
Shing On LEUNG 梁成安

Associate Professor
Faculty of Education, University of Macau

In 2023, Shing On LEUNG was listed in top 2% of the most-cited researchers in education.

Luo, S., King, R. B., Wang, F.,& Leung, S. O. (forthcoming).  English Digital Reading Achievement for East Asian Students: Identifying the Key Predictors Using a Machine Learning Approach. Asia Pacific Journal of Education.

Wang, Xiaowen Wang; Chan, Kan Kan and Leung, S. O. (2024)  Do 3-8 Years Old Children Benefit From Computational Thinking Development? A Meta-Analysis.  Journal of Educational Computing Research.

King, R. B., Wang, F., Leung, S. O., & Elliot, A. (2024). Socio‐economic status, mastery‐approach goals and learning‐related outcomes: Mediation and moderation. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 94(2), 499-517.

Li, J., King, R., Wang, Y., Wang, C., & Leung, S. O. (2023). Students’ and  Schools’ Expectancy-Value Beliefs are Associated with Reading Achievement: A Cross-Cultural Study. Learning and Individual Differences, 106, 102344. (SSCI IF = 3.897, Q1)

Wang, Y., King, R. B., Fu, L., & Leung, S. O. (2023). Understanding Students’ Subjective and Eudaimonic WellBeing : Combining both Machine Learning and Classical Statistics. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 1-36. (SSCI IF=3.4, Q1).

Wang, Y., King, R. B., Joseph, H., & Leung, S. O. (2023). What explains Macau students’ achievement? An integrative perspective using a machine learning approach. Journal for the Study of Education and Development, 1- 38. (best paper award) (SSCI IF=0.8, Q4).

King, R. B., Wang, Y.*, Fu, L., Leung, S. O. (2024). Identifying the top predictors of student well-being across cultures using machine learning and conventional statistics. Scientific Reports (Nature, SSCI IF = 4.6, Q1)

Wang, Faming; King, Ronnel B.; Fu, Lingyi; Chai, C. S. and Leung, S. O.  (2023)  Overcoming adversity: exploring the key predictors of academic resilience in science.  International Journal of Science Education, https://doi.org/10.1080/09500693.2023.2231117

Lin, Lijia; King, Ronnel B.; Fu, Liying and Leung, S. O.  (2023)  Information and communication technology engagement and digital reading: How meta-cognitive strategies impact their relationship.  British Journal of Educational Technology, 00, 1–20.  https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.13355

King, R. B.; Li, Jiajing; Leung, S. O. (2023) The cultural correlates of learning poverty: The roles of long-term orientation and power distance. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 95, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijintrel.2023.101816.

Wang, Faming; King, R. B.; Lily Zeng; Min, Zhu; Yue & Leung, S. O. (2023) The research experience of postgraduate students: a mixed-methods study. Studies in Higher Education, 48, 4, 616-629, DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2022.2155344

Wang, Y.; King, R. B.; Leung, S. O.  (2023)  Understanding Chinese Students’ Well‑Being: A Machine Learning Study. Child Indicators Research, 16, p581–616. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12187-022-09997-3

Zhang, Ying; Jin, Yi; Xiong, Zhenrong; Leung, S. O.; Chen, Gaowei; Li, Na; Li, Bo (2022) Personalized assessment: Applying higher-order cognitive diagnosis models in secondary mathematics. Asian Journal for Mathematics Education, 1,4, p455-475.  DOI: 10.1177/27527263221136301

Wang, Faming; King, Ronnel B.; Leung, Shing On and Jiang; Chunlian  (2023)  Expectancy-value Beliefs Optimize Mathematics Achievement-related Outcomes: A Bifactor Approach  Journal for the Study of Education and Development, 46, 1, p154-189.  DOI: 10.1080/02103702.2022.2149116

Wang, Y.; King R. B.; Haw, J.; Leung, S. O. (2023). What explains Macau students’ achievement? An integrative perspective using a machine learning approach.  Journal for the Study of Education and Development, 46, 1, p71-108, DOI: 10.1080/02103702.2022.2149120

Fu, Lingyi; Wang, Yi; Leung, S. O. and Hu, Wanling (2023) The role of mental engagement between moderate or vigorous physical activity and academic achievement in adolescents. Health Education Journal. 82, 2, 211-226. DOI: 10.1177/00178969221145804

Lu, Shuyang; Keang‑ieng Peggy Vong; Tong, Liqin; Zhou, Yisu; Leung, S. O. (2023) Moderating effect of the urbanicity construct on teachers’ capacities to foster children’s creativity in rural areas: evidence from Southwest China. Educational Research for Policy and Practice.  DOI: 10.1007/s10671-023-09352-5

Wang, Faming; King, R. B.; Leung, S. O. (2022) Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ): Adaptation, validation, and development of a short form in the Chinese context for mathematics. Psychology in the Schools, 60, 2018-2040. DOI: 10.1002/pits.22845

Wang, Faming; King, R. B. & Leung, S. O.  (2022)  Why do East Asian students do so well in mathematics? A machine learning study.  International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 21, 691–711. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10763-022-10262-w

Wang, Faming; Liu, Yaping & Shing On Leung  (2022)  Disciplinary climate, opportunity to learn, and mathematics achievement: an analysis using doubly latent multilevel structural equation modeling. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 33, 3, 479-496. DOI: 10.1080/09243453.2022.2043393

Wang, F.; Wang, Y.; Liu, Y. & Leung, S. O. (2022).  Investigating the measurement of OTL in PISA 2012 and its relationship with self-efficacy and mathematics achievement: Doubly latent multilevel analyses.  Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 66, p1-16, https://doi.org/10.1080/00313831.2022.2070929

Wang, Faming; King, Ronnel and Leung, S. O.  (2022)  Beating the odds: Identifying the top predictors of resilience among Hong Kong students.  Child Indicators Research, 5, 5, 1921-1944. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12187-022-09939-z

Zhang, Xiaotian; Wang, Yi; Leung, S. O.  (2022).  Technology acceptance model (TAM) and sports bracelets usage in physical education for freshman: The role of gender and self-efficacy.  Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 32, 1, p45-63.  DOI: 10.1080/1475939X.2022.2152861

Li, Hong; Gan, Zhengdong; Leung, S. O.; An, Zhujun  (2022)  The Impact of Reading Strategy Instruction on Reading Comprehension, Strategy Use, Motivation, and Self-Efficacy in Chinese University EFL Students.  SAGE Open, 12, 1, p1–14.  DOI: 10.1177/21582440221086659

Loh, Ka Yee; Liao, Xian; Tam, L. C. W. and Leung, Shing On (2021)  How do Chinese as a second language (CSL) learners acquire orthographic knowledge: component, structure and position regularity.  Language Awareness, 30, 3, 297-316. DOI: 10.1080/09658416.2021.1972115

Wang, Y., King, R. B., Wang, F., & Leung, S. O. (2021). Need-supportive teaching is positively associated with students’ well-being: A cross-cultural study. Learning and Individual Differences, 92, Article 102051.

Wang, Faming; Leung, S. O and Jiang, Chunlian.  (2021)  Psychometric properties of Cognitive and Metacognitive Learning Strategies Scale among Chinese senior secondary school students.  Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 39, 6, 761-771, 07342829211011806. https://doi.org/10.1177/07342829211011806

Vong, Keang Ieng Peggy; Mak, Chi Kuan Miranda; Leung, Shing On and Chang, Shih-Hui  (2020)  Age as the most prominent predictor of young children’s creativity performance and challenges at critical turning points early in life, Creativity Research Journal, DOI: 10.1080/10400419.2020.1768486

Mak, Miranda Chi Kuan; Vong, Keang-ieng Peggy; Lu, Shuyang and Leung, Shing On  (2020)  Towards a performing creative characteristics (PCCS) for Chinese young children.  Thinking Skills and Creativity.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsc.2020.100633

Wu, Huiping, Cheung, Shu Fai and Leung, Shing On  (2020)  Simple use of BIC to Assess Model Selection Uncertainty: An Illustration using Mediation and Moderation Models, Multivariate Behavioral Research, 55, 1, p1-16, DOI: 10.1080/00273171.2019.1574546

Loh, E.K.Y., Liao, X., & Leung, S.O. (2018). Acquisition of orthographic knowledge: Developmental difference among learners of Chinese as a second language (CSL). System, 74, 206-216. doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2018.03.018

Xu, Menglin and Leung, S. O. (2018) Effects of varying number of Likert scale points on factor structure of Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 1(1), p1-10. DOI: 10.1111/ajsp.12214

Cai, Zhihui and Leung, Shing-On (2017) Short forms for attitude scales in social sciences – the case of attitude towards capital punishment. Journal of Social Service Research, 43(5), 635-640, DOI: 10.1080/01488376.2017.1370681

Wu, Huiping and Leung, Shing-On. (2017) Can Likert Scales be Treated as Interval Scales? A Simulation Study, Journal of Social Service Research, 43(4), 527-532. DOI: 10.1080/01488376.2017.1329775

Xu, Menglin and Leung Shing-On (2016) Bifactor structure for the categorical Chinese Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. The Spanish Journal of Psychology 19, E67. doi: 10.1017/sjp.2016.66

Li, H., Wong, E.C.M., Tse, S.K., Leung, S.O., Ye, Q.L. (2015). Asking for action or information? Crosslinguistic comparison of interrogative functions in early child Cantonese and Mandarin. First Language, 35(3), 213-218. SSCI cited.

Lau, Michelle M.Y.L., Li, Hui and Leung, S. O. (2014) A multiple case study on the perceived impacts of the 15-year free education policy in Macau. International Journal of Chinese Education, 3, p223-249.

Wu, H., Yuen, K. V. & Leung, S.O. (2014).  A novel relative entropy – posterior predictive model checking approach with limited information statistics for latent trait models in sparse 2k contingency tables.  Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 79, 261-276.  SCI cited.  Impact Factor 1.3 in 2013.

Mok, Magdalena Mo Ching; Wang, Wen-Chung; Cheng, Ying-Yao; Leung, S. O. and Chen, Li-Ming. (2013) Prevalence and Behavioral Ranking of Bullying and Victimization Among Secondary Students in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macao. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, ISSN 0119-5646, DOI 10.1007/s40299-013-0151-4.

李辉,刘懿乐,梁成安(2013)。澳门特区免费幼儿教育政策研究。幼儿教育(教育科学)。2013年第10期(总第598期)。頁5至9。Li, Hui; Lau, Michelle M. Y. L. and Leung, S. O. (2013) A Study of the Free Early Childhood Education Policy in Macau. Early Childhood Education (Educational Sciences), 10, (General 598), 5-9.

Leung, S. O. and Wu, Huiping (2013) Application of latent variable model in Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Journal of Applied Measurement, 14, 4, p400 – 413.

Leung, S. O. and Xu, Menglin (2013) Single-Item Measures for Subjective Academic Performance, Self-Esteem and Socioeconomic Status. Journal of Social Service Research, 39, 4, 511-520. SSCI cited. ISSN: 0148-8376.

Li, Hui; Tse, Shek Kam Tse: Wong, Jessie Ming Sin; Wong, Eileen Chin Mei and Leung, S. O. (2013) The development of interrogative forms and functions in early childhood Cantonese, First Language, 33, 2, 168-181.  SSCI cited. ISSN (printed): 0142-7237.

Tse, Shek Kam; Li, Hui and Leung, Shing On (2012) Tense and temporality: How young children express time in Cantonese. Chinese Language and Discourse, 3, 1, 35-56. ISSN: 1877-7031

Leung, Shing On. (2011) A comparison of psychometric properties and normality in 4-, 5-, 6- and 11-point Likert scales. Journal of Social Service Research, 37, 4, 412-421. SSCI cited. ISSN: 0148-8376.

Wong, P. M. and Leung, S. O. (2010) The development of autistic children’s Theory of Mind ability. Psychologia, 53, 3, p151-162. ISSN: 0033-2852. SSCI cited

Lee, Angel C. K.; Leung, S. O.; Chan, Polly S. L. and Chung, Joyce O. K. (2010) Perceived level of knowledge and difficulty in learning family assessment among senior undergraduate nursing students. Journal of Family Nursing, 16, 2, 177 – 195. ISSN: 1074-8407 SSCI cited

Wong, D.S.W, Cheng, C.H.K., Leung, S.O., and Ma, S.K. (2010). Cognitive and moral development of adolescents: Implications to law reform of minimum age of criminal responsibility, The Journal of Youth Research, 156, 24-31. ISSN: 1004-3780 黃成榮、鄭漢光、梁成安及馬勤(2010),「從青少年心智發展及道德判斷能力看澳門刑事責任年齡改革」,青年探索,總第156期,頁24-31。

Leung, S. O. (2009) Subjective Social Economic Status of Adolescence in Macau. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 15, 145-153. ISSN: 0267-3843.

Mok, M. M. C.; Kennedy, K. J.; Moore, P. J.; Shan, W. J. & Leung, S. O. (2008) The use of help-seeking by Chinese secondary school students: Challenging the myth of “the Chinese Learner”. Evaluation Research in Education, Special Issue on Chinese Learners. ISSN: 0950-0790 http://www.multilingual-matters.net/erie/default.htm

Leung, S. O. (2008) A three-dimensional latent variable model for attitude scales. Sociological Methods and Research, 37, 1, 135-154. ISSN: 0049-1241. SSCI cited http://smr.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/37/1/135?etoc

Leung, S. O. & Wong, Pui Mui (2008) Validity and reliability of Chinese Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. New Horizons in Education, 56, 1, p62-69. (梁成安、王培梅。中文版Rosenberg自尊感量表的信效度研究。教育曙光,56, 1, p62-69) ISSN: 1818-3352.

Wong, S. H.; Sio, M. F. & Leung, S. O. (2007) An exploratory study of “words by words” teaching method on competence and interest of learning Chinese words for primary two students in Macau. Educational Research Journal, 22, 1, 111-133. (王少霞、蕭美歡、梁成安。探討「基本字帶字」識字法對小二學生認記漢字能力及興趣的效應。教育研究學報) ISSN: 1560-8263.

Sachs, John and Leung, S. O. (2007) Shortened versions of Fennema-Sherman mathematic attitude scales employing trace information. Psychologia, 50, 224-235. ISSN: 0033-2852. SSCI cited

Tse, Shek Kam; Li, Hui and Leung, S. O. (2007) The acquisition of Cantonese classifiers by preschool children in Hong Kong. Journal of Child Language, 34, 495-517. ISSN: 0305-0009. SSCI cited

Leung, S. O. & Chan I. W. (2006) A correlation study on self-esteem, parental relation and life adaptation for junior secondary students in Macau. New Horizons in Education, Nov., 54, 11-18. (梁成安、陳艷華。澳門初中學生自尊感、與父母情感關係和生活適應相關研究。教育曙光, 十一月) ISSN: 1818-3352.

Mok, M. M. C., Leung, S. O., & Shan, P. W. J. (2005). A Comparative Study on the Self-directed learning of Primary Students in Hong Kong and Macau. International Journal of Self-directed Learning, 2(2), 39-54. ISSN: 1934-3701 (http://sdlglobal.com/docs/2.2IJSDLfinal.pdf)

Leung, S. O. and Sachs, John (2005) Bhargava and Ishizuka’s BI-method: A Neglected Method for Variable Selection. The Journal of Experimental Education, summer,73(4), 353-367. ISSN: 0022-0973. SSCI cited

Leung, S. O. (2004) A scale and norm for social economic status of secondary school students in Macau. Journal of Macau Studies, 25, 197-207. 澳門研究, 十二月, Dec, 第25期(2004.12).

Leung, S. O. (2003) A practical use of vertical equating by combining IRT equating and linear equating. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, Oct, 8(23). Available online: http://PAREonline.net/getvn.asp?v=8&n=23.

Bartholomew, David and Leung, S. O. (2002) A Goodness-of-Fit Test for Sparse 2**p Contingency Tables. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, May, 55, 1-15. SSCI cited

Leung, S. O. (1992) Estimation and Application of Latent Variable Models in Categorical Data Analysis. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 45, 311-328. SSCI cited

梁成安(2002)。香港土風舞歷史(History of Folk Dancing in Hong Kong). 中華書局出版社. ISBN: 962-459-011-7.

Loh, E. K. Y., Leung, S. O., Tam, L. C. W., & Lau, C. P. S. (2017). Patterns in Chinese characters: Structural and component knowledge of Hong Kong and Macau ethnic minority students for learning Chinese characters. In D. Zhang & C. H. Lin (Eds.). Testing and assessing Chinese as a second language, pp. 91-114. Singapore: Springer.

Loh, Elizabeth K. Y.; Tam, Loretta C. W.; Lau, Cally P. T. and Leung, Shing-On (2017) How Ethnic Minority Students Perceive Patterns in Chinese Characters: Knowledge of Character Components and Structures. In Zhang, Dongbo and Lin, Chin-Hsi (Eds), Chinese Language Learning Sciences, p91-114, Springer.

Tse, Shek Kam; Li, Hui and Leung, Shing On. (2014) Tense and temporality: How young children express time in Cantonese. In Hua, Zhu and Lixian Jin (eds.), Development of Pragmatic and Discourse Skills in Chinese-Speaking Children, p35 – 56. DOI: 10.1075/bct.60.03tse

Mok, M.C., Shan, W. J., Cheng, Y.C., & Leung, S. O. (2007). Self-directed learning as a key approach to effectiveness of education: A comparison among Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. , In Tony Townsend & Yin Cheong Cheng (Eds). International Handbook on School Effectiveness and Improvement. New York/ Dordrecht: Springer.

謝錫金、鄺倩薇、陳桂涓、李輝、梁成安(2006)。專題探討,量詞的特性。p87 – 105,第六章,香港幼兒口語發展 Oral Language Development of Preschool Children (Text in Chinese),謝錫金編著。Hong Kong University Press, HKU 。ISBN: 9622098142.

梁成安(2004)。學生對電腦化測試的適應。教育與課程改革:珠三角地區的適應與發展。古鼎儀、甘志強、容萬城編。港澳兒童教育國際協會出版。頁76至80。ISBN: 962-86285-4-2

梁成安(2004)。澳門貧窮問題與對策。社會保障探索 澳門社會保障學會成立五週年紀念文集。鄧玉華編輯,澳門社會保障學會出版。頁105至111。ISBN: 99937-763-2-7.



Conference and Seminar Presentations

Leung, S. O.  (2024)  Basic probability theories, classical hypothesis testing and Bayesian.  MLRG Seminar.  3rd April 2024.  Department of English, University of Macau.

Leung, S. O.  (2023)  Bayesian and Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling.  2nd and 3rd Nov 2023, School of Languages, CLEAR, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics.

Leung, S. O. (2021)  Simple Bayesian analysis with SPSS v25+.  Presented on 13th May, 2021 in the course Applications of advanced quantitative methods (EDUC8002) (lecturer: Ronnel KING), Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

Leung, S. O. (2021)  Western folk dancing: a mixture of history, geography, exercise, music, social, health and happiness (西方土風舞﹕歷史、地理、體育、音樂、社交、健康和快樂的融合).  Presented on 16th March, 2021, in Shiu Pong College, University of Macau, part of SPC Sharing session.

Leung, S. O. (2020)  Simple Bayesian analysis with SPSS v25+.  Presented on 14th Oct., 2020 in a seminar in Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

Leung, S. O. (2019)  Hypothesis Testing, t-test, ANOVA and ANCOVA.  Presented on 1st November, 2019 in a class in the Master of Education (IB -Chinese Language and Literature, Full Time) program Year 1, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Leung, S. O. (2019)  Distributions, and Distributions of Distributions (Bootstrapping and Parametric Bootstrapping).  Flash conference talks.  On 29th October, 2019, Education University of Hong Kong, Taipo, Hong Kong.

Leung, S. O. (2019)  Experimental Design.  Presented on 25th November, 2019 in a class in the Master of Education (IB -Chinese Language and Literature, Full Time) program Year 1, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Leung, S. O. (2019)  Are we selecting “a” single model or among some models?  Simple uses of BIC to produce posterior distribution for selecting models.  Two flash conference talks.  On 23rd October, 2019, Education University of Hong Kong, Taipo, Hong Kong.

Leung, S. O. (2019)  Refreshment talk.  On 30th September 2019, Staff Development Day, Kowloon Technical School, Hong Kong.

Leung, S. O. (2019)  How to publish in SSCI?  On 27th September 2019 in the School of Public Administration, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China.

Leung, S. O. (2019)  Construction of Likert Scale.  On 20th, 24th and 25th September 2019 in the School of Public Administration to three different classes of students, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China.

Leung, S. O. (2019)  Sampling in Education.  On 18th September 2019 in the School of Public Administration, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China.

Leung, S. O. (2019)  Distribution, Bootstrapping and Parametric Bootstrapping.  On 10th September 2019 in the College of Mathematics and Informatics, Fujian Normal University, China.

Leung, S. O. (2019)  The Construction of Likert Scale.  On 3rd September 2019 in Faculty of Education, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece.

Leung, S. O.  (2019)  Teach German folk dance to assist Michael Li, FED, UM, on his course Visual and Performing Arts – Introduction to dance studies, GELH1007-001 (AM) & 002 (PM).  On 19th March and 26th March for classes 001 and 002 respectively.

Leung, S. O.  (2019)  Teach experimental design to assist Cathy Hoi, FED, UM, on her course Applications of advanced quantitative methods, EDUC802.  On 2nd April, 2019.

Leung, S. O.  (2018)  Sharing with 100 F5 students in my home secondary school as an alumni.  16th November, 2018, Kowloon Technical School, Kowloon, Hong Kong.  This is part of the school based assessment of students in secondary Chinese Language program.

Loh, E.K.Y., Liao, X., Leung, S.O., Tse, S.K., & Tam, L.C.W. (2018). The roles of component and structure in composing Chinese compound characters among Chinese as second language (CSL) learners. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Han Characters Education and Research; organized by the Society of Education for Translation and Cultural Studies in Japan and Chinese Japan; National Kaohsiung Normal University; Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Taiwan; Beijing Normal University, China; The University of Hong Kong; and Society for Korean Classical Chinese Education, Society for Korean Classical Chinese, South Korea; Tokyo, Japan, 17-19 January, 2018.

Loh, E.K.Y., Leung, S.O., & Tam, L.C.W. (2017). Chinese character segmentation strategies and the use of orthographic knowledge: A study on ethnic minority adolescent CSL learners. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR); organized by the Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands; Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 12-15 July, 2017.

Leung, S. O. (2016). Introduction to Bootstrapping. 23rd June, 2016, Guest speaker, Research Method, Ph.D. program, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau.

Leung, S. O. (2016). Methods of Conducting Research in Chinese Language Education, 10th to 11th June, 2016, Invited lecturer, Doctor of Education (EdD) program, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong.

Leung, S. O.; WU, Huiping and CHEUNG, Shu Fai (2016) Probabilistic interpretations of Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC). 7th June, 2016. College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Fujian Normal University.

黃繁,杜浩芝,梁成安 (2015) 。大數據時代的中國繼續教育,發表於,中國高等教育學會繼續教育分會2015年學術交流年會,獲優秀論文獎,2015年10月29日,天津,中國。

Leung, S. O. (2015) Basic Probability Theory for postgraduate students in education. 6th June 2015. Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong.


Leung, S. O. (2015) Basic Probability Theory for Ph.D. students in Education, Social Sciences and Business. FED Lunch Research Series XXII. 22, 29 April and 6 May 2015, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

杜浩芝、馮敏慧、梁成安(2014)。澳門持續教育體制的問題及其改善措施。發表於,(i) 中國高等教育學會繼續教育分會2014年學術交流年會,2014年9月14日至16日,廈門大學,廈門,中國,(ii) 第十五屆海峽兩岸繼續教育論壇,2014年11月24日至11月29日,中山大學,廣州,中國。

Leung, S. O. (2014) Educational Measurement under Latent Variable Models. Presented on 6th June 2014, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China.

Leung, S. O. (2014) Construction of Likert Scale. Presented on 5th June 2014, School of Psychology, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China.

Leung, S. O. (2014) Foundation of Bootstrapping and Parametric Bootstrapping, and its implications in social science research. Presented on 4th June 2014, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China.

Leung, S. O. (2014) Sampling in Social Science Research. Presented on 3rd June 2014, School of Psychology, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China.

Leung, S. O. (2014) Construction of Likert Scale. Presented on 23rd May 2014, School of Early Childhood Education, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China.

Leung, S. O. and Wu, Huiping (2013) Introduction of Bootstrapping and Parametric Bootstrapping. 4th Dec. 2013, room J560, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

Leung, S. O. (2013) Introduction to education for Centre for Continuing Education, on 24 May 2013, retreat of Centre for Continuing Education, University of Macau

梁成安, 徐夢琳 (2012) 澳門回歸後地區發展及其對繼續教育的影響. 及表於, 第十三屆海峽兩岸繼續教育論壇, 獲優秀獎, 2012年10月, 西安, 中國. Leung, S. O. and Xu, Menglin (2012) Macao after the handover and its continuous education. Presented in The 13th Cross-Strait Forum on Continuing Education with theme “World Vocational and Technical Education”, on 15th to 20th Oct., 2012, in Xian, China

Leung, S. O. (2012) Measures to help in-service teachers to conduct research independently, College of Education, Huazhong Normal University, China. 18 May, 2012.

Leung, S. O. (2012) Educational Measurement under Latent Variable Models, College of Education, Huazhong Normal University, China. 18 May, 2012.

Leung, S. O. (2012) Introduction to Hypothesis Testing. College of Education, Huazhong Normal University, China. 16 May, 2012.

Leung, S. O. (2012) Sampling in Education. College of Education, Huazhong Normal University, China. 16 May, 2012.

Leung, S. O. (2012) Introduction to Hypothesis. Guest lecture, in the course “Mathematics & Statistics for Everyday Life” (MATH112), General Education course, University of Macau. 22 March 2012.

Leung, S. O. (2012) Samping in Education. WLG113, Faculty of Education, University of Macau. 15, Feb., 2012.

Leung, S. O. (2011) Educational Measurement under Latent Variable Models. Invited speech, Conference on Social Statistics Honouring the Scientific Contributions of Professor Emeritus David J. Bartholomew. Department of Statistics, London School of Economics, London, 12 to 13 December, 2011.

Leung, S. O. and Wu, Huiping (2011) Does increasing number of points in Likert Scale better approach normality? Paper presented at the 18th International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS2011) and the 76th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society in Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, 19 to 22 July 2011.

Leung, S. O. and Xu, Ruihui and Mok, Magdalena Mo Ching (2011) Psychometric Properties of Two Shortened Scales for Measuring Competencies of Universities Graduates in the 21st Century. Paper presented at the 18th International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS2011) and the 76th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society in Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, 19 to 22 July 2011.

Leung, S. O. (2010). Measures to help in-service teachers to conduct research independently. In, the symposium section “Examining the development of teachers’ knowledge: Experiences from three Asian Cities” chaired by May Hung May Cheng, in the 2nd East Asian International Conference on Teacher Education Research, in The Hong Kong Institute of Education, 15th to 17th Dec., 2010.

Leung, S. O. (2010) Construction of Likert Scale. Department of Psychology, Huazhong Normal University, China. 14th Oct., 2010.

Leung, S. O. (2010) Goodness-of-fit test for sparse 2p tables in educational testing. Department of Mathematics, Huazhong Normal University, China. 15th Oct., 2010.

Leung, S. O. and Lee, Nicky (2010) Structural Equation Modeling – Principles and Applications with AMOS (結構程式模型的原理及應用 – 以AMOS軟件為例). J218, Center of Educational Research on Well-rounded Growth & Development, Faculty of Education, University of Macau. 27th May 2010.

Leung, S. O. (2010) A simple and direct method in item selection. Assessment Research Centre, Hong Kong Institute of Education. 9 March 2010.

Leung, S. O. (2009) Computational Issues in Parametric Bootstrapping of Limited Information Statistics for 2p contingency tables. Paper presented at the 16th International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS2009) and the 74th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society in Cambridge, UK, 20 to 24 July 2009.

Leung, S. O. (2009) From simplicity to complex: Links among regression, factor analysis and structural equation modeling (從簡單到複雜:回歸、因素分析及結構方程模型). JLG213, Center of Educational Research on Well-rounded Growth & Development, Faculty of Education, University of Macau. 7th May 2009.



Leung, S. O. (2007) Parametric Bootstrapping of Limited and Full Information Statistics under Latent Variable Model for 2p contingency tables. Paper presented at the International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS2007) held in Tokyo from July 9th to 13th, 2007.

Leung, S. O. (2007). Application of parametric bootstrapping in goodness-of-fit for latent variable models for 2p contingency tables. This paper is presented at the Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS TW 2007) held in Taiwan during 17 to 19 July 2007.

Sze, T. M. & Leung, S. O. (2006) Inter-relation between Academic Qualifications, Seniority and Perception of Student Quality for Teachers in Macau. Paper presented in the International Conference on Social Change and Curriculum Reform, 17 & 18 Nov., 2006, College of Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan. (施達明、梁成安。澳門中小學課程改革的實徵資料分析之一:教育專業訓練、教學年資與教學理念和教室評量實施的關係。「社會變遷與課程改革」國際學術研討會)

Leung, S. O. (2006) A latent variable model analysis of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. Paper presented in Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium Hong Kong (PROMS HK) 2006. 27 to 29 June 2006, in The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong.

Sachs, John and Leung, S. O. (2005) A neglected method for variable selections. Paper presented in the 70th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society and the 14th International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS2005), at Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands, on 5 to 8 July, 2005.

Leung, Shing-on. (2005) On full and limited information statistics for goodness-of-fit of sparse 2p contingency tables. Paper presented in the 70th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society and the 14th International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS2005), at Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands, on 5 to 8 July, 2005.


Leung, Shing On. (2005) Corrected interpretation of hypothesis testing. Open seminar organized by the Educational Research Centre, Faculty of Education, University of Macau on 4 April, 2005.

Mok, Magdalena Mo Ching; Shan, Wen-jing and Leung, S. O. (2004) Help-seeking of Secondary Students: A comparative study between Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. Paper presented at the 2004 International Symposium on Quality Education, 13-14 December 2004, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan.

Leung, S. O. (2004) Computerized Adaptive Test in Macau. 2004 Chinese Information and Communication Technology in Education Conference Proceedings, edited by Fan Chun Wai Andy, ISBN 99937-26-37-0, 305-329. Organized by the University of Macau and Beijing Normal University Zhuhai Compus. 29 & 30 Oct in Macau; 31 Oct & 1 Nov 2004 in Zhuhai.

Mok, Magdalena Mo Ching; Leung, S. O. and Shan, Wen-jing. (2004) A Comparative Study on the Self-learning of Children in Hong Kong and Macao. Paper presented at the 2004 ACEI Symposium on “Adaptation and Development in Education in the Pearl River Delta Region(PDR)” 30 October 2004, Hong Kong Teachers Centre, Hong Kong. 港澳兒童教育國際協會 主辦 「學科團體計劃」資助 香港教師中心 協辦「珠三角地區兒童教育的適應與發展」研討會.

Leung, S. O. (2003) An Empirical Study of Computerized Adaptive Test in Macau. Paper presented at IMPS – 2003: The 13th International Meeting and the 68th Annual American meeting of the Psychometric Society in Italy. July 7-10, 2003.



Leung, S. O. (1989). Latent Variable Models in Educational Testing. “Advances & Innovations in Education”, the Sixth Annual International Conference, the Hong Kong Educational Research Association, Hong Kong.




梁成安(2002)。多元化教育的探討。澳門大學教育學院學術研討會之六。澳門大學教育學院出版。ISBN: 99937-26-17-6

梁成安(2001)。澳門教育如何邁進新紀元。澳門大學教育學院學術研討會之五。澳門大學教育學院出版。ISBN: 999937-26-09-5.

Mok Tai Kei, Leung S. O. and others. (1997 – 2001) Externally refereed. Editor of the “Poverty Watch“, quarterly newsletter published by the HKSSS and Oxfam Hong Kong.


July 2024.  British Journal of Educational Psychology

May 2024.  Learning and Individual Differences

October 2021.  Learning and Individual Differences

June 2021.  Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology (special issue)

March 2021.  Reviewer of Behavior Research Methods

2020 June.  Social Indicators Research

2018 to 2020.  Frontiers in Psychology, Quantitative Psychology and Measurement (Review Editor)

2018 Dec.  Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology

2016 May. Social Indicators Research

2016 Feb. (with Menglin XU) Spanish Journal of Psychology

2015 Dec. Social Indicators Research

2015 Sept. (with Menglin XU) Spanish Journal of Psychology

2015 Aug. Social Indicators Research

2015 March. Social Indicators Research

2014 Dec. (with Huiping WU) Social Indicators Research

2012 Dec. (with Menglin XU) Social Indicators Research

2012 Aug. (with Menglin XU) Social Indicators Research

2011 (twice). Educational Psychology: an international journal of experimental educational psychology.

  1. New Horizons in Education.
  2. Sociological Methods and Research.
  3. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology

2008 to 2009. New Horizons in Education.

  1. New Horizons in Education.
  2. British Journal of Statistical and Mathematical Psychology.

April 2004. Academic Development Self-Efficacy Inventory: Users’ Manual. Authors: Mantak Yuen, Norman C. Gysbers, Eadaoin K. P. Hui, Thomas K. M. Leung, Patrick S. Y. Lau, Raymond M. C. Chan, Peter M. K. Shea, & Sherin S. Y. Ke. Published by : Life Skills Development Project, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. A Quality Education Fund Project.

2003年10月。「教育發展與課程革新:兩岸四地的變革與創新」,編者:古鼎儀、胡少偉、李小鵬。港澳兒童教育國際協會(The Association for Childhood Education International Hong Kong & Macau)出版。

Leung, S. O. (2010) Chinese Social Scale Development. Principal Investigator, MOP$44,250, University Research Committee Funded Project, University of Macau. (RC Ref. no.: RG024/09-10S/LSO/FED)

Leung, S. O. & Wu, M. J. (2009) Secondary Analysis for profiles of students in low income family in Macau. Principal Investigator, MOP$49,980, Unversity Research Committee Funded Project, University of Macau. (Cativo no.: 3099)

Lei, Si Man; Leung, S. O. & Kong, Z. W. (2008) Research on key development outcomes for enhancing young children PE learning in Macau” was approved. Co-investigator, MOP$176,250, Unversity Research Committee Funded Project, University of Macau. (Cativo no.: 3767)

Leung, S. O.; Shan Wen Jing and Tse kin Shing. (2006) A public opinion survey by using CATI on school curriculum in Macau. Principal Investigator, MOP$ 90,160.00, University Research Committee Funded Project, University of Macau. (Cativo No: 3696)

Leung S. O.; Mok, Magdalena Mo Ching and Shan, Wen-jing. (2004) Self-directed Learning among Secondary Students in Macao. MOP$77,800, University Research Committee Funded Project, University of Macau. (Cativo No: 3279)

Leung, S. O. (2003) Computerized Adaptive Test with CAI for Junior Secondary Mathematics in Macao. Principal Investigator, MOP$80,440, University Research Committee Funded Project, University of Macau. (Cativo No: 6496)

Leung, S. O. (2001) Computer Based Educational Testing with Latent Variable Modeling. Principal Investigator, MOP$83,300, University Research Committee Funded Project, University of Macau. (Cativo No: 8091)

LOH, Ka Yee Elizabeth; TSE, Shek Kam; Leung, Shing On and TAM, Chung Wing Loretta. (2015) The role of orthographic knowledge in Chinese character learning amongst Hong Kong ethnic minority students. General Research Fund, Earmarked Research Grant, Research Grant Council, University Grants Committee, Hong Kong Government.(http://www.ugc.edu.hk/eng/rgc/fund/grants.htm#b) (Project Fund: HK$610,988, Duration: 24 months)

Kong, Z. W.; Lei, S. M. Alice and Leung, S. O. (2011) Survey of Sports Venues in Macao “澳門體育場地之調查”. Funded by Macau Sport Development Board, Macau Government “澳門特別行政區政府體育發展局”. MOP$842,600.

Leung, S. O. (2010) with Prof Tse Shek Kam, Dr Loh Ka Yee, Dr Wong Ming Wai and Dr Lam Wai Yip. PIRLS research project in Hong Kong – an international study of reading achievement of age 9 children.

Leung, S. O. (2010) A tracking study on the cognition and attitude of uses of drugs for students in Macao   澳門在學青少年及大專生使用藥物之認知和態度追蹤調查 Funded by the Social Welfare Bureau, Macau Government. MOP$394,485.

Leung, S. O. (2006) Research on Cognitive Development of students and criminal age study. 澳門刑事責任年齡研究之澳門青少年心智發展研究 Funded by Legal Affair Bureau, Macau Government. MOP$189,000.


梁成安(2003)。澳門大學生與藥物調查研究報告(Study on Tertiary Students’ Knowledge and Attitude towards Drugs in Macau)。主辦單位:澳門特別行政區政府社會工作局。研究單位:澳門大學教育學院教育研究中心。(MOP$97,625)


梁成安、與李小鵬(2001)。澳門青少年與藥物調查研究報告(Study on Youth’s Knowledge and Attitude towards Drugs in Macau)。主辦單位:澳門特別行政區政府社會工作局。研究單位:澳門大學教育學院教育研究中心。(MOP$100,000)

Siu, Ping Kee; Fan, Kwok; So, Yuet Wah and Leung, S. O. (1999 to 2000). Research Study on the Development of Chinese Language Competence of Primary School Children「香港小學學童中國語文能力的評量及發展過程的研究」. Support Unit, Standing Committee on Language Education and Research, Education and Manpower Bureau, Hong Kong Government.(HK$6,360,405)


Wong, K.C.; Tse, S.K.; Sachs, John; Chan, C. K.K.; Chan, Raymond; Lam, Raymond; Yung, K.K. & Leung, S. O. (1996). Research on Academic Aptitude Test, part 2 of Research on Aims, Objectives, Targets, Enforcement of 9-year Compulsory Education and the Assessment and Allocation System. (HK$772,255)

Wong, Ka Weng Remus.  (2024)  The Well-being of University Students of Macau: The Role of the Teaching-Learning Environment.  EDD Dissertation.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

Wang, Yi.  (2024)  Being happy: Identifying the key factors of well-being among high and low achieved students.  PhD Thesis.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

LUO, Shuqiong.  (2023).  Factors Affecting English Reading in Macao, Hong Kong, and Singapore: Combining Machine Learning Methods and Hierarchical Linear Regressions Using PISA 2018 Data.  Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

AN, Zhujun  (2023)  (co-supervisor)  Modeling the Relationships among English Instructional Practices, Reading, Motivation and Engagement for Chinese College EFL Students.  Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

WANG, Faming.  (2022)  Becoming the Masters of Learning: A Self-regulated Learning Perspective on Chinese Students’ Mathematics Learning.  6th October, 2022.    Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

LI, Hong  (2021)  (co-supervisor)  Examining the role of English reading motivation, English reading strategy use and English vocabulary knowledge in Chinese college EFL students’ English reading comprehension.  Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau

LU, Shuyang  (2021)  Thinking Creatively in Action and Movement: A Multilevel Mediation of Young Children’s Creative Characteristics, Parenting Styles, Teachers Beliefs and Practices, and Urbanicity.  Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

CAI, Zhihui  (2017)  (co-supervisor)  A Comparison of Fixed-effects Model and Random-effects Model for Multivariate SEM-based Meta-analysis.  Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau

WU, Huiping (2015).  Bayesian Goodness-of-fit and Model Selection for Dichotomous Latent Trait Models.  Ph.D. thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

WU, Tong  (2024)  Exploring Student Academic Performance and Predicting Dropout Rate Using Machine Learning.  M.Sc. Project.  June 2024.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

LAO, Heifong (劉禧鳳)  (2024)  Relationship between Macau & Zhuhai Secondary, Primary and Infant Teachers’ Participation in School Decision-Making and Job Satisfaction (澳門及珠海中學、小學及幼稚園教師參與學校決策程度與工作滿意度之關係).  MPhil.  9th April.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

HAO, Ka Lai (候嘉麗)  (2024)  Exploring the Relationship between Organizational Culture and Teacher Job Satisfaction in Primary and Secondary Schools in Macau and Zhuhai (探究澳門及珠海中、小、幼學校組織文化與教師工作滿意度之間的關係).  MPhil.  9th April.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

CHAN, Sok Man (陳淑敏)  (2024)  The effectiveness of using the ‘flipped classroom’ approach in teaching English Grammar to the Sixth-Grade Primary school students.  MPhil.  9th April.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

LU, Haowei (盧皓瑋)  (2024)  The Influence of Parent-Grandparent Co-parenting on Children’s Prosocial Behaviors (祖輩 – 父輩共同養育關係對幼兒親社會行為的影響).  MPhil.  9th April.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

YUE, Zhenyu (樂振宇)  (2024)  Evaluating School Violence Effects on Academic Achievement: A Comparison of Linear Regression and Propensity Score Matching.  MPhil.  4th March 2024.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

CHEN, Huilin (陳慧琳)  (2024)  A Research of the Relationship between School Climate and Subjective Well-Being of College Students in Mainland China (高校學校氣氛與大學生主觀幸福感之關係研究 – 以中國內地高校為例).  MPhil.  20th Feb 2024.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

LI, Cuiling (李翠玲)  (2024)  How Organizational Culture Affects Teaching Quality in Vocational Colleges – Analysis of the Mediating Effect of Learning Motivation? (高職院校組織文化如何影響教學質量 -學習動機的中介效應分析).  MPhil.  20th Feb 2024.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

Cheng, Jiejian (2023)  The Relationship between Aggressive Behavior and Parenting in 3-6 Years Old Children: The Mediating and Moderating Role of Social Competence with Peers  Master Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

陳韻 (Chan Wan) (2023)。母元情緒理念對孩子形成依戀關係的影響 (The Influence of Parental Meta-emotion on Attachment Formation of Children)澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

Kuan, Weng Ian (2023)  Identifying the Top Predictors of English Reading Achievement in Macao  Master Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

Luo, Haixin (2023)  A Study on English Academic Writing Anxiety and English Academic Writing Motivation among Chinese EFL Graduate Students  Master Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

Ren, Miaojing (2023)  Relationship among Teacher Feedback, Students’ Foreign Language Anxiety and English Learning Motivation  Master Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

Su, Guanpeng (2023)  Factors Affecting Learning Achievement of Students in China – An Exploration and Analysis Based on PISA 2018 Student Data in Regions of China  Master Project, Institute of Collaborative Innovation, University of Macau.

Wang, Ke (2023)  Exploring Factors Affecting Reading Performance Predicting in China(B-S-J-Z) Based on PISA2018 Dataset  Master Project, Institute of Collaborative Innovation, University of Macau.

Yang, Xing (2023)  Using Machine Learning to Analyzing Portugal Student Data  Master Project, Institute of Collaborative Innovation, University of Macau.

Xi, Zihan (2023)  Comparing the similarities and differences of predominant factors affecting English reading achievement between Macau and the UK based on PISA 2018  Master Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

Yang, Sio Fong (2023)  The interrelationship among ethical leadership, ethical climate and teachers’ job satisfaction in education  Master Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

Lai, Hoi Cheng (2023)  The Impact of University Brand Image and Reputation on Student Satisfaction: The Study of Macao and Mainland China.  Master Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

Fu, Lingyi (2022)  Identifying key factors of subjective well-being-A comparison of stepwise regression, tree-based ensemble machine learning, and a mixed algorithm  Master Project, Institute of Collaborative Innovation, University of Macau.

WANG, Yiting (王怡婷) (2022).  Predictive feature selection and target feature prediction using data from PISA and TALIS: application of Random Forest.  Master of Data Science Graduation Project.  Institute of Collaborative Innovation, and Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

吳君瑤 (WU, Junyao) (2022)。PISA2015 中國四省市學生科學素養表現影響因素研究 (A study on factors of scientific literacy in four provinces and cities in China using PISA2015 data) 。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

梁盛梅 (LIANG MA, Yeliana Cheng Mei)  (2022)  探索家庭讀寫環境與親子互動之間的關係研究 (Relationship between home literacy environment and parent-child interactions)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

張曉瑩 (CHEONG, Hio Ieng) (2022)  澳門隔代教育與親子教育的差異(The differences between grand-parenting and parenting in Macao) 。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

王景琛  (WONG, Keng Sam)  (2022)  互動式電子白板融入小學語文修辭教學對學習成就、學習態度之影響(The Effects of Interactive Whiteboard towards Achievement and Learning Attitude in Chinese Rhetoric Teaching in primary school in Macao) 。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

Wang, Yi.  (2021)  The Relationship Between Need-Supportive Teaching and Adolescents’ Well-Being in Greater China.  M.Ed. Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

Leung, Yan Yi Grace  (2021)  A study of influencing factors on study abroad and college choice: taking the Mainland master students studying in Macao as an example.  M.Ed. Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

陳方銘 (CHAN, Fong Meng) (2020) 初中生英語學習動機、學習策略和自覺成效之間關係的研究 (The relationship among English motivation, learning strategies and self-perceived English competence)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

Weng Ian LONG, Weng Ian (龍詠欣) (2020)  Interrelationship among self-efficacy in English, English leaning strategies and self-perceived English competency for junior secondary students in Macao (澳門初中生英語自我效能, 英語學習策略和英語自我認知能力相關研究) M.Ed. Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau

Li, Yaxin (黎雅欣) (2019) Relationships among kindergarten teachers’ creative teaching, organizational culture and creative personalities (幼兒教師創造力教學行為, 組織文化與創造力人格特質之間的關係) M.Ed. Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau

CAI, Zhihui (2017) (co-supervisor) A Comparison of Fixed-effects Model and Random-effects Model for Multivariate SEM-based Meta-analysis. Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau

徐涵 (XU, Han) (2017)。生命凝聚感與自我導向學習及主觀學業成就的關係研究 (A study on the inter-relationship among sense of coherence, self-directed learning and subjective academic performance for students in Zhuhai China)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

陳菲菲 (CHEN Feifei) (2017)。“僕人式”領導行為對書院滿意度之影響——以澳門大學為例 (The Effects of Leadership Behavior to Satisfaction among Residential College Students in University of Macau)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

黃小彧 (Huang Xiaoyu) (2017)。貴州大學生選擇研究生教育的影響因素研究 (School Choice factors in Graduate Education – a study in Gui Zhou Province)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

成松霖 (Cheng Songlin) (2017)大學生目標導向、自我控制、與學業延遲滿足的關係 (Goal Orientation, Self Control, and Academic Delay of Gratification)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

黃靜瑜 (Wong Cheng U) (2016)。澳門學校體育場地設施對外開放考慮因素之調查研究 (A study on the factors of the opening of the sports venues and facilities of schools to the public in Macao)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

WU, Huiping (2015). Bayesian Goodness-of-fit and Model Selection for Dichotomous Latent Trait Models. Ph.D. thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

李敏怡(LI Min Yi)(2015)。寵物關係、手足關係與兒童情緒能力之相關研究A Correlation Study of Pet Relationship, Sibling Relationship and Child Emotional Competence)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

黃嘉盈(WONG Ka Ieng)(2015)。對比兒歌、繪本和一般教學法對幼兒學習口語成效之研究Comparison between Singing, Picture Book and Mainstream Education on the Development of Preschooler’s Oral Skills)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

胡淑莊(Wu Sok Chong)(2014)。澳門幼稚園教師班級經營與教學效能關係之研究A study of the Relations between Classroom Management and Teaching Effectiveness of Kindergarten Teachers in Macao)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

葉倩玲(YE Qianling)(2013)。澳門3-6歲幼兒粵語疑問句型與功能之研究(A study of forms and functions of interrogative sentences for children aged 3 to 6 in Macao)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

Xu, Meng Lin(徐夢琳)(2012) (In English). A Study of Relationship between Coping Styles and Mood States for Student-athletes and Non-athletes in Beijing and Macau。(應對方式與心境的關係對學生運動員及非運動員的比較研究). M.Ed. thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

潘瀟瀟(Pan Xiao Xiao)(2012)。內地學生選擇高等院校影響因素之研究。(A Study of Factors on College Choices of Mainland China Students)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

李天榮(Lei Tin Weng)(2012)。澳門高三學生選擇高等院校的考量因素之研究。(A Study on factors on college choices of Macao Form Six Students)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

曾瑪莉(Chang Ma Lei Mary)(2010)(with Excellent)。澳門中小學教師個人背景、組織公平與組織公民行為關係之研究(Relationship among Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, Organizational Justice Behaviour and Teachers’ Background on Teachers in Macao)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

劉綺芬(Lao I Fan)(2010)。澳門學生背景、社經地位和家庭資源對學業成就影響研究。(Effects of students’ background, social economic status and family resources towards academic competence in Macao)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

杜嘉慧(To Ka Wai)(2007)。澳門小學生在英語科自我學習能力及其相關因素之研究。(A study on the self-directed English learning of primary students and its related factors in Macau)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

黄嘉穎(Wong Ka Weng)(2007)。大學生自我調整學習與學業成就的關係(The relationship between self-regulation and academic achievement of college students)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

陳艷芬(Chan Im Fan) (2007)。澳門小學教師對教師專業角色知覺的認知、教師生涯滿意度與教師職業倦怠的相關研究(A correlational study among teachers’ perception in professional role, career satisfaction and burnout of primary school teachers in Macao)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

王錦琨(Wong Kam Kuan)(2007)。澳門中學生社會經濟地位與學業成就差異之相關研究(A correlational study between social economic status and academic performance for secondary school students in Macao)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

王祖顯(Wong Chou Hin)(2006)。澳門中學生客觀及主觀社會經濟地位量表研究(A study on the objective and subjective social economic status of secondary school students in Macao)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

鄭靜雯(Cheang Cheng Man)(2005)。提升澳門中一重讀生升班率的行動研究 – 以澳門某一中學為例(To increase the promotion rate for form one repeaters in a School in Macao – An action research。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

黃艷梅(Wong Im Mui)(2004)。澳門初中學生數學態度及其相關因素之研究(A Research on Mathematical Attitude and Related Factors for Junior Secondary Students in Macao.)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

楊穎虹(Ieong Weng Hong)(2004)。澳門中學活動課程探索研究(An Exploratory Study of th Activity Curriculum for Secondary Schools in Macao)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

蕭美歡(Sio Mei Fun)(2004)。在澳門初中推行中文傳意寫作的探索性研究(An Exploratory Study of Chinese Communicative Writing in Junior Secondary Schools in Macao)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

劉愷璇(Lao Hoi Sun)(2004)。探討高小學生學習態度與學業成就的關係(An investigation on the Relation between Learning Attitude and Academic achievement for Primary Students)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

黃小英(Wong Sio Ieng)(2003)。生涯發展輔導課程對小六學生生涯成熟及職業自我概念之效果研究(The Effect of ” Career Development Counseling Course” on the Sixth Grade Students’ Career Maturity and Vocational Self-concept)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

李雪屏(Lei Sut Peng)(2003)。澳門護士對繼續教育課程的期望(The Expectations of Nurses in Continuing Education Programs in Macao) 。 澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

伍助志(Jorge Un Se)(2003)。 澳門高中課程組別與學生學習過程、學業成績之相關研究(The inter-relationship between Learning Process, Academic Results and Study Streams in a Macao secondary school) 。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

陳艷華(Chan Im Wa)(2002)。澳門初中學生自我尊重的狀況剖析及其相關研究(A Study of Self Esteem and Its Corresponding Factors for Junior Secondary School Students in Macao)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

JIANG, Lin  (2024)  The attitudes and behavioral intentions towards Cantonese Opera: An exploratory study among higher education students in Guangzhou.  PhD Thesis Proposal Assessment.  July 2024.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

WANG, Ziying Freya.  (2024)  Understanding Perfectionism in the Context of Intimate Relationships: A Chinese Perspective.  PhD Thesis Oral.  June 2024.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

ZENG, Yuntao  (2024)  Impacts of a Flipped-based Immersive Reality Technology Learning Approach on EFL Learners’ Performance and Perceptions.  PhD Thesis.  May 2024.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

LI, Qianru Victoria.  (2024)  The Role of Video-call Technology in L2 Speaking Education: Research Trend and the Lens from Test-takers and Teachers.  PhD Thesis.  May 2024.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

CUI, Tianxue  (2023)  Thesis Proposal Assessment, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.  22nd March, 2023

WANG, Ziying  (2023)  Thesis Proposal Assessment, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.  20th March, 2023

YANG, Wensi  (2022)  Thesis Proposal Assessment, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.  23rd Nov., 2022.

CHAN, Wai Kei  (2022)  Thesis Proposal Assessment, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.  28th April 2022.

LUO, Shuqiong  (2022)  Qualifying Exam, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.  23rd April 2022

WANG, Ziying  (2022)  Qualifying Exam, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.  13th April 2022

CUI, Tianxue  (2022)  Qualifying Exam, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.  18th March 2022

ZHONG, Haoyu  (2024)  The Development of Expanded format for Gratitude Questionnaire 6 (GQ-6).  M.Phil Thesis.  June 2024.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

LIU, Dongang  (2024)  A Bibliometric Analysis on Prompt Engineering of Generative AI in Education.  M.Sc. Project.  June 2024.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

CHOI, Weng Tong (徐穎彤)  (2024)  Exploring STEAM curriculum design and implementation for kindergarten students through action research: Constructing Macau’s World Heritage architecture with blocks.  幼兒 STEAM 課程設計與實施之行動研究:以積木建構澳門世界遺產的建築.  MPhil Thesis.  June 2024.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

UN, Su Kei (阮舒淇)  (2024)  The Relationship Between Principal’s Leadership Style and School Climate in Macau Secondary Schools (澳門中學校長的領導方式和校園氛圍的關係).  MPhil Thesis.  May 2024.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

CHIN, Si Wan (錢詩韻)  (2024)  A Study on the Relevance Between Organizational Trust and Job Satisfaction of Teachers in Macao (澳門學校組織信任與教師工作滿意度關係之研究).  MPhil Thesis.  May 2024.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

NG, Cheng Man (吳靜敏)  (2024)  The impact of information technology on education: Perspectives of students, teachers, and parents (資訊科技對教育的影響:學生、教師和家長的觀點).  MPhil Thesis.  May 2024.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

XIE, Wenxi (謝文曦)  (2024)  The Relationship between Principal Transformational Leadership and Teacher Organizational Commitment: A Case Study of Primary Schools in Shaoguan City (校長轉換型領導與教師組織承諾關係之研究:以韶關市小學為例).  MPhil Thesis.  May 2024.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

HAO, Qiyu (郝奇鈺)  (2024)  Identifying Contextual Factors Influencing Students’ Digital Reading Levels Using Machine Learning Techniques (基於機器學習技術識別影響學生數字閱讀水準的環境因素)  M.Sc. Project.  May 2024.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

LI Qingyu (李慶瑜)  (2024)  Validating a Language Assessment Literacy Questionnaire with Chinese EFL Pre-service Teachers(以中國職前英語教師為例來驗證語言測評素養問卷)  MPhil Thesis.  May 2024.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

LIU, Qile (劉其樂)  (2024)  Development of a Mathematics Vocabulary Assessment for Chinese Eighth-Grade Students(中國八年級學生開發數學詞匯量表)  MPhil Thesis.  May 2024.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

GUO, Jing (郭靜) The relation between equation-vocabulary and mathematics competency among fifth-grade students (五年級學生方程詞彙與數學能力的關係).  MPhil Thesis.  May 2024.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

Da Silva Aguiar, Verónica Sofia. (施穎淇) (2024)  Challenges in Curriculum Implementation and Fostering Collaboration of English Language Teachers in Chinese Kindergartens of Macao.  MPhil Thesis.  May 2024.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

LI, Aotong (李澳童)  (2024)  Imaging Brain Dynamics of Speech Perception and Production with fMRI.  M.Sc. Project.  March 2024.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

CHEN, Yue (陳玥)  (2024)  Prediction of loneliness status based on student data.  M.Sc. Project.  March 2024.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

YANG, Dong  (2024)  The Visualization Project of 2023 Stack Overflow Developer Survey.  M.Sc. Project.  March 2024.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

ZHAO, Yuan (趙媛)  (2024)  Research on the Professional Master’s Education Model in Research Universities – Taking Engineering Majors at A University as an Example (研究型大學專業型碩士育人模式研究 – 以 A 高校工程類專業為例).  MPhil Thesis.  Feb 2024.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

OUYANG, Qiqi (歐陽綺琪)  (2024)  The Professional Jurisdiction of University Fu Daoyuan: A qualitative analysis (職業社會學視角下高校輔導員 “管轄權” 研究).  MPhil Thesis.  Feb 2024.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

ZHAO, Yuan (趙媛)  (2024)  Research on the Professional Master’s Education Model in Research Universities – Taking Engineering Majors at A University as an Example (研究型大學專業型碩士育人模式研究 – 以 A 高校工程類專業為例).  MPhil Thesis.  Feb 2024.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

YANG, Zheng (楊錚)  (2024)  A multi-modal fusion model for children’s pen-holding postures recognition.  M.Sc. Project.  Feb 2024.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

HE, Peixin (何珮昕)  (2023)  Technology-assisted content analysis of TPACK study in China.  M.Sc. Project.  Nov 2023.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

WANG, Jie (王杰)  (2023)  Reflection of professional practice: A narrative inquiry from a primary group leader (職業實踐的反思:一項關於小學級組長的敘事探究).  MPhil Thesis.  June 2023.  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

李慧娟 (2023)  使用希沃白板對澳門小學生課堂參與度和數學成績的影響。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

謝芾萍 (2023)  雙師型下民辦職業學校青年教師專業發展現狀分析:以三位青年教師為例。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

倫鎂琪 (2023)  從長者學習動機需求、偏好與途徑看澳門長年教育的現況 。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

楊曉晴 (2023)  「溝通式教學法」應用在小學英語課堂之行動研究 。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

鍾汶珊(2023)  中山市城區小學與初中教師感知的學校氛圍與教師組織承諾的關係研究。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

Zhang, Sifan (2023)  Developing and Validating the Expanded Format of the Meaning in Life Questionnaire.  Master Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

Zhang, Jinyin (2023) The Expanded format shows better factor structure than the Likert-scale format in the measurement of resilience.  Master Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

Feng, Li (2023) Assessing an Expanded Format of the Personal Optimism and Self-Efficacy Optimism Scale.  Master Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

Chen, Ziqi (2023)  Analysis of Macau primary students’ reading achievement in PIRLS using a machine learning approach.  Master Project, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

Zhao, Jingwei (2023)  Using Learning Analytics to Predict Students’ Performance in Open University.  Master Project, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

Gu, Weiyi (2023)  Develop a Fraction Vocabulary Measure for Chinese Primary School Students.  Master Project, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

Zeng, Jiali (2023)  Exploring Characteristics of students with high reading scores in Macao.  Master Project, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

Lei, Pak Hang (2023)  Design and Testing of the Pronunciation Judgment Program.  Master Project, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

Lai, Chon Hei (2023) Learned Helplessness and Motivation Among Chinese University Students: The Mediating Role of Psychological Needs.  Master Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

Zhao, Ruili (2023)  The Effect of Math Anxiety and Self-Regulated Learning of Grade -12 Chinese Students on their Achievement: Structural Equation Modeling.  Master Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

Zhang, Yihan (2023)  The relationship between insecure attachment and Machiavellianism: A meta-analysis  Master Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

Chan, Choi Leok (2023) The Relationships between Gratitude, Grit and Personality.  Master Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

LYU, Dongmei LYU  (呂冬梅)  (2022)  The Mediating Role of Self-perceived Mate Value on the Relationship between College Students Parenting Styles and Mate Preferences (自我擇偶價值感在大學生父母教養方式和擇偶偏好之間的中介作用)  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

LI, Peishan LI  (黎佩珊)  (2022)  The moderating role of perceived partner responsiveness on implicit theories of relationships and relationship satisfaction (內隱關係理論和關係滿意度:感知伴侶回應的調節作用)  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

鄭慧敏 (Zheng, Huimin) (2021)  使用GeoGebra對女性中學生的數學成就和焦慮的影響 (Effects of using GeoGebra on secondary female students’ mathematics achievement and anxiety) 。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

黎德聖 (Lai, Tak Seng) (2021) 應用螺旋變式課程設計之行動研究以排列組合為例 (Application of Spiral Bianshi design Curriculum Principle to Permutation and Combination: An Action Research) 。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

CHANG, Florbela.  (2019)  Parental stress, parenting styles and socioemotional development of deaf and hard-of-hearing children.  M.Ed. Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

WU, Xiaohan  (2019)  Exploring risk and protective factors on weight stigma among young Chinese women.  M.Ed. Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

SUNG, Chi Weng  (2019)  The Role of Assessment in Curriculum Reform: Implementation of Child-centered Curriculum to Foster Children’s Creativity and Teachers’ Creativity Fostering Behavior.  M.Ed. Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

LIU, Kwai Chi  (2019)  The relationships among life satisfaction, self-efficacy and physical activity of older adults in Macao.  M.Ed. Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

AO IEONG, In Chon  (2019)  Effectiveness of Explicit Deductive, Implicit Inductive and Explicit Inductive Approaches in Teaching English Passive Voice in Macau Secondary EFL Classrooms.  M.Ed. Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

CHEN, Ruowei (陳若薇)  (2018)  Using Traditional and AR Flashcards to Learn Vocabulary in Early Childhood Education: A Quasi-Experimental Investigation in a Macau Kindergarten.  M.Ed. Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau

陳煥玲 (Chan Wun Leng)  (2018)  幼兒教師創造力人格特質與創造力教學行為之研究以學校文化為中介作用 (The relationship between Kindergarten teachers creative personality and teaching for creativity strategies – taking school culture as a mediating variable) 。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

朱兆曦 (Chu Sio Hei) (2017)。私框對澳門小學教學人員專業發展規劃影響之研究 (A Study of the impact of the “System Framework for Private School Teaching Staff of Non-tertiary Education” on the Professional Development Plans of Macau Teachers)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

Tang, Wai-Keong  (2017)  A Comparison of Missing Data Imputation using Statistical and Machine Learning Methods in Education Research.  Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau

張曉鍾 (Cheong Hio Chong) (2017)。澳門中學生在英文課堂上使用合作學習的看法 (Macau secondary students’ attitudes towards Collaborative Learning in the EFL classroom)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

何尉 (Ho Wai) (2017)。「數學遊戲」 融入小學數學教學對四年級學生學習方向的成效 (Effects of integrating Games into mathematics instruction on primary 4 students’ learning of direction)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

SIN Pak Ko (冼柏高) (2017) The Relationship between Physical Education Moral Behaviors and Leadership of College Students in Hong Kong and Macau (香港和澳門大學生的體育德育行為與領導能力之相關研究).  M.Ed. Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

林靈 (LIN Ling) (2017)。住宿式書院的組織文化與學生滿意度關係的研究 (Research of the Relationship between the Organizational Culture and Students’ Satisfaction in Residential Colleges)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

YIN, Lu (尹露) (2017) The Relation Between Parenting Stress and Child Behavior Problems: Parenting Styles as Mediator (親職壓力及幼兒行為問題:教養方式的中介作用) M.Ed. Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

WEI, Charles Xiaoyu (魏曉雨)  (2016)  Acute Effects of Hypoxia and High Intensity Interval Exercise on Blood Pressure in Healthy Male University Students.  (急性低氧高強度間歇運動對健康男性大學生血壓的影響).  M.Ed. Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

Lu, Shuyang (2016) The Relationship between Maternal Personality, Maternal Parenting Styles and Senior Kindergarten Children’s Creativity – A Study in Zhuhai City of China.  M.Ed. Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

鍾倩儀 (Chong Sin I) (2016) 。大一新生選擇科系影響因素之研究(以澳門大學為例)(Factors influencing the undergraduate programme choice of freshmen at the University of Macau。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

李鳳儀 (Li Fengyi) (2016) 。中國省級教育經費公平性之分析: 中國新義務教育法前後時期的比較 (An Equity Analysis of Provincial Educational Spending in China: A Comparison between Periods before and after China’s New Compulsory Education Law)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

羅思瑜(Lo Si U)(2016)。實施以責任為基礎計畫並融入大學體育課程對大學生體育學習效果之探討 Effectiveness on Learning Outcomes after Implementing a Responsibility-Based Model Intergrated into University Physical Education)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

蔡雁秀(Cai Yanxiu)(2016)。澳門家庭環境與嬰幼兒動作發展關係之研究(A Study of the Relationship between Home Environment and Motor Development of Toddlers in Macau) 。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

Gao, Xu (2016) The relationship between adult attachment styles and mental health: the mediation effect of self-esteem in Chinese context.  M.Ed. Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

梁穎冬 (Liang Ying Dong) (2016)。從變革管理的角度看澳門大學的通識教育 (The change management of general education in University of Macau)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

楊厚芹(YANG Hou Qin)(2015)。澳門中學生運動參與動機、社會支持與身體活動量之相關研究A Study of Sport Participating Motive, Social Support and amount of Physical Activity in High School Students in Macao.  M.Ed. Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

蘇嘉豪(SOU Ka Hou)(2015)。Current Physical Education and Moral Education in College Students – Taking the Shanghai Jiao Tong University as an example. (體育及德育學習行為現況研究–以上海交通大學為例)M.Ed. Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

孟雅萱(MENG Yaxuan)(2015)。Stress Typicality Effects in Chinese ESL Postgraduates, Undergraduates and Secondary School Students in Macao. M.Ed. Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau

林倩怡(LAM Sin I)(2015)。澳門學生體育課德育行為量表建構—以高中學生為例。(A Study on the Construction of the Moral behavior Scale in PE class—A Case of High School Students in Macao)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

楊箐(YANG Qing)(2015)。教師對於信息通信技術融入教學之學校文化的看法:貴州中學教師之實例研究Teachers’ Perceptions of School Culture in Relation to ICT-Integrated TeachingA Case Study of Secondary School Teachers in the Guizhou)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

王獻飛(WANG Xianfei)(2015)。海南省高爾夫專業學生學習動機與學習滿意度之研究Research of Postgraduate Students’ Learning Motivation and Learning Satisfactory Level in Golf Major at Hainan Province)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

汪東(Wang Dong)(2014)。澳門小學校園危機管理機制之調查An Investigation of the Management Mechanism of Campus Crisis in Macaos Elementary Schools)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

Hu Ling (2014) (In English).  Teaching Translation of Function’s Graphs Based on APOS Theory and RMI Principle: An Experimental Study Using Dynamics Software.  M.Ed. thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

梁潔嫦(Leong Kit Seong)(2014)。澳門大專生運動參與動機、運動快樂感及健康知能之調查研究(A Study of Sports Motivation, Physical Activity Enjoyment and Health Literacy for College Students in Macao。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

陳美丹(Chan Mei Tan)(2014)。澳門核心素養對於幼兒教育基本學力要求之相關研究(Research on Key Competencies and the Requirements of Basic Academic Attainments at Infant Education Level in Macau。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

黃家豪(Vong Ka Hou)(2013)。澳門中學籃球教練領導行為與訓練滿意度調查(A Survey of the Basketball Coach Leadership Behaviour and the Degree of Training Satisfaction in High School of Macao)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

陳暢堅(Chan Cheong Kin)(2013)。澳門運動員運動傷害調查 – 以籃球、排球、足球和手球為例(An investigation of Sports Injuries in Macau Athletes: The case of basketball, volleyball, football and handball)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

Julianna Aguiar (2013) 澳門幼兒音樂聽解能力研究(A study on the music audiation ability for kindergarten children in Macao)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

倫藻妮(Lon Chou Nei)(2012)。普拉提斯與瑜珈練習對健康青年女性身體機能及心境的影響。(Effects of Pilates and Yoga Exercise on Body Composition and Mood States in Young Healthy Females)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

魏均僑(Ngai Kuan Kio)(2012)。數學範例排版對學生學習表現和認知負荷影響之研究。(A Study on the Effects of Mathematical Layout Format of Worked Example to the Students’ Learning Performance and Cognitive Load)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

張鼎宏(Cheong Teng Wang)(2012)。澳門教師參與學校行政決策與工作滿意度之關係。(The Relationship between Participation in Decision Making and Job Satisfaction of School Teachers in Macau)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

張健智(Cheong Kin Chi)(2012)。攀岩運動的持續參與、非持續參與及非參與的原因及個人素質的差異-以澳門、廣州及武漢的三所高校為例。(The differences of participating reasons and development of cognitive and personal attributes among continuous, non-continuous and no participating sport-climbing athletes from three universities in Macau, Guangzhou and Wuhan)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

羅文詩(Lo Man Si)(2012)。澳門、台北兩地學校運動隊學生對體育喜愛程度、參與程度及教育目標之比較。(Comparative study of students’ attitude, participations and educational goals in school sport teams between Macau and Taiwan Region)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

鄭美儀(Cheng Mei Ye)(2011)。香港小學生的中文故事寫作能力發展(The development of story writing in Chinese of Hong Kong primary school students)。香港大學教育學院博士論文(Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong)。

謝斌(Xie Bin)(2011)。澳門與珠海3-6歲兒童體適能現狀比較研究(Comparative Study of Physical Fitness Status in Macao and Zhuhai Young Children 3 to 6 Years old)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

梁志成(Leong Chi Seng)(2011)。澳門籃球員心理技能研究(The study of Psychological Skills of Basketball Players in Macao)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

黃曉韻(Wong Hio Wan)(2011)。澳門學校行政人員與學生比例之研究(A Study on School Administrator to Student Ratios in Macao)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

李煒珊(Lei Wai San)(2011)幼兒年齡、家庭因素、課外活動與社會行為之相關研究(A Correlational Study of Age, Family Factors, Extra-curricular Activities and Children’s Social Behavior)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

薛雪梅(Sit Sut Mui)(2010)。澳門幼稚園教師對性知識、性態度及性教育在職進修需求的調查研究(A Survey on Sex Knowledge, Sex Attitudes and the Need of In-service Training about Sex Education among Kindergarten Teachers in Macao)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

張思君(Cheong Si Kuan)(2010)。澳門初中生數學自我效能、數學學業成就與學業求助之相關研究(A correlation study on mathematics self-efficacy, mathematics achievement, and academic help-seeking among junior high school students in Macao)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

馮影華(Fong Ieng Wa)(2010)。Blog應用於數學科教學設計對學生數學學習之影響(A study of the effects of applying the Blog on mathematics teaching)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

李斌(Li Bin)(2010)。澳門大學學生運動行為及健康徑能量消耗之研究(Exercise behaviors and energy expenditures of the walking paths to school in students of University of Macau)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

何永輝(Ho Weng Fai)(2010)電腦多媒體輔助初中一年級學生學習地理之研究(A Study of the effect of CAI on learning Geography for Junior One Students)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

陳秀定(Chan Sao Teng)(2009)澳門初一學生英語學習態度研究(The Study of Macao Form One Students’ English learning Attitude)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

楊冬青(Ieong Tong Cheng)(2009)澳門優秀運動員運動動機及退出意圖之研究(A Study on Sport Motivation and Withdrawal Intention of Macao Elite Athletes)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

陳嘉健(Chan Ka Kin)(2009)。運用專題研習於電腦教學上的成效研究(A study on Effectiveness of Project-based Learning in Computer Teaching)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

鄧穎琪(Tang Weng Kei)(2008)。澳門公共職業培訓之質量評估(Quality Assessment of Public Vocational Training in Macao)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

蔣濤(Jiang Tao)(2008)。澳門私立中小學校長轉型領導與學校組織氣氛關係之研究(A Study on the Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Organization Climate for Private Schools in Macau)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

翁小英(Iong Sio Ieng)(2008)。澳門私立中學組織結構對教師工作疏離感之影響(Influence on Teacher’s Working Estrangement of The Institutional Framework for Private Middle School in Macau)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

莊稼民(Chong Ka Man)(2008)。澳門初中學生參與體育課動機及參與體育活動意圖之研究(Motivation in Physical Education and Intention for Future Physical Activity Participation in Macau Junior School Students)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

曾綺華(Chang I Va)(2007)。情緒、情緒智力與道德推理之關係研究(A correlational study on the inter-relation among mood, emotional intelligence and moral reasoning)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

Chan, Iok Ip (2007)  Analysis of variance and its applications in Macao Educational Researches.  Master of Mathematics thesis, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Macau.

黃民俊(Wong Man Chun) (2007)。探討澳門中學對嚴重違規學生的處理研究(Investigation on how secondary schools in Macau deal with students that break regulations seriously)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

高慧嫻(Kou Wai Hang) (2007)。不同教育安置下聽障中學生自尊感與人際關係之研究(A study of the self-esteem and interpersonal relationship among hearing-impaired students who are studying at different educational settings)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

董志文(Tong Chi Man) (2007)。澳門初中不同年級聽障學生後設認知與代數解題能力之相關研究(A correlational study of the metacognition and algebraic problem-solving competence among hearing-impaired students who are studying in different junior secondary forms in Macao)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

林蕴華(Lam Van Va) (2007)。幼兒家庭動力畫與其親子關係之相關研究(A correlational study of kindergarteners on kinetic family drawings and their parent-child relationship)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

鄭翠萍(Chiang Choi Peng) (2007)。澳門幼兒及小學特殊兒童家長親職壓力與相關因素之探討(A study of parenting stress and related factors in parents of early childhood and primary school special children in Macao)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

何彩雲(Ho Choi Wan) (2006)。澳門中學生生命意義感之探討(A study on the Macau secondary students’ perception of the meaning of life)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

繆汝霞(Mio U Ha) (2006)。自尊與因應策略-澳門青少年如何因應同儕問題之研究(Self-esteem and coping strategies: a study on how Macau youth cope with peer problems)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

廖田伴(Lio Tin Pun) (2006)。澳門大學教學評估意見之探討(A study of opinion on teaching evaluation of university of Macau)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

趙勇(Chio Iong) (2005)。澳門中小學實施「全面品質管理」之意願認知調查研究(A survey study of the willingness and perception toward the implementation of “Total Quality Management” in primary and secondary schools in Macao)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

王培梅(Wong Pui Mui) (2005)。自閉症兒童〝心理理論〞能力的發展狀況及相關因素的研究(Research on the development of autistic children’s “Theory of Mind” and its interrelated factors)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

梁曉薇(Leong Hio Mei) (2005)。澳門中學資深與新任教師之班級經營信念狀況之研究(A study on classroom management beliefs for the senior teachers and junior teachers in secondary schools of Macau)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

蔡曉真(Choi Io Chan) (2004)。澳門特殊教育教師工作壓力及其因應方式之研究(The study of occupational stresses and coping methods among special education teachers in Macao)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

楊潤成(Ieong Ion Seng) (2003)。持恆運動與體適能的相關研究 (The study of regular behavior in physical activities and its relationship to development of students’ physical fitness level)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

羅文靜(Lo Man Cheng) (2003)。探討體育課程在澳門大專院校的重要性(An investigation of the importance of physical education curriculum in Macau higher education)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。

2020 till now.  Interview panel member, Principal Recommendation Admission (PRA) interviews, and Qualified Candidates of Admission Examination, B.Ed. (Primary Education), Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

2024 till now.  Chair, Admission Panel, M.Sc. Data Science (Analytics in Teaching and Learning)  Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

2023 till now.  Member, Primary (PYE) Programme Management Committee, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

2018-2023, 2010 to 2014, 2019 till now.  Chair, Sports Committee, University of Macau.

2019 – now.  Member, Principals’ Recommended Admission Scheme for Outstanding Student-Athletes (PRA-OSA), UM Outstanding Student-Athletes Admission Scheme (OSAAS) – Non Local, UM Outstanding Student-Athletes Admission Scheme (OSAAS) – Current Students.

2022/2023, Committee member, Programme Management Committee, M.Phil. Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

2022/2023, Committee member, Programme Management Committee, B. Ed (Primary Education), Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

2022/2023, 2023/2024, Interview panel members, Principal Recommended Admission, B.Ed. (Primary Education), Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

2022, Apil 23.  Reviewers, Poster presentation, Postgraduate Research Symposium, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

2020 June.  Member, Student Feedback Questionnaire (SFQ) Task Force, University of Macau

2021, Jan to May.  Supervisor of Honours Project (HONR1000), Honours College, University of Macau.  Title:  “Social Acceptance and Career Opportunities of Disabled Person in Macau”.  Group members: Vienna, CHAN U On (H-B8-1102-7), Casper, IAU Long Fong (H-B8-1037-0), Mandy, WONG Cheng (B-B8-0443-9), and Sandy, FU Weng Ian (B-B8-0067-3).  Submission Date: May 12, 2021.  Presentation Date: May 05, 2021

2021, 17th March, Representative, Faculty of Education, in the Second Information and Education Technology Committee Meeting for Academic Year 2020/2021, University of Macau, on 17th March 2021.

2018 to 2019.  Three meetings with three Mentees in Shui Pong College, University of Macau, Thursday 16th May 2019, Thursday 7th March 2019, and Thursday 18th October 2018.

  1. Affiliated member, Center for Early Childhood Education and Child Development.
  2. College Affiliates, Shui Pong College, University of Macau.
  3. Advisor, Video making for Statistics Competition to Macao Government Statistical Services, Shui Pong College

2003 to 2007, 2012 – 2018 Senate member

2012 – 2018 Academic Quality Assurance Committee

2012 – 2018 Director Centre for Continuing Education

  1. External member of recruitment panel of Associate Professor in Accounting, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau
  2. Recruitment panel, Office of Sports Affairs

2013 Jan to July University Affairs Coordination Committee

2013 Jan. to July, Acting Director, Office of Sports Affairs

2013 Supplementary Chairperson of Selection Committee for Invited Tender for Supply, Installation & Maintenance of Water Dispensers with Filter for Hengqin Campus

2012 Sept, CTLE Task Force on UM E-Learning Strategic Plan

2012 Sept Member of recruitment panel of Director of Office of Sports Affairs, University of Macau

2012-2013 Member, Selection Committee of the Open Tender for Outsourcing the Clinical Services in Hengqin Campus

2012 Supplementary member, Selection Committee of public tender – Integrated Facility Management Service of Staff Quarters on Hengqin campus

2012-2013 Member, Hengqin Food Outlet Tender Evaluation Committee

2010 – 2012 Member, Campus Outlet User Committee

2007 – 2012 Member of the Library Committee, University of Macau

2011 Task Force, Faculty Review, Faculty of Education, University of Macau

2011 Organizer and chair, Seminar on “Globalization, internationalization, and Multinationalization in Higher Education”.  21st Oct., 2011, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.  Speaker Prof. Philip G. Altbach, Director of the Center for International Higher Education in the Lynch School of Education at Boston College.

2011 April.  External member of recruitment panel of Assistant Professor in Accounting, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau.  (2 interviews & 1 meeting)

2011 March to May.  External member of recruitment panel of “Teaching” Assistant Professor in Psychology, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanity, University of Macau.  (3 interviews & 2 meeting)

  1. Member, Planning Committee, BSc in Accounting with Information System, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau.

2002 to 2010.  Coordinator, Bachelor projects, B.Ed. in service program, Faculty of Education, University of Macau (432 students and 41 supervisors).

2009 June.  External member of Planning Committee of the M.Sc. in Accounting.  Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau.

2009 May to June.  External member of recruitment panel of Assistant Professor in Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanity, University of Macau.  (3 interviews & 1 meeting)

2009 May.  External member of recruitment panel of Assistant Professor in Psychology.  Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanity, University of Macau.  (2 interviews & 1 meeting)

2009 April to May.  External member of recruitment panel of Assistant Professor in Finance, Department of Finance, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau.  (5 interviews & 1 meeting)

2008, Oct 31.  External Member, promotion panel of Dr Teresa Chu from Lecturer to Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau.

2007 – 2008.  Statistical Analysis of Teaching Evaluation for Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

  1. Member, Validation Panel, Bachelor of Science in Finance Program of Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau.
  2. External member of recruitment panel of Assistant Professor in Accounting in Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau. (2 interviews & 1 meeting)
  3. Statistical Consultancy. Music preference of tertiary students in Macau.  Journal article submitted by Dr Viny Hui, Faculty of Education, University of Macau

2007 External member of recruitment panel of Assistant Professor in Gaming Management in Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau

2000 – 2006.  Member of the University Research Committee, University of Macau

  1. Secretary of promotion committee for the Promotion of Prof Cheung Kwok Cheung from Associate Professor to Full Professor.
  2. Item reviewer of 2006 PISA items.

2000 – 2005.  Director of the Educational Research Centre, Faculty of Education, University of Macau

2001, 2002 and 2003.  Organizer of Annual Conference for Faculty of Education, University of Macau

2000 – 2001.  Co-ordinator of the Professional Development Unit, Faculty of Education, University of Macau

2021 April till now.  Assessment of teaching research design, Education and Youth Bureau, Macao Government.  教青局教學設計獎勵計劃評估員

2022, September and October.  Two talks on teachers’ assessments and supervisions (教師評鑒與督導).  30th September and 8th October, Colegio de St.Rosa De Lima, Macao.

2021, Nov. 13th Nov.  Judge, Second Macau Young Scientists Conference (第三屆澳門青少年科學家大會), 澳門科學技術協進會

2020, Nov. 14th Nov.  Judge, Second Macau Young Scientists Conference (第二屆澳門青少年科學家大會), 澳門科學技術協進會

2020, September.  Advisor, project entitled “Development of teacher education monitoring and program accreditation system” (translated from “教师教育质量监测及师范类专业认证管理信息系统”). The project was commissioned by Higher education evaluation center of the Ministry of Education (教育部高等教育教学评估中心) in November, 2017, and was conducted by College of Teacher Education, South China Normal University, person-in-charge: Prof Hong WANG, contact person: Shaoping WU.  I was contacted by Yingjun LIANG.

2020, September.  Co-Investigator.  Project entitled “Harnessing the power of teacher feedback to enhance learning outcomes: The roles of students’ feedback orientations and learning engagement”, General Research Fund (Project number: 18610920), Principal Investigator Dr Lan YANG, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, The Education University of Hong Kong.

2019 Nov.  Selection Committee Member – Cambridge Dream Beyond Scholarship Scheme 2020

2018 – 2020.  Member (Alumni Representative), School Management Committee, Kowloon Technical School, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

2018 Dec.  Assessment of teaching research design, Education and Youth Bureau, Macao Government.  教青局教學設計獎勵計劃評分表

2018 Nov.  Selection Committee Member – Cambridge Dream Beyond Scholarship Scheme 2019

2016 Oct.  Reviewer, a proposal of University Grants Committee Funding for Teaching and Learning Related Proposals (2016-19 Triennium), the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) (around HK$3,000,000)

2015 to 2016.  Voluntary Consultant, Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT), Macao version, Verbal and Figural (陶倫斯創造思考測驗 (語文版及圖形版, 澳門版)), Gaterac Limited, funded by Education and Youth Bureau, Macao Government.

  1. Research Advisor for Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) (Macao version)
  2. External Member, Review Panel for the Centre for Advancement of Chinese Language Education and Research (CACLER), Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong
  3. Working Group for the Synodal Consultation Questionnaire and 世界主教代表會議諮詢問卷工作小組.
  4. Translator (from English to Chinese) of abstract, Journal of Applied Measurement (JAM)

2012 to 2013, Local committee, 2013 IASE Satellite at Macau, the International Association for Statistical Education

  1. “好學學好調查研究” 香港明愛

2000 – 2012.  Member of the Statistics Consultation Committee, The Macau Government. 澳門統計暨普查局統計諮詢委員會委員

1996 – 2019  Research and Development Committee, Diocesan Building and Development Commission, Hong Kong Catholic Diocese.(香港天主教教區教區建築及發展委員會研究小組成員)

  1. Certificate of Recognition – ORBIS Friends Programme, for contribution to the flight against blindness worldwide for 17 consecutive years.
  2. Consultant and team member. Survey on Religious life among Catholic in HK.

2006 – 2010.  External Examiner, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong.

2010 Oct and 2009 Oct.  Assessment of teaching research design (Educational Research), Education and Youth Bureau, Macau Government.  教青局教學設計獎勵計劃評分表(教學研究)

2007 Statistical Consultancy.  Mio, Ka Wa Cannis (2007).  The relationship between self-esteem and drug abuse attitude among Macau adolescents.  Research Proposal as part of the assignment submitted to School of Nursing & Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Monash University, Australia.

2007 Statistical Consultancy.  Factors affecting customer retention in internet banking among Hong Kong professionals and business practitioners.  Doctor of Business Administration thesis, Suk Ching YAU, University of Newcastle, Australia.

  1. Member, Scientific Committee. Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium Hong Kong (PROMS HK) 2006.  27 to 29 June 2006, in The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong.
  2. Examination proctor, centre for online and distance learning, Simon Fraser University, Canada. Anna Ieong, course HUM102 Final.  On 13 Dec 2005.
  3. 第八屆海峽兩岸暨港澳地區教育學術研討會籌備委員會委員
  4. Team member, Documentation Team, Secretariat, Diocesan Synod, Hong Kong Catholic Church(香港天主教教區會議秘書處草案組成員)

1996 – 1999  Research Advisor for the Hong Kong Central Council of Catholic Laity.

1996 – 1997  Computing consultation for Diocese Office for Laity Formation.

1996 – 1997  Research Sub-committee, Hong Kong Catholic Commission for Labour Affairs.

  1. Pioneer of the Youth Budlet Folk Dance Group.

1995 – 1996.  Advisor of the Youth Crystal Folk Dance Troupe.

1993 & 1994.  Chairman of the Square and Circle Folk Dance Club.

  1. Vice-chairman of the Budlet Folk Dance Club. Dance Committee in 1994 and 1997.

1987 – 1993.  Advisor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Folk Dance Club.

1987 – 1997.  Advisor of the Hong Kong University Dance Club.

1987 – now. Budlet Folk Dance Club (since 1967).

1979 – now. Square and Circle Folk Dance Club (since 1959).

2004 – 2011. The Psychometric Society

1987 – 2017. Hong Kong Statistical Society.

1996 – 2001. Hong Kong Social Security Society (HKSSS).

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