan, R., Liao, W., Wang, Z., Kong, J., & Zhang, Y. (2022). How do English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) teachers perceive and engage with critical thinking: A systemic review from 2010 to 2020. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 101002.
- Yuan, R., Chen, Y., & Peng, J. (2022). Understanding university teachers’ beliefs and practice in using English as a medium of instruction. Teaching in Higher Education. 2, 233–248.
- Yuan, R., Mak, P., & Yang, M. (2022). We teach, we record, we edit, and we reflect”: Engaging pre-service language teachers in video-based reflective practice. Language Teaching Research. 26(3) 552–571.
- Yu, B., Ding, F., & Yuan, R. (2022). Understanding the long-term impact of an overseas immersion programme on pre-service teachers’ learning to teach: A Hong KongEducational Studies. 48(1), 44-58.
- Yuan, R. (2021). “Living in parallel worlds”: Investigating teacher educators’ academic publishing experiences in two Chinese universities. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. 51(6), 787-805.
- Yuan, R., & Yang, M., & Lee, I. (2021). Preparing pre-service language teachers to teach critical thinking: Can overseas field school experience make a difference? Thinking Skills and Creativity. 40, 100832.
- Lee, I., & Yuan, R. (2021). Understanding L2 writing teacher expertise. Journal of Second Language Writing. 52, 100755.
- Yuan, R. (2020). Novice nontraditional teacher educators’ identity (re)construction in Hong Kong. International Journal of Educational Research. 99, 101508.
- Yuan, R. (2020). Promoting EMI teacher development in EFL higher education contexts: A teacher educator’s reflections. RELC Journal. 51(2), 309-317.
- Yuan, R. & Yang. M. (2020). Understanding university-based teacher educators’ boundary crossing experiences: Voices from Hong Kong. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice. 26(2), 193-213.
- Yuan, R. & Yang, M., Stapleton, P. (2020). Enhancing undergraduates’ critical thinking through research engagement: A practitioner research approach. Thinking Skills and Creativity. 38, 100737.
- Yuan, R., & Zhang, L. (2020). Teacher metacognitions about identities: Case studies of four expert language teachers in China. TESOL Quarterly. 54(4), 870-899.
- Yuan, R., & Stapleton, P. (2020). Student teachers’ perceptions of critical thinking and its teaching. ELT Journal, 74(1), 40-48.
- Teng, L., Yuan, R., & Sun, P. (2020). A mixed-methods approach to investigating motivational regulation strategies and writing proficiency in English as a foreign language contexts. System, 88, 102182.
- Yung, K. & Yuan, R. (2020). ‘The most popular star-tutor of English’: Discursive construction of tutor identities in shadow education. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. 41(1), 153-168.
- Zhang, H., & Yuan, R., He, X. (2020). Investigating University EFL teachers’ perceptions of critical thinking and its teaching: Voices from China. The Asia Pacific Education Researcher. 29(5), 483–493.
- Zhang, J., & Yuan, R. (2020). How can professional learning communities influence teachers’ job satisfaction? A mixed-method study in China. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice. 26(3-4), 229-247.
- Yuan, R. (2019). A critical review of nonnative English teacher identity research: From 2008 to 2017. Journal of Multicultural and Multilingual Development. 6, 518-537.
- Yuan, R. (2019). A comparative study on language teacher educators’ ideal identities in China: “More than just finding a middle ground”. Journal of Education for Teaching. 45 (2), 186-199.
- Yuan, R., Li, S. & Yu, B. (2019). Neither “local” nor “global”: Chinese university students’ identity paradoxes in the internationalization of higher education. Higher Education. 77(6), 963-978.
- Yuan, R., Liu, W. & Lee, I. (2019). Confrontation, negotiation and agency: Exploring the inner dynamics of student teacher identity transformation during teaching practicum. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice. 25(8), 972-993.
- Bai, B. & Yuan, R. (2019). EFL teachers’ beliefs and practices about pronunciation teaching. ELT Journal. 73(2), 134-143.
- Lee, I., Mak, P., & Yuan, R. (2019). Assessment as learning in primary writing classrooms: An exploratory study. Studies in Educational Evaluation. 62, 72-81.
- Nomura, K. & Yuan, R. (2019). Long-term motivations for L2 learning: a biographical study from a situated learning perspective. Journal of Multicultural and Multilingual Development. 40(2), 164-178.
- Zhang, H., & Yuan, R. (2019). Uncertain identities of non-higher-education-based EFL teacher educators’: A third space theory perspective. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice. 25(7), 874-889.
- Yuan, R. & Hu, Y. (2018). Teachers’ views on the qualities of effective EFL teacher educators. ELT Journal, 72(2), 141-150.
- Yuan, R. & Mak, P. (2018). Reflective learning and identity construction in practice, discourse and activity: Experiences of pre-service language teachers in Hong Kong. Teaching and Teacher Education, 74, 205-214.
- Yuan, R., Zhang, J. & Yu, S. (2018). Understanding teacher collaboration processes from a complexity theory perspective: A case study of a Chinese secondary school. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 24(5), 520-537.
- Sun, P. & Yuan, R. (2018). Understanding Collaborative Language Learning in a Non-target Language Classroom Context: Perceptions of Novice-Level Language Learners and Teachers. Interactive Learning Environment, 26(2), 189-205.
- Zhang, H., Yuan, R. & Wang, Q. (2018). Towards an Understanding of EFL Teacher Culture: An Ethnographic Study in China. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 24(4), 413-430.
- Yuan, R. (2017). Exploring pre-service school counselling teachers’ learning needs: Perceptions of teacher educators and student teachers. Journal of Education for Teaching, 43(4), 474-490.
- Yuan, R. (2017). Appropriating national curriculum standards in classroom teaching: Experiences of novice language teachers in China. International Journal of Educational Research, 83, 55-64.
- Yuan, R. (2017). “This game is not easy to play”: A narrative inquiry into a novice EFL teacher educator’ research and publishing experiences. Professional Development in Education, 43(3), 474-491.
- Yuan, R. (2017). Exploring university-based teacher educators’ teaching beliefs and practice: A Hong Kong study. Teaching in Higher Education, 22(3), 259-273.
- Yuan, R. & Burns, A. (2017). Teacher identity development through action research: A Chinese Teachers and Teaching: Theory and practice, 23(6), 729-749.
- Yuan, R. & Zhang, L. (2017). Exploring student teachers’ motivation change in initial teacher education: A Chinese perspective. Teaching and Teacher Education, 61, 142-152.
- Liao, W. & Yuan, R. (2017). Understanding an emerging “failure” of an equality-oriented teacher policy in China: A job search perspective. International Journal of Educational Research, 81, 71-82.
- Liao, W., Yuan, R. & Zhang, H. (2017). Chinese language teachers’ challenges in teaching in US public schools: A dynamic portral. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 26(6), 369-381.
- Zhang, J., Yuan, R. & Yu, S. (2017). What impedes the development of professional learning communities in China? Perceptions from leaders and frontline teachers in three schools in Shanghai. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 45(2), 219-237.
- Yuan, R. (2016). The dark side of mentoring on pre-service language teachers’ identity formation. Teaching and Teacher Education, 55, 188-197.
- Yuan, R. (2016). Understanding higher education-based teacher educators’ professional identities: A sociocultural linguistic perspective. Asia-pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 44(4), 397-400.
- Yuan, R., & Lee, I. (2016). “I need to be strong and competent”: A narrative inquiry of a student-teacher’s emotions and identities in teaching practicum. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 22(7), 819-841.
- Yuan, R. & Mak, P. (2016). Navigating the challenges arising from university-school collaborative action research. ELT Journal, 70(4), 382-391.
- Yuan, R. & Zhang, J. (2016). Promoting teacher collaboration through joint lesson planning: Challenges and coping strategies. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 25(5), 817-826.
- Yuan, R. (2015). Learning to become teacher educators: Testimonies of three PhD students in teacher education. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40(1), 94-116.
- Yuan, R., & Lee, I. (2015). The cognitive, social, and emotional process of teacher identity construction in a pre-service teacher education program. Research Papers in Education, 30(4), 469-491.
- Yuan, R., & Lee, I. (2015). Action research facilitated by university–school collaboration. ELT Journal, 69(1), 1-10.
- Yuan, R., & Lee, I. (2014). Pre-service teachers’ changing beliefs in the teaching practicum: Three cases in an EFL context. System, 44, 1-12.
- Yuan, R., & Lee, I. (2014). Understanding language teacher educators’ professional experiences: An exploratory study in Hong Kong. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 23(1), 143-149.
- Lee, I., & Yuan, R. (2014). Motivation change of pre-service English teachers: A Hong Kong study. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 27(1), 89-106.
Brief reports and book reviews
- Cao, H., & Yuan, R. (2020). Promoting English as a medium of instruction in university Teaching: an action research experience. Journal of Education for Teaching, 46(2), 240-243.
- Zhang, H., Yuan, R., & Liao, W. (2019). EFL teacher development facilitated by lesson study: A Chinese perspective. TESOL Quarterly. 53(2), 542-552.
- Zou, M., & Yuan, R. (2019). Book review of “Portfolio assessment for the teaching and learning of writing”. Journal of Second Language Writing. 42, 70-72.
- Yuan, R. (2018). “Practice what I preach”: Exploring an experienced EFL teacher educator’s modelling practice. TESOL Quarterly. 52(2), 414-425.
- Liu, W., Yuan, R., & Zhang, H. (2018). An exploratory study of school counselling teachers’ motivation changes. Journal of Education for Teaching. 44(2), 237-240.
- Yuan, R. (2017). Book review of “School-University Partnerships in English Language Teacher Education: Tensions, Complexities and the Politics of Collaboration”. The Journal of Asia TEFL. 14(2), 376-377.
- Yuan, R., Sun, P., & Teng, L. (2016). Understanding language teachers’ motivation towards research. TESOL Quarterly, 50(1), 220-234.
- Kong, D., & Yuan, R. (2016). Book review of “Experiences of Second Language Teacher Education”. System, 59, 135-137.
- Yuan, R. (2015). Preparing future teacher educators in higher degree programs: A Chinese perspective. Journal of Education for Teaching, 41(1), 97-101.
- Sun., P., Yuan, R., & Teng, L. (2015). Understanding L2 French teaching strategies in a non-target language classroom context. Journal of Education for Teaching, 41(3), 324-328.