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University of Macau |
Accepting applications from PhD/EdD students |
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Xu Hua SUN 孫旭花
Assistant Professor |
Faculty of Education, University of Macau |
Exposed in western colony (Hong Kong & Macau) for fifteen years, I was interested in researching in the advantage and disadvantage of Chinese mainland mathematics education system from both inside and outside. From curriculum perspective, I found Chinese problem variation bianshi (變式) tradition: “one problem multiple solutions”, “one problem multiple solutions” as a daily routine, play vital roles in Chinese curriculum and instruction rarely known in the West. Inspired by this interesting phenomenon and hot variation theory in HK from Ference Marton , Lo Mun Ling and his colleagues, I (with help of N.Y. Wong & C.C. Lam) tried to search and re-search Chinese own mathematics education practice and theory from variation perspective , including the significance of mathematics developed from variation practice (Sun, Wong, & Lam, 2007),its curriculum significance (Sun, Wong, & Lam, 2006), significance for Chinese curriculum reform (Sun, 2012), and its relationship to cultural background in Chinese mathematics education (Sun, 2011). The proposed curriculum framework as a summary of the studies above, spiral variation curriculum design (Sun, 2007; 2016) theorized the vital advantage of Chinese “indigenous” practice (Sun, 2018), I hope, would growingly contribute future practice and theory in curriculum and instruction in the world like Chinese foods.
I currently serve as Co-chair of History and Pedagogy of Mathematics (HPM) 2020 – Satellite Meeting of ICME-14. I served co-chair of International Commission for Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) STUDY 23 primary mathematics education on whole number (a highly-praised output, Building the Foundation: Whole Numbers in the Primary Grades, which was downloaded 273 000 copies, the 25% of products by springer, ICMI STUDY23 VOLUME [ free download] http://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319635545; ICMI STUDY 23 Conference proceedings ( free download). http://www.umac.mo/fed/ICMI23/proceedings.html; Website http://www.umac.mo/fed/ICMI23/). I serves as a leading co-Editor of special issues in ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education (2019) https://link.springer.com/journal/11858. I was an invited speaker of the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education (Germany, 2016) and a co-chair of Task design and analysis (TSG31) of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education (Korea, 2012). I am an Editorial Board member of Journal of Mathematics education (China) http://sxyb.cbpt.cnki.net/WKD/WebPublication/index.aspx?mid=sxyb數學教育學報編委, Editorial board member of Educação Matemática Debate (Brasil) http://www.periodicos.unimontes.br/emd/about/editorialTeam; Guest editor of a Special Issue of mathematics education for the Journal of New Waves – Educational Research & Development. http://www.viethconsulting.com/members/publication/new_waves_home.php
Academic Qualifications
PhD in Education, Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK, 2007
MA in Math Education, North-East Normal University, China, 1994
BA in Mathematics, North-East Normal University, China, 1991
Professional Positions
Assistant Professor, University of Macau (2008 – Present)
Research Fellow, Hong Kong Institute of Education (2007 – 2008)
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Guangzhou University (2003– 2007)
Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Guangzhou University (2000 – 2002)
Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Guangzhou Normal University (1995 – 2000)
Math teacher in secondary school, Middle School Attached to Guangzhou Normal University (1994 – 1995)
Research Area
Mathematics education; Curriculum design; Textbook study; Primary mathematics; Teacher education ( science and mathematics subject); Classroom-based instructional interventions; Teachers’ mathematical knowledge and beliefs; Task design, analysis, and implementation; Students’ engagement ; The transition from primary to secondary school mathematics
Sun, X. (2007) Spiral Variation (Bianshi) Curricula Design in Mathematics: Theory and Practice. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong (in Chinese).
Major Awards and Honors
- 2004 Award for 5thTeaching Research Excellence by the Guangzhou Education Association (Third – class).
- 2003 Award for Teaching Research Excellence by the Guangzhou Education Association (Second – class).
- 2002 Award for Teaching and Research Excellence byGuangzhou University Community (First – class)
- 2000 Award for Teaching and Research Excellence byGuangzhou University Community (First – class)
On Going Project
“Practice, theory, and Research: Chinese mathematics curriculum development” (Principal Investigator) — Funded by University of Macau.
Research Projects Undertaken
l An Exploration for Macao’s Teacher Professional Development: Lesson Study or Based on Spiral Variation Curriculum Design. (Principal Investigator)
— Funded by DESJ of Macao Government. 教育暨青年局資助
l Understanding Chinese Mathematics Teaching from international perspective: Task analysis and its explorative applications. (Principal Investigator)
— Funded by University of Macau.
l Co-investigator, Spiral variation (Bianshi) curriculum design in mathematics, funded by CUHK and Modern Education Press, HK, 2005-2007.
l Co-investigator, Variation for the Improvement of Teaching and Learning (VITAL) Project (2005-2007) (sponsored by Education and Manpower Bureau at HK; HK institute of education).
l Principal investigator, Research on Teacher Quality and Training efficiency for Pre-service Teachers, funded by the Guangzhou Normal University, 1996-2001.
l Co-investigator, Reform of Mathematics Curriculum and pedagogy: The Role of Innovative Materials in Secondary Teacher Education, funded by Guangzhou University, 1999-2003.
l Co-investigator, The new curriculum design, implementation, and examination in Secondary school, was funded by the National Ministry Education Development Program, 1999-2003.
l Principal investigator, the reform in mathematics curriculum for pre-service teachers, 1997-1999.
Refereed Books
1 孫旭花 (in press)螺旋变式数学课程设计与成效:以分数除法为例 2 孫旭花巩子坤,黄兴丰(译)(2023)打好基础:小学整数教与学–国际数学教育委员会第23届专题研究(538页)电子版可以从国际数学教育委员会(ICMI)免费下载 https://www.mathunion.org/fileadmin/ICMI/ICMI%20studies/ICMI%20Study%2023/ICMI%20Study%2023%20Chinese%20Version.pdf 手机端:https://s.5rs.me/IUBqnMbdS 上海:上海教育出版社 3 Bartolini Bussi, M.G. & Sun, X. H. (Ed.) (2018). Building the foundation: Whole Numbers in the Primary Grades. New York-Berlin: Springer press. http://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319635545 [ it was downloaded 155 thousands] 4 Sun, X. H. (2016), Spiral variation: A hidden theory to interpret the logic to design Chinese mathematics curriculum and instruction in mainland China (in Chinese). [孫旭花[著] (2016)《螺旋變式—解讀中國內地數學課程與教學之邏輯》新加坡八方文化創作室]. World Scientific Publishing C.P. http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/9789814749893 5 Sun, X. H., Kaur, B., Novotna, J.(Eds). (2015), Conference proceedings of The Twenty-third ICMI Study: Primary Mathematics Study on Whole Numbers. Macau: university of Macau. (On-line http://www.umac.mo/fed/ICMI23/proceedings.html). 6 Wong, N., & Lam, C., & Sun, X. H. (2006) Variation (Bianshi) curriculum Theory: The possible way in curriculum innovation (in Chinese).Hong Kong: CUHK. Hong Kong education institute. [黃毅英、林智中、孫旭花(2006)。《變式教學課程設計原理:數學課程改革的可能出路》。香港:香港中文大學教育學院香港教育研究所。ISBN 10 9789628908059] Books Chapters 1. Mariotti M.A., Bartolini Bussi M.G., Boero P., Douek N., Pedemonte B., Sun X.H. (2019) The Italian Didactic Tradition. In: Blum W., Artigue M., Mariotti M., Sträßer R., Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen M. (eds) European Traditions in Didactics of Mathematics.( p95-121.) ICME-13 Monographs. Springer, Cham. 2. Sun, X. H., & Bartolini Bussi. , M.G. (2018). Language and cultural issues in the teaching and learning of whole number arithmetic. In M.G. Bartolini Bussi & X. H. Sun (Eds). Building the foundation: whole numbers in the primary grades. (pp.35-70). berlin: Springer, Cham. [indexed in SCOPUS] 3. Pu, S., Sun, X. H., Li, L. (16/05/2018). How do Chinese teachers acquire and improve their knowledge through intensive textbook studies. In Yeping Li and Rongjin Huang (Eds). How Chinese Acquire and Improve Mathematics Knowledge for Teaching (pp.165-184). Leiden: Brill | Sense. 4. Novotná, J., Kaur, B., Gervasoni, A., Askew, M., Veldhuis, V., Pearn, C., Sun, X. H. (03/2018). How to Teach and Assess Whole Number Arithmetic: Some International Perspectives. In M.G.Bartolini Bussi & X. H. Sun (Eds). Building the foundation: whole numbers in the primary grades. (pp.251-286). Springer, Cham. [indexed in SCOPUS] 5. Sun, X. H. (05/02/2018). Uncovering Chinese Pedagogy: Spiral Variation—The Unspoken Principle of Algebra Thinking Used to Develop Chinese Curriculum and Instruction of the “Two Basics”. In Kaiser, G., Forgasz, H., Graven, M., Kuzniak, A., Simmt, E., Xu, B. (Eds.) (Eds). Invited Lectures from the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education (pp.651-669). Switzerland: springer international publishing AG. [indexed in Web of Science] 6. Sun, X. H. & Christine C. Sayers, J.; Siu, M. K.; Cooper, J.; Dorier, J.; González, S.; Thanheiser, E.; Azrou, N., McGarvey, L.; Houdement C.; Ejersbo, L. R.(2018). What and why of Whole number arithmetic: Foundational ideas from history, language, and societal changes In M.G. Bartolini Bussi & X. H. Sun (Ed.), Building the foundation: whole numbers in the primary grades. New York-Berlin: Springer press. [indexed in SCOPUS] 7. Bartolini Bussi, M.G. & Sun, X. H. (2018).Social and Cultural Contexts in the teaching and learning of WNA In M.G. Bartolini Bussi & X. H. Sun (Ed.), Building the foundation: whole numbers in the primary grades. New York-Berlin: Springer press. [indexed in SCOPUS] 8. Bartolini Bussi, M.G. & Sun, X. H. (2018).Introduction. In M.G. Bartolini Bussi & X. H. Sun (Ed.), Building the foundation: whole numbers in the primary grades. New York-Berlin: Springer press. 9. Bartolini Bussi, M.G. & Sun, X. H. (2018). Concluding remarks. In M.G. Bartolini Bussi & X. H. Sun (Ed.), Building the foundation: whole numbers in the primary grades. New York-Berlin: Springer press. 10. Maria, M.G., Sun, X. H. (03/2018). Building a strong foundation concerning whole numbers arithmetic in primary grades: editorial introduction. In M.G.Bartolini Bussi & X. H. Sun (Eds). Building the foundation: whole numbers in the primary grades. (pp.3-18). berlin: springger. [ indexed in SCOPUS] 11. Novotna J.; Bartolini Bussi, M.G. ; Beckmann, S. Inprasitha, M.; Kaur, B.; Sun, X.; Venkat H.; Askew M. (2018). Whole numbers arithmetic and teacher education. In M.G. Bartolini Bussi & X. H. Sun (Ed.), Building the foundation: whole numbers in the primary grades. New York-Berlin: Springer press. [ indexed in SCOPUS] 12. Arzarello F.; Azrou, N. Bartolini Bussi, M. G. Gonzales, S. Siu M. K. and Sun, X.H. (2017)Traditions in whole number arithmetic. In M.G. Bartolini Bussi & X. H. Sun (Ed.), Building the foundation: whole numbers in the primary grades. New York-Berlin: Springer press. [ indexed in SCOPUS] 13. Sun X. H., Wong N., & lam, C. (2006) A Study of problem structure. In D.Z. Zhang (Ed.), “Two Basics” in Chinese mathematics teaching. [孫旭花、黃毅英、林智中(2006)。數學問題結構性變式的研究。載《中國數學雙基教學》(張奠宙主編)(頁84-96)。上海:上海教育出版社。] (Partly adapted from: 孫旭花 、黃毅英 、林智中 、張奠宙 (2006)。問題變式的結構與功能的統一, 課程教材教法 ,第五期。) 14. Sun, X. H. (2005). An investigation of traditional mathematic assessment by an example of open-ended problem. In N. Y. Wong (Ed.), Revisiting Mathematics education in Hong Kong for the new millennium (pp.282-305). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Association for Mathematics Education, page: 377-411. [孫旭花、黃毅英、黃家鳴、林智中、羅浩源( 2005 )。數學開放題評核之研究 ── 以一個租船問題為例。載黃毅英(編)《迎接新世紀:重新檢視香 港數學教育 ── 蕭文強教授榮休文集》 377-410 。香港:香港數教育學會。] (Adapted from: Wong, N., Lam, C., Wong, K., Law, H., Sun X. H. (2006). Investigation of the lack of traditional mathematics assessment by an example of renting-boat open-ended problem. Journal of Mathematics Education, 13(2), 3-4. ) 15. Sun, X. H. (2001). An experimental study to address meta–cognition ability .Wong Ngai-ying (Eds.), Assessment in mathematics education (in Chinese) (pp. 86-101), CUHK ISBN962-85523-6-8. [孫旭花《利用反思數學日記加強數學元認知結構實驗研究》刊於《評核與數學教育》ISBN962-85523-6-8. |
Refereed Journal Articles
- Sun, X. H. (2023). The errors and roads of Mathematical problem design. Educational Research and Review (in Chinese)数学问题设计的误区与出路 教育研究与评论
- Sun, X. H. (2019). Bridging whole numbers and fractions: Problem variations in Chinese mathematics textbook examples. ZDM, 51(1), 109-123. [indexed in Web of Science/ SCOPUS]
- Sun, X. H., Xin, Y. P., & Huang, R. (2019). A complementary survey on the current state of teaching and learning of Whole Number Arithmetic and connections to later mathematical content. ZDM, 51(1), 1-12.() [indexed in Web of Science/ SCOPUS]
- Bartolini Bussi, M.G.,Bertolini, C. Alessandro R., Sun, X.H. (2017) “Cultural transposition of Chinese lesson study to Italy: An exploratory study on fractions in a fourth-grade classroom”, International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, Vol. 6. Issue: 4, pp.380-395, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJLLS-12-2016-0057 [indexed in SCOPUS]
- Sun, X. H. Uncovering the advantage of Chinese mathematics education: a hidden instruction degihn framework for algebra development. Journal of mathematics education (in Chinese). Page 5-8, vol. 10.孫旭花 (2016) 《寻找中国数学教育优势:隱性的代数教学设计模型》,《数 学 教 育 学 报》, 25(5)。頁5-8,10/2016。
- Bartolini Bussi, G. & Sun, X. H. (2015), ICMI Study 23: Primary Mathematics Study on Whole Numbers. L’Enseignement Mathematique (in both French and English). (Founded in 1899 by the European Mathematical Society) [ IF=1.19]. [indexed in Web of Science]
- Sun, X. H. (2015). Book review on the History of China’s secondary mathematics curriculum. Front. Educ. China, 10(4). pp. 668-669. [indexed in Web of Science]
- Sun, X. H. (2015) ICMI STUDY 23 Conference review: Primary Mathematics Study on Whole Numbers. Mathematics education journal, 24(6). Page 92-96. [国际数学教育研究委员会第二十三届国际小学数学教育“数学整数教学”专题研讨会概述, 数学教育学报, 24(6) 。頁92-96.]
- Sun, X. H., Teo , T., Chan, T. C (2015). Application of the open-class approach to pre-service teacher training in Macao: a qualitative assessment. Research Papers in Education. 30:5, 567-584. (SSCI). [indexed in Web of Science/SCOPUS) ]
- Sun, X. H. (2013). Assessment of Prospective Teachers’ Multiple Proof Construction of a Trapezoid Area Formula , New Waves – Educational Research & Development,16(3);124 – 145
- Sun, X. H. (2012). Beyond Accuracy and Speed: Task Demands and Mathematical Performance, Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education Series D: Research in Mathematical Education, Vol. 16, No. 3, September 2012, 155–175.
- Sun, X. H. (2011). An Insider’s Perspective: “Variation Problems” and Their Cultural Grounds in Chinese Curriculum Practice, Journal of mathematical education. December 2011, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 101-114.
- Sun X. H. (2011) “Variation problems” and their roles in the topic of fraction division in Chinese Mathematics textbook examples, Educational Studies in Mathematics: Volume 76, Issue 1 (2011), Page 65-85. One of most downloaded articles in ESM [SSCI]. [indexed in Web of Science/ SCOPUS)
- Wong, N. Y., Lam, C. C., Sun, X. H., Chan, A.M. Y. (2009). From “exploring the middle zone” to “constructing a bridge”: Experimenting the spiral bianshi Mathematics curriculum. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. : Volume 7, Issue2 (2009), Page 363. [SSCI]. [indexed in Web of Science/ SCOPUS)
- Sun, X. H. & Wong, N. Y. (2005). A Culture-Bound Look on Mathematics Beliefs: Differences between China and U.S.A Students, Mathematics Educator, 2005, Vol.8, No.2, 95-105.
- Sun, X. H., Wong, N. Y., & Lam, C. C. (2005). Bianshi problem (Extended problems from examples) as the bridge from “entering the way” to “transcending the way”: The cultural characteristic of variation (Bianshi) problems in Chinese mathematics education. Journal of the Korea Society of Mathematics Education Series D: Research in Mathematics Education, 9(2), 153-172.
- Sun, X. H. (2010). An example of educational mathematics: “reduction of fraction to a common denominator in fraction division”. Mathematics teacher in primary schools. [孫旭花(2010)教育數學舉例:教育數學舉例:分數除法的“通分法” 小學數學教師.] [CSSCI]
- Sun, X. H. (2012). The characteristic of example design in Chinese textbook, Journal of mathematics education, Vol 21(3) ,page 54-59. [孫旭花 (2012) 问题变式:中国数学教材问题设计之特色, 數學教育學報, 21(3), 頁 54 – 59.][CSSCI]
- Lo, M. & Sun, X. H. (2011). How teaching could help learning: An empirical study of a mathematical concept of teaching and learning, Modern education science, Vol (10), page 25-29.盧敏玲、孫旭花(2011):教如何有助于學:一個概念的教與學關系之實證研究,《当代教育科学》,2011(10)。頁25-29,31/10/2011。[CSSCI]
- Sun, X. H. (2009). A lesson plan of linear equation of one unknown designed based on the notion of “One problem multiple change” of spiral variation curriculum design .Vol.391, page, 24-27. [孫旭花(2009)螺旋變式課程設計模型中“一題多變” 設計理念對一元一次方程的教學設計之啟示, 中學數學教學參考,391期,24-27.] [CSSCI]
- Sun, X. H. & Chan k. etc. (2008). Rationalization of ‘ONE PROBLEM MULTIPLE SOLUTIONS’: An introduction to spiral variation curriculum design.Vol6, p21-28. [孫旭花,陳嘉豪,梁永賢,等 (2008) “一題多解”之再昇華:螺旋變式課程設計理論介紹——-以三角形中位線定理推導為例 數學教育學報08年6期,21-28頁 [CSSCI]
- Sun, X. H. (2008). Lessons drawn from the West & HK. Bulletin of Mathematics, Vol10, page 10-16. [孫旭花(2008)前車之鑒,後事之師 數學通報 08年10期,10-16頁。] [CSSCI]
- Sun, X. H., Wong, N., & Lam, C. (2006). The Unification of Structure and Function in Mathematics Problems’ Variation. Curriculum, textbook and pedagogy. Vol5. (In Chinese)[孫旭花 、黃毅英 、林智中 、張奠宙 (2006)。問題變式的結構與功能的統一, 課程教材教法 ,第五期。]. [CSSCI].
- Sun, X. H. & Wong, N. Y. (2004). The Gender difference of variations of mathematics achievement in secondary schools of HK. Journal of Mathematics Education (In Chinese) Vol. 4, Page 10-13.] [孫旭花 黃毅英影響香港男女生數學成績的潛變量差異,《數學教育學報》,2004:第四期。][CSSCI]
- Sun, X. H. & Wong, N. (2004). The Gender difference of factors and paths to influence mathematics achievement in HK secondary schools Journal of Mathematics Education, (In Chinese) Vol. 48, P 10-13.[孫旭花 黃毅英<影響香港男女生對數學喜歡程度的因素與路徑分析>. 《數學教育學報》 第48卷 頁10-13。] [CSSCI]
- Sun, X. H. (2001).The significance of Mathematics technology in Mathematics education for 21st century. Journal of Mathematics Education (In Chinese), vol.2.ISSN1004-9894. [孫旭花 謝文彪《數學技術對於新世紀數學教育的意義》刊於2001年2期 《數學教育學報》 ISSN1004-9894 同時該文被中國人大數學教育報刊摘引複印資料《中學數學教與學》2001年9月全文摘引。]. [CSSCI]
- Sun, X. H. (2000). Study on Self-control ability of pre-service teacher in internship classroom. Journal of Mathematics Education (in Chinese), Vol.2, 51-61. ISSN1004-9894. [孫旭花, 謝文彪《從教育實習診斷數學課堂教學自我監控能力現狀》刊於2000年2期,《數學教育學報》。] [CSSCI]
- Sun, X. H. (2008). Assessment as a hidden factor to influence mathematical understanding, Taiwan Journal of Mathematics Teachers, Vol16, page 15-32.[孫旭花(2008):〈評核標準,一隻影響數學理解隱形的「手」–一個案例之速寫〉,《台灣數學教師電子期刊》,15。頁2-17。
- Sun, X. H. (2008). A practice exploration for Mathematics interest development by using the notion of “One problem multiple change” of spiral variation curriculum design. Taiwan Journal of Mathematics Teachers, Vol16, page 15-32. [孫旭花(2008)利用螺旋變式課程設計“一題多解”理念培養准教師的數學興趣 台灣數學教師電子期刊 2008, 12月,第十六期,15-32頁。]
- Sun, X. H. (2007). An introduction to the notion of reversion of spiral variation curriculum design. Taiwan Journal of Mathematics Teachers, Vol12, page 15-32. [孫旭花(2007)。《螺旋變式數學課程之還原理念簡介 —–以青浦變式教學中“以新歸舊”概念理解教學實踐為例》 臺灣數學教師電子期刊2007年 12期ISSN 1815-6355。http://www.mathematics.ntnu.edu.tw/~tame/tameteachers/TJMT12]
- Wong, N. Y., & Lam, C. C. & Sun, X. H. (2006). Reflection on a Bianshi lesson of fraction (in Chinese) Mathematics Education Journal. HKIED. [黃毅英、林智中、孫旭花《反思分數變式教學設計》數學教育學刊。]
- Sun, X. H. (2005).A case study on students how to deal with the paradox between conceptions and behaviours of “Guess and precise” Taiwan Journal of mathematics teachers (In Chinese). Vol. 2, Page 22-30. [孫旭花, “嚴謹與猜測”: 學生數學觀一個悖論的“個案速寫”臺灣數學教師 (電子) 期刊, 2005。]
- Wong, N. Y., & Sun, X. H. (2002).Describing students` Mathematics conceptions. The Journal of Primary Education (in Chinese), Vol.2, CUHK. [黃毅英 孫旭花《學生數學觀的個案刻畫 》<基礎教育學報>(香港中文大學)2002年1期。]
- Sun, X. H. (2001). Practical study on the mathematics journal on inquiry and reflection. Journal of Shanghai Normal University (in Chinese). Vol.10.ISSN1004-8634. [孫旭花《質疑型數學日記與反思數學日記的實踐探索》刊于2001年10期 《上海師大學報》。]
- Sun, X. H. (2000). An investigation on what kinds of Mathematics teachers do students like and why? Journal of Guangzhou Normal University (science version).Vol.8. ISSN1000-2596[孫旭花《學生喜歡什麼樣的數學教師》刊於2000年8期 《廣州師院學報》(自然科學版)。]
- Sun, X. H. (2000). Quality analysis and attributions on Pre-service teachers` teaching, Journal of Zhanjiang Normal University (in Chinese).vol.2 ISSN1006-4702. [孫旭花《師範生數學課堂教學素質缺欠及歸因分析》刊于2000年2期 《湛江師院學報》]
- Sun, X. H. (2012). “One Problem Multiple Changes” as a tool for example design, Mathematics education Journal (DATUM), Vol 21(3) ,page 54-59. 孫旭花(2011)“一題多變”:對比的藝術,數學教育期刊 (香港) 第四十五期.
- Sun, X. H., Wong, N., Lam, C. (2009).Spiral variation curriculum design: a case of fraction division. [孫旭花、黃毅英、林智中(2009)。從分數除法之例看螺旋變式課程。《基礎教育學報》18期,1-19。]
- Xie, W. & Sun, X. H. (2000).Reflection our teaching and conceptions at 21 century (in Chinese) Chemical Teaching, vol.11 ISSN1005-6629. [謝文彪 孫旭花,《反思觀念、反思教學、邁向新世紀》第二作者刊于《化學教學》2000 年11期。]
- Wu Z, & Sun, X. H. (1999).Assessment mathematics teaching in intern classroom. Journal of Guangzhou Normal University (in Chinese) .vol.9 ISSN1000-2596. [吳智如 孫旭花《客觀評價實習成績》刊于《廣州師院學報》ISSN1000-259699年9期。]
- Sun, X. H. (1997). Mathematics Journals in American mathematics classrooms, Journal of Guangzhou Normal University (in Chinese).vol.2 page48—50 .ISSN1000-2596. [孫旭花,《美國數學教育中的數學日記》。刊於《廣州師院學報(社會科學版)》,1997年2期,48—50頁。].
- Sun, X. H. (2001). The affection goals in mathematics curriculum. Journal of Modern Primary and secondary schools (in Chinese), Vol.9.ISSN1002-1477. [孫旭花 《關注數學課程的情感目標》刊於2001年9期 《現代中小學教育》。].
- Sun, X. H., Wong, N., & Lam, C. (2007).The Mathematics perspective guided by Variation (Bianshi).Mathematics teaching, Vol10.2007.[孫旭花、黃毅英、林智中(2007).《變式的角度 數學的眼光》.2007年 10期<數學教學> ISSN 0488-7387。]
- Sun, X. H. (2000).Inquiry as the way knowing and improving, Mathematics teaching (in Chinese) [孫旭花 《質疑、學會認知、學會創新的突破口》刊於2000年6期 《數學教學》。ISSN0488-7378]
- Vong, S., Wu, J. & Sun, X. H. (2010). A Tale of Two Cities on the School-Based Curriculum Development in Macao – “Long distance” vs. “Immersion” Approaches”. Journal of curriculum studies, Hong Kong Special Issue, pp. 1-28. [黃素君、吳娟、孫旭花(2010):〈澳門校本課程改革的「雙城故事」– 「遙控」VS 「浸入」式的U-S夥伴協作兩種校本支援路徑〉,《課程研究》,1(1)。頁1-28,08/2010。]
- Sun, X. H. (2009). Re-exploration for practice and rationale of “One problem multiple changes” Mathematics teaching Vol.4. [孫旭花(2009)一題多解實踐與教育價值之再探索 數學教學 第4期.]
- Wong, N., Lam, C., Wong, K., Law, H., Sun X. H. (2006). Investigation of the lack of traditional mathematics assessment by an example of renting-boat, open-ended problem. Journal of Mathematics Education, 13(2), 3-4. [黃毅英、黃家鳴、林智中、羅浩源、孫旭花( 2006 )。數學開放題評核之研究 ── 以一個租船問題為例,數學教育報,13(2), 3-4.]。
Conference Papers
- Sun, X. H. (2016). Uncovering Chinese Pedagogy: Spiral variation –the unspoken principle for algebra thinking to develop curriculum and instruction of “TWO BASICS”. Invited paper was presented at 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-13), Hamburg. http://www.icme13.org/files/abstracts/ICME-13-Invited-lectures-Sun.pdf
- Sun, X. H. (2016). Some impressive points on the Italian tradition of math education from Chinese culture perspective. Paper was presented at 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME -13), Hamburg.
- Martolini Bussi, M.G. & Sun, X. H. (2016).ICMI STUDY23. Report was presented at 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education (icme-13), Hamburg, retrieved on Oct. 20, 2016, from https://lecture2go.uni-hamburg.de/l2go/-/get/v/19759
- Sun, X. H., Coulange, L.C. (2015). Tasks Design and Analysis. In S.J. Cho (ed.), Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education. Seoul (Korea).
- Sun, X. H. (2015). Chinese core tradition to whole number arithmetic. In Sun, X., Kaur, B., & Novotná, J. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 23rd ICMI Study ‘Primary Mathematics Study on Whole Numbers’. China, Macao: University of Macao, retrieved on February 20, 2016, from http://www.umac.mo/fed/ICMI23/proceedings.html.
- Sun, X.H. (06/2015). Preface. In Sun, X., Kaur, B., & Novotná, J. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 23rd ICMI Study ‘Primary Mathematics Study on Whole Numbers’. China, Macao: University of Macao, retrieved on February 20, 2016, from http://www.umac.mo/fed/ICMI23/proceedings.html.
- Sun, X.H. & Beckmann, S. (06/2015). THEME 1: THE WHY AND WHAT OF WHOLE NUMBER ARITHMETIC. In Sun, X., Kaur, B., & Novotná, J. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 23rd ICMI Study ‘Primary Mathematics Study on Whole Numbers’. China, Macao: University of Macao, retrieved on February 20, 2016, from http://www.umac.mo/fed/ICMI23/proceedings.html.
- Bartolini Bussi, G. & Sun, X.H. (06/2015). The ICMI STUDY 23 Primary mathematics study on whole numbers. In Sun, X., Kaur, B., & Novotná, J. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 23rd ICMI Study ‘Primary Mathematics Study on Whole Numbers’. China, Macao: University of Macao, retrieved on February 20, 2016, from http://www.umac.mo/fed/ICMI23/proceedings.html.
- Sun, X.H. (06/2015) 基於課改透視中國課程設計傳統:探索螺旋變式課程的理論價值,輯於黃家樂、李玉潔、潘維凱編輯《香港数学教育会议2015》,HK:06/2015。[Sun, X. H. (06/2015). what is the value of spiral variation curriculum Design: perspective from Chinese curriculum reform. The HK Mathematics education conference 2015. Hong Kong. ]
- Wong, I.N., Jiang, C. L., Cheung, K. C., Sun, X. H. (06/2015). Primary mathematics education in Macao: Fifteen years of experiences after the 1999 handover from Portugal TO Mainland China. In Sun, X., Kaur, B., & Novotná, J. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 23rd ICMI Study ‘Primary Mathematics Study on Whole Numbers’. China, Macao: University of Macao, retrieved on February 20, 2016, from http://www.umac.mo/fed/ICMI23/proceedings.html.
- Sun, X.H. (2013). The structures, goals and pedagogies of “variation problems”in the topic of addition and subtraction of 0-9 in Chinese textbooks and reference books ,paper presented in Eighth Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 8) Antalya,Turkey,06/02/2013 – 10/02/2013
- Sun, X.H. (2013). The fundamental idea of mathematical tasks design in China: the origin and development, paper presented in ICMI STUDY 22:Task design in mathematics education, University of Oxford,22/07/2013 – 26/07/2013
- Sun, X.H., Neto, T.B., & Ordóñez, L. E. (2013). Different features of task design associated with goals and pedagogies in Chinese and Portuguese textbooks: The case of addition and subtraction. In C. Margolinas (Ed.), Task Design in Mathematics Education.. Proceedings of ICMI Study 22 (pp. 409-418). Oxford, United Kingdom. Retrieved February 10 from https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00834054v3.
- Bartolini Bussi, G., Sun, X.H. & Alessandro (2013) A dialogue between cultures about task design for primary school, In C. Margolinas (Ed.), Task Design in Mathematics Education.. Proceedings of ICMI Study 22 (pp. 409-418). Oxford, United Kingdom. Retrieved February 10 from https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00834054v3.
- Sun, X.H. (2012) Exploring Proof Space: Assessment of Prospective Teachers’ Multiple Proof Construction of a Trapezoid Area Formula. Paper presented at the The Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association (CAERDA) 2012: International Conference: Educational Research, Policy, and Practice for the Globalizing World. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 12/04/2012 – 13/04/2012
- Sun, X. H. & Sun, Y. (2012).The systematic model LǛ (率) of JIU ZHANG SUAN SHU and its educational implication in fractional computation, Paper presented at the 12th international congress on Mathematics education Seoul, Korea 08/07/2012 – 15/07/2012.
- Sun X. H. & Shi, L. (2011).Uncovering Chinese Pedagogy:A framework of “Variation Problems” for Understanding Mathematics Textbook. Paper presented at the 2011 International Conference on School Mathematics Textbooks (ICSMT 2011). Shanghai:11/10/2011 – 14/10/2011.
- Sun X. H. (2010) Algorithm and Principles of Division of Fractions in Chinese Ancient Literature”. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on the History of Science in China”, Beijing: the Chinese Society for the History of Science and Technology (CSHST).
- Sun X. H. (2010) Enhancing Prospective Teachers’ Learning through Public Lessons in Macao” Shanghai: Paper presented at the conference “International Seminar on Mathematics Education”, Shanghai: ECNU, May 24 to 26, 2010.
- Sun X. H. (2009b). “Problem Variations” in the Chinese text: Comparing the problem variations in examples of the division of fraction in American and Chinese textbooks. In Tzekaki, M., Kaldrimidou, M. & Sakonidis, C. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 1, pp. 193-200. Thessaloniki, Greece: PME. [indexed in Web of Science]
- Sun X. H. (2009c) Enhancement theory construction: An experiment of “spiral variation curriculum design” about division of fraction. In Tzekaki, M., Kaldrimidou, M. & Sakonidis, C. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 1, pp. 497-498. Thessaloniki, Greece: PME. [indexed in Web of Science]
- Sun X. H. (2009a) Curriculum development based on Mathematics history: an experiment of novel curriculum design around the division of fractions. Paper presented at the conference “Numeracy: Historical, philosophical and educational perspectives. Academic conference”, Oxford: University of Oxford.
- Sun, X. H. & Chan, K. (2009). Regenerate the proving experience: An attempt for improvement original theorem proof construction of student teachers by using spiral variation curriculum. Paper presented at the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction, ICMI STUDY 19, Proof and proving in Mathematics education, Taipei.
- Sun, X. H. (2009) An experiment for the enhancement of a trapezoid area formula proof constructions of student teachers by ‘ONE PROBLEM MULTIPLE SOLUTIONS’, Paper presented at the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction, ICMI STUDY 19, Proof and Proving in Mathematics Education, 2009, Taipei.
- Sun, X. H., Wong, N. (2006). The “soil” of extended problems: The cultural background of the Chinese Mathematics teaching practice. In Novotna, J., Moraova, H., Kratka, M. & Stehlikova, N. (Eds.), Proceedings 30th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 1, p. 339. Prague: PME.
- Sun, X. H. (2007) Learning study: multiple chances for teacher learning .The World Association of Lesson Studies International Conference 2007 Abstract Code: 079 http://www.worldals.org/
- Sun, X. H. (2006). Plenary lecture:Mathematics perspective guided by Variation (Bianshi). The 2006 Chinese national Congress on Mathematics Education at Wuyi shan, Fujian province, China. [孫旭花(2006) 變式的角度 數學的眼光 2006年全國高師數學教育研究會的大會報告,武夷山:福建。]
- Sun, X. H. & Wong, N. (2005). The origin of Bianshi problems: a cultural background perspective on the Chinese Mathematics teaching practice. Paper presented at the Third East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematicsematical Education. August 7-12, 2005. China: Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou.
- Sun, X. H. (2004). A Culture-Bound Look on Mathematics Beliefs: Differences between China and U.S.A Students. ICME-10: 10th International Congress for Mathematics Education. Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Neto, T.,& Sun, X. H. (2012) Design and analysis of mathematical tasks using the ONTO ONTO-SEMIOTIC APPROACH. Paper presented at the 12th international congress on Mathematics education Seoul, South Korea 08/07/2012 – 15/07/2012.
- Fan, L., Sun, X. H., & Yan, J. (2012) .The characteristics of Chinese task design based on “TWO BASICS” and changes after the ten-year curriculum reform. Paper presented at the 12th international congress on Mathematics education Seoul, South Korea 08/07/2012 – 15/07/2012.
- Sun, X. H. (2008) what is difference between Spiral curriculum design and general curriculum in HK: The case of division by fraction? Paper presented at Mao: University of Macau. [孫旭花,(2008)。螺旋變式課程和香港常用課程哪里不同:以分數除法為例,「2008年華人社會的課程與教學改進學術研討會」155頁,澳門:澳門大學,2008。]
- Sun, X. H. & Wong N. (2005). Towards a theory of Variation (bianshi) problem in problem-solving In Wen YG (Ed.), Paper presented at the new development of mathematics education in HK 2005. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Association for Mathematics Education, page: 173-182[孫旭花、黃毅英(2005)。[變式題的問題解決過程理論建構。載文耀光、史創立、潘建強(編)。《數學教育研究及教學最新進展──數學教育會議2005文集》173-182。香港:香港數學教育學會。]
Other publication
- Sun, X. H. (2013).The basic ideas and significance : Spiral variation curriculum design, Macau mathematics education journal [ 螺旋變式課程之基本設計思想及其教學啟示,<澳門數學教育>,38 – 52]
- Xu, M., Leung, G., Leung, H., & Sun, X. H. (2012). Mathematical beauty,mathematical eye, and mathematics interest.Teacher Magazine, [許明仔、梁國汶、梁黃傑 孫旭花 數學美 ,數學眼光,數學興趣 《教師雜誌》
- Sun, X. H. & Zheng, G.(2012).Focus on student’s learning chance: Example and exercise design, Teacher Magazine,孫旭花 鄭國斌 關注學生思考的機會:例題與練習設計的考量.《教師雜誌》.
- Sun, X. H. & Hu, L.(2011). “Different- structure- with-same-lesson” public class: a teacher developmental platform between pre-sevice and in-serice teacher professional development, Teacher Magazine, Vol.4.孫旭花.胡龍成(2011)〈澳門職前與在職數學教師專業發展的嘗試—– “同課異構"公開課:設置一個教師專業發展的平臺〉,《教師雜誌》,35。頁49-52,30/12/2012。It was translated into Portugal by DSEJ .
- Sun, X. H. & Zeng (2008). An approach to Mathematics interest development by using the notion of“One problem multiple change”, Teacher Magazine, Vol.12, page 54-58. [孫旭花,曾震宇(2008)一題多解,培養學習數學興趣的良方《教師雜誌》第十二期, 54-58頁。]
- Sun, X. H. (2000).why does mathematics education need website and what kinds of content should be? Mathematics in the middle school (in Chinese) vol.6 ISSN1002-7572[孫旭花 《談中學數學資源網站的建立》刊於2000年6期 《中學數學》。]
- Sun, X. H. (1997). Two examples of mathematics Journal in American mathematics classroom. Mathematics Teacher (in Chinese) .vol.1 page39—42. [孫旭花,美國數學教育中的數學日記操作兩例。刊於《 數學教師》,1期,39—42頁。]
- Sun, X. H. (2008) An instructional issue: nearsighted wear presbyopic glasses ,Dagong Journal[《教學難題﹕近視眼戴老花鏡》2008年1月19日大公報]
- Sun, X. H. (2007). Comparisons as the condition of discernment, Dagong Journal [《比較」是鑒別的條件》2007年10月-4日大公報
- SUN XUHUA.(2022).重生數學興趣:再造數學課堂創造之魂──以平方差公式a2-b2=(a-b)(a+b)的幾個推導數學課為例.教师杂志,71(53),57.
Service to the University and Wider Community
- I am Co-chair of History and Pedagogy of Mathematics (HPM) 2020 – Satellite Meeting of ICME-14
- International Commission for Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) Study 23 [Co-Chair]: primary mathematics study: whole number
- Editorial Board member of The Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education (JMTE)
- International Commission for Mathematical Education ( ICME) – 12 TSG31 [Co-Chair]: Task design and Task analysis
- Guest editor of The International Journal on Mathematics Education ZDM (Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik) (Germany). Whole number arithmetic and its teaching and learning 51(2009,Vol.1) https://link.springer.com/journal/11858
- Editorial board member of Educação Matemática Debate – e ISSN: 2526-6136 (Brasil) http://www.periodicos.unimontes.br/emd/about/editorialTeam
- Editorial board member: Journal of Mathematics education (China)數學教育學報編委
- External Reviewer of Journal for research in Mathematics Education (USA), 2009-2011
- Guest editor of mathematical education journal (DATUM數學教育學刊) (HK), 2010
- Guest editor of a Special Issue of mathematics education for the Journal of New Waves – Educational Research & Development. 2012
- HKIED – External Reviewer of Journal Publication, 2009
- University of Macau Student Hostel (華蘭臺Warden);澳門大學學生宿舍(舍監), 2009 – 2013.
Current Courses
Subject-Based Teaching Methods (Primary Mathematics) I (PYEB211)
MPhil/MEd in Mathematics Education
Doctoral (PhD/EdD) and masters (MPhil/MEd) student supervision
Previous Courses
Subject-Based Teaching Methods (Mathematics) I/II (EDUC336 / EDUC337)
Supervised Teaching and School Experience (EDUC408)
Prospective Master/PhD/EdD Applications
Xuhua would welcome informal contact from prospective Master/ PhD/EdD students on any of the research topics mentioned above or other related topics in mathematics education.