Faculty of Education |
University of Macau |
(853) 8822 4112
(853) 8822 2402
Room 3012, Sports Complex,
University of Macau, N8,
Av. da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China
Water Soi Po WONG 黃水波
Senior Instructor |
Subject Convenor of Physical Education |
Faculty of Education, University of Macau |
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D. 2015 Beijing Sports University, China (Education)
M.A. 2006 University of Macau, China (Curriculum Design and Management)
B.A. 2001 National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan (Physical Education)
Major Areas of Teaching
- Wellness and Sports Practice
- Physical Education
Research Interests
- Leisure and Recreational of Sports
- Wellness Education
- Health Education
- Physical Education
Scholarly Activities
Conference Paper or Seminar Presentations
- Wong S. P & Lei S.M. (2017). A correlation study on the Psychological Skills and Sport Performance of College Basketball Players in Mainland China and Macau. 2017 FISU WORLD CONFERENCE on Development Through Sport. Taipei
- U.K. Lei S.M, Wong. S.P (2016). A Correlational Research on Physical Fitness and Moral Behavior of College Students in Macau. The 15th Annual Conference for the Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness: Active Aging, Quality of Life and Physical Activity as Medicine: Where is the Science? Hong Kong.
- H.C. Lei S.M, Wong. S.P (2016). A Study on Examining the Relationship between Health-related Fitness and Cognition of Sports Knowledge among College Students in Macau. The 15th Annual Conference for the Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness: Active Aging, Quality of Life and Physical Activity as Medicine: Where is the Science?. Hong Kong
- S. P. (2015). A Study on Games of Sports Physical Fitness to Enhance Students’ Learning in Secondary School in Macau. The 14th Annual Conference for the Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness: Attaining Quality of Life through Physical Activity. Macau.
- S. P. (2009). Strategies for University Sports Development: Trim and Fitness International Sport for All Association (TAFISA), Taiwan.
Previous Research
- Wong, S. P. (2006). The Health Development of Students through the Activity Based Fitness Program: University of Macau.
Working Paper
- Full length version and short form of health literacy scale in China
External Research Project
- Survey of Sports Venues in Macao “澳門體育場地之調查”。Funded by Macau Sport Development Board, Macau Government “澳門特別行政區政府體育發展局” MOP 569,000.00
M.Ed. Thesis Examiner
- 胡梓聰(WU Chi Chong) 2017. 澳門大專生健康知能、一般自我效能及生活滿意度之關係研究The interrelationship of Health Literacy, General Self-Efficacy and Satisfaction With Life of College Students in Macau
- 李蕾 (LI Lei) 2017. 短期低氧高強度間歇訓練對女大學生運動能力的影響研究Effect of Short-term Hypoxic High-Intensity Interval Training on Exercise Capacity in Female College Students
- 呂子安 (LOI Chi On ) 2017. 男子青年運動員十五個月業餘龍舟訓練過程中心電圖的變化特徵Electrocardiogram Measurements Changes in Male Young Athletes during the Fifteen Months of Amateur Dragon Boat Training
- 冼柏高 (SIN Pak Ko) 2017. 體育課德育行為簡式量表發展與信效度檢測-以香港及澳門的大學學生為例Development and Validation of the Shortened Moral Behavior Scale in Physical Education class – A Case of College Students in Hong Kong and Macau
- 梁梓康 (LEONG Chi Hong) 2017. 德育教育結合運動教育模式應用於澳門某中學籃球課之行動研究The Action Research of Moral Education integration into Sport Education Model applied to Middle School
- 李金鼎 (LI JinDing) 2017. 廣東省體育教師的體育與德育現況和德育自我效能感研究Research on Current Situation of Sports and Moral Education and Self-Efficacy of Moral Education of Physical Education Teachers in Guandong
- 黃靜璐 (WONG Cheng Lou) 2016. 心理技能訓練對澳門大學男子籃球員心理技能、運動表現、專項技術、體能影響之研究。(The effects of psychological skills training on UM men basketball team players’ psychological skills, game performance, specific technique and physical fitness) 。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。
- 林嘉希 (LAM Ka Hei) (2016). 澳門曲棍球校隊訓練運用個人與社會責任(TPSR)模式的的行動研究. (Action Research on implement Teaching for Personal and Social Responsibilities (TPSR) model high school racket training in Macau)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。
- 徐展業 (CHOI Chin Ip) (2016). 龍的傳人– 道德教育融入舞龍教學之行動研究 (Descendants of the dragon – Action Research of Integrating Moral Education into Teaching of Dragon parade) 。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。
- 高睿 (GAO Rui) (2015)。不同社會分層影響下小學生父母身體活動及其對子女體育投入之研究 (The Research of Different Social Stratification and Influence to the Physical Activity on Parents with Child at Primary School Age and Investment on their Child’s Involvement in Physical Education)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。
- 張子軒(GOMES Luis) (2015)。冒險教育課程對澳門中學生(個人與社會責任)影響之行動研究─以繩索運動為例(An Action Research on Learning Effects of Adventure Education for Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility among Macao Secondary Students: The Rope Sport)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。
- 黎榮發 (LAI Weng Fat) (2015)。運動教育模式對初中年級不同性別學生學習成效之研究(The Learning Effects of Sport Education Model on Male and Female Junior High School Students)。澳門大學教育學院教育碩士論文。
University Services
2015 ~ Now Teaching Course for the Centre for Continuing Education (CCE)
2014 Selection Committee of the Open Tender for Equipment of Track & Field in Campus.
2012 to 2013 Selection Committee of the Open Tender for Sports Equipment of New Campus
2011~ Now Member of the Task Force on Athlete Award Revision
2010 to 2013 Senate Member
2006~ Now, President of Tennis Club
2006 to 2008 President of Staff Sports Clubs
2005 to Now Sports Committee Member
Professional Affiliations
- Aerobics Instructor & Personal Trainer (International Fitness Association)
- Leadership Training of Sports for all (國際大眾體育領袖證書培訓課程), Trim and Fitness International Sport For All Association (TAFISA)
- Referee (Macau-China Basketball Association)
- Korfball coach (Asian Oceania Korfball Federation)
- Football coach (Asian Football Confederation)
- Referee of softball (Chinese Taipei)
- Swimming coach (Chinese Taipei)
- Basketball coach (Chinese Taipei)
- Certificated CPR (Macau Red Cross)
Other Roles
- National Society of Physical Education of The Republic of China中華台北體育學會(會員)
- 台北管理學會(會員)
- 澳門合球總會(理事長)
- 澳門體育總會聯合會(秘書)
Current Course
CPED101 – Physical Education I
Previous Courses
- Physical Education I – Teaching of Movement Exercises (DPRE201)
- Tennis (EDPE115)
- Badminton (EDPE111)