yb87473 Ricardo Hernany Dos Santos Brito2024-06-19T10:52:10+08:00
Faculty of Education
University of Macau
(853) 8822 8747
(853) 8822 2402
Room 2018, Faculty of Education,
University of Macau, E33,
Av. da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China
Yan WANG 王燕
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Education, University of Macau
Academic Qualifications
- Doctorate in curriculum and instruction (specialized in TESOL), Illinois State University
- Master’s degree in special education, University of Central Oklahoma
- Bachelor’s in English, Sichuan International Studies University
Teaching Area
- ELT (English language teaching )-related
Current Research
- ELT for Chinese learners
- Cultural issues in education
- Internationalization of education
Previous Research
- English-as-a-second-language mainstreaming
- Cross-cultural issues in education
- Comprehensible input through extensive reading
Selected Publications
- Wang, Y. & Zhao, Y. (Eds.). (2013). Seeking the Common Dreams between the Worlds: Stories of Chinese Immigrant Faculty in North American Higher Education. Charlotte, NC, U.S.A.: Information Age Publishing.
Book Chapters:
- Wang, Y. (2013). Longing, seeking, and learning: A voyage of departure and return. In Y. Wang & Y. Zhao (Eds.)., Seeking the Common Dreams between the Worlds: Stories of Chinese Immigrant Faculty in North American Higher Education (pp.199-224). Charlotte, NC, U.S.A.: Information Age Publishing.
- Wang, Y. & Zhao, Y. (2013). Introduction: Re-seeking dreams and the lived experience of Chinese immigrant faculty. In Y. Wang & Y. Zhao (Eds.)., Seeking the Common Dreams between the Worlds: Stories of Chinese Immigrant Faculty in North American Higher Education (pp.1-10). Charlotte, NC, U.S.A.: Information Age Publishing.
- Wang, Y. & Zhao, Y. (2013). Multiple paths and common dreams: Chinese immigrant faculty in North America. In Y. Wang & Y. Zhao (Eds.)., Seeking the Common Dreams between the Worlds: Stories of Chinese Immigrant Faculty in North American Higher Education (pp. 239-255). Charlotte, NC, U.S.A.: Information Age Publishing.
- 王燕. (2006). 教师的素养与多元文化主义:美国的教师教育及其借鉴意义”。(梁斌、李志全编撰)基础教育研究 (pp. 8-15)。 北京:中国文史出版社。
- (王燕). (2004). 小学生升中学的适应与发展。(古鼎仪、甘志强、容万城 编撰) 教育与课程改革:珠三角地区的适应与发展( 56-68)。香港:港澳儿童教育国际协会出版(ACEI-HKM)。
Journal Articles:
- Wang, Y., Sung, M. C. & Vong, K. I. P. (accepted, in press). The foreign moon is fuller: Chinese academics’ perception of internationalization. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education (SSCI).
- Wang, Y., Yu, S. & Shao, Y. (2018) The experiences of Chinese mainland students with English-medium instruction in a Macau University. Educational Studies, 44 (3), 357-360. DOI: 10.1080/03055698.2017.1373635 (SSCI)
- Wang, Y. (2011). Eastern vs. Western: Undertaking Asian ELT under a framework of relevance. Asian Englishes, 14 (2), 40-54.
- Wang, Y. & Tinker-Sachs, G. (2010). Comprehensible input through extensive reading: Problems in English language teaching in China. Asian EFL Journal Professional Teaching Articles-CEBU Issue, 53, 61-71.
- Wang, Y., Many, J. E., & Krumenaker, L. (2008). Understanding the experiences and needs of mainstream teachers of ESOL students: Reflections from a secondary social studies teacher. TESL Canada Journal, 25(2), 66-84.
- Many, J. E., Taylor, D. L., Wang, Y, Tinker-Sachs, G., & Schreiber, H. (2007). An examination of preservice literacy teachers’ initial attempts to use instructional scaffolding. Reading Horizons, 48 (1), 19-40.
- Wang, Y. (2006). Value changes in an era of social transformations: College-educated Chinese youth. Educational Studies, 32 (2), 233-240. (SSCI)
- Cobb, M., Fox, D., Many, J. E., Matthews, R., McGrail, E., Taylor , D., Tinker Sachs, G., Wang, Y., & Wallace, F. (2006). Mentoring in the political and cultural world of academia: An exploration of the experiences of literacy educators. In J. V. Hoffman, D. L. Schallert, C. M. Fairbanks, J. Worthy, & B. Malock (Eds.), 55th Yearbook of the National Reading Conference (pp. 125-140). Oak Creek, Wisconsin: National Reading Conference.
- Cobb, M., Fox, D., Many, J., Matthews, R., McGrail, E., Tinker-Sachs, G., Taylor, D., Wang, Y., & Wallace, F. (2006). Mentoring in Literacy Education: A Commentary from Graduate Students, Untenured Professors, and Tenured Professors. Mentoring and Tutoring, 14 (4), 371-387.
- Wang, Y. (2004). Pursuing cross-cultural graduate education: A multifaceted investigation. International Education, 33 (2), 52-72.
- Wang, Y. (2004). Quality of graduate experience in a cross-cultural educational environment. Georgia Educational Researcher Online, 2 (1).http://coefaculty.valdosta.edu/lschmert/gera/current_issue.htm
Selected Conference Presentations/Proceedings:
- Wong, M. F., Wang, Y., & Tinker-Sachs, G. (June 2018). Preservice ELT students’ conceptualisations of globalisation: Implications for English teaching in Macao. Paper presented at The 16th Asia TEFL International Conference, Macau.
- Wang, Y., Sung, M.C., & Vong, K. I. P. (March 2017). Diversity and multiculturalism in the internationalization of global higher education. Paper presented at the 2017 Annual Conference of the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK), Hong Kong.
- Wang, Y. & Zhao, Y. L. (March, 2017). Multiple paths and common dreams: autoethnographic research on Chinese immigrant faculty in North America. Paper presented in the 61st Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Society, Atlanta, George, U.S.A.
- Shao, Y. J. & Wang, Y. (11th June 2016). Adapting to EMI context: Learning experiences of Chinese undergraduate students. The 6th HAAL (Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics) Conference, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
- Wang, Y, Wu, J., Sung, M.C., & Vong, K. I. P. (December 2015). Internationalizing or internationalized? Rethinking knowledge production in higher Education in Post-Neo-Colonial Macau. PESA (Philosophy of Education Society of Australia) Conference. Melbourne, Australia.
- Wang, Y. & Zhao, Y. (November 2014). Seeking and promoting the common dreams between different worlds: Stories and efforts of Chinese immigrant faculty. Keynote speech at the 94th Annual Conference of National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), Boston, U.S.A.
- Wang, Y., Chia, Y., Sung, M. C., & Vong, K. I. P. (December, 2012). Academic profession under university internationalization: A case study in Macau. Paper presented at the AARE-APERA (The Joint Australian Association for Research in Education and Asia-Pacific Education Research Association) 2012 Conference, Sydney, Australia.
- Tinker Sachs, G.., Austin, J., Nimmannit, S., Wong, M., & Wang, Y. (March, 2011). East, West conceptualizations of globalization in EFL and ESL contexts. Paper presented at the 45th Annual TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
- Wang, Y. (January, 2011). Roots, spiritual homeland, and TESOL: A different voice. Paper presented at the 2011 International Conference on Narrative, Arts-based, and “Post” Approaches to Social Research, Tempe, AZ, U. S. A.
- Many, J. E., Taylor, D. L., Wang, & Y., Tinker-Sachs, G., & Schrieber, H. (December, 2005). An Examination of preservice teachers’ initial beliefs about and use of instructional scaffolding. Paper presented at the NRC (National Reading Conference), Miami, FL, U.S.A.
- Wang, Y., Many, J., & Krumenaker, L. (April, 2005). How does the mainstreaming of ESOL students impact mainstream teachers? Paper presented at the AERA (American Educational Research Association) 2005 Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
Funded Research Projects
- Wang, Y. & Shao, Y. (2014-2015). The lived experience of Chinese college students with EMI (English medium instruction). (Received MOP 158,200 from University of Macau)
- Wang, Y., Chia, Y., Sung, M., & Vong, K. (2012-2013). Academic profession under the impact of university internationalization: A case study in Macau. (Received MOP 153,300 from University of Macau)
- Wang, Y. & Zhao, Y. (2009-2011). Chinese immigrant faculty in U. S. higher education: Revisiting some cross-cultural issues in the academy. (Received MOP 50,000 from University of Macau)
- Many, J., Taylor, D., & Wang, Y. (2004). An examination of preservice ESOL/Reading teachers’ use of instructional scaffolding. (Received USD 5,000 from the USG Reading Consortium, Georgia, U.S.A.)
- Wang, Y. (2003). Understanding the needs of mainstream teachers of ESL students. (Received USD 4,200 from Georgia State University, Georgia, U.S.A.)