Dr. Ronnel B. KING, an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education, University of Macau, is recognized as one of the top 2% of researchers in education out of approximately 58,000 education researchers. He is also one of the top 200,000 scientists in the world across all fields of science based on a ranking of approximately 7 million scientists with at least five publications listed in Scopus. This recognition recognizes both his lifetime citations and the latest 2019 citations.
Dr. King’s research focuses on understanding the factors that underpin motivation and well-being and developing positive psychology/education interventions to enhance these optimal states. Dr. King obtained his PhD from The University of Hong Kong and has published more than 100 journal articles.
Other notable UM academics awarded this recognition of being one of the top scientists in the world include Prof. Song Yonghua, Rector of the University of Macau; Kelvin Ka-Veng Yuen, Distinguished Professor and Head of Graduate School; Chang Lei, Chang Lei, Chair Professor and Head of the Department of Psychology; Tang Zikang, Chair Professor & Director of the Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering, and Cheng-Zhong Xu, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology and Chair Professor of Computer and Information Science among others. UM has figured prominently in this database of top researchers with prominent researchers emerging in various disciplines.
This database of scientific authors is based on the work of Stanford University researchers J.P.A. Ioannadis, K. W. Boyack, and J. Baas published Plos Biology which created a publicly available database of top scientists that provides “standardized information on citations, H-index, co-authorship-adjusted hm-index; citations to papers in different authorship positions, and a composite indicator”. This database extracted information from the Scopus database and classifies researchers into 22 scientific fields and 176 subfields.
Source: Ioannidis, J.P.A, Boyack, K.W., & Baas, J (2020) Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators. PLoS Biology 18(10): e3000918. (see Table S6 and S7) (source: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3000918)