yb87473 Ricardo Hernany Dos Santos Brito2025-02-03T18:42:05+08:00

Faculty of Education |
University of Macau |
Accepting applications from PhD students
(853) 8822 8747
(853) 8822 2402
Room 2018, Faculty of Education,
University of Macau, E33,
Av. da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China
Yan WANG 王燕
Assistant Professor |
Faculty of Education, University of Macau |
Academic Qualifications
- Doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction (specialized in TESOL), Illinois State University
- Master in Special Education, University of Central Oklahoma
- Bachelor in English, Sichuan International Studies University
Teaching Area
- ELT (English language teaching )-related
Current Research
- ELT for Chinese learners
- Cultural issues in education
- Internationalization of education
Previous Research
- English-as-a-second-language mainstreaming
- Cross-cultural issues in education
- Comprehensible input through extensive reading
Selected Publications
- Wang, Y. & Zhao, Y. (Eds.). (2013). Seeking the Common Dreams between the Worlds: Stories of Chinese Immigrant Faculty in North American Higher Education. Charlotte, NC, U.S.A.: Information Age Publishing.
Book Chapters:
- Wang, Y. (2013). Longing, seeking, and learning: A voyage of departure and return. In Y. Wang & Y. Zhao (Eds.)., Seeking the Common Dreams between the Worlds: Stories of Chinese Immigrant Faculty in North American Higher Education (pp.199-224). Charlotte, NC, U.S.A.: Information Age Publishing.
- Wang, Y. & Zhao, Y. (2013). Introduction: Re-seeking dreams and the lived experience of Chinese immigrant faculty. In Y. Wang & Y. Zhao (Eds.)., Seeking the Common Dreams between the Worlds: Stories of Chinese Immigrant Faculty in North American Higher Education (pp.1-10). Charlotte, NC, U.S.A.: Information Age Publishing.
- Wang, Y. & Zhao, Y. (2013). Multiple paths and common dreams: Chinese immigrant faculty in North America. In Y. Wang & Y. Zhao (Eds.)., Seeking the Common Dreams between the Worlds: Stories of Chinese Immigrant Faculty in North American Higher Education (pp. 239-255). Charlotte, NC, U.S.A.: Information Age Publishing.
- 王燕. (2006). 教师的素养与多元文化主义:美国的教师教育及其借鉴意义”。(梁斌、李志全编撰)基础教育研究 (pp. 8-15)。 北京:中国文史出版社。
- (王燕). (2004). 小学生升中学的适应与发展。(古鼎仪、甘志强、容万城 编撰) 教育与课程改革:珠三角地区的适应与发展( 56-68)。香港:港澳儿童教育国际协会出版(ACEI-HKM)。
Journal Articles:
- Sung, M. C. Wang, Y., & Vong, K. I. P. (2024). Multiple voices and multiple interests: students’ lived experiences and understanding of university internationalization. Asia Pacific Education Review. DOI: 10.1007/s12564-024-09947-4 (SSCI)
- Zhang, X. & Wang, Y. (2024). Windows and mirrors? Cultural authenticity of Chinese-themed children’s books. Educational Studies, 50 (2), 203-223. DOI: 10.1080/03055698.2021.1940871 (SSCI)
- Wang, Y. & Yu, S. (2023). Content and language learning through English-medium instruction (EMI) in a Macau university: Program effectiveness and differentiated learning outcomes. Asia Pacific Journal of Education. DOI: 10.1080/02188791.2023.2270725 (SSCI)
- Wang, Y., Sung, M. C. & Vong, K. I. P. (2021).The global v. the local: Knowledge construction and building Western university with Chinese/local characteristics. International Journal of Educational Research, 109 (2021) 101835. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijer.2021.101835 (SSCI)
- Yu, S., Wang, Y., Jiang, L., & Wang, B. (7-8/2021). Coping with EMI (English as a medium of instruction): Mainland China students’ strategies at a university in Macau. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. 58 (4), 462-472. DOI: 10.1080/14703297.2020.1784248 (SSCI)
- Wang, Y., Sung, M. C. & Vong, K. I. P. (8/2020). The foreign moon is fuller: Chinese academics’ perception of internationalization. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 50 (6), 827-843 DOI: 10.1080/03057925.2019.1572494 (SSCI).
- Wang, Y. & Ieong, S. L. (10/2019). Will globalized higher education embrace diversity in China? Frontiers of Education in China, 14 (3), 339-363. (Scopus)
Selected Conference Presentations/Proceedings:
- Wang, Y. (21 May 2022). Content and Language Learning through EMI: Differentiated Outcomes and A Context-Dependent Perspective. Paper presented at the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK) 2022 Conference (on-line), Hong Kong.
- Wang, Y., Sung, M. C. & Vong, K. I. P. (13 March 2021). Global and local knowledge: Knowledge construction and academic pluralism at a time of globalization. Paper presented at the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK) 2021 Conference (on-line), Hong Kong.
- Tinker-Sachs, G., Wong, M., & Wang, Y. (June 2019). Critical understandings of globalization and the identities of teachers of English in Macau. Paper presented at the 2019 International Society for Language Studies (ISLS), Open University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Funded Research Projects
- Wang, Y. & Shao, Y. (2014-2015). The lived experience of Chinese college students with EMI (English medium instruction). (Received MOP 158,200 from University of Macau)
- Wang, Y., Chia, Y., Sung, M., & Vong, K. (2012-2013). Academic profession under the impact of university internationalization: A case study in Macau. (Received MOP 153,300 from University of Macau)
- Wang, Y. & Zhao, Y. (2009-2011). Chinese immigrant faculty in U. S. higher education: Revisiting some cross-cultural issues in the academy. (Received MOP 50,000 from University of Macau)
- Many, J., Taylor, D., & Wang, Y. (2004). An examination of preservice ESOL/Reading teachers’ use of instructional scaffolding. (Received USD 5,000 from the USG Reading Consortium, Georgia, U.S.A.)
- Wang, Y. (2003). Understanding the needs of mainstream teachers of ESL students. (Received USD 4,200 from Georgia State University, Georgia, U.S.A.)