
Xiufeng LIU 柳秀峰

Chair Professor
Director of Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre
Faculty of Education, University of Macau
Refereed Books
Liu, X., & Boone, W. J. (eds.) (2023). Advances in applications of Rasch measurement in science education. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Liu, X., & Wang, L. (eds.) (2023). Volume 11: The rise of STEM education. A volume in R. Tierney, F. Rizvi, K. Ercikan and G. Smith (eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education (4th edition). Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
Gorlewski, J., Winkelsas, A., Rosenblith, S., …Liu, X., … (2022). A case for change in teacher preparation: Developing community-based residency programs. New York: Routledge.
Liu, X. (2020). Using and developing measurement instruments in science education: A Rasch Modeling approach (Second Edition). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Refereed Journal Articles (*senior author co-authoring with students)
Tripp, J.N., Waight, N. & *Liu, X. (2024). Paradoxical perceptions: minoritized high school students’ stereotypical and expansive views of science and scientists at an urban, inclusive STEM-focused high school (ISHS). Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research, 21. https://doi.org/10.1186/s43031-024-00110-y
Tripp, J., & *Liu, X. (2024). Towards defining STEM professional identity: A qualitative survey study. Journal for STEM Education Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41979-024-00131-2
Zhai, Y., & *Liu, X. (2024). Science career expectation and science-related motivation: A latent profile analysis using PISA 2015 data.  International Journal of Science Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/09500693.2024.2366045
Ji, Q., Zhang, R., Duan, X., Tripp, J. N., *Liu, X., & Cheng, C. (2024). Using hands-on learning video assignments in online and in-person contexts: A longitudinal study, Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, https://www.editorialpark.com/ejmste/view-manuscript/26018
Zhai, Y., Tripp, J., & *Liu, X. (2024). Science teacher identity research: A scoping literature review. International Journal of STEM Education, April, 11(20), 1-30.
Thayaseelan, K., Zhai, Y., Li, S., & *Liu, X. (2024). Revalidating a measurement instrument of spatial thinking ability for junior and high school students. Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research, 6, 3.
Zhang, L., *Liu, X., & Feng, H. (2023). Development and validation of an instrument for assessing scientific literacy from junior to senior high school. Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research, 5, article #21.
Waight, N., Whitford, M., Liu, X. (2023). Like they are everyday substances, you like see them, hold them, use them every day”: Students’ Understanding of Big Ideas and Macro and Submicro Chemistry Phenomena in the Context of Computer-based Models. Research in Science Education, 53, 935–960.
Chi, S., Wang, Z., & *Liu, X. (2023). Assessment of context-based chemistry problem-solving skills: Test design and results from ninth-grade students. Research in Science Education, 53, 295–318.
Liu, R., *Liu, X., & Hutson, L. (2022). Development and validation of a formative evaluation instrument for college teaching improvement. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 33(3), 407-428.
Li, S., *Liu, X., Yang, Y., Tripp, J. (2022). Effects of teacher professional development and science classroom learning environment on students’ science achievement. Research in Science Education. 52, 1031–1053.
Chi, S., *Liu, X., Wang, Z. (2021). Comparing student science performance between hands-on and traditional item types: A many-facet Rasch analysis. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 70, September, article #100998.
Shi, F., Wang, L., *Liu, X., & Chiu, M-H (2021). Development and validation of an observation protocol for measuring science teachers’ modeling-based teaching performance (MBTP). Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 58(9), 1359-1388.
Chi, S., Wang, Z., & *Liu, X. (2021). Moderating effects of teacher feedback on the associations among inquiry-based science practices and students’ science-related attitudes and beliefs. International Journal of Science Education. 43:14, 2426-2456.
Li, S., *Liu, X., Tripp, J., Yang. Y. (2021). From ICT availability to student science achievement: Mediation effects of ICT psychological need satisfactions and interest across genders. Research in Science and Technological Education.
Wang, C., & *Liu, X., Wang, L., Sun, Y., & Zhang, H. (2021). Automated scoring of Chinese Grades 7–9 students’ competence in interpreting and arguing from evidence. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 30(2), 269–282.
Park, M., & *Liu, X. (2021). An investigation of item difficulty patterns by energy aspects across biology, chemistry, environmental science and physics. Research in Science Education. 51, 43–60.
Yang, Y., *Liu, X., & Gardella, J. A. (2020). Effects of a professional development program on science teacher knowledge and practice, and student understanding of interdisciplinary science concept. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 57(7), 1028-1057.
Liu, X., & Wang, L. (2019). Editorial: Disciplinary and interdisciplinary science education research. Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research, 1.1
Chi, S., Wang, Z., & *Liu, X. (2019). Investigating disciplinary context effect on student scientific inquiry competence. International Journal of Science Education, 41(18), 2736- 2764.
Luo, T., Wang, J., *Liu, X., & Zhou, J. (2019). Development and application of a scale to measurer students’ STEM continuing motivation. International Journal of Science Education, 41(14), 1885-1904.
Lu, S., Bi, H., & *Liu, X. (2019). A phenomenographic study of 10th grade students’ understanding of electrolytes. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 20, 204-212. DOI:
Refereed Book Chapters
Liu, X. (2024). Reflection on the learning progression approach to promoting student learning: Commentary for Section II. In H. Jin, D. Yan, and J. Krajcik (eds.), Handbook on Science Learning Progressions (chapter 18), New York: Routledge.
Liu, X., Boone, W. (2023). Introduction. In X. Liu and W. Boone (eds.), Advances in applications of Rasch measurement in science education (chapter 1, pp. 1-18), Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Liu, X., & Wang, L. (2023). Introduction. In X. Liu and L. Wang (eds.), Volume 11 – The rise of STEM education, in R. Tierney, F. Rizvi, K. Ercikan and G. Smith (eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education (4th edition). Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
Liu, X., Rates, C., showers, A., Hutson, L., & Baumstark, T. (2019). Redesigning science courses to enhance student engagement and performance. In J. J. Mintzes and E. M. Walter (eds.), Active learning in college science: The case for evidence-based practice (chapter 19, pp. 291-306). New York: Springer.

Wu, Y., Liu, Y., Lin, J., Liang, L., & Liu, X. (2025, March). Exploring gaps in social-scientific reasoning skills: Insight from students in Grades 5-7. Paper presented at the NARST annual International Conference, National Harbor, MD, March 23-26, 2025.

Mi, S., & Liu, X. (2025, March). Research on creativity of students in integrated STEM education: A scoping Review. Paper presented at the NARST annual International Conference, National Harbor, MD, March 23-26, 2025.

Tripp, J., & Liu, X. (2025, March). Science identity among National Board Certified science teachers. Paper presented at the NARST annual International Conference, National Harbor, MD, March 23-26, 2025.

Liu, X., & Tripp, J. (2025, March). Latent profiles of US science teachers’ identity. Paper presented at the NARST annual International Conference, National Harbor, MD, March 23-26, 2025.

Tripp, J. & *Liu, X. (2024, April). Defining STEM professional identity: An exploratory study. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

Zhai, Y., & *Liu, X. (March, 2024). Science career expectations and science-related motivation: A latent profile analysis using PISA 2015 data. Paper presented at the annual NARST International Conference, Denver, CO, March 17-20, 2024.

Thayaseelan, K., Zhai, Y., & *Liu, X. (March, 2024). Revalidating a measurement instrument of spatial thinking ability for junior and high school students. Paper presented at the annual NARST International Conference, Denver, CO, March 17-20, 2024.

Tripp, J., *Liu, X., & Waight, N. (March, 2024). Minoritized high schoolers’ perceptions of science and scientists. Paper presented at the annual NARST International Conference, Denver, CO, March 17-20, 2024.

Liu, X., & Zhai, Y. (March, 2024). Science teacher identity research: A scoping literature review. Paper presented at the annual NARST International Conference, Denver, CO, March 17-20, 2024.

Cong, W., *Liu, X., & Wang, L. (April, 2021). Automated scoring of Chinese Grades 709 students’ competence in interpreting and arguing from evidence. Paper presented at the annual NARST International Conference. April 7-10, 2021, Online.

Yin, H., Liu, R., & *Liu, X. (April, 2021). Self-Efficacy Scale of Confucius Institute Chinese Teachers: A Rasch-Based Measurement Instrument Development. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Online, April 8, 12, 2021.

Distinguished Professor, Department of Learning and Instruction, University at Buffalo, State University of New York, 2024

Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2020

Exceptional Scholars Sustained Achievement Award, University at Buffalo, State University of New York, 2018

Distinguished Achievement Award for Excellence in Publishing, 2010

NSTA Press, National Science Teaching Association

Fellow, Centre for Inquiry Transnational, 2008

University Graduate Fellowship, University of British Columbia, Canada, 1990 – 1992

National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) – A Worldwide Organization for Improving Science Teaching and Learning through Research

American Educational Research Association (AERA)

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)